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The League of Extraordinary Riveters (LoER) Terrain Competition Round 35: By The Book  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Announcing… The 35th iteration of the League of Extraordinary Riveters Terrain Competition.
The theme:
“By The Book”

For those who have not taken part before, this is a competition about terrain building (as you may have gathered from the title), but it is not strictly limited to pure terrain; dioramas, game aids that double as terrain, dice towers, and other variations have been submitted in the past. To get a feel for how these competitions run and what to expect you may wish to look over the previous rounds, linked below.

Each round has a “theme” or other defining attribute that must in some way be applied to the your terrain project, to compete with other modelers for that most prestigious of prizes, membership in The League of Extraordinary Riveters [LoER]. The winner of each round hosts the next round, and the cycle continues.

The competition is open to everyone registered on Dakka Dakka, and all are welcome to enter regardless of ability, etc. The League’s aim is to encourage fellow gamers, hobbyists and model-makers to up their game through building terrain for their tabletop, be it for wargames, board games, dioramas, and so forth. Everyone participating is encouraged to use this thread to trade ideas, inspire each other, and give feedback and encouragement. Everyone is a winner in a League competition, because in the end, you have a brand-spankin’-new piece of terrain!

For those competing for the first time, welcome! For those returning to the competition, welcome back!

Here is a list, with links to past competitions:
Contest #1 "Lids" (dsteingass)
Contest #2 "Cookie Package” (Viktor Von Doom)
Contest #3 "Fightin' Pit!" (MrMerlin)
Contest #4 "For the title of Master Shrubber" (Meade)
Contest #5 "Vehicles!" (Bruticus)
Contest #6 "We're Not Worthy!" (Meade)
Contest #7 "Fire at Will" (hk1x1)
Contest #8 "Accomodation" (Camkierhi)
Contest #9 “Elementary" (Littletower)
Contest #10 "The Throne" (Camkierhi)
Contest #11 "On The Road" (Red Harvest)
Contest #12 "Wall me up, fence me in" (MonkeyTroll)
Contest #13 "What Went Wrong!" (OneManNoodles)
Contest #14 "Making something extraordinary from the ordinary" (Dr H)
Contest #15 "The Trapdoor" (inmygravenimage)
Contest #16 "Got Wood?" (Viktor Von Doom)
Contest #17 "The (re)cycle of Life" (Guildenstern)
Contest #18 "The Portal" (inmygravenimage)
Contest #19 "Let it Flow!" (Camkierhi)
Contest #20 "Noise Polution" (Tek Thornison)
Contest # 21 "CARD-inal Sins" (Camkierhi)
Contest # 22 "A Series of Tubes" (Cleatus)
Contest # 23 "Child's Play" (Z-Ray)
Contest #24 "Pimpin' Aint Easy" (Fango)
Contest # 25 "For the war effort" (Syro)
Contest # 26 "Hold the Line!" (Camkierhi)
Contest # 27 "Sweet like chocolate" (monkeytroll)
Contest # 28 "Name of the game" (Maniac_nmt)
Contest # 29 "Food for Thought !" (Camkierhi)
Contest # 30 “Double Entendre” (Thumpingbear)
Contest # 31 “A Drink to the New Decade” (Captain Brown)
Contest # 32 “Honor Our First Responders” (MacPhail)
Contest #33 “Unfinished Business” (Mothsniper)
Contest #34”Dangerous Terrain” (DJJazzyJeff)

And now, without further ado . . .
By The Book

My nerd origin story revolves around many hours spent in my room or on the couch curled up around a book. Most notably, I read all of the Star Wars universe novels that were being written and published back then. The “creative” forces in the realm of Star Wars recently have taken a different direction, and I will save my comments on that for a different forum. Suffice it to say, that books have made me the nerd I am today. It has only been in the last couple years that I have begun to swim in the eddying currents of table top hobbying warfare. And so, I find it fitting to return to my roots and tie this competition into my love of reading. Your entry should in some way incorporate books into its theme.

I do not wish to too deeply influence the outcome of your pieces by providing an exhausting list of examples, but I do want to perhaps present some outlines to help guide those in need of some inspiration. So to that end:

You could create a piece that incorporates in-world books, such as a library or archive of some sort. Note that scrolls, data cards, etc. could all count as 'books' depending on the setting of the terrain piece.

