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The (Mini) Details of Dr H: Now: The Outer Worlds pistol.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Welcome to the Mini Details of Dr H modelling blog.
I will be showing here, all the models that I paint, scratch-build, carve, sculpt, mould and cast that are not for my personal use.

If you do want to see what I get up to for personal projects, I have a separate blog for that here: The (Mad) Scientist's army of the Second Law

To find details and prices of what I'm currently selling, see my trade thread here on DDakka. I update it regularly as stock changes and new items are added.

Or head straight to my Etsy shop *currently closed*: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TheMiniDetailsOfDrH

And if you just want to support me and my work you can now buy me a coffee on ko-fi.com: http://ko-fi.com/theminidetailsofdrh

Alternately, visit my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheMiniDetailsOfDrH),

or my Mastodon account (@DrH@warhammer.social) *where I am most active*.

Below is the first, of many, models that I have painted for sale, this kind of project is interspersed with different projects that range from wargaming terrain to sculpting and casting my own model kits, presents for friends and family and random art projects that use the same skills that are useful for miniature wargaming.

Links to the finished items so they are easily found and can work as a list of completed jobs.
Pages 1-50:

Page 1:
Dark Angels Tactical squad Raphael (from Dark Vengeance).
Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel (from Dark Vengence).
Page 2:
Dark Angels Deathwing Terminator Squad Barachiel (from Dark Vengence).
Page 3:
Dark Angels Company Master Balthasar (from Dark Vengence).
Toilets and boxes (carved and cast myself).
Page 5:
Ravenwing Squad Arion (from Dark Vengence).
Page 6:
Chaos Chosen squad (from Dark Vengeance).
Page 7:
Cultists of Sect Tetchvar (from Dark Vengeance).
Page 9:
Kranon the Relentless (from Dark Vengeance).
Page 13:
Sinks, Baths and Hand-dryers (to go with the toilets and boxes) (carved and cast myself).
Page 14:
A fourth box (to go with the others) (carved and cast myself).
Cultists of Sect Anarkus (from Dark Vengeance).
Page 15:
Hobbits of Weathertop (Metal hobbit figures, sculpted bases).
Page 16:
Chaos Dreadnought / Helbrute conversion start (Dark Vengeance).
Page 20:
Chaos Dreadnought build complete (from Dark Vengeance, heavily converted).
Page 22:
Chaos Dreadnought painting complete (as seen on page 20).
Page 24:
Blood Angels "Rescue" Terminators (Rescued from ebay)
Page 26:
Phone dock (Scratch-built).
Page 27:
1:12th scale painting and easel (scratch-built).
Wooden Hut Kit (Designed, Carved and cast myself)
Page 29:
Matchbox-scale Bladerunner Spinner (scratch-built).
Page 33:
Trench diorama (Scratch-build, Prize commission)
Gotham Bell tower (Scratch-build. Prize commission)
Page 36:
Alternate hut build example (built from my hut kit, plus scratch-built extras)
Page 37:
N-gauge wooden hut re-paint
Page 38:
Transition piece test commission (Scratch-built from engineering drawings)
Butterfly earrings/pendant / "brass" sculpture / Landrover / X-wing (scratch-built).
Page 39:
Tau Ethereal (Rescued model with conversions)
Page 40:
1:12th scale painting "Fiery Sunset".
1:12th scale painting "Through the Trees".
Not-Faberge egg (scratch-built).
Page 41:
1:12th scale painting "Blue Wave".
Page 42:
Man-U 3D logo (scratch-built).
Liverpool FC 3D logo (scratch-built).
Page 47:
CD City (Scratch-built miniature city inside a portable CD player)
Rocky artefacts (scratch-built).
Earring stand and Geisha sculpture (scratch-built).
Page 49:
1:20th Han in Carbonite, Gandalf in Moria diorama, and a washing fairy (Scratch-built except for Gandalf miniature).
Page 50:
Home-made Airbrush Extraction hood (Hand-made from wood, acrylic and parts).

