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Alien vs Predator Miniatures Game, Prodos loses license to AvP. p.266  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in is
Cackling Chaos Conscript

Oh wow. Do want!

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 alanmckenzie wrote:
 His Master's Voice wrote:
 Lockark wrote:
The 2nd part of my post adresses what you just said. You seemed to have ignored it.


When their has been so many verstions, why are people attacking each other for not likeing their verstion?

(This goes for both sides of this arguement.)

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying. I'm not attacking anyone over what type of xenomorph they like more. I don't care.

What I'm saying is that the initial design was more distinct and fitting for a creature called Alien. It was alien, despite it's humanoid form. Cameron didn't need the Alien. He needed a bunch of cool looking critters that would fight his gun porn totting marines and, for some reason, really wanted to show everyone their reproductive process (critters, not marines) in full. So he slashed and cut the design to be sturdier, easier to throw around and more organic, thus making it less alien.

Alien's Alien is a better Alien than Aliens Aliens. From a design standpoint. Get it?

Not at all. .

Cameron had to make alterations because it was gonna be pretty hard to make 12 costumes like the original, the head of which had around 180 moving parts. Over all Aliens is a really good film to see how effective lightning can be.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/03 00:02:17

Little orphans in the snow
With nowhere to call a home
Start their singing, singing
Waiting through the summertime
To thaw your hearts in wintertime
That's why they're singing, singing 
Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

 Ronin_eX wrote:
Hey guys haven't been around the thread in a few days, how... is... it... go...

Seriously? Looks like I'm out until Monday. Have fun arguing about feet!

You sir are awesome... Summed up the direction this thread has gone and made LOL

Poor Prodos must be wondering what they did so wrong in a previous life... Ahh well, it's better to be talked about than not... I for one am looking forward to the next updates and have pulled quite a bit of my kickstarter backings now to wait for this game...

Made in us
Cold-Blooded Saurus Warrior

E. City, NC

 Bulldogging wrote:
 Kroothawk wrote:
I think, people here might be interested in this terrain kickstarter:

That. Looks. Awesome.

Didn't even THINK about this game. I'm might buy into this game just because I'm buying into that scenery lol.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User


I too would like to see them delve into other source material outside of the films, especially for the marines. What they have is great, but the Tech Manual puts images to all the gak Hudson talks about but we never see. I want my marines with a PIG!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

FBG_Kitt wrote:
I too would like to see them delve into other source material outside of the films, especially for the marines. What they have is great, but the Tech Manual puts images to all the gak Hudson talks about but we never see. I want my marines with a PIG!

Would that be the Geiger PIG or some lame ol' generic PIG?

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in ca
Lit By the Flames of Prospero

Edmonton, Alberta

 His Master's Voice wrote:

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying. I'm not attacking anyone over what type of xenomorph they like more. I don't care.

What I'm saying is that the initial design was more distinct and fitting for a creature called Alien. It was alien, despite it's humanoid form. Cameron didn't need the Alien. He needed a bunch of cool looking critters that would fight his gun porn totting marines and, for some reason, really wanted to show everyone their reproductive process (critters, not marines) in full. So he slashed and cut the design to be sturdier, easier to throw around and more organic, thus making it less alien.

Alien's Alien is a better Alien than Aliens Aliens. From a design standpoint. Get it?


Thanks for bassicly telling me how dare I enjoy anything past the 1st movie.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/03 04:12:00

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 CptJake wrote:
 judgedoug wrote:

Yes. It is the difference between genius and generic.

I have to admit, I don't get the 'generic' label some of you guys are using. I, and probably a vast majority of folks even a tiny bit familiar with any part of the Aliens franchise, see what you are calling generic and immediately think 'Aliens!'. The brand identification is clear, it really isn't generic at all.

The Giger alien is probably the most imitated movie monster of all time. Even Godzilla has fought a generic "alien". Heck, Goku has fought more than one type. Pumpkinhead is basically an organic Giger alien with a more conventional skull and digitigrade legs. Most of the defining characteristics of the Giger alien have been appropriated again and again, usually with some twist. However, the biomechanical aspect of them is probably the least utilized trait--thus less "generic".

