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Bob's conversions (May 2020: Dropfleet spaceships again, page7)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter



I am starting this blog to post up some of my work and to get feedback on it, so please validate me! I am usually reluctant to post images, but Dakka has been kind to me when I have slipped up and posted my work, so I'm taking a chance.

Now, I do assemble a lot of models correctly, but those aren't interesting. In this blog, I'm just going to be posting conversions. (And only ones I've taken pictures of. But you knew that.) So, without further senseless ramblings...

This is my love letter to Rob Liefeld:

Ever misaligment of parts or messy cut is actually a painstakingly accurate portrayal of Rob's artistic style. It was all done on purpose. I swear.

Now that I have a bunch of DFG accessory kits, I can finally dig Sergeant Liefeld out of storage and give him all the pockets he deserves.

This guy here is my converted chaplain.

Here is a spaceship I made out of DFG bits. The hull is a resin sword from a 15mm crusader. Unfortunately, most of the pieces have fallen off due to superglue failure, which quite disheartened me, but I plan to make more ships for my Eisenkern storm troopers out of the plastic swords I have. You know, some day.

All the parts are from the accessory kit. One day, I want to make an entire BFG fleet out of just the DFG accessory kit (or two of them) just for the challenge.

One of these usual suspects hijacked a truck full of gun parts out of Queens.


(Can I re-use my joke that he looks like Magneto at Renn Faire?)

This message was edited 17 times. Last update was at 2020/05/03 21:42:50

Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

LOL RobLiefeld LOL

that brings back memories of the fall of comic books.

biceps aren't big enough.

Plus you need to have an awesome name for the hero like "Twine" since "Cord" and "Cable" are already taken.

Great work, Thanks for that trip back memory lane

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter



I've always wanted to name a hero Spatula. Maybe that's him.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

This is my love letter to Rob Liefeld:

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Sgt. Liefeld is, indeed, a sweet conversion. I have only one small quibble: we can see his feet.

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in ca

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

I am starting this blog to post up some of my work and to get feedback on it, so please validate me! I am usually reluctant to post images, but Dakka has been kind to me when I have slipped up and posted my work, so I'm taking a chance.

Now, I do assemble a lot of models correctly, but those aren't interesting. In this blog, I'm just going to be posting conversions. (And only ones I've taken pictures of. But you knew that.) So, without further senseless ramblings...

This is my love letter to Rob Liefeld:

Ever misaligment of parts or messy cut is actually a painstakingly accurate portrayal of Rob's artistic style. It was all done on purpose. I swear.

That's pretty much perfect.
The feet could be a bit smaller and pointier, and the gun is a little too coherent, but that first shot is right on the money. The huge pile of money that Rob has made while being terrible.
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

The face and head on that model are also perfect for Liefield. as well as the small, misshapen, pigeon-toed feet. Now you need to put some debris in front of the right foot, so that it can't be seen...

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


So, thanks to the efforts of Mathieu Raymond and one poster whose name I will not share out of fear that he might carry out his threats against innocent Mantic Men at Arms (or Men at Aaaaaaaaarms, amiritelol?), I have decided to update this blog a bit. Please let me know what you think.

Note: Updates will be sporadic as most of my models have been boxed up and walled off far out of range of my son's tiny little hands of destruction. For the love of God, Montresor!

First, let's look at some spaceships. I love spaceships. They are what got me into the hobby. Unfortunately, most of my favorite ship conversions were destroyed in the Great Textbook Disaster of '06. I have been very, very slow to move on.

This little guy is made from lego and little green army men parts and a few other things. Not my best work, but definitely a survivor.

Some BFG escorts. I have a lot more stashed around somewhere. I even kitbashed a Tyranid cruiser from the exact same Warrior-sprue parts that the original model was kitbashed from. But I can't find it, so here are three less interesting ships.

My Ultramarines transport made from leftover Ultramarines bits and sprue.

Fairly simple conversions for my High Eldar fleet.

Some of my Star Trek models. Most of them are not in a state that I feel comfortable in sharing. Also, most of them will never be 'finished'.

Some random BFG conversions from my earliest days of kitbashing.

One of the few ships I actually completed for my chapter, the Knights Melechim (Formerly Sword Angels).

