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2017/02/03 12:25:48
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch -- twitch broadcast 3.3.17
Mysterious Techpriest
Aaaand it is Roboute.
Also, Cypher takes a role in the events.
White Dwarf Planet Warhammer
White Dwarf Cover
MadCowCrazy wrote:
Just saw this:
1. the bolt pistol may belong to Cypher
2. three books for gathering storms series
3. each book will have a trio of characters
4. last book is called the rise of legend/Primarch?, which obviously include a Primarch
5. last trio of characters will be: Grandpa Smurf, Cypher and a Grey Knight Master (my source saw photos of both Cypher and Knight Master, but didn't see Gradpa Smurf yet)
6. then 8th edition
7. Abaddon is likely to be killed during the last book, GW staffs are jokingly saying killed by the bolt pistol
8. dwarf release and gryph hound release should still be there, but the focus is to finish off gathering storm series and launch 8th edition
This message was edited 14 times. Last update was at 2017/03/03 14:47:29
Data author for Battlescribe
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2017/02/03 12:33:19
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Missionary On A Mission
I can see 3 characters in that pic, Cypher, Ghouliman and a GK. So that GK could be the rumour pic GW put out. So the SM Triumvirate will be these 3? Cypher confirmed to get a model, text clearly says: You can see more of Cyphers new "model", looks to be the word model at least. Hmm, only reason I'd get this kit would be to get the Ghouls sword.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:37:17
2017/02/03 12:34:09
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight
Oh cock, Cypher isn't doing guns akimbo.
Fatum Iustum Stultorum
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
2017/02/03 12:37:31
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
I wonder which primarch model will cost more: GW's plastic or FW's resin?
FW's looks better, in my opinion.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:38:53
"Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see.
One chants out between two worlds: Fire, walk with me." - Twin Peaks
"You listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you Sheriff Truman." - Twin Peaks |
2017/02/03 12:37:31
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought
I am more interested in Cypher I would laugh if he is actually loyalist this whole time.
2017/02/03 12:37:35
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Ancient Chaos Terminator
Surfing the Tervigon Wave...on a baby.
Cypher in a SM Triumvirate box.
That Chaos special an overpriced SM Triumvirate box with Captain Smurfpants.
Now only a CSM player. |
2017/02/03 12:38:06
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
See that crate between Robert and the Terminators (band name?) that new scenery?
2017/02/03 12:39:55
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought
DarkStarSabre wrote:Cypher in a SM Triumvirate box.
That Chaos special an overpriced SM Triumvirate box with Captain Smurfpants.
Considering he is a box with RG and a grey knight grand master I don't think he is a follower of chaos.
2017/02/03 12:40:15
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Longtime Dakkanaut
Well I will be selling cypher model when I get the models. Never a fan of a traitor.
I need to go to work every day.
Millions of people on welfare depend on me. |
2017/02/03 12:41:07
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan
Yay, papa smurf has returned.
Since I wanted an emperor model for my custodes he will be a nice start.
Saves buying the kabuki miniatures one.
Just some cutting and GS work and he's good to go.
2017/02/03 12:42:23
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph
it's happening!!!! I wrote a post about how GE should print money by doing this a few years ago (as have many people).
Shame his model is Derpy :(
That Cypher and Draigo though!!!
2017/02/03 12:42:33
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Longtime Dakkanaut
I'll take it off your hands! Hess the only thing I want from it
2017/02/03 12:42:51
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Ancient Chaos Terminator
Surfing the Tervigon Wave...on a baby.
shinros wrote: DarkStarSabre wrote:Cypher in a SM Triumvirate box.
That Chaos special an overpriced SM Triumvirate box with Captain Smurfpants.
Considering he is a box with RG and a grey knight grand master I don't think he is a follower of chaos.
Or he's using them as an ends to a means. He's never really been a follower of Chaos...but he's not an Imperial either.
And the point is his rules first appeared in the 2nd. ed. Chaos Codex. Then in the 3rd. ed Chaos codex. Then the dataslate where his faction is....wait for it....Chaos Space Marines.
Now only a CSM player. |
2017/02/03 12:42:58
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Missionary On A Mission
Just saw this:
1. the bolt pistol may belong to Cypher
2. three books for gathering storms series
3. each book will have a trio of characters
4. last book is called the rise of legend/Primarch?, which obviously include a Primarch
5. last trio of characters will be: Grandpa Smurf, Cypher and a Grey Knight Master (my source saw photos of both Cypher and Knight Master, but didn't see Gradpa Smurf yet)
6. then 8th edition
7. Abaddon is likely to be killed during the last book, GW staffs are jokingly saying killed by the bolt pistol
8. dwarf release and gryph hound release should still be there, but the focus is to finish off gathering storm series and launch 8th edition
Pistol belongs to Cypher
GK Character from the SM Triumvirate
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:53:22
2017/02/03 12:43:02
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Liche Priest Hierophant
Tbf Cypher has never been stated as a follower of chaos and more of a lone agent type. And for a while now he's been able to be taken in any CSM or non Dark Angel Imperial Army as the same faction. Also I quite like that he's in MKIII armour. It both looks great and will be good for more plastic 30k character conversions. It's such a shame he'd be in the same boxset as that fugly Guilliman model.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:43:39
2017/02/03 12:44:22
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Trazyn's Museum Curator
DarkStarSabre wrote:Cypher in a SM Triumvirate box. Sigh. That Chaos special an overpriced SM Triumvirate box with Captain Smurfpants. Siiiiiiigh. Well to be fair, Cypher was never really chaos, was he? He was a Fallen, but I don't recall anything in his fluff saying that he was in league with the ruinous powers, just that he was a wanted man by the Dark Angels.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:44:27
What I have
Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!
