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Noras Ork conventions  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

I have had an idea of posting some pictures of ork conventions I have build over the last ten years, and now I got to it!
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

I will start with the eighteen Smasha guns that I built.

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I will soon be back with more photos!
[Thumb - DSCF7132.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7133.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7134.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7135.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7136.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7137.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7138.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7139.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7140.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7141.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7142.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7143.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7144.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7145.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7146.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7147.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7148.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7149.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7150.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7151.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7152.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7153.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7154.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7155.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7156.JPG]
Smasha guns

[Thumb - DSCF7157.JPG]
Smasha guns

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/03/02 22:44:42

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Some nicely converted Grot artillery there Nora.



Made in gb
Rampagin' Boarboy

United Kingdom

Very nice, good job
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks for comments!
Next up are three Weirdboyz. For these models I used the thrower and catcher from the Orc Blood Bowl team since I like their open-arm-pose.

[Thumb - DSCF7118.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7119.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7120.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/03 20:27:38

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Time fore some vehicles. Below is one big trakk and one trukk
[Thumb - DSCF7176.JPG]
big trakk

[Thumb - DSCF7174.JPG]
big trakk

[Thumb - DSCF7175.JPG]
big trakk

[Thumb - DSCF7177.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7178.JPG]

Made in gb
Rampagin' Boarboy

United Kingdom

I love the weirdboys, I made mine from the same thrower!

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks Afrodactyl
Next is two Shock Attack Gun.
[Thumb - DSCF7104.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7105.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7107.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7108.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7109.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7110.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7111.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

[Thumb - DSCF7112.JPG]
Shock Attack Gun

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Today I will show some looted land raider battlewagon convention.
[Thumb - DSCF7158.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7159.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7160.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7161.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7162.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7163.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7164.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7165.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7166.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7167.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7168.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7169.JPG]

Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Houston, TX

Really great Orks, all properly converted as they should be!

I especially like the smasha gunz and weirdboyz. So much variety but also consistent enough to go together, not an easy feat.

Xhorik 87th Drop Troops P&M blog https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/775655.page

Project log and campaign featuring Orks, Imperial Guard, Marines, Tyranids: http://www.xhorikwar.blogspot.com/
Currently focused on our Horus Heresy campaign with White Scars, Death Guard and Imperial Militia.  
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

@The Riddle of Steel; thanks for comment.
This time I show one boss I converted out of the larger fantasy boss.
[Thumb - DSCF7124.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7125.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7126.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7123.JPG]
waaagh banner

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland


Your conversion work is very imaginative and done with a great amount of skill and craftsmanship. And your painting is excellent too. It really gives the whole lot a muted and realistic tone. Really excellent work all round.

My favourite is the wierdboy with the energy blast coming from his hand. Really cool mini. I also like the rhino horn on the shock attack gun guy. Lots of character.

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

@theCrowe Thank you for you comments!
Next up is my two Boss on bike
[Thumb - DSCF7129.JPG]
Boss on bike

[Thumb - DSCF7131.JPG]
Boss on bike

[Thumb - DSCF7130.JPG]
Boss on bike

[Thumb - DSCF7127.JPG]
Boss on bike

[Thumb - DSCF7128.JPG]
Boss on bike

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Next I what to show my Savege boyz
[Thumb - DSCF7203.JPG]
Savege boyz

[Thumb - DSCF7204.JPG]
Savege boyz

[Thumb - DSCF7205.JPG]
Savege boyz

[Thumb - DSCF7208.JPG]
Savege boyz

[Thumb - DSCF7210.JPG]
Savege boyz

Made in ru
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

A lovely thread, these orks have a certain old school feel about them (said by one who started Orks in 2005 inspired by WD all-converted armies) - the obligatory Land raider battlewagon, and creative use of bits from other armies rather than kitbashing modern ork plastics only.
Not like kitbashing is bad, either, using BB orcs as Weirdboys is a nice idea - they have suitable 'spell flinging' poses with open palms, and they do stand out from the ranks of normal boys a lot! Also, nice work on the big guns. Not a fan of claw gun concept myself but the whole variety of chassis is great!
I alos like the combo of green and orange/ochre, not the most common paint scheme but it works.

Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy


I love the idea of using the Blood Bowl boys for weirdboyz! Excellent conversions.

God is real! 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Leeds, UK

I love this thread so far. The conversions are amazing and the painting / colour scheme is fantastic. I love that there's a theme to everything while still keeping that feeling of Ork mayhem!

As a new, first-time Ork collector this is really inspiring! Can't wait to see more
Made in de
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

Nickin' 'ur stuff

What a lovely Thread! Like most here, I really dig the Weridboy conversions! Such a great idea and equaly great execution!

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like soup. Now you put soup in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put soup into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now soup can flow or it can crash. Be soup, my friend. 
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Hi! Tank you for comments! I like citbashing from different fraction for my ork conventions. I used to scan e-bay for sheep auction bits, but that was some years ago. I got the feeling that there is not as much such auction left anymore.
Then I work with my bigger model conventions, such as the Mek Gunz, one of the tools that I use the most is the glue gun together with soldering iron and I can very much recommend this if you have not tried it. It is very forgiving in the sense that the pieces that you what to put together does not have to fit particularly well. It is also easy to make casting out of it. For example half of the smasha gun's barrels are glue gun made castings as well as some wheels and all bases. I use the soldering iron to prevent the glue to solidify to fast.
Today I will show you one Dakkajet there I made the wings form a sprue frame.
[Thumb - DSCF7183.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7184.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/12 20:00:00

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I like the Dakka Jet, I was think those aren't normal wings.

I also like your muted color scheme, it screams of dust and welds and combat repairs.

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Small post today with two mini Mek
[Thumb - DSCF7121.JPG]
ork mek

[Thumb - DSCF7122.JPG]
ork mek

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Have not posted anything for a few days, but here comes some pictures of my warbikers.

[Thumb - DSCF7186.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7201.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7195.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7196.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7197.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7198.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7202.JPG]

Made in au
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

Love the different parts used on the front for customisation.

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

You've done amazing work on... all of them, really. That's just an astonishing horde of bikers on its own, and with the custom work they really stand out!

realism is a lie
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks for comments. I like to do many models in the same time then I make the ork conversions such as the Bikers and the Mek Guns. I have an even larger project that I what to show, but I will wait with that for now.
Today I will post my Stompa. Not so much conversions exempt some small parts, but I what to show it anyway.

[Thumb - DSCF7212.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7211.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7213.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7214.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7215.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7216.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF7218.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/17 19:50:24

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Real mice army man, its got a really good cohesion to it. Love the work on the vehicles, and the detail on all the bikes! wow.

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

today I will show my other Mek Guns.
[Thumb - DSCF7219.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7220.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7221.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7222.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7223.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7224.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7225.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7226.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7227.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7228.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7229.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7230.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

[Thumb - DSCF7232.JPG]
Mek gun, Custom mega cannon

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/19 18:06:08

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Mega stuff, like the use of hydra bits.

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Really snazzy guns! The blue bits add a nice touch of color

realism is a lie
Made in fi
Foolproof Falcon Pilot

Finland, Espoo

Really cool and inspiring stuff!

I especially like the land raiders. They look properly orky for my tastes: grimdark and rugged with a hint of goofiness.

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