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Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

United Kingdom

Yeah, the White Scars went... I have huge regrets on selling everything I worked on. But that's another story. A few years ago I told myself that I'll make an effort to keep everything I do from here on out. So far so good on that front (4 boxes of Dark Elves that live in the Garage that haven't seen the light of day in a while, plus everything in the house).

I like your combat patrol pics. I'm particularly taken by the White Ultras. Great scheme on them!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Zambro wrote:
Yeah, the White Scars went... I have huge regrets on selling everything I worked on. But that's another story. A few years ago I told myself that I'll make an effort to keep everything I do from here on out. So far so good on that front (4 boxes of Dark Elves that live in the Garage that haven't seen the light of day in a while, plus everything in the house).

I like your combat patrol pics. I'm particularly taken by the White Ultras. Great scheme on them!

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to part with armies, but it’s normally followed by regret. We pout so much time, love, and effort into them. But you need to do what you need to do at the time. I’ve been lucky I’ve not been in a situation where I needed to part with my old stuff. Even if I probably should.

It was a tough call on the phobos marines how to paint them. Blue? Woodlands camo to match the scouts? Arctic camo to match their bases? I went with the snow, and do not regret it. Especially the robes on the HQs, which I think came out particularly well. When I get around to painting my new scouts I’ll have to decide if they will maintain the scout exchange program and keep their green.

Day 21:

So for October I made a push to get the bulk of my nighthaunt done. And shockingly, was successful. Painted 20 ghosties in the month. Which when you consider my stated pace is 1-a-week, is kinda crazy. I do average closer to 5-6 minis a month, not 4, but still, 20 is off the curve. Like my tryanids, fiarly simple, yet effective paint scheme helps a lot. Mostly based on washes. And I actually want sloppy uneven paint/transitions on them. I think it sells the whole phasing in/out of reality thing. But not in a smooth way; they are bleeding into the world from the other side, irreguarly seeping in and out in swirls and drops. I caught the vibe I was looking for on Manfred’s cloak, and have been chasing that high ever since.
There are a handful of haunts left in the primed pile, but only a few kitbashed guys to bring the last of the soul wars box up to fieldable strength. Once they are done there are no active plans to add more models to the force. But I have enjoyed painting them, so who knows what the future may bring.
Here is their spearhead, which was part of the impetus to get everyone done:

I don’t have the specific HQ required, but this guy gets the point across. And I’m not paying single mini prices just to get the one character I’d technically need for a secondary army on a specific game mode for a system I hardly play.

In painting news, started cleaning up the blacks on the sisters yesterday.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Marine progress. Got the blue wash down on the trooper. Touch up and edgeing next for both him and the dread

Gaunts got their flesh. Next is reds

Sisters got a lot done. Armor wash, which will also go on the incense. Then some cleanup and edge work.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Day 22:

Von Ryan’s Leapers. While the nid camo was fine for a one off model, this was trying to put it on a squad. I still managed to get all 3 done in time, but it’s not the quick and dirty batch painting of the rest of the army. These guys were really not fun to build. “Easy” to build pushfits, but less on the easy. While the pegs did have some shape to them, finding the right angle was rough. They were snug enough to hold tight, which is good. But you needed to put some force behind them to get them in. And if the angle was wrong, risked bending the plastic. And with those arms sticking out everywhere, getting the right vector on the force used was not a simple thing.
Compared to prior years this one was a bit light on nids. I’ve got a bucket of little gaunts left to paint, in a few flavors, but not a lot of big stuff left. Probably more than I can push through in a year. There are a couple of kits I’d like to grab, so it’s not the end of the swarm.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/22 11:46:42

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


It was fun seeing all those combat patrols.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Syro_ wrote:
It was fun seeing all those combat patrols.

It’s odd coming at them from the wrong side. They are obviously “buy this box, get playing” but what about established players with existing collections? Some were easy. The marine and nid ones that came from the leviathan box were just a mater of getting the requisite minis painted. (No small task).
I kinda lucked into the phobos one. But it’s based on the old shadowspear/start collection from a few years back.
I’ve got some gaps in my collection of Eldar, but none were hit by this selection of units. I did need to paint up some scatter lasers for it though.
SoB is their launch box plus a rhino.

