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Made in ca
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader

I've used reivers in a lot of lists. They are cheap, and don't cost CP to deploy behind enemy lines. I use them to try and disrupt the back-lines, or work on secondary's. One or two five man squads are pretty cheap, and can be a versatile support unit. I really like the new strat they have to turn off ob-sec on nearby units.

Wolfspear's 2k
Harlequins 2k
Chaos Knights 2k
Spiderfangs 2k
Ossiarch Bonereapers 1k 
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

in terms of the 3 boxed sets I'd list them, in order of usefullness as BA CP, SW CP, and then the battleforce box.

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in us

East Bay, Ca, US

 Jimbobbyish wrote:
some combos for HQ

Warrior Born + Armor of Russ = fight first no matter what

I don't know if this works that way. Always fight first is a binary thing, i'm not convinced it stacks with itself. You either always fight first or you don't. It's not like you have "+2 to always fight first" versus charge giving "+1 to always fight first." There is no more initiative, so i don't think this works.

Warrior Born doesn't stack with Armor of Russ, in that sense.

 Galas wrote:
I remember when Marmatag was a nooby, all shiney and full of joy. How playing the unbalanced mess of Warhammer40k in a ultra-competitive meta has changed you

Bharring wrote:
He'll actually *change his mind* in the presence of sufficient/sufficiently defended information. Heretic.
Made in fi
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon


Always is an overstatement. Get charged by 2 (or more) units and you can only Armor of Russ one of them. After that the "fight first" from charging takes precedence over Warrior Born. Or more precisely, your opponent gets to fight with a unit that has charged before your Warrior Born kicks in.

But yeah you can "freeze" the most threatening target which obviously helps.

There's a thread about the interplay of these rules here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/793734.page

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/11/18 07:32:12

Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


As far as I can tell the most obvius bonus from warrior born is when the aura kicks inn. BNw you and your units do not need t8 sit through all of the charges before you fight. But it is a very slim silver lining.

Of courde if you fight in two turns in a row with no new charges it is good. But that rarly happens imho.

Made in de
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

Germany, Frankfurt area

With 10 Reivers and 10 Infiltrators in the box you could easily do 10 Infiltrators + 10 Incursors.

Or make some Hounds of Morkai. Still crap but sick color scheme. I will do a unit just as a hobby project sometimes.

Warrior Borne is basically a free interrupt. Only really usefull if there is more than one fight.

Made in hk
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Hi all wolves-mates. Just wanna discuss a tactical problem about the use of TWC in 9th edition.

We all know that the TWC, when kitted right and buffed, could be very good in melee as well as getting into melee in theory. However, their main limitation seems to be the big base they have and the keywords, restricting the area they get to access. So, they can be stopped by enemy forward screeens in "terrain bottle neck", with the smaller board edge impling higher terrain density, hence this blockage is more achievable in this edition. Furthermore, enemy can also choose to just hide behind ruins with a narrow corridor, forcing the charging TWC into a "single column formation", resulting only the front 2 models gets to make their attack instead of all 5 models in the unit.

So, this probably means that we have to deploy the TWC near the open ground, but this would usually mean they can easily be counter deployed making them only able to make a meaningful charge in the 2nd turn at best (i.e. they gonna suffer enemy firepower for 2 rounds, and probably be counter attacked hard before they smash their intented targets).

What would likely be the best way we mitigate this problem? Many thanks.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/11/20 15:58:02

Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


First if you give thunder wolves shields, they are T5, 4 Wounds 3+/4++ with +1 to the save. This can be further increases with a Libarian with jump pack making them count as being in cover (tepestus displine) and you can use a stratagem to make them -1 to hit. I think this is the best you can do to prevent shots comming at them.

The rest is target sauration. You should try to build you list so it is a loose loose situation for the opponent. If there are no threats for them turn 1, their ranged weapons will target the thunder wolf.

If you present them with flyers/long fangs/long ranged tanks they will have to choose on what to shoot. You can also limit the opponents movement with that. The only thing faster then a thunderwolf is a 48" ranged heavy weapon.