A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble
2017/02/03 12:44:57
Subject: Re:The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:50:20
2017/02/03 12:45:18
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Xenohunter with First Contact
Somewhat disappointed with this one after, what I thought, were two incredible Triumvirate boxes!! New Cypher looks cool, but not fussed by Rowboat at all, and the Grey Knight is a bit too generic!!
Seeing as this says it is wrapping up the Gathering Storm, are we to assume that there will be no fabled Chaos Triumvirate release now? :/
I always try to keep this up to date with what projects I'm working on... but they just keep piling up
Hobby addict with a serious problem. |
2017/02/03 12:45:39
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Brutal Black Orc
Tannhauser42 wrote:I wonder which primarch model will cost more: GW's plastic or FW's resin?
FW's looks better, in my opinion.
If it's any indicative, Guilliman will most likely be boxed with Cypher and Random-grey-knight for 65 euros. So it depends on your tastes regarding at least one of the other two. Still cheaper overall I'd say.
2017/02/03 12:46:07
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph
CthuluIsSpy wrote: DarkStarSabre wrote:Cypher in a SM Triumvirate box.
That Chaos special an overpriced SM Triumvirate box with Captain Smurfpants.
Well to be fair, Cypher was never really chaos, was he? He was a Fallen, but I don't recall anything in his fluff saying that he was in league with the ruinous powers, just that he was a wanted man by the Dark Angels.
Is it possible he has been working to ressurect the Emperor if the fluff hints are anything to go by.
2017/02/03 12:46:42
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan
Rippy, any chance of putting that in a spoiler please bud?
On mobile devices it blows up the thread lol.
2017/02/03 12:47:12
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Longtime Dakkanaut
Vorian wrote:I'll take it off your hands! Hess the only thing I want from it
I will actually take you up on that if it is a 3 pack. I plan on preordering the kit for the grey knight and guilleman anyways.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:47:46
I need to go to work every day.
Millions of people on welfare depend on me. |
2017/02/03 12:47:54
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph
Wait Abadon dying? Are they really that sick of the meming? No, bad call in my opinion.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:48:56
2017/02/03 12:48:11
Subject: Re:The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body
I'll just leave this here..
We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark
The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.
The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox
Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club |
2017/02/03 12:48:57
Subject: Re:The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Deadly Dark Eldar Warrior
Maybe it's because I have no interest in the models or rules presented, but Im really curious about what the fluff reasoning will be for Guiliman's return. I know we've been building up this whole "he's healing in stasis" deus ex for as long as the fluff has existed, but is it going to be as simple as like "hey your primarch hot-pocket is done cookin', let em' out" or will there be something more to it?
Smart approach would be something questionable to keep this going theme of creating inter-factional tensions.
Like a true Tomb King, change (to AoS) has left me bitter and vengeful.
Admech: I'll make Graia work some day
Drukhari: 3rd Edition Archon. WhatWouldSkariDo?
2017/02/03 12:48:57
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests
Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.
Our true Spiritual Liege returns. Glorious!
And Cypher looks great, as does possibly-Draigo?
2017/02/03 12:49:18
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph
Jackal wrote:Rippy, any chance of putting that in a spoiler please bud?
On mobile devices it blows up the thread lol.
Done, sorry mate Automatically Appended Next Post: I cannot wait to see what Roboute thinks of the galaxy
Or what Marneus uses as a weapon now.
That fist grew...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/03 12:50:36
2017/02/03 12:50:46
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Longtime Dakkanaut
So if cypher is actually good does that mean the lion was really traitor?
2017/02/03 12:51:10
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought
Rippy wrote:Wait Abadon dying? Are they really that sick of the meming? No, bad call in my opinion.
It's faeit as always take it with a giant mountain of salt and perhaps a truck of salt on top of it. I do find it kinda strange abbadon does not have a new model yet.
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
1. the bolt pistol may belong to Cypher
2. three books for gathering storms series
3. each book will have a trio of characters
4. last book is called the rise of legend/Primarch?, which obviously include a Primarch
5. last trio of characters will be: Grandpa Smurf, Cypher and a Grey Knight Master (my source saw photos of both Cypher and Knight Master, but didn't see Gradpa Smurf yet)
6. then 8th edition
7. Abaddon is likely to be killed during the last book, GW staffs are jokingly saying killed by the bolt pistol
8. dwarf release and gryph hound release should still be there, but the focus is to finish off gathering storm series and launch 8th edition
Add on
40k new edition's content will be much reduced, but still bit longer than AoS rules, around 30 pages, likely release date will be summer. after Book III of the gathering storm.
2017/02/03 12:52:56
Subject: The Gathering Storm Part III: Rise of the Primarch
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan
No worries bud and cheers
I don't think that is draigo though.
For a start he's lost his signature weapons, armour is completely different and his aged a lot lol.
I'd assume it's just a grandmaster.
If it's a £50 set I'd guess rowboat will be going for £35- £40 on eBay.
So may just buy the set for him and sell the rest off.