Now there are more CPs, not just marines but also more nid and SoB ones, based on other boxes. Can’t field those.

I do like the fact that I have options. Potentially if I was trying to get someone into the game it’s nice to have options for the intro mode of the game.

Put the reds on the gaunts and washes on the sisters. Nids will need the rubble on their base done, then blackwash. Sisters need cleanup and edges. Marines need edges. I should build something as well.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Honor the fallen. Triumph will need a final pass to check if I missed anything, then formal pictures.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/22 18:12:15

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord


That's awesome, Nev! A literal Triumph.
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Triumph looks ace from here, Nev. And I agree about having multiple combat patrols, although I think AoS does it better with their Spearheads. I've got three of those (Kruleboyz, Stormcast Eternals, and recently Lumineth Realm-lords) to really give me some options for their Spearhead game type. If I can grab myself a box of Vanquishers I'll have four Spearheads, as I would then have what I need for the Yndrasta one.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


That's cool, I've wanted to try building the combat patrols rather than only buy the new boxes as well.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

youwashock wrote:Alllriiiight!

That's awesome, Nev! A literal Triumph.

Literally! I was worried I’d not finish in time, but made it. Took half the year, but made it...
ZergSmasher wrote:Triumph looks ace from here, Nev. And I agree about having multiple combat patrols, although I think AoS does it better with their Spearheads. I've got three of those (Kruleboyz, Stormcast Eternals, and recently Lumineth Realm-lords) to really give me some options for their Spearhead game type. If I can grab myself a box of Vanquishers I'll have four Spearheads, as I would then have what I need for the Yndrasta one.

I’ve basically for the Nighthaunt one (with a single counts-as) And picked up the Soulblight one. I’ve not bothered to check if I could fake some of the other ones (probably just chaos) with my ancient 5-6th edition collection. Once the holidays cool off I really need to head down to the FLGS and try to get a game in. The rules look like fun.
Syro_ wrote:That's cool, I've wanted to try building the combat patrols rather than only buy the new boxes as well.

One perk of being older then dirt who’s been slowly growing his collection for a few decades. I think my Eldar all date from 6th in this pic, but I could have used models from back in 3rd to field a legal CP.

I was able to get the Nighthaunnt spearhead up to speed with just 2 unit boxes. If I put my mind to it I could probably do the same for the other chapter specific ones (that don’t use actual chapter locked units) If I took a step back from WYSWYG, I could actually get a couple of those. I own an impulsor and could do one of the BA ones, but my agressors don’t have the flamers. One of the DA ones I’ve got the wrong get on my captain, but otherwise fine.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Day 23:

Modern terminators have been on my wish list for a long time. While I did get some each of the 30k models, they lacked the rules and gear of the modern ones. So I kept on plugging away with my old RT era lead. The hobby budget always has better things to do then replace perfectly serviceable models. Especially when the kits were not RT old, were quite dated. But with the leviathan box, that all changed. New terminators. New TDA characters. New scale creep! So I got some. Not just the ETBs in the starter, but a full kit. And will get more once they release the assault version (whenever that happens)
These guys took a long time to cross the workbench. Slow an purposeful. Started for the June comp, but the last guy finished in November. In addition to my generally low levels of motivation this year, they have a lot of details. All the tubes/pistons/whatevers on their legs I actually pick out in silver, which adds a ton of cleanup and edge work. Hopefully the next 5 will go smoother.