Alternatively, you could bring to life a scene or terrain piece that comes from a book. There is likely a scene or setting in a book somewhere that sticks out in your memory. This would be an opportunity to pay homage to that scene and the author who created it for your imagination to enjoy. A note along with your entry about the book or scene would be helpful to allow me and others to “get on the same page” and be able to fully appreciate your piece

This could be something that is made out of a book. Where you literally use a book, or the remains of a book, as the material of your terrain piece. Not that I want to promote the destruction of books, but I suppose that in the grimdark of the far future, casualties happen.

Any other tie in to the theme would be welcomed. If you are unsure if your idea fits, don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love for there to be many entries in this round of the competition. An extra entry that stretches the theme a bit would be preferable to an extra observer on the sidelines. Observers, however, are more than welcome.

Plenty of WIP photos and posts will keep the community engaged, so work steadily and post often. Please start with a photo of your core components and materials and/or a description of your setting, your scene, or the book that has inspired you. Then the community will rally and cheer each other on. Regular updates will keep the contest visible, WIP pics will generate ideas and opinions, and we can all push our abilities forward and have some fun. Ask questions, make respectful comments and suggestions, lament setbacks, and celebrate victories. The more posts, the more awareness of the competition we generate.

However, FINAL pictures should not be shown here. Post in your own P&M threads, but please not in this one lest we distract anyone in the home stretch or spoil anyone’s big reveal. PM me the pictures and/or links instead when they are ready.

As strange as it sounds, it will benefit your entry to put as much effort into taking photos of your finished model as you have building it; try to finish in time to make your best effort and ask for support if needed. Poorly lit, out-of-focus, blurred, and low resolution photos can harm your chances in any competition. If you want to add some figures for scale purposes or to display your new piece in situ, do so, as long as it is clear that your entry alone will be judged.

1: Talk about the Competition. Post it in your blogs. Add the banner to your signature.
HTML code for the banner.....
change all the "{" to "["
It should look and work like this one:

2: Must be completed by the deadline. And when I say "must", I mean "about". There is a fair amount of leeway given in these contests but assume there will be no extensions and we'll cross any problems when it arises.
The Deadline is Midnight GMT on Monday 11 October 2021

3: Your piece should be scratch-built or heavily converted in large part. Model kit parts can be used, preferably in innovative ways. This contest challenges us to think outside the box, and beyond printed instructions, so push those model bits in new directions. Innovate, improvise, and experiment.

4: Your model should be a piece of terrain (or a diorama or game aid with strong terrain elements). It cannot be a playable model in itself (a crashed tank must stay crashed), but removable models (people) are fine.

5: Any scale, any setting and any gaming system are welcome. A nice mixture of fantasy, sci-fi, historical, or modern will make this contest all the more interesting. If you don't play a game, that's fine too; just make a display piece, but keep rule 4 in mind.

6: You can make as small or as large a model as you want. Bear in mind the deadline, don't bite off more than you can chew, but don’t be afraid to bite and chew boldy.

7: Final Entry: Six or more photos of your final entry, showing top, front, both sides, back and all the important parts - not to be posted in this thread. PM me with links to your galleries and albums, and take the time to take the best photos that you can. Together with your photos, please include a summary of the essential materials and a narrative of the project in brief, if appropriate.

8: AMBITION: Push yourself. Try something new! Always wanted to use LEDs? Go for it! Fancied weathering powders? Here's your chance! I'll be looking at your galleries for previous work, entries etc. I want everyone to feel that their best has a fair shot at this.

9: Not so much a rule, but it wouldn't be the League of Extraordinary Riveters if there are no rivets… or other such meticulous detail. Deliberate, specific, and thoughtful inclusion of well-crafted details are what this contest is all about. Your piece should tell a story. The details drive the stories within that story. The more details, the more rich of a story your piece will tell.

10: THE RULE OF COOL cannot be ignored.

If you are unsure of anything, just ask.

Modelling: 50 points total.
(10 points) Design - Is the concept clear and effectively applied to the model? Is the piece both visually appealing and functional? Does the design fit the game, setting, genre, or theme?
(10 points) Originality - Is the concept unique and creative? Does it draw inspiration or pay homage while remaining original?
(10 points) Materials - Are the materials diverse and challenging? Are they thoughtfully chosen and integrated seamlessly?
(10 points) Skill and Techniques - Does the piece feature crisp lines, even textures, and sturdy construction? Are both core techniques and innovative approaches used?
(10 points) Attention to Detail - Do small details in both design and execution give the piece added realism?