Finally, my plastic Empire Gegenkonig, Karlik Franzeleh. I completed him shortly before the actual plastic Karl Franz hit the shelves. Oh well.
Looking at the pictures, I just realized the ear pieces I painstakingly glued to ShpilkisClaw's armored head have fallen off...

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Here some the rest of the minis I managed to claw out of the crawl space.

Every chapter needs a few ridiculous, permanently unfinished jetbikes.

Here are my converted Genestealer Patriarch, Bloodletter champion and Slann. Not pictured: my terrible inability to focus the camera on the minis.

Here is my vampire hunter, Shimon Belmondt, and an armored vampire. Check out that hair.

My terminator librarian, terminator supervisor and terminator chaplain. The librarian is unfinished. He needs some studded leather flaps hanging over his shoulders and some serious work on his shaft.

I'm including my AOBR warboss just to show that I did indeed spend hours shaving plastic and melting into his neck hole to adjust his pose rather than just using green stuff. I'm a hard plastic hardliner.

Some more quick butchery. I gave these Mantic dwarf Ironwatch dudes some energy weapon conversions, which are unfortunately out of focus. Then I blinged up a Shock Trooper.

I think I have more pictures that I've shared in other threads and forgotten to include here. So, sometime soon I will have to go through my photobucket and see what else I have to share.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/05 07:51:15

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Bathing in elitist French expats fumes

Love it, mate. You need to work on this full time.

 GamesWorkshop wrote:
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!

Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

Great work! I love the armored vampire and the Karl Franz conversion in particular.

It is fun to see all of those familiar bits being turned into spaceships. Gives you a whole new perspective on them.

Way to keep the plastic faith with your Warboss's neck.

I think your next challenge should be making conversions using exclusively Restic that are not "Mold Line Man" or "Spaghetti sword man." You could consider it an act of charity by giving hope to the legions of gamers with a box full of regret and warped mold line spawn of satan sitting in their closet.
Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


Great kitbashes i may steal some ideas for um scientific purposes

"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
My Doombringer Space Marine Army
Hello Kitty Space Marines project
Buddhist Space marine Project
Other Projects
Imageshack deleted all my Images Thank you! 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Gallahad wrote:
Great work! I love the armored vampire and the Karl Franz conversion in particular.

It is fun to see all of those familiar bits being turned into spaceships. Gives you a whole new perspective on them.

Way to keep the plastic faith with your Warboss's neck.

Thank you.

If it weren't for the solvent fumes, I'd never use green stuff. Well, maybe. I don't know--can't think straight some times. Does anyone hear a ringing smell?

As for the spaceship bits, it's kind of like Tetris Vision. Now, anything I look at becomes fodder for some spaceship kitbash in my imagination.

I think your next challenge should be making conversions using exclusively Restic that are not "Mold Line Man" or "Spaghetti sword man." You could consider it an act of charity by giving hope to the legions of gamers with a box full of regret and warped mold line spawn of satan sitting in their closet.

That sounds like a Sisyphusean ordeal. I briefly tried some conversions with my Sedition Wars minis. Briefly. Now, I only want to work with HIPS and maybe Bones plastic.

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 Jehan-reznor wrote:
Great kitbashes i may steal some ideas for um scientific purposes


Please share pics.

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 Mathieu Raymond wrote:
Love it, mate. You need to work on this full time.

Well, I have the two year old. But since I had about an hour of hobby time every week, we (meaning my wife) decided to adopt an 8 week old rescue dog. Hobby time is now something that happens to other people.

(I get to use the computer when the child is napping. But getting out tools and glue is guaranteed to cause him to wake up instantly refreshed and needy.)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/05/05 21:49:14

Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Port Richey, Florida

Creative and awesome. Now create some rules for them and kick booty!

It is your shock and horror on which I feed.... 
Made in us
Ultramarine Master with Gauntlets of Macragge

Boston, MA

If Sgt. Liefeld doesn't have a cloud of smoke and rubble obscuring his feet when you finish him, I'll be sorely disappointed.

Check out my Youtube channel!
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Damn, there's some pretty sweet stuff you've pulled out of the crawlspace! Now if only there were a way to get you painting....

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter




What language is that?

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Here is something I made from dollar store swans and cake toppers. I think they'd work for Drakon Riders.

I don't remember if I posted these guys in this thread yet, but here you go:

Kara needed a helmet. Who knew she was into fascist chic?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Azazelx wrote:
Damn, there's some pretty sweet stuff you've pulled out of the crawlspace! Now if only there were a way to get you painting....