One more day...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/23 11:05:56

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 24:

(Click to see at full size in the gallery)
The Triumph, in all it’s glory. This was a bear to paint. It’s basically 7 HQ level characters on a scenic base, plus some extra whistles and bells. I started it for the summer blockbuster challenge, but only managed the core sarcophagus, cherubs, and lead sister done in time. In 3 months. Slowly got the rest done in the last half of the year. I didn’t want to rush it, it needed to be done right.
I’ve been painting the SoB since they came out. The first time, back in late 2nd. They were not mine, but my friend Phil’s. He was a gamer, but less of a hobbiest. (although he did a little from time to time, mostly building). I painted about half his army, the rest were odds and ends secondhand or commissioned from other sources. I used to have a 4 a week goal, which I often missed, but tried for. But for some of those years I was either single, or a stay at home dad. Still painted over 100 models over the years. His interest in 40k waxed and waned more then mine, but some of that is the neglect that GW showed the SoB. Still, we got a lot of games in, either doubles tournaments, or grand battles with his cousins when they were in town for holidays. Phill passed away in October 4 ’22. He would have been 53 next Sunday. I inherited a lot of his gaming stuff, including his SoB. Painting up the Triumph seemed a fitting tribute.

There are still some random SoB things in the pile of shame. I’d have to dig for them. I can’t say this will be the last to cross the bench, I might grab something odd from the depths. And I would kind of like to paint the saint as a project. But this will serve as a capstone centerpiece for now.

Gaunts are almost done. They got the cleanup pass with the grey seer to cover the spillage, so next step is to go over that with the flesh wash and base the little biters. And then get off my tail and finish the dread and marine. After they are clear I think I’ll pause painting until the new year, and focus on building, cleaning up the workbench, and year end summaries.

Merry Christmas Eve. Hang those stockings with care, and hope that Santa leaves you something nice under the tree.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/24 18:13:31

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Excellent finish for the Advent, and a fitting tribute to your friend. Nice to see the Terminators again, too. Merry Xmas, Nev! Have a safe holiday.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Merry Christmas all. And happy Hanukah tonight. Time to channel your inner tyranid and consume all the things!

Ready for baseing.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Some good progress yesterday. Nids are ready for flock. Marine needs his base blacked, decals and flock. Dread got all his blue washes, needs edge work. Started to heat weather the MM.

Was hoping to get more done, but I’ll take it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Lunch and breaks today were productive. Everyone ready for flock, marines need decals.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/26 19:49:13

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Gettin' the work done. Melta barrels looking good!
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 youwashock wrote:
Gettin' the work done. Melta barrels looking good!

I should get a better purple to use for heat weathering. Done though.

And that’s a wrap for the year in paint.

I’ll spend the rest of the year doing things like putting magnets in bases, woolgathering/retrospectives, and maybe painting some spare bits. But that’s the year in minis. I’ll get the breakdown and glamor shots of those who need them in the next few days.

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Impressive pile of minis! Not a bad year, at all. And the SH is already dressed for NYE.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 youwashock wrote:
Impressive pile of minis! Not a bad year, at all. And the SH is already dressed for NYE.

I don’t know why I put the little bowler hat on him, I should go back and see if I mentioned it in my blog. But he’s a dapper little flyer.

The end of the year really came together. This is from Nov 5th:

Ton of late entries as I finished up assorted projects. If you roll back another month, none of the nighthaunt were there. Summer progress was pretty bad for the Q3 report.

Halftime was pretty thin back in June, but mostly on track.

March and first quarter was not the best, but not actually behind schedule

So most of year was barely on track for my 1-a-week goal, which is about 2/3rds to 1/2 of what I should actually be doing. 52 minis is the bare minimum, but 75-100 is more what I should actually be cranking out. The last couple months put me from min to expected.

Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending


That's an impressive final count, especially considering the high quality of your paint jobs.

Now showing some Deadzone heroes!

Painting total as of 1/31/2024: 16 plus a Deva King statue
Painting total as of 12/31/2024: 107 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech and five giants

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 JoshInJapan wrote:
That's an impressive final count, especially considering the high quality of your paint jobs.

Thank you for the praise. I still think I’ve got a bit to go to get to “high” quality. I feel I deliver a solid middle of the road, with occasional brushes with quality.