Pages 51-100:

Page 52:
Terrain pieces, "Crash" and "Shield" (Scratch-built).
Page 53:
Terrain piece, "Refinery?" (Scratch-built).
Page 54:
Junkube one (Scratch-built oddity).
Page 56:
Primaris Intercessors Squad A (from Dark Imperium).
Page 60:
Death Guard Plague marines (from Dark Imperium, with modifications).
Page 61:
The "first" flower, earings (Scratch-built).
Page 62:
N-Gauge train display base (Scratch-built / updated).
Page 64:
N-Gauge Switching house, Robin earrings, Alien eggs (w' Facehugger), Peugeot Not-Spinner (BR2049) (Scratch-built).
Page 68:
Infinity Mech Workshop (Scratch-built).
Page 71:
Intercessors Squad B (Elements team) (from Dark Imperium)
Multi-legged Forklift (Scratch-built).
Page 73:
Scythe character figures and mechs (Painted boardgame Miniatures).
Page 74:
Pox Walkers (from Dark Imperium, with modifications).
Page 75:
Robby the Robot (Scratch-built)
Page 77:
Ruined statue (Scratch-built, for LoER contest).
Page 78:
Hellblaster squad (from Dark Imperium, with modifications).
Page 80:
Dollhouse (1:12) scale painting
Red-Marble drop earrings
N-gauge train shed (repaired and re-painted)
Page 81:
Noxious Blightbringer (from Dark Imperium, modified).
Page 83:
N-gauge Bungalow, Earring display and matching earrings, Noisy Cricket 1:1 scale, and Bard the Bowman (the Hobbit) (mostly scratch-built)
Page 84:
Intercessor Inceptor squad (from Dark Imperium, modified).
Page 85:
Malignant Plaguecaster (from Dark Imperium, modified).
Page 86:
Space Marine Intercessor Ancient (from Dark Imperium).
Lord of Contagion (from Dark Imperium, added Nurglings to base).
Page 88:
Space marine Captain and Primaris Lieutenants (from Dark Imperium, some modification).
Page 90:
Maltese Falcon statue (Sculpted 1:1 prop).
Page 91:
Raiders of the lost ark golden idol (Sculpted 1:1 prop).
Page 92:
Foetid Bloat-Drone tripod (from Dark Imperium, major conversion plus magnetised weapon options).
Page 95:
N-Gauge house, Robo-dino, LotR book-nook, and chameleon earrings (scratch-built)
Page 98:
Bushido-style hut on mound (scratch-built)
Page 99:
N-gauge scale model of our home (scratch-built)
Cacodemon (90's Doom) scale model (scratch-built)
Page 100:
Lara Croft (scratch-built)
Bird earrings and a Geisha sculpture (scratch-built)

Butterfly earrings and Samurai sculpture (scratch-built)
Page 102:
Quake 1 Fiend (Scratch-built)
Page 103:
Piranha plant (Scratch-built)
Spitfire 1:72 (Repaired and re-painted)
Beorn the Skin-changer diorama (Miniatures on scratchbuilt base)
Motobug (Scratch-built)
Messerschmit Bf 109 (Repaired and re-painted)
Page 104:
Cow-abducting UFO (Scratch-built)
The Outer Worlds pistol prop replica (Scratch-built)

*to continue with the original post*
So here is the Dark Angels Tactical squad Raphael (from the Dark Vengeance box).

and the individual shots.

The troops are painted up to my "bronze" level. Which is what I consider tabletop quality, anything less (to me) just isn't finished.
The Sergeant is painted to my "silver" level. Which has had some more complex painting techniques used, such as blending etc...

And I have a question: What do I do with the bases?
If you were going to (and I hope you will want to) buy these, what will you want for the bases?

a) Plain black, no flock, no sand, nothing. To allow you to base them yourself to match the rest of your army.

b) Simple sand-alike. So you can at least call them "based", but are able to add to them to again match the rest of your army.

c) Based in the same way as I do my own models. Which is mud and rocks, (have a look at my models in the gallery for examples). Not so easy to fit in with your other models. Note; they wouldn't get the flame pattern around the edges, that's so my army is tied together (see my blog for why this is).

d) Done up to a professional level. With flock and complex additions (like rubble, plants, etc...). I don't have any of the materials to do this and would likely push up the price to add this sort of thing.

Let me know what you think. Comments, hints, tips, ideas, etc... all welcome.

