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2024/07/17 09:56:13
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Practically finished my Eisenhorn proxy and made a lot of progress on my Gaunt proxy, almost finished him, as well. I found a Space Marine mini I kit bashed ages ago, so might start working on him next.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/18 11:24:57
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Almost finished my Gaunt proxy and started work on the earlier mentioned Space Marine.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/19 10:00:15
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
I wanted to do some more painting today, but I couldn't bring myself to do much. But I did play my 18th Five Parsecs from Home encounter. Got a couple of cool photos of Attelus' new mini when taking photos for uploading online. Here's one.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/07/26 16:05:39
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/20 08:53:31
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Dominating Dominatrix
Converted some zombie.
2024/07/20 23:11:44
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Fixture of Dakka
I'll finish up some work building my final LI Russ squadron.
Then I have to get busy prepping on a pair of D&D adventures....
Ones easy, the others much more involved.
2024/07/20 23:52:18
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Nimble Skeleton Charioteer
Been on a scenery binge lately. Started by ordering some palm trees and worked on some desert pieces, namely an oasis with removable tree bases, and some stand-along tree bases as extra to add to the table. Also working on other piece for Fantasy/Old World that have been lingering, creating more bases to glue them down (Elven pillar, small ruins, etc).
On the side, I'm painting my last 3 Tzaangor Enlightened, the last pieces needed for my 1k Tzaangor list!
Fantasy armies - Retired (Tomb Kings, Vampires, Empire, Chaos Warriors/Daemons, Dark Elves)
Tyranids army - Ever evolving, but about 10k pts
Custodes - 3,500pts (Fully painted yay!)
Thousand Sons - 4,000 pts
Eldar - 3,000pts |
2024/07/21 16:48:25
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Fixture of Dakka
Finished the two old metal Exarchs.
2024/07/21 21:14:49
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
Still working on the hobby space. Probably 85% there now that I just have to finish clearing the floor.
2024/07/22 12:27:35
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Played my 19th encounter of Five Parsecs from Home today it was a Salvage Mission using the Daedalus Station sci fi dungeon by Tenfold Dungeon. It was a ton of fun and really something different in the campaign so far. Got a few rules wrong, but that's an inevitability and live and learn and all that!
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/22 18:38:36
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Grumpy Longbeard
Brush priming assorted fantasy creatures made of plastic that doesn't seem to play well with spray primer.
Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire |
2024/07/23 03:50:05
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Fixture of Dakka
Spent some time correcting my HH Mechanicum/Knights list.
Turns out I'd overlooked a rule & had the wrong types of Skitari & knights blended together.
So now the Skitari infantry has been replaced on paper list by nearly double their # of Solar Aux infantry. Wich, as they were in the list mainly to serve as charge blockers & maybe some additional scoring units, will work even better.... My eagle eyed opponent who pointed out my error will come to regret bringing it to my attention.
Next time I'm at the shop I'll pick up the needed minis & have the force physically corrected in time for our next game.
2024/07/23 04:31:28
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..
Filing flash off, and basing 1994 IG Praetorians.
2024: Games Played:6/Models Bought:283/Sold:519/Painted: 168
2023: Games Played:0/Models Bought:287/Sold:0/Painted: 203
2020-2022: Games Played:42/Models Bought:1271/Sold:631/Painted:442
2016-19: Games Played:369/Models Bought:772/Sold:378/ Painted:268
2012-15: Games Played:412/Models Bought: 1163/Sold:730/Painted:436 |
2024/07/23 05:51:00
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Longtime Dakkanaut
Getting basecoats on an HB 'Sternguard' Gesith.
2024/07/23 08:18:37
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Sinister Chaos Marine
Painting a Traitor Guard model to see can I manage 40 or 50 of them.
2024/07/23 10:56:26
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
I finally began painting my Mantic Dropship for the kids for the miniature gaming club tomorrow, leaving it for the last minute which is typical for me. To be fair to myself, it took me ages to decide on a colour scheme because I wanted one that could be "faction neutral" and I finally somewhat thought of one.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/23 17:00:46
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Fixture of Dakka
Memnoch wrote:Painting a Traitor Guard model to see can I manage 40 or 50 of them.