So let’s take a look at where we ended up:

At the start of the year I wrote:Here are my New Year’s resolutions:
1 Paint 8 members for the primaris battle company 8/8
2 Paint at least 24 Tyranids, and strive to keep them PoS neutral. 24/24
3 Paint more than I buy. 70/20
4 Paint at least 3 units that have been in the primed pile/Pile of Shame for 3+ years 3/3
5 Update my blog at least once a week, and maintain a consistent pace of work (1 mini a week).
6 Paint at least two units for 4 different factions. 7/8
7 Enter and finish an entry every month for the painting challenge. If the monthly challenge stops, enter at least one comp in the year.
8 Paint models to be able to field the SM/Nid combat patrols. 14/14 bonus spearhead

1 - So I did this one.
3x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Company Heroes - 72 points
3x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Aggressors - 120 points
2x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Intercessor - 32points
Technically the Gravis Captain has the red trim, but as I’ve already got 2 other primaris captains for the company, not counting him for the goal. Still,made the goal. Will need to do a state of the company to figure out what I still need to do.

2 - 2 dozen bugs: check.
3x Tyranid Von Ryan’s Leapers -75 points
11xTyranid Termagants - 66 points
2x Tyranid Warriors - 44 points
3x Tyranid Ripper swarms - 60 points
5x Tryanid Barbgaunts - 55 points
I’ll have to doublecheck, but I think this is also the last of the pre-leviathan nids in the primed pile. So good volume, and clearing out the old

3 - OK, so there is some flaky math here, but I’m still OK. I don’t count gifts, including when I spend giftcards that cover most of the purchase. But even if I count those, lets see... 13 nighthaunts, 29 soulblights, probably something I’m forgetting. But still under the 70 painted. It’s a win.

4 - Stormhawk, War Walker, and Librarian were my oldest, and got finished.

5 - Free square. OK, not really, as it does take a bit of effort to keep the pace and update the blog. But making it happen.

6- OK, more fuzzy math time. I’ve got this flagged as 7/8. Some of that is the wording. I didn’t want to just let one-off minis count towards my diversity goal. The idea behind the 2 units for 4 factions was to push to get more secondary army project move forward. Plus the diversity thing. Nids, like 5 units of those. Painted a whole mess of nighthaunt. Ultramarines: check. Soulblight/serephon/SoB/Eldar all just got a solo model. Now I am considering 30k legion UMs seperate from the 40k side. As I need more motivation to get them done. The dread and 3 RTB01s could count there, but the beakies are not really a unit. I could also use fuzzy math annd count the Triumph as more then one. It’s basically 7+ HQ models all stuck on a diorama base. I’ve got enough “pretty close” excuses to round this one up to a win.

7 - Comp is still running strong. Still at 100% completion rate. This is at the stupid dedication level I should add to my resume to prove that I can stick with things and maintain a constant level of output.

8 - Yes, with the added stretch goal of the Nighthaunt spearhead.

So that’s green across the board. All wins. Sure, 6 was a little fuzzy, but we’ll call that a clean sweep. I’ll need to make them a little harder for next year. All of them will remain largely the same, although I’ll tweak some of the numbers. I’ll have to see how many more marines I need for the company, and pledge at least half of that. 24 more nids is probably about half of what I have left, so not a bad call. Really tempted to focus fire them down for a month, like I did in October with the spooks. I could probably push 2 dozen across the bench in a month, as long as I didn’t have vacation and not much else was going on in my life. I also need a replacement for 8, with another general focus on things I need to push harder on.

I also need to go out and game. That is no longer on my goal list, but was at one time. And I think needs to come back.

That’s enough rambling for now. I need to start taking pictures and finding room for everyone on the main shelves.

Have a great weekend all.

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Hey, you did better than me for sure (not that this is a competition). You fairly consistently put out quality work, and honestly you keep up with your blog way better than I do. You got a pretty good variety of stuff done too. Now I need to first, finish the stormcast boys I'm currently working on, and then do my own year end review (hard to believe it's been a year since the last one!).