I will post some of my painting pictures.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/22 06:23:03

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Alright, I have finally caved in to popular pressure and photographed my painted minis. (The ones I could find and make presentable, anyway.) Also, I've added some more conversions and kitbashes. Hope you like them.

Here is my not-Tyrion elf. I painted him after I supposedly spent years improving my skills. I guess I still don't know what people mean by "thin down your paints" or "blend". His cape decided it didn't want to be a part of him any more.

I was digging out some LOTR minis for someone and found a bunch of conversions I had made. Mostly, I just repositioned weapons on these guys, but I had plans. Big plans. Oh, the plans I had! Then GW made the LOTR punitively expensive.

These guys I spent a little more time on. I was reading The Desert Spear at the time, so I was a little more motivated. The second from the left is supposed to be on a flying carpet, but I never got around to finding a flying base.

For some reason, I thought the elves should all be wizards or epic heroes. The right hands on the bowmen had a cool 'mystical gesture' look that somehow morphed into 'holding an amulet'. If I'd bought another box, I assume the gesture would have finally ended up here:

Here are some of my painted spaceships. Most of them were painted before I'd ever heard of drybrushing or washing.

Here is the very first model that I painted that I actually really cared about. Also, the last time I ever used enamels or Testor's brand paints.

Did someone say, "More kitbashes?"

I just wanted to show how much work I put into those ships' badonkadonks. We're talking Kingdom Death levels of posterior love.

My brother and I loved to make cheesy ships out of those large G.I. Joe guns.

Micro Machines!

More painted minis

My wife painted the werewolf. Please note that none of these are really finished (except maybe the Bones minis), simply abandoned when I was bored and ready to move onto fresher victims.

My wife painted these dragons, but the one on the left is less than half-finished. She only completed the wings and spines. The body will end up similarly fabulous if the muse ever strikes again.

These are my Knights of Cydonia-inspired conversions. No one's going to take them alive; the time has come to make things right...

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Tyrion's looking good. His armour has a kind of "beaten copper" look to it, and the colour scheme is similar to what I'm doing with my own High Elves (going for a WoW Blood Elf-inspired scheme). LotR conversions looking good. Where did you get that plastic mounted ringwraith?

All that Spaceship/BFG stuff looks like it wouldn't take much to get back up to gaming. A bit of a cleanup with a brush and running water, a wash and drybrush(!) on some of them, flying bases, and some sort of friendly ruleset for spaceship battles and you'll be golden. The kitbashes and conversions you've done look good already, but a quick bit of paint and they'll really start to pop.

Of the 28mm types, I especially like the demon/gargoyle, the dark elf-looking guy (close up?) and the werewolf. The Sedition Wars guys came up well also, which has just reminded me I need to send you some base money again. gak! The dragons also look good, even as WIP. Your wife has really done a great job blending the wings of those dragons - so honestly, I think you need to get on her case about finishing them. Hopefully it'll get you painting your own stuff as well.

And you can listen to your Muse while you're both painting. Don't waste your time, or time will waste you...

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Azazelx wrote:
Tyrion's looking good. His armour has a kind of "beaten copper" look to it, and the colour scheme is similar to what I'm doing with my own High Elves (going for a WoW Blood Elf-inspired scheme). LotR conversions looking good. Where did you get that plastic mounted ringwraith?

All that Spaceship/BFG stuff looks like it wouldn't take much to get back up to gaming. A bit of a cleanup with a brush and running water, a wash and drybrush(!) on some of them, flying bases, and some sort of friendly ruleset for spaceship battles and you'll be golden. The kitbashes and conversions you've done look good already, but a quick bit of paint and they'll really start to pop.

Of the 28mm types, I especially like the demon/gargoyle, the dark elf-looking guy (close up?) and the werewolf. The Sedition Wars guys came up well also, which has just reminded me I need to send you some base money again. gak! The dragons also look good, even as WIP. Your wife has really done a great job blending the wings of those dragons - so honestly, I think you need to get on her case about finishing them. Hopefully it'll get you painting your own stuff as well.

And you can listen to your Muse while you're both painting. Don't waste your time, or time will waste you...

