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League of Extraordinary Riveters [LoER] Round 33: "Unfinished Business" WINNER announced!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Announcing… The 33rd iteration of the League of Extraordinary Riveters Terrain Competition.
The theme: “Unfinished Business.”

For those who have not taken part before, this is a competition about terrain building (as you may have gathered from the title), but it is not strictly limited to pure terrain; dioramas, game aids that double as terrain, and other variations have been submitted in the past. To get a feel for how these competitions run and what to expect you may wish to look over the previous rounds, linked below.

Each round has a “theme” or other defining attribute that must in some way be applied to the your terrain project, to compete with other modelers for that most prestigious of prizes, membership in The League of Extraordinary Riveters [LoER]. The winner of each round hosts the next round, and the cycle continues.

The competition is open to everyone registered on Dakka Dakka, and all are welcome to enter regardless of ability, etc. The League’s aim is to encourage fellow gamers, hobbyists and model-makers to up their game through building terrain for their tabletop, be it for wargames, board games, dioramas, and so forth. Everyone participating is encouraged to use this thread to trade ideas, inspire each other, and give feedback and encouragement. Everyone is a winner in a League competition, because in the end, you have a brand-spankin’-new piece of terrain!

For those returning to the competition, welcome back! For those competing for the first time, welcome!

Past Competitions:
Contest #1 "Lids" (dsteingass)
Contest #2 "Cookie Package” (Viktor Von Doom)
Contest #3 "Fightin' Pit!" (MrMerlin)
Contest #4 "For the title of Master Shrubber" (Meade)
Contest #5 "Vehicles!" (Bruticus)
Contest #6 "We're Not Worthy!" (Meade)
Contest #7 "Fire at Will" (hk1x1)
Contest #8 "Accomodation" (Camkierhi)
Contest #9 “Elementary" (Littletower)
Contest #10 "The Throne" (Camkierhi)
Contest #11 "On The Road" (Red Harvest)
Contest #12 "Wall me up, fence me in" (MonkeyTroll)
Contest #13 "What Went Wrong!" (OneManNoodles)
Contest #14 "Making something extraordinary from the ordinary" (Dr H)
Contest #15 "The Trapdoor" (inmygravenimage)
Contest #16 "Got Wood?" (Viktor Von Doom)
Contest #17 "The (re)cycle of Life" (Guildenstern)
Contest #18 "The Portal" (inmygravenimage)
Contest #19 "Let it Flow!" (Camkierhi)
Contest #20 "Noise Polution" (Tek Thornison)
Contest # 21 "CARD-inal Sins" (Camkierhi)
Contest # 22 "A Series of Tubes" (Cleatus)
Contest # 23 "Child's Play" (Z-Ray)
Contest #24 "Pimpin' Aint Easy" (Fango)
Contest # 25 "For the war effort" (Syro)
Contest # 26 "Hold the Line!" (Camkierhi)
Contest # 27 "Sweet like chocolate" (monkeytroll)
Contest # 28 "Name of the game" (Maniac_nmt)
Contest # 29 "Food for Thought !" (Camkierhi)
Contest # 30 “Double Entendre” (Thumpingbear)
Contest # 31 “A Drink to the New Decade” (Captain Brown)
Contest # 32 “Honor Our First Responders” (MacPhail)

Round 33: “Unfinished Business”

I’ll admit that this is a deviation from the thematic subjects and materials of the past. I perceive a downward drift in the number of finished entries over the few rounds I’ve been involved in the LoER Terrain Contest. I’ve gained so much great guidance, motivation, and skill from the few entries I’ve done, I want to see the League’s membership continue to grow and flourish, and there have been some amazing entries that began to take shape, but never made it into the final submission for a variety of reasons. Thus, unfinished business.

Perhaps you’ve got an unfinished terrain project sitting on the back of your bench, or maybe it’s just a concept sitting in the back of your brain. Maybe there’s a hunk of raw material you bought, found, or scavenged (I’m looking at you, recycling bin hoarders). It could be that there’s a tool, a technique, or a terrain category (helloooo, 9th!) you’ve been wanting to try, but never had the right justification. Perhaps it’s the LoER Terrain Contest itself that’s been staring down a first-time entrant, daring them to take the plunge. And there’s always the project so grand in scale that it intimidates, or a real-life constraint that limits productivity, or the siren’s song of other hobbies and passions.

For whatever reason, you’ve got some unfinished business to take care of.