You can also focus more on turn 2. Drive up with rhinoes, other bikes and the opponent killing some thunder wolves means some stil make it it.

A drop pod turn 1 or 2 can also help with this. If you wanne play objectives (or just threaten turn one) you can have a lot of infiltraitors help them out.

If you do not use a lot of fast attack slots have units or 3 thunderwolfs instead of 5. This will make sure a bottleneck is less bad. You can also escort a smash captain on a wolf and put the cpatain in the chocke point and go round with your thunder wolf. A Wolf Guard Battle Leader with shield and teeth of terra on a thunderwolf is 105 points and 1 CP and fairly killy. 6 attacks + wolf bites. If they hide behind ruins perhaps old smash captains on jump packs can do the job.

I have no good awnsers, but certanly some advice. Make sure your entier army does not arive piecemeal, 1 unit turn 2 and the rest turn 3 for instance. Shoot away chaff with long fangs hevay bolters, bikes or Inceptors, or the drop pod grey hunters. (Blood Claws with chaplain for a 7" charge can also work in a drop pod.)

Hope that helps.

Made in pl
Been Around the Block

Any1 have tried old school droppod armylist already ?
I’ve been thinking about
30 bloodclaws in 3 dropods
6 long fangs + wgpl with stormshield and combimelta
(5x multimelta, cherub)
You put all of your heroes into long fang droppod, and just go for this t1 alfa strike.
On avarage you will connect all of your 7” charges.
10 bloodclaws is 41 atacks in charge with all of the buffs you can get on them it seems like a pretty nasty thing.
And you have 3 squads of those.
It’s around 1.3k points which means you still have a healthy 700 points to leave something behind on the backfield objectives or prepare second wave attack with terminators/twc or sth else. Thoughts ?
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

This might work against Space Marines and people who go super-elite, but screens are gonna murder this list.
Made in it
Waaagh! Ork Warboss


I'd never bring more than a single drop pod honestly, the one with melta guys (put the characters somewhere else) eventually: it's not a 35ppm model anymore that can be spammed with great results. Rhinos are far better as they are much useful even after deploying their cargo. Razorbacks are effective gunboats.

Made in pl
Been Around the Block

That was exacly what I thought, they are too expensive for just delivering troops, with rhinos you can do a lot of cool stuff.
(Los blocking, blocking the way, charging a shooty unit to prevent them from shooting for a 1 turn etc.)
They also provide a protection from anti infantry shooting , untill they get destroyed.

What do you think about heavy tanks and flyer trasporters ?

Im thinking about land raider crusader with 3x5 bloodclaws and chaplain with +2 charge. ( you can swap one bloodclaws unit for a 5man wulfen as they provide charge rerolls and are actually quite deadly in combat if you can deliver them, they didnt loose too much dmg output, just the survivability, with frost axes they can hit on 2+, wound most things on 2+, canceling armor save and 2 dmg, exploding hit on 6s. Sounds good to me).

Same configuration with Stormwolf

Storm raven with 2x5 bloodclaws chaplain and librarian (i wish i could call them runepriests), and wulfen drednought with axe and shield.

Both crusader and stormraven provide a decent amount of dakka dakka, and they also deliver your stuff where you want them too, after they drop your units they are still big threat that has to be destroyed or will do a lot of dmg.
My only concern, is that they cost a lot of points and are not really that hard to kill. As the metagame pushes towards more AT im scared they gonna die turn 1. What are your expieriences with them in this edition ?
Made in it
Waaagh! Ork Warboss


Stormwolf or gunship are way to expensive at the moment, 340-370 points for T7 14W is really massive. I replaced my trusted flyer with a Land Raider Crusader which is "just" 290 points with 40 anti infantry shots. 15 Blood Claws and a wolf priest in them.

I'm just leaning towards 10 (pack leader and Wolf Guard pack leader in it) + 5 Blood Claws instead of 3x5. Same amount of points and some vulnerability to blasts but the larger squad will have a Wolf Guard to mitigate the Headstrong issue and could benefit from statagems that buff the melee abilities, wasted on 5 man squads.