For Tyrion, I was trying to achieve that warm gold that Adrian Smith is always painting. Oops.
And I'm probably going to paint the rest of my elves white, blue and lavender if I can ever get the mixes just right. My Phoenix Gurad will probably end up in his color scheme, though. It should be noted that I am extremely indecisive when it comes to certain armies' color schemes.

The mounted ringwraith is from the fell beast kit. I used the witch king on the beast and had a spare wraith, so why not?

I'll try some of those techniques on my spaceships. Thanks! However, I hate flying bases and tend to keep them off of my spaceships unless/until I use them in a game. They annoy me almost as much as toy airplanes that have their landing gear permanently deployed. Gah! What the hell is supposed to be the fun of playing with a jet fighter that only ever taxis back and forth from the hanger? Who keeps thinking that's a good idea?

But I'll try spraying some of the models I feel are actually complete and then I'll drybrush them and add some details and see what happens. As for the Star Trek models, I have had ambitions for them that will require a lot of planning, set-up and execution time ever since I read about how the original was painted. A crazy man can dream...

So far, Battlefleet Gothic is my favorite rule set bar none. Unfortunately, I don't get to play it any more, but I hope that will change in the next ten years or so. I don't really model for the games, though.

I will try to get some closer pictures of those models. I think Bones may be the best thing that ever happened to my paint set--I finally use it more than once a year! We're also getting into the painting time of year; summer is when my nephew visits and we usually paint with him.

Great song. Speaking of great songs to paint by, for my Empire forces painting will be easy since their colors are like my dream: red, gold and green. Red, gold and gree-een.

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Oh, that post has a total lack of Culture. As for Tyrion, he's certainly warm, but he;'s gone over to brass. What gives it a beaten look is the texture of the paint, which probably shows up much more in the photos - particularly on the neck barding and the lance-tip - and probably enhanced by the wash. Don't get me wrong though - I think he looks great, and he fits the aesthetic of my own High Elves wonderfully! And it'd be great to see some Phoenix Guard rocking the golden look.

Where did the horse on the Nazgul come from? Morgul Knights? It's certainly an effective combo. And a good one you to paint in a day. (once you finish some spehss ships). What were your big LotR plans, by the way?

Flying bases are great for purpose. Gaming and display as well. Just don't glue them down and you can still swoosh them around! Looking at the Star Trek link you sent me just reminded me of the first time I saw 40k being played at a games con in '89. A big table (6x4? Maybe?) with a huge crashed space ship on it. Like 4 feet long and 2 feet high. Orks and Marines and Imperial Army fighting over it. Now that I have the war room, I'd love to make something even half that cool, since I might actually be able to store it (sorta), but I just don't have the skill to build something like that.

As for painting, (and other things) Wer wartet mit Besonnenheit der wird belohnt zur rechten Zeit, which is also working for my paint themes. It's also about as nice/positive as those particular lyrics get...

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Yeah, the horse came from the Morghul Knights. I'll probably paint him dark blue (Necron Abyss?) since I prefer not to use pure black these days, then wash him black. His horse will be brown/blue with cold grey highlights and a thick black wash, and his armor will be metal with a thick black wash. Lots of black. He's got a thing for Tim Burton, maybe? Then his sword will be silver with green ink mixed in or a green wash...or something. I think I'm going to use a lot less layering, blending or in-lining and a lot more "color+wash+(maybe)drybrush" techniques.

I was planning to make a lot of armies for a more advanced fantasy setting from the LOTR ranges, and use a lot of historical minis to flesh them out. I had a lot of fluff and visual ideas planned out, but the minis made it all too expensive. Now so many more companies are releasing plastic minis that I don't feel any need to stick to the LOTR kits. Long story short, I converted a lot of my minis into wizards.

Yeah, I'll probably want to buy some flying bases some day to replace my losses.

It seems like you could make a huge ship from Deadzone scenery and hardware supplies. Put lots of piping and electrical boxes or computer keys or whatever together on one end. DZ ruins for the crew compartment. You could make some cool guns from boba straws, cheap pen tubes or plastic toilet paper roll holders glued to tupperware or plastic plant pots. If I had the space, time and money, I'd love to try something like that, maybe as more of a landing craft than a crashed ship, though. Enough rivets and drybrushing can make anything work, right?

Sorry, I don't speak German. Don't need to, either, since we're all living in America. America is wunderbar.