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 CptJake wrote:
FBG_Kitt wrote:
I too would like to see them delve into other source material outside of the films, especially for the marines. What they have is great, but the Tech Manual puts images to all the gak Hudson talks about but we never see. I want my marines with a PIG!

Would that be the Geiger PIG or some lame ol' generic PIG?

Probably a Cameron PIG. Giger's PIG is just a saucy shower attachment.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Lockark wrote:

I personaly think it's a good idea to use designs from the latter movies instead of the orginal. Not to mention the alien has always been a evolving design from it's beginning. People keep calling the latter designs "pumpkin head", but look at giger's orginal design! It's head was a flaccid penis, with a biomechanical foreskin. Well the head kept the shape, the penis head at the back and foreskin was dropped.

No, Pumpkinhead is not an insult for the alien. It is the name of this monster, who uses a lot of similar design elements from Giger's alien, and bears a lot more resemblance to alien 4's alines than to the original. That is why poeple say they look more generic--because they are less distinct from the imitators.

I would post a pitcher, but some might consider it NSFW.

I just want the aliens to have cool fluid poses like you see them move in the latter movies. Well AVP was garbage, that was one thing I realy liked in thows movies. To me that is the biggest issue I have with the current alien mini's. The poses kinda suck.

Personally, I would love to see a mix of all the different versions of the aliens in poses appropriate to their appearances. I love the way the dog alien and some of the AVP aliens move, but the first movie's alien certainly had a creepy quality. I have heard some fans describe the aliens in the later movies as being more like dangerous animals, like escaped lions or something, while the aliens in the first (and maybe second) movie were more frightening because they didn't move like animals. (They moved like mimes.)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 paulson games wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

I remember when you posted pics of your mech and I, Matthieu and others said the feet were too small. You listened to our feedback and made changes that made everyone happier. It's a good thing you didn't tell us grognards we were scaring away the straights niggling over unimportant things like a model's feet, right?

Yes but you didn't launch into the conversation by saying these sculpts are sucky/bad. If you had I would have thought to myself these guys can feth off and put you on ignore. What you guys did correctly was approach it with an attitude of I like it overall but this element can be tweaked to be better, which goes over much more smoothly as it's constructive feedback and not a slap in the face like how the "sculpting is bad" comment comes out.

It's just like if some radom stranger walked up and said you suck at whatever you do for a living, most people wouldn't wouldn't react favorably to it. But if that person approaches you and instead says I like what it is you do but here's a suggestion on how you can improve on something you are doing it generally goes over much better.

I don't recall seeing a post like that. I saw some fans comment that they would like to see the original alien, or that they were sad Prodos went with the AVP alien. Then someone told them to shut up because at least we are getting aliens. Then the first guys defended their position (which I find pretty strong, even if I don't actually prefer the first alien). Then people started jumping all over them calling them Sheldon Coopers and saying they were scaring the normals. Because they had an opinion that wasn't "facehug my wallet!" apparently..? Really, I came in here because I was annoyed by the the animosity towards people with a preference or a suggestion to Prodos that they might try using the actually popular movies' designs. No one started foaming at the mouth or giving Prodos that kind of crap. But you guys have treated them as if they have.

Surely the position that the most popular movies' aliens would likely be popular as models, and should be high on Prodos' list of upcoming models, is a position we can all understand if not agree upon?

If there is a good reason for Prodos to avoid the iconic Giger alien, hopefully they will explain it to us.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/11/03 06:21:09

Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The original Alien in the first movie was limited by contemporary technology. A man in a rubber suit wouldn't come close to what Giger had in mind, e.g. slender waist and limbs. That's why director Scott was wise to rarely show the Alien, and then only in dark shadows. CGI removed those restrictions and allowed to actually show Aliens without them looking ridiculous.

That said, Prodos promised to release several versions of Aliens from all movies. And we have just seen 2.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/03 11:36:53

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 CptJake wrote:
 judgedoug wrote:

Yes. It is the difference between genius and generic.

I have to admit, I don't get the 'generic' label some of you guys are using. I, and probably a vast majority of folks even a tiny bit familiar with any part of the Aliens franchise, see what you are calling generic and immediately think 'Aliens!'. The brand identification is clear, it really isn't generic at all.