I have to admit that my meta is extremely biased though. Here the primary concern is to obliterate tons of chaff off objectives, not to 1-shot knights and I also don't play imperium vs imperium. Ever. Which means a Land Raider can actually soak a lot of shots and becomes much more reliable, it's basically against imperium factions that dies too easily.

Made in hk
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Jabberscythe wrote:
That was exacly what I thought, they are too expensive for just delivering troops, with rhinos you can do a lot of cool stuff.
(Los blocking, blocking the way, charging a shooty unit to prevent them from shooting for a 1 turn etc.)
They also provide a protection from anti infantry shooting , untill they get destroyed.

What do you think about heavy tanks and flyer trasporters ?

Im thinking about land raider crusader with 3x5 bloodclaws and chaplain with +2 charge. ( you can swap one bloodclaws unit for a 5man wulfen as they provide charge rerolls and are actually quite deadly in combat if you can deliver them, they didnt loose too much dmg output, just the survivability, with frost axes they can hit on 2+, wound most things on 2+, canceling armor save and 2 dmg, exploding hit on 6s. Sounds good to me).

Same configuration with Stormwolf

Storm raven with 2x5 bloodclaws chaplain and librarian (i wish i could call them runepriests), and wulfen drednought with axe and shield.

Both crusader and stormraven provide a decent amount of dakka dakka, and they also deliver your stuff where you want them too, after they drop your units they are still big threat that has to be destroyed or will do a lot of dmg.
My only concern, is that they cost a lot of points and are not really that hard to kill. As the metagame pushes towards more AT im scared they gonna die turn 1. What are your expieriences with them in this edition ?

In a meta of Eradicators, Slaanesh Obliterators, and Crown Cars, any expensive vehicles not having an inv save is pretty much just a point sink. They will die very quick without doing much of their job.
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Neophyte2012 wrote:
Jabberscythe wrote:
That was exacly what I thought, they are too expensive for just delivering troops, with rhinos you can do a lot of cool stuff.
(Los blocking, blocking the way, charging a shooty unit to prevent them from shooting for a 1 turn etc.)
They also provide a protection from anti infantry shooting , untill they get destroyed.

What do you think about heavy tanks and flyer trasporters ?

Im thinking about land raider crusader with 3x5 bloodclaws and chaplain with +2 charge. ( you can swap one bloodclaws unit for a 5man wulfen as they provide charge rerolls and are actually quite deadly in combat if you can deliver them, they didnt loose too much dmg output, just the survivability, with frost axes they can hit on 2+, wound most things on 2+, canceling armor save and 2 dmg, exploding hit on 6s. Sounds good to me).

Same configuration with Stormwolf

Storm raven with 2x5 bloodclaws chaplain and librarian (i wish i could call them runepriests), and wulfen drednought with axe and shield.

Both crusader and stormraven provide a decent amount of dakka dakka, and they also deliver your stuff where you want them too, after they drop your units they are still big threat that has to be destroyed or will do a lot of dmg.
My only concern, is that they cost a lot of points and are not really that hard to kill. As the metagame pushes towards more AT im scared they gonna die turn 1. What are your expieriences with them in this edition ?

In a meta of Eradicators, Slaanesh Obliterators, and Crown Cars, any expensive vehicles not having an inv save is pretty much just a point sink. They will die very quick without doing much of their job.

I think the storm raven is the better option, just trade 2x bloodclaws for Wolfguard with PF/SS TH on the sarg. On the drop thats 6 targets, 5 of which could make a successful charge at 7" with rerolls. charge whatever would shoot you, use the stormraven to shoot whatever would shoot you, sure there is bubble wrapping but then that's less for your opponent to put on objectives. Granted this depends on what you place on the field the first turn and if it will get shot off before 2nd turn. But this is all in a vacuum.

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in gb
Huge Hierodule

Nottingham (yay!)