It's a good thing I never finished (and can't find) my Lady Gaga-themed Dark Eldar...

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

The horse had me puzzled for a few days until I figured it out. One of my favourite paints for painting black from the last couple of years is Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey, and it's close cousins - VMC Dark Grey and Basalt Grey. I use one or the others for exactly that kind of thing.

I'm sure with the right moustachioed (Empire?) head, you could do a wonderful Freddie Mercury performing Radio Gaga. He could then lead one of your fantasy forces. Maybe I should look into that myself. There's a specific head I'm thinking of but I'm not sure where it came/comes from...

The Deadzone scenery could probably do it, for the crashed ship, but it's kind of like... I have a certain image in my head, and I don't know that the DZ stuff would be right. And would probably also cost about $500. I'm going to use a ton of DZ and MA stuff for my industrial ruins/tank factory. I just wish I had it all in hand. Might be a summer project over Christmas at this rate.

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Hello everyone! I have a few questions I want to run by you and get some advice. Any suggestions are appreciated.

First of all, what color scheme should I use for my fantasy not-China army? I am aiming for a sort of "fat fantasy" blending of a lot of Asian nations and periods, like you see in all those totally-not-medieval-Europe fantasies. I want to have a Yuan Dynasty feel, with lots of cavalry, expansionism, and soldiers from provinces thousands of miles apart fighting side by side. My minis are so far based on modified WGF Samurai and some Alkemy and Malifaux figures. I plan to add a lot of Fireforge Mongols when they become available to me.
Anyway, I keep vacillating between red-and-yellow and some sort of greenish theme, but I know very little about Chinese military history and even less about the colors they used in the military. Lil' help?

Second, for my Eisenkern, I plan to treat them exactly as they look like they should be: a melding of Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000. In that vein, I am using the Dungeon Crawler Beggar as the Emperor when my rewards arrive.

Should I try to greenstuff an unconvincing hood, or should I just give him black hair? I will be going for a Palpatine look overall for him. Also, is there a good scenic base that look like the stairs leading up to a throne or dais? He's rather short, for a storm trooper.

For the stormtroopers themselves, I want a dark blue and shiny look, but I'm extremely lazy. Would a spray-on primer with touch-ups and black wash be enough, or should I highlight? What highlights regal blue/shadow grey (haven't decided yet) better, grey ( spacewolf grey?) or ice blue? Red eyes or yellow?

Is there a quick, convincing way to do lots of camouflage?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Azazelx wrote:
The horse had me puzzled for a few days until I figured it out. One of my favourite paints for painting black from the last couple of years is Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey, and it's close cousins - VMC Dark Grey and Basalt Grey. I use one or the others for exactly that kind of thing.

I'm sure with the right moustachioed (Empire?) head, you could do a wonderful Freddie Mercury performing Radio Gaga. He could then lead one of your fantasy forces. Maybe I should look into that myself. There's a specific head I'm thinking of but I'm not sure where it came/comes from...

The Deadzone scenery could probably do it, for the crashed ship, but it's kind of like... I have a certain image in my head, and I don't know that the DZ stuff would be right. And would probably also cost about $500. I'm going to use a ton of DZ and MA stuff for my industrial ruins/tank factory. I just wish I had it all in hand. Might be a summer project over Christmas at this rate.

I'll check those out, but my art education was very strict against using pure black or grey. I was always using oil pastels for my big projects so pure black is just not comfortable, yet. I'll have to try out those colors on my WGF Shocktroopers, the guinea pigs of my styrene collection.

Sadly, I am much, much more familiar with Lady Gaga than Radio Gaga. And I can't even tell you how long I've been looking for the right set of treads to bring to life my Johnny 5 homage just so I have an excuse to sing my favorite Bonnie Tyler song. But I'm the kind of guy who sings Piano Man at Karaoke bars, so... yeah.

For a cheap ship hull, how about one or more of those sorting boxes or stacking storage shelves for the main shell? You could fill the shelves in as needed or just paint them as hangars. They are super cheap at Walmart, and fairly sturdy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/06/13 06:38:37

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Oh and can anyone recommend a method for source lighting that doesn't involve an airbrush, please?

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Hello everyone! I have a few questions I want to run by you and get some advice. Any suggestions are appreciated.