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 ZergSmasher wrote:
Hey, you did better than me for sure (not that this is a competition). You fairly consistently put out quality work, and honestly you keep up with your blog way better than I do. You got a pretty good variety of stuff done too. Now I need to first, finish the stormcast boys I'm currently working on, and then do my own year end review (hard to believe it's been a year since the last one!).

The years do slip by with alarming frequency. Hard to keep up some times...


So got the formal year end pic.
3x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Company Heroes - 72 points
3x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Aggressors - 120 points
2x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Intercessor - 32points
Ultramarine Phobos Lt w/ combi - 70 points
Ultramarine Gravis Captain - 80 points
Ultramarine Chaplain on Bike - 75 points
2x Ultramarine Librarian in TDA armor - 150 points
5x Ultramarine Terminator - 170 points
2x Ultramarine Teleport Homers - 0 points
1x Ultramarine Stormhawk - 155
1x Ultramarine Legion Contemptor Dreadnought. - 195 points
3x Ultramarine Legion Tactical Squad (RTB01) - 30 points
3x Tyranid Von Ryan’s Leapers -75 points
11xTyranid Termagants - 66 points
2x Tyranid Warriors - 44 points
3x Tyranid Ripper swarms - 60 points
5x Tryanid Barbgaunts - 55 points
1x Eldar War Walker - 110 points
2x Soulblight Kosargi Nightguard - 120 points
10x Nighthaunt Chainrasps - 100 points
6x Nighthaunt Grimghast Reapers - 42 points
3x Nighthaunt Sprit Hosts - 130 points
1x Nighthaunt Cain Wraith - 130 points
1x Lizardman Saurus - 17 points
1x SoB Triumph of St. Sylteena - 250

Ultramarines - 25 models - 1,149 points
Tryranids - 24 models - 300 points
Eldar - 1 model - 110 points
Undead - 22 models - 522 points
SoB - 1 model - 250 points
Other - 1 model - 17 points

Total for 2024 - 74 models - 2,348 points.

Heh. Always good to doublecheck my math. Forgot to add the RTB01s to the list, and someone was never added to the total, so it’s actually 74 models this year, not the 70 I thought. Pretty close to a 3 way tie for model count, with the Ultras, Nids, and Undead all with similar model counts. But on points the Ultras have a comfortable dominance on the “who would win” if a fight broke out on the YTD shelf.

Ultramarines - 25 models - 1,149 points

Tryranids - 24 models - 300 points

Eldar - 1 model - 110 points

Undead - 22 models - 522 points

SoB - 1 model - 250 points

Other - 1 model - 17 points

Made in ca
Boosting Ultramarine Biker

Well, you had a nice productive year.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Tommygun1918 wrote:
Well, you had a nice productive year.

I feel like a slow painter, but I’m not as bad as I think I am. Compiled all these and added them to the first post. mostly so if I need to track down when I did something it would be easier.

OK, so time to start looking forward a bit. Let’s check up on the company.

I have all the command elements at this point. It might be nice to have a Lt. that didn’t come out of the Dark Imperium box, but they will do.

I have one dread. I’d like at least one more.

Heavy Support is also finished. I’ve got 10 hellblasters, 5 infernus, 3 each agressors, suppressors, eradicators. On sprue I have 5 more infernus and hellblasters. So more then finished.

Fast Attack is looking OK. I’ve got 10 assault intercessors on foot, 3 each of outriders and inceptors. I just ordered (with holiday gift card) a 5 man box of Jump intercessors.

Battleline is where the work needs to happen. I’m currently at 42/60 troopers. I have 3 more from the KT squad in the primed pile, ready for paint. 15 more to go. I have bodies on sprue for 8 more. I also have 2 pushfit assault intercessors that might be able to serve with a little knife work. I’d also like 5 more heavies, so I have 10 of them total.