Jabberscythe wrote:
Any1 have tried old school droppod armylist already ?
I’ve been thinking about
30 bloodclaws in 3 dropods
6 long fangs + wgpl with stormshield and combimelta
(5x multimelta, cherub)
You put all of your heroes into long fang droppod, and just go for this t1 alfa strike.
On avarage you will connect all of your 7” charges.
10 bloodclaws is 41 atacks in charge with all of the buffs you can get on them it seems like a pretty nasty thing.
And you have 3 squads of those.
It’s around 1.3k points which means you still have a healthy 700 points to leave something behind on the backfield objectives or prepare second wave attack with terminators/twc or sth else. Thoughts ?

You know your Chaplain uses Litanies at the start of the battle round, yeah? You can’t arrive by DP and then activate +2” charges aura on the same turn, nor say the litany whilst you’re waiting to arrive on the battlefield. Only way to use that trick in a T1 waaagh list is to take a bike or jump pack and very cleverly conga line the arrivals within earshot.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/12/06 09:42:02

Made in us
Unrelenting Rubric Terminator of Tzeentch

If you upgrade your chaplain to a master of sanctity with the wise orator warlord trait (which you probably should do for a list banking on chappy stuff) then you can use Commanding Oratory to automatically activate a litany at the beginning of ANY phase for 1 CP.

"Backfield? I have no backfield." 
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


 astro_nomicon wrote:
If you upgrade your chaplain to a master of sanctity with the wise orator warlord trait (which you probably should do for a list banking on chappy stuff) then you can use Commanding Oratory to automatically activate a litany at the beginning of ANY phase for 1 CP.

Actually you do not even need that. You can just use the stratagem for 2 CP without the discount.

Made in it
Waaagh! Ork Warboss


I'm thinking about a standard Master of Sanctity vs Ulrik the Slayer, who's the best?

Both cost the same amount of points (105/115 vs 110), Ulrik has a better profile but a generic priest can recite litanies on 2s thanks to the trait without burning CPs. If you need the priest mostly for the buffs, the fact that a generic model is more reliable than Ulrik can make some difference.

However my take is to bring just a cheap 80ppm generic Wolf Priest as I typically just need 1 litany per turn, 3+ is reliable enough, and other than the generic one there's only the Canticle of Hate which is really powerful.

By the way what's the consensus about the Master of Sanctity upgrade real points cost? The SM codex has two different values, 25 at page 98, and 35 at the final recap.

Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

From the FAQ for the Space Marine Codex (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/n2KFvj3bgo3Cr6V3.pdf):

Page 202 – Points Values, Chapter Command.
Change these points values to read:
‘Chapter Ancient……+20pts
Chapter Master……+40ts
Chief Apothecary……+15pts
Chief Librarian……+25pts
Master of Sanctity……+25pts
Master of the Forge……+20pts’
Designer’s Note: These values match the ones found in the
Chapter Command rules on page 98.
Made in gb
Huge Hierodule

Nottingham (yay!)

For those who want to know these things: if you budget 1CP to Reroll failed charges that don’t have a 1, Grey Hunters have a 51% chance of making a 9” charge, and being able to Reroll snake eyes and 1-4/5/6 for free means that CP is not spent 47% of the time. Not terrible for a Chainsword-wielding ObSec unit that brings five plasma shots to an outflank.

Made in gb
Hulking Hunter-class Warmech

Bristol, England

 Blackie wrote:
Stormwolf or gunship are way to expensive at the moment, 340-370 points for T7 14W is really massive. I replaced my trusted flyer with a Land Raider Crusader which is "just" 290 points with 40 anti infantry shots. 15 Blood Claws and a wolf priest in them.

I'm just leaning towards 10 (pack leader and Wolf Guard pack leader in it) + 5 Blood Claws instead of 3x5. Same amount of points and some vulnerability to blasts but the larger squad will have a Wolf Guard to mitigate the Headstrong issue and could benefit from statagems that buff the melee abilities, wasted on 5 man squads.