First of all, what color scheme should I use for my fantasy not-China army? I am aiming for a sort of "fat fantasy" blending of a lot of Asian nations and periods, like you see in all those totally-not-medieval-Europe fantasies. I want to have a Yuan Dynasty feel, with lots of cavalry, expansionism, and soldiers from provinces thousands of miles apart fighting side by side. My minis are so far based on modified WGF Samurai and some Alkemy and Malifaux figures. I plan to add a lot of Fireforge Mongols when they become available to me.
Anyway, I keep vacillating between red-and-yellow and some sort of greenish theme, but I know very little about Chinese military history and even less about the colors they used in the military. Lil' help?

I know bugger-all about this topic, but googling "ancient chinese military" seems to offer all of the colours.

For the stormtroopers themselves, I want a dark blue and shiny look, but I'm extremely lazy. Would a spray-on primer with touch-ups and black wash be enough, or should I highlight? What highlights regal blue/shadow grey (haven't decided yet) better, grey ( spacewolf grey?) or ice blue? Red eyes or yellow?

Test model time. Pick 4 variants you like the most and try 'em out.

Is there a quick, convincing way to do lots of camouflage?

I'd say a spray can in an Olive Drab. Something like this, though you can go lighter or darker depending on preference and availability of spray paint.

Then toothbrush-flick some sand-yellow/black-green and red-brown (individually, not mixed) and you'll have a workable pea-dot-inspired camo scheme. Also especially appropriate for Germans.

You can add some more shades of dots (or not) to taste.

I'll check those out, but my art education was very strict against using pure black or grey. I was always using oil pastels for my big projects so pure black is just not comfortable, yet. I'll have to try out those colors on my WGF Shocktroopers, the guinea pigs of my styrene collection.

(Read in a Cartman voice).Your art education was wrong. WRONG.
Everything has a use.

Sadly, I am much, much more familiar with Lady Gaga than Radio Gaga. And I can't even tell you how long I've been looking for the right set of treads to bring to life my Johnny 5 homage just so I have an excuse to sing my favorite Bonnie Tyler song. But I'm the kind of guy who sings Piano Man at Karaoke bars, so... yeah.
For a cheap ship hull, how about one or more of those sorting boxes or stacking storage shelves for the main shell? You could fill the shelves in as needed or just paint them as hangars. They are super cheap at Walmart, and fairly sturdy.

Johnny 5, eh? Have you seen these?

Crashed spaceship is remaining a pipe dream for the foreseeable future. The near future is Zavod 311!

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Azazelx wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Hello everyone! I have a few questions I want to run by you and get some advice. Any suggestions are appreciated.

First of all, what color scheme should I use for my fantasy not-China army? I am aiming for a sort of "fat fantasy" blending of a lot of Asian nations and periods, like you see in all those totally-not-medieval-Europe fantasies. I want to have a Yuan Dynasty feel, with lots of cavalry, expansionism, and soldiers from provinces thousands of miles apart fighting side by side. My minis are so far based on modified WGF Samurai and some Alkemy and Malifaux figures. I plan to add a lot of Fireforge Mongols when they become available to me.
Anyway, I keep vacillating between red-and-yellow and some sort of greenish theme, but I know very little about Chinese military history and even less about the colors they used in the military. Lil' help?

I know bugger-all about this topic, but googling "ancient chinese military" seems to offer all of the colours.

Every time I google "Chinese military history" or something similar, I somehow lose several hours to some message board discussing all the reasons why the Han dynasty could kick the Roman Empire's ass, and if Western historians were not colonialist oppressors, they'd agree. It's hypnotic.

But I'll google harder. Or just bug someone o a dedicated history forum.

For the stormtroopers themselves, I want a dark blue and shiny look, but I'm extremely lazy. Would a spray-on primer with touch-ups and black wash be enough, or should I highlight? What highlights regal blue/shadow grey (haven't decided yet) better, grey ( spacewolf grey?) or ice blue? Red eyes or yellow?

Test model time. Pick 4 variants you like the most and try 'em out.

It took me almost a year to complete 4 Eisenkern. I'm up to ten now. I guess I can save 40% to save the rest.

Is there a quick, convincing way to do lots of camouflage?

I'd say a spray can in an Olive Drab. Something like this, though you can go lighter or darker depending on preference and availability of spray paint.