Painting: 30 points total.
(10 points) Design - Is the color scheme and paint selection thoughtful and expressive?
(10 points) Skill and Techniques -Does the piece start with solid foundations, color blocking, and shading? Is the paint consistent, crisp, and well-executed?
(10 points ) Visual impact - Does the paint job serve to draw the whole model together and enhance the craftsmanship of the model?

Bonuses: 20 points total.
(10 points) Thematic connection - Does the entry firmly relate to the theme?
(10 points) Ambition: Did the project clearly demonstrate the pursuit of some new skill in assembly, in paint, or in both?

Total: 100 points possible.
In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by order of submission. Work diligently, and bear in mind the deadline.

Membership to the League of Extraordinary Riveters is the top prize. You will be allowed to fly the League's banner and be recognized as a hobbyist par excellence... as well as host the next round. In addition, the winner (or perhaps top three winners if I get motivated) will receive an objective marker to commemorate their victory. Shipping arrangements can and will be made subsequent to the competition.

People's Choice: As voted for by your fellow Dakkanauts. More warm feelings inside and the bragging rights that your peers love your work.

And though it may not seem much of a prize, anyone who completes a model for this competition may of course request the details of their score. I’ll try to make it useful for your continued riveting ambitions!

So start gathering bits and get building!
Good Luck to All!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/07/06 16:11:59

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


I will try to think of something to build for this one.



Made in us
Crazy Marauder Horseman

Ooh I’ve been wanting to scratchbuild a Wizards Tower for a while. Will post more in a day or two when I’ve gathered my materials.

Anything I say, unless expressly noted, is my own opinion. Take it as you will
My Blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/796348.page#11061568
Now painting seraphon for Underworlds! 
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


I have the germ of an idea. I'm in.

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in fr
Fresh-Faced New User

Interesting... I have an overly ambitious idea... I think I will try my hand at this, will begin work in a few days.
Made in au
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

Time for me to *finish* an entry this go around - let's see if I can come up with something Orky around the theme without biting off too much...

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

The Netherlands, Europe

I´ve never entered the LoER Terrain Competition before, but this might be the right round.
I´ve only recently discovered the term "Book Nook". Never heard of if before, but I've seen some very inspirational stuff and creating one is on my to-do-list. Not sure about the exact theme yet, but it wil be a fantasy setting.

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

I need to get back to doing more for my table, so I'm in again. Not sure what yet... but that's part of the fun, right?

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Captain Brown,
I have every confidence in your ability to think of something.

A Wizard's Tower sounds like an excellent place to find some reading material. Happy crafting!

Hasn't the last year taught you anything about germs? You have to watch out for those!

Big results require big ambitions. Go for it!

Here's to a finished piece!

Tim 121RVC,
Welcome to the competition. A Book Nook is something that I've wanted to do as well. Can't believe I didn't see that tie in to the theme.

That's the whole point, right? To have something cool to put on your table? Looking forward to more hexes!

Off to a great start! Admitting you're in is the first step.

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Thanks for hosting, DJ, and congrats on the well deserved win! I'll jump in as best I can, and the book theme sounds fun. I've got two notions, from something tiny to something huge. There's a secondary objective in the new Sisters book where I can have my opponent nominate an objective as a lost shrine that I have to reclaim... that could benefit from a cool little 40mm marker of some sort, maybe a book. I also want to build my Battle Sanctum (even though they're overpriced and hard to deploy effectively), which could definitely be a ruined archive with books and debris everywhere. The pink foam is calling, and I must go...

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Welcome, MacPhail. The Battle Sanctum looks really cool. Are you scratch building your own version?

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Just bumping this thread up to the top of the list. Anyone new want to jump in? How’s the progress for those of you who have already declared some intentions?

Made in fr
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for the encouragement, I totally changed plans, but still a bit too ambitious. This will be FUN.
As for progress, I started on the plans and have most of the supplies needed.
Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Here's some fuel for the fire... I took a deep dive into my bits box and came up with these:

There's some extra Canoness hands, some Ravenwing bling, a banner pole, one from the Inquisitor model, even some Dwarven texts. For my idea, however, it's not nearly enough. If I go for the bigger of my two plans, I'll need dozens of books to scatter around the ruins, so I'm imagining how I'll manufacture them in bulk. My best idea right now is to cut and stack long thin strips of thick paper or card for the pages and 'bind' them with covers of styrene card. I'd make a few long strips of them in different thicknesses and then slice them like a loaf of bread with a sharp blade to make individual books. Open books will be harder... I might try making the open 'pages' out of pink foam to get the curve, maybe topped off with actual paper and bound as before. Building the structure will be tedious enough... any other notions on how to mass-produce tiny books?