3x intercessors (KT)

To build:
8x intercessors
5x JP assault intercessors

To buy
5x heavy intercessors
2x intercessors
1x redemptor dread

So that’s a total of 24 models that need to be finished. The question is how I want to pace things out. I think I could wrap this in 2 years. I can do 12 a year. Of course, this year was touch and go to get 8 done. And just more rank and file intercessors are not exactly high motivation to get across the bench. But that’s what goal are for. To help push forward.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/28 16:34:17

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

Love the diorama Nev. Excellent work!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Gitsplitta wrote:
Love the diorama Nev. Excellent work!

Thanks. Lot of work involved, but worth it.

Let’s set some goals for 2025:

Here are my New Year’s resolutions:
1 Paint 12 members for the primaris battle company 0/12
2 Paint at least 24 Tyranids, and strive to keep them PoS neutral. 0/24
3 Paint more than I buy. 0/0
4 Paint at least 3 units that have been in the primed pile/Pile of Shame for 3+ years
5 Update my blog at least once a week, and maintain a consistent pace of work (1 mini a week).
6 Paint at least two units for 4 different factions. 0/8
7 Enter and finish an entry every month for the painting challenge. If the monthly challenge stops, enter at least one comp in the year.
8 Paint a tank. 0/1
9 Get more games in. At least 6. 0/6

1 - This will take me halfway to being finished.
2 - Quick count puts 56 nids in the primed pile. Again, goal is about halfway.
3 - A classic goal for a reason. On my to-buy list is a bunch of Eldar, and maybe some on the marines needed for the company. But who knows what shiny models the future holds.
4 - I think this is the cents, DAs, and a random scout. As a stretch goal I’l like to finish all the minis from the 8th and 9th starters.
5 - Kinda a free cell, but I want to keep it on the books. I would like to hit closer to 75 minis done.
6 - I could dither on the wording, but will leave it like this. Between Eldar, Ultras, Trynaids, and Soulblight I should get this one easy.
7 - Also kinda a free space. Still keeping it because it’s important.
8 - I finished my CPs/Spearheads. I could list the soulblight one here, but I want to call out my lack of painting tanks. I’ve got a couple primed, and a few more to build. I hate doing them, but need to get them done.
9 - I need a kick in the pants to get to the FLGS and roll some dice. Onto the list. Putting a number on it. 6 is once every other month. I should be able to manage that. I should be able to do a lot better, but let’s start somewhere.

Updated first post. Archived the old one here

Here are my New Year’s resolutions:
1 Paint 8 members for the primaris battle company 8/8
2 Paint at least 24 Tyranids, and strive to keep them PoS neutral. 24/24
3 Paint more than I buy. 74/20
4 Paint at least 3 units that have been in the primed pile/Pile of Shame for 3+ years 3/3
5 Update my blog at least once a week, and maintain a consistent pace of work (1 mini a week).
6 Paint at least two units for 4 different factions. 7/8
7 Enter and finish an entry every month for the painting challenge. If the monthly challenge stops, enter at least one comp in the year.
8 Paint models to be able to field the SM/Nid combat patrols. 14/14 bonus spearhead

Money spent on the hobby: $190

$110 Kill team Salvation
$27 4x brushes
$23 Cote d’arms paints
$31 GSW tufts, mixers

Games played: 0

Minis Painted: 74

3x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Company Heroes - 72 points
3x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Aggressors - 120 points
2x Ultramarine 3rd Co. Intercessor - 32points
Ultramarine Phobos Lt w/ combi - 70 points
Ultramarine Gravis Captain - 80 points
Ultramarine Chaplain on Bike - 75 points
2x Ultramarine Librarian in TDA armor - 150 points
5x Ultramarine Terminator - 170 points
2x Ultramarine Teleport Homers - 0 points
1x Ultramarine Stormhawk - 155
1x Ultramarine Legion Contemptor Dreadnought. - 195 points
3x Ultramarine RTB01 marines
3x Tyranid Von Ryan’s Leapers -75 points
11xTyranid Termagants - 66 points
2x Tyranid Warriors - 44 points
3x Tyranid Ripper swarms - 60 points
5x Tryanid Barbgaunts - 55 points
1x Eldar War Walker - 110 points
2x Soulblight Kosargi Nightguard - 120 points
10x Nighthaunt Chainrasps - 100 points
6x Nighthaunt Grimghast Reapers - 42 points
3x Nighthaunt Sprit Hosts - 130 points
1x Nighthaunt Cain Wraith - 130 points
1x Lizardman Saurus - 17 points
1x SoB Triumph of St. Sylteena - 250

Automatically Appended Next Post:
OK, what’s on the radar?