This message was edited 168 times. Last update was at 2024/07/01 16:57:31

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

hmmm.... it is really difficult to anticipate what the future customer of yours would want to have for bases...

so... i might be totally in the wrong here... but i would keep them just black... if then afterwards a customer wants styled bases... future enterprises
the way so many peeps make use of thrid party bases... i think these will end up on completly different bases anyway...

also... very crisp looking DA!

Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
hmmm.... it is really difficult to anticipate what the future customer of yours would want to have for bases...

Yeah, that's the problem we are having.

so... i might be totally in the wrong here... but i would keep them just black... if then afterwards a customer wants styled bases... future enterprises
the way so many peeps make use of thrid party bases... i think these will end up on completly different bases anyway...

That was my first thought. But bare in mind that these are all slot-bases. So to add these onto a new, third-party, base the buyer will have to do a little chopping first.

The other side of the coin is, that if someone is buying these for gaming with and wants to play them straight away, they're going to want playable bases...

also... very crisp looking DA!

Thanks. Quite a lot of the effort went into giving them a clean paint-job. I can't say "job done" until you can pick them up and look at them from any angle and still be happy with them. I even did most of the painting on the guns and chests without them being attached (not something I do on my own models).

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in pt
Longtime Dakkanaut


Hum, very nice looking DA, not a very dark green just how I like them This is just a curiosity, not badmouthing your miniatures or anything like that: You mention your "Silver" level has some blending, was it the technique used to create the shadows between the Sergeant's tabard?

As for bases, I think I would play safe and keep them black. That way anyone who cares can quickly create a base matching their own army and and those who don't, I don't think they mind

Just my 2 cents

"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill 
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 TheDraconicLord wrote:
Hum, very nice looking DA, not a very dark green just how I like them This is just a curiosity, not badmouthing your miniatures or anything like that: You mention your "Silver" level has some blending, was it the technique used to create the shadows between the Sergeant's tabard?

As for bases, I think I would play safe and keep them black. That way anyone who cares can quickly create a base matching their own army and and those who don't, I don't think they mind

Just my 2 cents

I'm glad you like them. I was pretty much aiming at the colour you see in the book that comes in the box..

Yeah, that's right. The tabard and his head has various shades and colours added with blending.
As opposed to the armour on all of them, which is mostly dry-brushed to create the shading and highlights.

My gold standard would get more blending etc. and more effort put in to make it smoother.
I may do one of the HQs next and see how far I can push the quality...

Thanks for your input.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

They look good man, all the best for this venture.

Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 Casey's Law wrote:
They look good man, all the best for this venture.

Thanks Casey

We've decided to base the models, as per option b) for now. As most of what we've seen on ebay are based one way or another and it's no great loss if the buyer decides to change bases.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Sniping Reverend Moira

Cincinnati, Ohio

IMO a model isn't finished until the base is done.

I think a "basic" standard base should at least have ballast that is painted. Personally, I think flocking would be part of the basic package too (static grass or clump only) but that's just me.

Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 cincydooley wrote:
IMO a model isn't finished until the base is done.

I think a "basic" standard base should at least have ballast that is painted. Personally, I think flocking would be part of the basic package too (static grass or clump only) but that's just me.

I agree with you. Hence giving the bases some love.

We just don't know if people who buy painted models want the bases done beforehand (as they are unlikely to match their army).
Or if they want to base the models themselves... (but then why buy painted models if you're going to do the base yourself?).

We are thinking about offering base customisation to the successful buyer (in the future), so they can choose a basing method the match their army (at the cost of waiting a little longer for the models).

Once we get an idea of what people want and what my painting is actually worth, we'll be able to offer more options and/or accept direct commissions.

Thanks for your input, good to know what people think.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Perfect Shot Ultramarine Predator Pilot

San Jose, California

those are some proper space marines! If i where you i would do up some bases but not attach the models. that way the customer can stick em if they like. Also just outa curiosity how much you selling them for?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/02 02:33:49

being recalculated~4.5k 750 875 My p&m blog where there are space marines http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/545810.page DA:90+S+G++M++B--I+Pw40k12+D+A++/wWD-R+T(M)DM+
 TheDraconicLord wrote:
Holy crap, you have been pumping out Smurfs like a man-possessed
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Morris, tragically sold his soul to the Chaos Gods of Flowers, Dancing, Laughter and Friendship. The Morris Heresy is on record as the shortest and least successful heresy in Imperial history.
 Camkierhi wrote:
thats the best group of ass I've seen on the net, and I've looked at alot.
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 Largeblastmarker wrote:
those are some proper space marines! If i where you i would do up some bases but not attach the models. that way the customer can stick em if they like. Also just outa curiosity how much you selling them for?