I have to admit that my meta is extremely biased though. Here the primary concern is to obliterate tons of chaff off objectives, not to 1-shot knights and I also don't play imperium vs imperium. Ever. Which means a Land Raider can actually soak a lot of shots and becomes much more reliable, it's basically against imperium factions that dies too easily.

The basic loadout with skyhammer missiles for the Stormwolf and Stormfang is 300pts - I agree that it's overpriced and a big target, but you can squeeze in the basic loadout for a similar cost to a LR.

Read the first two novels in the Maelstrom's Edge Universe now:

Maelstrom's Edge: Faith - read a sample here!


Maelstrom's Edge: Sacrifice 
Made in it
Waaagh! Ork Warboss


True But a LR Crusader at 290 points has 40 anti infantry shots in rapid fire range, which are something for the role of clearing infantries.

Basic Stormwolf doesn't have enough punch to justify 300 points. And a LR is typically more resilient than a flyer.

It's basically down on what you need: I play only firstborn marines and the 40 shots from a Crusader plus the 54-60 from the 3 razorbacks is something I absolutely need in my meta, and with the models I have available. I can found more efficient anti tank platforms than a flyer instead.

I used to play both a Crusader and a Stormfang Gunship in 8th but while the former has basically kept the same points cost, the latter got a massive 100+ points price hike, and I can't justify it.

Made in gb
Hulking Hunter-class Warmech

Bristol, England

 Blackie wrote:
True But a LR Crusader at 290 points has 40 anti infantry shots in rapid fire range, which are something for the role of clearing infantries.

Basic Stormwolf doesn't have enough punch to justify 300 points. And a LR is typically more resilient than a flyer.

It's basically down on what you need: I play only firstborn marines and the 40 shots from a Crusader plus the 54-60 from the 3 razorbacks is something I absolutely need in my meta, and with the models I have available. I can found more efficient anti tank platforms than a flyer instead.

I used to play both a Crusader and a Stormfang Gunship in 8th but while the former has basically kept the same points cost, the latter got a massive 100+ points price hike, and I can't justify it.

That's totally fair. I painted up a Stormwolf as part of my lockdown Primaris army as a transport for my wulfen and now I'm struggling to justify either! I feel like 240-250pts for the base version would be more appropriate in the current climate.

Read the first two novels in the Maelstrom's Edge Universe now:

Maelstrom's Edge: Faith - read a sample here!


Maelstrom's Edge: Sacrifice 
Made in hk
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

 Blackie wrote:
True But a LR Crusader at 290 points has 40 anti infantry shots in rapid fire range, which are something for the role of clearing infantries.

Basic Stormwolf doesn't have enough punch to justify 300 points. And a LR is typically more resilient than a flyer.

It's basically down on what you need: I play only firstborn marines and the 40 shots from a Crusader plus the 54-60 from the 3 razorbacks is something I absolutely need in my meta, and with the models I have available. I can found more efficient anti tank platforms than a flyer instead.

I used to play both a Crusader and a Stormfang Gunship in 8th but while the former has basically kept the same points cost, the latter got a massive 100+ points price hike, and I can't justify it.

I think the problem with LRC is that it easily get stuck by terrains given the smaller board in 9th. So you are not going anywhere, unless you are playing with "less than average terrain pieces". But anyway, neither the two are good, maybe not even qualify as decent. Because they both melt in the face of Eradicators, Harlequin Clown car fusion pistol spam and Skyweaver Jetbike spam.
Made in it
Waaagh! Ork Warboss


Neophyte2012 wrote:
 Blackie wrote:
True But a LR Crusader at 290 points has 40 anti infantry shots in rapid fire range, which are something for the role of clearing infantries.

Basic Stormwolf doesn't have enough punch to justify 300 points. And a LR is typically more resilient than a flyer.

It's basically down on what you need: I play only firstborn marines and the 40 shots from a Crusader plus the 54-60 from the 3 razorbacks is something I absolutely need in my meta, and with the models I have available. I can found more efficient anti tank platforms than a flyer instead.

I used to play both a Crusader and a Stormfang Gunship in 8th but while the former has basically kept the same points cost, the latter got a massive 100+ points price hike, and I can't justify it.