The Giger alien is probably the most imitated movie monster of all time. Even Godzilla has fought a generic "alien". Heck, Goku has fought more than one type. Pumpkinhead is basically an organic Giger alien with a more conventional skull and digitigrade legs. Most of the defining characteristics of the Giger alien have been appropriated again and again, usually with some twist. However, the biomechanical aspect of them is probably the least utilized trait--thus less "generic".

And yet, NOTHING Prodos has shown is generic, it is all tied directly to the Aliens brand. Perhaps not the some folks prefer, but again, none of it is generic. Prodos is clearly tooling up to give us the iconic Aliens from the Aliens franchise, again, they may not be making the one particular one some here seem to feel is The Only Acceptable Alien Evah!, but seeing as the Aliens we have all seen in all the Aliens movies and in other Aliens branded media don'at all match The One, Prodos is still doing well in my book.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/03 12:26:29

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

Wow. It`s been a long time since a thread got me to de-lurk.

Yes, there are indeed different versions of the Alien design. And yes, there`s a rather passionate fan-scene devoted to all things Alien (look up the sideshow freaks forum for that).

Considering the minutiae with which the different Space Marine variants are discussed and debated around here this should come as no surprise. Just consider a newcomer saying around here: "Come on, they`re all Space Marines. Why are you so concerned about the specifics of Blood Angels versus Iron hands ?"

Being the Tyranid nut that I am it should also come as no surprise that I am stricken with the Alien. In fact I do have- among other things- a complete life sized 2,3 metre version in my man cave. Among Alien fans it is pretty much consensus that the initial design was the strongest and that -maybe- Cameron`s version was nearly as good. Obviously to each their own, but the nerdrage about the issue here is irritating.

That after decades finally a company manages to produce proper high quality tabletop models of the franchise is definitely great news. That the real passionate fans have their specific view how it should be done...is typical for all the new stuff where there`s already an established niche. In fact it`s no different from any new 40K codex release.

Made in au
Expendable Defender Destroid Rookie


Well said.

Made in gb
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

*bursts though room with axe* HEEEAAARRRS JHONNY!!!

One thing, im interested in looking at is the balance of the game, I wonder how its all going to intertwine and work with the rules?

To me I am going to find it interesting on how they will perceive the rules for the Predators as from my point of view in the movies and games they make the Predators OP and they just kill everything whilst eating popcorn, so Im very interested in the balance of the game

Night Lords (40k): 3500pts
Klan Zaw Klan: 4000pts

 Grey Templar wrote:

Orks don't hate, they just love. Love to fight everyone.

Whatever you use.. It's Cheesy, broken and OP  
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Kroothawk wrote:I think, people here might be interested in this terrain kickstarter:

That is VERY cool, thanks for posting it! So as not to de-rail this thread (although I can see the 2 feeding off of each other) do we have another thread for this one?

Ronin_eX wrote:Hey guys haven't been around the thread in a few days, how... is... it... go...

Seriously? Looks like I'm out until Monday. Have fun arguing about feet!

Actual-LOL, I feel exactly the same way!

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Lockark wrote:

Thanks for bassicly telling me how dare I enjoy anything past the 1st movie.

I sad nothing like that. But at this point I don't think it matters what I actually say, since you chose to be offended.
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

 Pacific wrote:
That is VERY cool, thanks for posting it! So as not to de-rail this thread (although I can see the 2 feeding off of each other) do we have another thread for this one?


Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I see this as a worthy effort.

If you have a personal issue with the sculpts I can see that, but all I see right now is some concept pieces and people nitpicking the movies.

I like them, by the way and will hope to have some money for a couple of sets.

As rabid as I was at the time for Starship Troopers, I am having that feeling with this game.

New game, plenty of interest, I am thoroughly stoked for it.

If you would do it, I'd like to see different types of Aliens and Pedatators from ALL of the movies.

So then you can have yourself some varied and different types of units.

A good one I'd also like would be figures of the old standards, Ripley, the crew of the Sulaco. Ripley, the crew of the Nostromo, Alien 3 with the Prisoners, The Other Generic terraformers, Even go as far as the Predator movies, and have some of the crews such as Dutch and his crews, some different types of Predators.