Thanks LBM.
That would work for models that sit on top of their bases, but these are slot bases and so the basing goes over the top of the bit of plastic that joins the legs. But it's only attached with PVA, so it shouldn't be too difficult to remove them if the owner really wants to.

These will be going up for an ebay auction soon, so they will cost whatever people are willing to pay for them. We hope for more than the cost of the models and paint...

I'll put a link up here when they are on ebay.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

The Tactical squad is up on ebay.
Tactical Squad Raphael

And here's the squad picture with the completed bases.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well, that was quick. They were sold in about 5 minutes!
I'm quite chuffed that my painting is actually worth something.

More soon, once painted.
[Thumb - DV DA Tac Squad final 1.jpg]
Dark Angel Tactical Squad Raphael

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/02 22:47:42

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Librarian Turmiel is complete.

What do you think?
This is my Gold standard, at present I can do no better...

He'll be up on ebay shortly and I'll post the link here when it is, keep your eyes peeled.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/07 19:29:32

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Nice, very nice Dr H. The cloth is especially eye-catching on Turmiel. Good luck on your sales

Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 Ruglud wrote:
Nice, very nice Dr H. The cloth is especially eye-catching on Turmiel. Good luck on your sales

Thank Ruglud. A lot of hard work went into him, so I hope he receives some love.

He's up on ebay: Librarian Turmiel

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Perfect Shot Ultramarine Predator Pilot

San Jose, California

Well done on the libby!

being recalculated~4.5k 750 875 My p&m blog where there are space marines http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/545810.page DA:90+S+G++M++B--I+Pw40k12+D+A++/wWD-R+T(M)DM+
 TheDraconicLord wrote:
Holy crap, you have been pumping out Smurfs like a man-possessed
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Morris, tragically sold his soul to the Chaos Gods of Flowers, Dancing, Laughter and Friendship. The Morris Heresy is on record as the shortest and least successful heresy in Imperial history.
 Camkierhi wrote:
thats the best group of ass I've seen on the net, and I've looked at alot.
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks LBM. He's the first HQ model that I've painted, ever. So had to make him special.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Really top job, pal!

Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Chaumont, France

I agree with the "simple bases" path you went on for the Tac Squad...

Easy to touch up to match with almost any battlefield around !

Also, how much did you sell the Squad ?

As for the Librarian, depending on how much the "on sprue" version costs, 39$ likely seem a bit too much for me...

Not wanting to troll you, I absolutely LOVE your camo'ed Marines, but the Librarian seems a bit under the "pro-painted" standard you (or your ebay buddy) claim...

However, if it gets sold, all the better for you !!! I'm always impressed by people who can sell their models !!! So congrats !

My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online

"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. 
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks Casey.

 Yggdrasil wrote:
I agree with the "simple bases" path you went on for the Tac Squad...

Easy to touch up to match with almost any battlefield around !

Cool, Thanks.

Also, how much did you sell the Squad ?

They went for £40, and really surprised us at how fast they were snapped up.

As for the Librarian, depending on how much the "on sprue" version costs, 39$ likely seem a bit too much for me...

Yeah, as the previous squad went so quick we thought that we'd start high and see how it goes.

Not wanting to troll you, I absolutely LOVE your camo'ed Marines, but the Librarian seems a bit under the "pro-painted" standard you (or your ebay buddy) claim...

I think you're thinking of Big H with the camo Marines...

Compared to the majority of the "pro-painted" things on ebay (which clearly aren't) we couldn't not put them down as "Pro-"...
I accept that I'm not going to be winning any golden daemons any time soon (if ever), and there are many people on DDakka alone that are better than me (yourself included). But it's early days yet and we're just finding our feet and I hope this will help improve my painting by pushing me further.

However, if it gets sold, all the better for you !!! I'm always impressed by people who can sell their models !!! So congrats !

Thanks Yggs and thanks for your input.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

wow... if this goes on.. you soon have enough to buy yourself your own island

congratz on the auction...!

tho I have to say even as it looks very good.. the libby is at the same price tag as the squad... that would be totally out of my reach... and I rather play with clumsy painted minis (done by me ) than such expensive stuff...I would have trouble handling that model each time it needed handling...

Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Chaumont, France

 Dr H wrote:

Not wanting to troll you, I absolutely LOVE your camo'ed Marines, but the Librarian seems a bit under the "pro-painted" standard you (or your ebay buddy) claim...

I think you're thinking of Big H with the camo Marines...

and then, multiple

Indeed, I just screwed everything up... I'm just hiding under my desk at the moment (yeah, you cannot check that I did, but I swear I really DID hide in shame).

My points still stand though ! 40£ for a painted Tac Squad seems less prohibitive to me than for the Libby. They're definitely some neat, good-looking tabletop models, so that's nice with me.

Libby's still a bit high for me, but your point about the other "pro-painted" stuff on ebay is a very valid one. There's a ton of crap you can find that claims the "pro-painted" label... And yours definitely is better than a lot that I've seen !!

So I just have to wish you some good fortune, and if it helps pushing you to greater works, then... enjoy the chance !!!

My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online

"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. 
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Yggdrasil wrote:

No worries, it's easily done and I've done it before.

Viktor von Domm wrote:wow... if this goes on.. you soon have enough to buy yourself your own island

congratz on the auction...!

Or maybe a small moon...
Thanks Vik.

tho I have to say even as it looks very good.. the libby is at the same price tag as the squad... that would be totally out of my reach... and I rather play with clumsy painted minis (done by me ) than such expensive stuff...I would have trouble handling that model each time it needed handling...

My points still stand though ! 40£ for a painted Tac Squad seems less prohibitive to me than for the Libby. They're definitely some neat, good-looking tabletop models, so that's nice with me.

Libby's still a bit high for me, but your point about the other "pro-painted" stuff on ebay is a very valid one. There's a ton of crap you can find that claims the "pro-painted" label... And yours definitely is better than a lot that I've seen !!

So I just have to wish you some good fortune, and if it helps pushing you to greater works, then... enjoy the chance !!!

Thanks for the compliments and feedback. It all really helps for the future.

Yeah, at the moment we're still trying to find out what my painting is worth so there will probably be more models yet that are either too cheap or too expensive for some.

While it looks bad that the squad of 10 models were the same price as a single HQ model, the squad sold very quickly and we probably could have got more for them and then the libby would seem cheaper by comparrison... Something's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, and that's what we're trying to find out.

and the time I spent painting the librarian (which was probably too long and something else I need to work on for the future) was almost exactly half the time I spent on the whole 10 man squad so that needs factoring in to the equation as well to make it worthwhile the effort.

That's why we started on Dark Vengeance, as it has a nice selection of different models that will help us iron out the bumps.

Thanks again.

I've now started on the Terminator squad, so keep your eyes peeled.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Chaumont, France

We'll be there !!

My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online

"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. 
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks Yggdrasil.

and for your patience I have a slightly blurry (sorry) painting in progress shot of the Terminators.

This is just to give you the impression of what the armour looks like, everything else is still to do and then a final round of tidying up and bases then they'll be ready.

The Librarian is still available, if people are interested.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Perfect Shot Ultramarine Predator Pilot

San Jose, California

How much do you plan on putting the terminators out for?

being recalculated~4.5k 750 875 My p&m blog where there are space marines http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/545810.page DA:90+S+G++M++B--I+Pw40k12+D+A++/wWD-R+T(M)DM+
 TheDraconicLord wrote:
Holy crap, you have been pumping out Smurfs like a man-possessed
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Morris, tragically sold his soul to the Chaos Gods of Flowers, Dancing, Laughter and Friendship. The Morris Heresy is on record as the shortest and least successful heresy in Imperial history.
 Camkierhi wrote:
thats the best group of ass I've seen on the net, and I've looked at alot.
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 Largeblastmarker wrote:
How much do you plan on putting the terminators out for?

Not sure yet. I will have to consult with my partner in crime business. Much more work to be done on them yet.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

What level will these be then? For now they appear to be heading gold level...

Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
What level will these be then? For now they appear to be heading gold level...

I was thinking Silver. But we'll see when I get to the cloth and how the blending turns out. They could still be better. Thanks Vik.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Lovely TDA, H! I think they'll look awesome with the details finished.

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