I think the problem with LRC is that it easily get stuck by terrains given the smaller board in 9th. So you are not going anywhere, unless you are playing with "less than average terrain pieces". But anyway, neither the two are good, maybe not even qualify as decent. Because they both melt in the face of Eradicators, Harlequin Clown car fusion pistol spam and Skyweaver Jetbike spam.

Totally right. LR has problems with terrain but in its defense smaller boards means that it just need a single turn of movement at most to get in position. About its nemesis, I personally don't play marines vs any other imperium faction, which is a huge bonus for LRs as most of the overpowered anti tank in the game belongs to imperium. Harlequins are also nasty for them, but very uncommon here. My SW typically clash against chaos (of thousand flavours), tyranids, orks, eldar, drukhari, tau and necrons.

My mileage with a LR is totally biased, so although I don't really struggle playing firstborn SW with a LR I get why people think it's trash. And I kinda need its firepower as I don't own any primaris with infinite S4 shots (Aggressors, Intercessors, etc...).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 darrkespur wrote:

That's totally fair. I painted up a Stormwolf as part of my lockdown Primaris army as a transport for my wulfen and now I'm struggling to justify either! I feel like 240-250pts for the base version would be more appropriate in the current climate.

Yeah, sadly I'm currently shelving both the flyer and Wulfen too.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/12/12 09:37:27

Made in de
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Pretty quiet here. :/

I am going to my first tournament ever. Its gonna be a 12 person 2k tourney and I will bring my Wolves. Its in 4 weeks, so I have a bit of time to adjust and tweak here and there. As I only had 2 or 3 games due to Corona so far, I ask for your help, if you see little stuff to optimize or something, that worked well for you.

My List:

Primaris Chaplain on Bike (MoS, Hunter, Imperiums Sword, Benediction of Fury, Extortion of Rage, Mantra of Strength)
Librarian with Jump Pack (Chief Librarian, Plasma Pistol, Storm Caller, Tempests Wrath)

5x Incursor
5x Infiltrator
5x Infiltrator

3 Bladeguard
Invictor Tactical Warsuit (Ironhail Autocannon)
Redemptor (Plasma, Storm Bolter, Onslaugth Gatling Cannon)
Jump Pack Wolfguard (Sergeant with Frostclaw+Shield; 4x Claw+Shield, 1x Stormbolter + Shield)

TWC (Sergeant with Hammer+Shield, 3x Chainsword+Shield)


Impulsor + Dome

I am completely unsure about my troops. I have in general some stuff I could change. I have another squad of Incursors and I have Assault and normal Intercessors. I also have Wolf Guard Termis with Hammer and Shield, Primaris Librarian, Chaplain with Jump Pack.

What are your opinions on the list?

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Bago wrote:
Pretty quiet here. :/

I am going to my first tournament ever. Its gonna be a 12 person 2k tourney and I will bring my Wolves. Its in 4 weeks, so I have a bit of time to adjust and tweak here and there. As I only had 2 or 3 games due to Corona so far, I ask for your help, if you see little stuff to optimize or something, that worked well for you.

My List:

Primaris Chaplain on Bike (MoS, Hunter, Imperiums Sword, Benediction of Fury, Extortion of Rage, Mantra of Strength)
Librarian with Jump Pack (Chief Librarian, Plasma Pistol, Storm Caller, Tempests Wrath)

5x Incursor
5x Infiltrator
5x Infiltrator

3 Bladeguard
Invictor Tactical Warsuit (Ironhail Autocannon)
Redemptor (Plasma, Storm Bolter, Onslaugth Gatling Cannon)
Jump Pack Wolfguard (Sergeant with Frostclaw+Shield; 4x Claw+Shield, 1x Stormbolter + Shield)

TWC (Sergeant with Hammer+Shield, 3x Chainsword+Shield)


Impulsor + Dome

I am completely unsure about my troops. I have in general some stuff I could change. I have another squad of Incursors and I have Assault and normal Intercessors. I also have Wolf Guard Termis with Hammer and Shield, Primaris Librarian, Chaplain with Jump Pack.