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

There is an IG account I follow called sol_vince who does a lot of terrain and display bases. They have a whole library terrain piece they are working on. I think they have their tutorials behind a patreon pay wall, but you could check out their photos for inspiration. Here’s a link to one:


Made in hk
Krazed Killa Kan


Best of luck everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing what each of you craft.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

The only terrain I am working on at the moment is a two by two foot table (or part of a larger table when mixed with existing Necromunda terrain and tiles).

The board made from a wood base and 16 tiles.

Not really certain how to tie it into the theme.



Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Sup dudes.
I wont be able to participate this round. But will defiantly do some book related terrain at a later time, because want a Book Nook Diorama on my shelf.

Here are some inspiration

[Thumb - 76713d386b18df0b2090e1989ac8dbbb.jpg]

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

The board continues and it will have a metal book placed on it. Just like MacPhail's top left corner tome.

Work in Progress:



Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Mothsniper - Congratulations on your win during the Unfinished Business round. That tunnel you made, the work with the lighting and the beams, was absolutely fantastic.
Sorry you won’t be joining us this round, a Book Nook diorama would be a perfect tie in for this round.

Captain Brown - remember there are points for tie in to the theme, but at the end of the day if you have a piece of terrain that you like and that you’ll use, you are a winner.

Anyone else have questions, comments, or updates?

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Very cool ideas flowing here, y'all! DJ, the Instagram gallery is amazing, and yes, those are exactly the books I need. I'm very excited to try building some.

Mothsniper, those shadow boxes are awesome... I'm going to try for some electrics on this project.

Cap, how about a "Little Free Library of the Red Redemption" or an underhive street vendor selling prohibited literature? Your tiles look awesome regardless... nice subtle use of color.

I have mostly committed to the larger of my two schemes. I laid out and cut the base plate and upper floors to match the actual Battle Sanctum, with an extra half inch at ground level to bevel and blend the texture. I may recut the middle floor to leave the balcony attached for extra strength.

I also sketched out the Gothic windows that will define the exterior of the piece. Next step is to make a styrene template to mass produce wall panels... a total 10 panels each composed of two thin sheets. That means I need to fire up the hotwire cutter and slice 20 identical sections about 1/8 inch thick.

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Alright, MacPhail, put that wire cutter to work!
Can't wait to see more progress.

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

I finally got some inspiration for a new terrain tile while hacking apart Yndrasta, removing her from her tactical staircase. It is now becoming a secret, swampy reading spot for a necromancer with the addition of some extra branches from the old woods, some birds, skulls and a little wooden reading platform.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/07/30 18:43:32

Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

Helping with a post to bump this back to the top.

Not sure if I'll be able to get something together in time- I'm still hoping to wrap up my entries for the past two competitions, just to have them done and game-able. Like what I'm seeing here and in the gallery pages so far though- great stuff!

Name the book: "I'm doing my part!" and "Do you want to know more?"

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Now that I think about it, the quotation isn't fair, as neither appears in the book, but rather in the movie adapted from the book.

As a bit of trivia for the movie, the director (Paul Veerhoven) never read the actual book- he had an assistant read it and create an outline. Veerhoven then constructed the society depicted in the book the way he wanted, causing some discontinuity between book and film.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/08/03 18:49:39

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

A good bit of trivia... I'll double down rather than answer it. It's also the book that James Cameron made the Aliens cast read to get into character.

Update pics coming tonight or tomorrow... I built a spiral staircase!

Update: Here's a progress pic. More details are on my P&M blog...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/08/04 04:36:18

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

Clearly Starship Troopers! ...and some discontinuity? The lack of armoured droptroops was a bit of a deviation to start with

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/08/04 08:49:03

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

I made it far enough today to do a quick mock-up. The staircase kind of dominates, but I think I'm going to keep it. Next up, finalizing the first floor while beginning the second. More construction details on my blog.

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Does anyone have any updates they want to share? We’re about 1/3 of the way there . . .

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Finished the table for playability (not complete for the competition as I need to add a book somewhere).



Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Captain, that looks fantastic... nice weathering!

Slow going over here, more a factor of the time I've got than the labor. I have two panels yet to detail before I start assembly, and I'm going to need to get creative to reinforce the walls.

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