12 marines:
3 of the remaining KT.
5 basic intercessors (to be built)
5 JP assault intercessors (same)

24 Tyranids
mostly flavors of gaunts. I’ve got 3 kinds: neurogaunts, hormogaunts, termagants. I’ve also got the big brain tryant and his 2 little buddies and a few ripper swarms. Nothing fancy, but should go quick.

3 centurions. Bought them at the tail end of 6th? I think. Not a huge fan of them, and they got their rules nerfed before I finished building them. Be glad to get them out of the pile.

5 Dire Avengers. I’ve got them on my spreadsheet as old. Like picked them up in 2018, primed them in ’20. They need paint. Gotta make room for the new guys.

I’ve got a scout with a comically large sniper rife he stole from an eliminator. I think he’s one of the old guys in the pile, but might be confusing him with some other scouts. No real reason to get him painted with the rules being what they are these days, but originally I needed him so I could do a full 10 man sniper squad.

1 tank. I’ve got a spartan, gladiator, and a sicarian waiting. One of those.

That’s 46 things.

Add 2 things for the soulblight, and another eldar unit and that should get to the 52 min goal and cover all my bases. I suspect that there will be more new Eldar on top of that, and probably more undead as well.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/30 17:35:36

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

United Kingdom

Happy holidays Nev. I hope they have been / are going well.

I enjoy reading your end of year consolidation posts. It really hammers home goal setting and a slow and steady mindset. I have a week left of my 3 weeks off, and I've not hit any of the goals I set - I'll take a page out of your book, refocus, and get on with it.

I'm impressed with the end of year picture. That's a lot of models, and a good variety. I love the 'Nids you posted on Christmas day, you've made contrast paints work so well on them. The SoB diorama is cool, too. I'm really out of touch with the current 40k line of minis. It looks to be a big job, but you've tackled it well.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce in 2025. You're so close to having a Company, I can't wait for you to finish it off and see them all ranked up and ready.

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Love seeing it all broken down like that. Again, I wish I was half as dedicated as you. The Company pic is fantastic. Here's to another year!
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Awesome job accomplishing those hobby goals, Nev! Good luck with next year

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Congratulations Nevelon.

All the best in 2025.


Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Thanks guys. I should say that again. You, the readers, are all an important part of this blog. Knowing that there are people out there following helps keep me motivated and posting, which fuels the painting. I’m used to disappointing myself, but hate to let others down. Even if it’s just a “good job” post, it helps. But I also appreciate and more in depth questions, advice, and critiques. I might not take advice, there are a lot of reasons I do what I do, but always good to hear them. That’s how we grow.

I’ve been reminded I never picked out my top models for the year. Again, probably should have had this thought while everything was laid out on the table.

Kind of an odd choice, as there is not a lot going on with them. And they were irritating as heck to assemble. But when I eye scanned across the pile, it got caught on all the swirly bits with a sense of fondness. I just like these guys.

Chaplains. They are always at the top of my list. Love these guys. Bike chap is no exception.

This really was a triumph. Lot of work went into it, and a lot of quality results came out. Glad to have it finished at a level I’m happy with.


OK, on to 2025.

Jump chaplain is going to be my entry for the comp this month. I should move one of the cents down to the monster handle, as they are big based and I need to get them painted. The question is what to put on the other handles? I think on the the KT intercessors and a few gaunts. Just to keep goals moving across the table.

Happy New Year everyone. Take something for the hangover and remember to hydrate. We’ve got a long year ahead of us, lets get off on the right foot!

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