What are your opinions on the list?

Your HQ selection is fine, I think; I wouldn't switch out any of those. Troops-wise, I think I'd switch out the Incursors in the list for some Assault Intercessors, preferably with a Power Fist on the Sarge. Run those up the board in the Impulsor along with Ragnar. On the Wolf Guard squad, why the Storm Bolter on one guy? I'd make it a Lightning Claw like all the others. Not sure if the Invictor is very good anymore; it doesn't have CORE and so can't benefit from any buffs, although the ability to infiltrate a vehicle with good weapons close to the enemy on turn 1 makes it a threat that has to be answered. Just keep in mind that it will die quickly if you go second unless you have a really good place on the board to hide it. TH/SS Termies are decent, but I'm not sure what you'd cut to make room for them in this list.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in de
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

 ZergSmasher wrote:
Bago wrote:
Pretty quiet here. :/

I am going to my first tournament ever. Its gonna be a 12 person 2k tourney and I will bring my Wolves. Its in 4 weeks, so I have a bit of time to adjust and tweak here and there. As I only had 2 or 3 games due to Corona so far, I ask for your help, if you see little stuff to optimize or something, that worked well for you.

My List:

Primaris Chaplain on Bike (MoS, Hunter, Imperiums Sword, Benediction of Fury, Extortion of Rage, Mantra of Strength)
Librarian with Jump Pack (Chief Librarian, Plasma Pistol, Storm Caller, Tempests Wrath)

5x Incursor
5x Infiltrator
5x Infiltrator

3 Bladeguard
Invictor Tactical Warsuit (Ironhail Autocannon)
Redemptor (Plasma, Storm Bolter, Onslaugth Gatling Cannon)
Jump Pack Wolfguard (Sergeant with Frostclaw+Shield; 4x Claw+Shield, 1x Stormbolter + Shield)

TWC (Sergeant with Hammer+Shield, 3x Chainsword+Shield)


Impulsor + Dome

I am completely unsure about my troops. I have in general some stuff I could change. I have another squad of Incursors and I have Assault and normal Intercessors. I also have Wolf Guard Termis with Hammer and Shield, Primaris Librarian, Chaplain with Jump Pack.

What are your opinions on the list?

Your HQ selection is fine, I think; I wouldn't switch out any of those. Troops-wise, I think I'd switch out the Incursors in the list for some Assault Intercessors, preferably with a Power Fist on the Sarge. Run those up the board in the Impulsor along with Ragnar. On the Wolf Guard squad, why the Storm Bolter on one guy? I'd make it a Lightning Claw like all the others. Not sure if the Invictor is very good anymore; it doesn't have CORE and so can't benefit from any buffs, although the ability to infiltrate a vehicle with good weapons close to the enemy on turn 1 makes it a threat that has to be answered. Just keep in mind that it will die quickly if you go second unless you have a really good place on the board to hide it. TH/SS Termies are decent, but I'm not sure what you'd cut to make room for them in this list.

Thanks. Yeah, I figured the invictor is not the strongest choice. This was more about target saturation. The first draft only had the Impulsor, then I added the redemptor and I have the invictor painted anyway, so I figured I bring him instead of the Wolf Guard termies, so he can take some anti tank fire off the impulsor and the redemptor.

The storm bolter on the one guy...yeah I planned to add 2 or 3 with bolters, in case they wont make the charge but ran out of points. Might as well drop the bolter.

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Ah, Assault Intercessors can't go with Ragnar, as the Bladeguard are in the Impulsor already

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/07/24 08:17:41

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Fresh-Faced New User

List looks good to me buddy, Assault Intercessors can be a useful unit to hold an objective with actually and I have used them for that in the past, especially mid board. Although they don't have the ranged damage normal intercessors do if they are in cover they get a 2up save and are tough to shift with shooting, plus no one really wants to charge them Good luck in the tourney brother, may Russ guide your arm !
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