Always wise to test the waters.
That's how my DG Kill Team came to be painted. I was trying my hand at the HH era off/dirty white & green scheme before committing to doing it on a whole 30k/ 40k army.
While I like the results well enough for the KT, it didn't come out as I'd hoped. So it was a no-go on the larger force. :(
2024/07/24 12:09:19
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Had the kids' game day today. Was a lot of fun. Also, rolled up my 20th Campaign Turn for Five Parsecs from Home.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/25 08:19:18
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Fixture of Dakka
More old Necromunda terrain getting upgraded.
Some progress, rivets, metal plates, vent openings, and hatches.
2024/07/25 08:38:15
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Very cool!
I did think you’d put googly eyes on some for a second.
2024/07/25 09:49:47
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
I'm almost finished with my Shades of Persecution Chapter Master (who I named Anargrin along while back but I'm going to change his name as that's the name of the main character of my Angaran Chronicles book series, well soonish to be a series when I finally get around to finishing writing the 2nd frigging novel!) Uhh yeah, I also began painting another version of Adelana from Secret War and another version of Attelus with a submachine gun for my Five Parsecs from Home campaign.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/26 09:57:08
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Almost finished my Chapter Master and 2nd Adelana from Secret War mini. Happy with them both. I also began working on a mini of Commissar Delan Tathe, also from Secret War and did more base painting on the earlier mentioned Attelus.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/26 10:48:14
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Longtime Dakkanaut
cleaned up, washed and now drying to prime later the Against the Ogre Horde Heroquest expansion. won't be running it for a while but figure the ranged goblins & orcs will be useful for Kellar's Keep and seems daft not to do the others at the same time
2024/07/26 11:06:05
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
As I’ll be on the move again sooner rather than later, starting to carefully consider proper transport solutions for my painted models. Don’t want to risk them being smashed up when the time comes.
But, as that’ll be me off to my forever home (inheritance funded home purchase) I don’t want to be spending hundreds, as in theory I’ll only need it the once.
2024/07/26 16:05:12
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight
Slowly working on my Atlas a.k.a... 😤 Skullbert and fluffing hell, edge highlighting is an arse to get right. Also did a quick demo game Wolverine to keep myself from going barmy working on the Atlas.
Fatum Iustum Stultorum
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
2024/07/27 10:03:53
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Dominating Dominatrix
While waiting for WGA to release 50mm textured bases I removed a normal GW 50mm base from my custom made earth elemental.
2024/07/27 11:31:58
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Practically finished my former commissar Delan Tathe mini and Attelus with submachine gun mini. I'm considering starting painting my awesome Inquisition team proxies next.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/27 14:06:25
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Fixture of Dakka
Cleaning the house.
Or at least the 1st floor rooms....
I know, that doesn't seem very "hobby related".
But it's part of my annual GenCon prep.
I clean before I leave for the con so that when my brother stops in to feed ny cat he's not walking into a mess.
Some years are more involved than others. This year's pretty lite.
2024/07/27 19:12:55
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Longtime Dakkanaut
I did this Termie Ancient!
2024/07/28 10:46:36
Subject: Re:So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Almost finished the auto rifle version of Attelus for my Five Parsecs from Home campaign. Here's a photo.
Also mostly finished former Commissar Delan Tathe of the Velrosian 1st regiment.
And Chapter Master of the Shades of Persecution who's to be named. Let's just call him the Veteran Sergeant formerly known as Anargrin.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/07/29 10:04:19
Subject: So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only.
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
Made more progress on Attelus and Tathe, practically finishing them both. I did highlights on Attelus' hair, painting hair has been something I've been hesitant to do for ages now, but been pushing through that hesitation and it looks not too bad. I also finished painting an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper officer that's been standing around on my desk for ages primed. He's turned out to be an ugly frigger, but I wouldn't have him any other way, lol.
Also primed my Inquisitorial kill team proxies and magnetised the combat servitor and his weapons.
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?