Predaliens, Some of those things from the Hunting planet, even open it up for NEW types of Alien crossbreeds.

Vehicles.... mmmm...

Scenery pieces.... mmmm....

Expansion books... good...

At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 His Master's Voice wrote:

Thanks for bassicly telling me how dare I enjoy anything past the 1st movie.

Straw man arguments are the best arguments, because straw man arguments never end.

Little orphans in the snow
With nowhere to call a home
Start their singing, singing
Waiting through the summertime
To thaw your hearts in wintertime
That's why they're singing, singing 
Made in us

I'm not sure how all of my in thread warnings are being missed but...

Last one.

On topic.


Or, you know...
Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 Alpharius wrote:
I'm not sure how all of my in thread warnings are being missed but...

Last one.

On topic.


Or, you know...

Plug your red keyboard in mate, all this normal text just isn't shiny enough!

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in us
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin

 Moloch wrote:
Wow. It`s been a long time since a thread got me to de-lurk.

Being the Tyranid nut that I am it should also come as no surprise that I am stricken with the Alien. In fact I do have- among other things- a complete life sized 2,3 metre version in my man cave.

Moloch, you can't come out of hiding and casually mention a 2.3 meter Alien model without showing us a photo....

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

timd wrote:
 Moloch wrote:
Wow. It`s been a long time since a thread got me to de-lurk.

Being the Tyranid nut that I am it should also come as no surprise that I am stricken with the Alien. In fact I do have- among other things- a complete life sized 2,3 metre version in my man cave.

Moloch, you can't come out of hiding and casually mention a 2.3 meter Alien model without showing us a photo....


Indeed. I recommend taking a pic spooning with it in bed for internet humor gold and instant fame!

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Cold-Blooded Saurus Warrior

E. City, NC

For some reason I see "Alien from Alien is bestest" argument coming up constantly. Too bad you can't ignore people in just one thread (I hate the idea of permanently ignoring someone and have yet to do it in any forum.)
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Oakley, CA

More pics spotted from the coverage of the Warzone convention. Including the Pred-alien hybrid.


Check out my blog Wargaming Shenanigans

Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

timd wrote:
 Moloch wrote:
Wow. It`s been a long time since a thread got me to de-lurk.

Being the Tyranid nut that I am it should also come as no surprise that I am stricken with the Alien. In fact I do have- among other things- a complete life sized 2,3 metre version in my man cave.

Moloch, you can't come out of hiding and casually mention a 2.3 meter Alien model without showing us a photo....


Know what, Tim ? In your place i`d insist too. Here`s a quick snapshot:

I have to stress though that there`s a lot of focal distortion at work here: The Alien`s head is not that big, the legs and feet not that small. Oh am also not _that_ small.
Made in au

Perth, West Australia

We're not worthy! *bows*

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/11/03 19:17:24

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


That comes in the starter box? Sold.

Seriously, where did you get that?

BDJV, thank you for the pics. The predalien looks pretty sweet, even if it is fanfiction.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/03 19:26:09

Made in us
Heroic Senior Officer

Western Kentucky

 Moloch wrote:
timd wrote:
 Moloch wrote:
Wow. It`s been a long time since a thread got me to de-lurk.

Being the Tyranid nut that I am it should also come as no surprise that I am stricken with the Alien. In fact I do have- among other things- a complete life sized 2,3 metre version in my man cave.

Moloch, you can't come out of hiding and casually mention a 2.3 meter Alien model without showing us a photo....


Know what, Tim ? In your place i`d insist too. Here`s a quick snapshot:

I have to stress though that there`s a lot of focal distortion at work here: The Alien`s head is not that big, the legs and feet not that small. Oh am also not _that_ small.

There's a point where it goes from "collection" to "museum" and this has clearly passed it
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Prodos take note, that's what the Alien looks like...

Very cool collection.

Made in au
Expendable Defender Destroid Rookie


I have that skull on the right of frame I wish I had everything else! Really impressive mate, and hope to see your work on these models and the new tyranids when they come round.

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