Then toothbrush-flick some sand-yellow/black-green and red-brown (individually, not mixed) and you'll have a workable pea-dot-inspired camo scheme. Also especially appropriate for Germans.

You can add some more shades of dots (or not) to taste.

Thank you. Idea stolen. Toothbrush appropriated.

I'll check those out, but my art education was very strict against using pure black or grey. I was always using oil pastels for my big projects so pure black is just not comfortable, yet. I'll have to try out those colors on my WGF Shocktroopers, the guinea pigs of my styrene collection.

(Read in a Cartman voice).Your art education was wrong. WRONG.
Everything has a use.

Just like in a buffalo?

Sadly, I am much, much more familiar with Lady Gaga than Radio Gaga. And I can't even tell you how long I've been looking for the right set of treads to bring to life my Johnny 5 homage just so I have an excuse to sing my favorite Bonnie Tyler song. But I'm the kind of guy who sings Piano Man at Karaoke bars, so... yeah.
For a cheap ship hull, how about one or more of those sorting boxes or stacking storage shelves for the main shell? You could fill the shelves in as needed or just paint them as hangars. They are super cheap at Walmart, and fairly sturdy.

Johnny 5, eh? Have you seen these?

Those are what I've been searching for for years. They're perfect.

But not as Johnny 5. Well, maybe with some cutting.

I may not need to buy those MERCS drones now.

Crashed spaceship is remaining a pipe dream for the foreseeable future. The near future is Zavod 311!

Yeah, tanks are cool. I don't see why you couldn't have both--a crashed spaceship with a cargo hold full of tanks!

Okay. I'll let it go.

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

How 'bout these then?


got to run. more reply later.

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

By the way, maybe these ships will inspire you: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/595992.page

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Thank you, Malika. That's a great thread with many wonderful ideas to steal, er, borrow.

Anyway, I've finally got something new to show! It's been a while, but now I'm finally getting to work on minis again.

These minis are for a sort of project I am working on. Years ago, I bought many boxes of Robogear vehicles on clearance, and several pounds of Imex terrain from Judgedoug (I think), in the hopes of someday kitbashing the hell out of it to make cheapo vehicles for my cheapo WGF Shock Troopers. Yes, that is how long ago I started this project: way back when WGF Shock Troopers were the sexy-cheap new minis on the market.

However, Robogear aircraft and tanks look absolutely dorky. You know that scene in Police Academy, where the captain's head ge's stuck in a horse's ass? Well, Robogear vehicles look kind of like that, but more potato-shaped. So, I decided to make them into drones so I could remove the cockpit/horse sections and maybe work a little mini miracle.

Well, somehow this turned into an entire drone army project, so expect to see a lot more deadly war robots. I'm going for a Skynet-meets-MorningLightMountain* type of force: lots of 80's laser-shooting robo-action. Please give me feedback and suggestions!

This here is a loitering attack drone. The design of the wings and engines did not scream "fast" or "fighter" to me, so I decided to A-10 this bad boy up with a big gun. Unfortunately, I now think the gun is too big. But at least it's a moving part, right?

The drone had an odd shape, so I decided to give it lots of sensors in the hope that it would be visually distracting give it a purpose. I added a few cameras and optical-looking bits, then went hog wild.

I made the mistake of showing these designs to my Dad, who was an aerospace engineer. He explained in detail the many, many ways that these aircraft are just terribly designed.

This is the fighter drone. I say this because it has more control surfaces for maneuverability, which is the main advantage it has over fleshbag-piloted planes. I assume the big engines give it speed or spice up its love life.

I originally had just the electric eye on the nose, but it looked too pinheaded, so I added the binocular-vision sensors. I also wanted the guns to look like they could swivel since dammit, every cybernetic Hunter Killer needs a plasma turret underneath the nose. That's just how it's done.

"Vyyeeeeeerrrrooooo. Pew-pew pew-pew pew-pew-pew-pew--bfwooozhh!" The model is a success.

My MALP. My wife thinks it looks more like the claw robots from Red Dwarf.

Here are my Battlefleet Mantic ships kitbashed from the Deadzone Accessory Sprue and the Deadzone Never Enough Clips. I want to finish them soon, but as the raging heroes say, "Not today."

*MorningLightMountain, from the book Pandora's Star, is my favorite "evil computer" villain despite the fact he is not a computer.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/10/21 08:39:34

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