So for this round, you may salvage an abandoned project from a previous round (regardless of theme) or from the distant past, OR embark on a new project that’s been haunting your dreams. In the case of an existing project, let’s draw a firm line at “half finished”-- I realize that’s a bit abstract, but if you feel like you’re pushing it, you probably are, so send me a PM and we’ll discuss. I want to see some of those unfinished projects finally cross the line, but it isn’t fair to have three months just to drybrush while others are building from scratch.

The qualifier for this round will be a short history of your project, your inspiration, your struggle, and (hopefully, this time) your success. Other than that, anything goes: any game system, any scale, any subject… as long as it has defied your ambition, evaded your skillful blade and brush, and haunted your workbench or sketchbook, it’s time now to settle that old grudge and finish that damned model.

Plenty of WIP photos and posts will keep the community engaged, so work steadily and post often. Please start with a photo of your core components and materials and/or your long-abandoned creation, plus the sordid tale of how you have left your muse hanging in the past. Then we will rally and cheer each other on… surely the second time is the charm. Regular updates will keep the contest visible, WIP pics will generate ideas and opinions, and we can all push our abilities forward and have some fun.

However, FINAL pictures should not be shown here. Post in your own P&M threads, but please not in this one lest we distract anyone in the home stretch or spoil everyone’s big reveal. PM me the pictures and/or links instead when they are ready. Please put as much effort into taking photos of your finished model as you have building it; try to finish in time to make your best effort and ask for support if needed. Poorly lit, out-of-focus, blurred, and low resolution photos can harm your chances in any competition. If you want to add some figures for scale purposes or to display your new piece in situ, do so, as long as it is clear that your entry alone will be judged.

1: Talk about the Competition. Post it in your blogs. Add the banner to your signature.
HTML code for the banner.....
change all the "{" to "["
It should look and work like this one:

2: Please finish promptly. The deadline is Midnight GMT on Monday, November 30... nope, EXTENDED to Tuesday, December 15.

3: Your piece should be scratch-built or heavily converted in large part. Model kit parts can be used, preferably in innovative ways. This contest challenges us to think outside the box, and beyond in printed instructions, so push those model bits in new directions. Innovate, improvise, and experiment.

4: Your model should be a piece of terrain (or a diorama or game aid with strong terrain elements). It cannot be a playable model in itself (a crashed tank must stay crashed), but removable models (people) are fine.

5: Any scale, any setting and any gaming system are welcome. A nice mixture of fantasy, sci-fi, historical, or modern will make this contest all the more interesting. If you don't play a game, that's fine too; just make a display piece, but keep rule 4 in mind.

6: You can make as small or as large a model as you want. Bear in mind the deadline and don't bite off more than you can chew.

7: Final Entry: Six or more photos of your final entry, showing top, front, both sides, back and all the important parts - not to be posted in this thread. PM me with links to your galleries and albums, and take the time to take the best photos that you can. Together with your photos, please include a summary of the essential materials and a narrative of the project in brief, if appropriate.

8: AMBITION: Push yourself. Try something new! Always wanted to use LEDs? Go for it! Fancied weathering powders? Here's your chance! I'll be looking at your galleries for previous work, entries etc. I want everyone to feel that their best has a fair shot at this.

9: Not so much a rule, but it wouldn't be the League of Extraordinary Riveters if there are no rivets… or other such meticulous detail. Deliberate, specific, and thoughtful inclusion of well-crafted details are what this contest is all about.

10: THE RULE OF COOL cannot be ignored.

If you are unsure of anything, just ask.

Modelling: 50 points total.
(10 points) Design - Is the concept clear and effectively applied to the model? Is the piece both visually appealing and functional? Does the design fit the game, setting, genre, or theme?
(10 points) Originality - Is the concept unique and creative? Does it draw inspiration or pay homage while remaining original?
(10 points) Materials - Are the materials diverse and challenging? Are they thoughtfully chosen and integrated seamlessly?
(10 points) Skill and Techniques - Does the piece feature crisp lines, even textures, and sturdy construction? Are both core techniques and innovative approaches used?
(10 points) Attention to Detail - Do small details in both design and execution give the piece added realism?

Painting: 30 points total.
(10 points) Design - Is the color scheme and paint selection thoughtful and expressive?
(10 points) Skill and Techniques -Does the piece start with solid foundations, color blocking, and shading? Is the paint consistent, crisp, and well-executed?
(10 points ) Visual impact - Does the paint job serve to draw the whole model together and enhance the craftsmanship of the model?

Bonuses: 20 points total.
(10 points) Thematic connection - Does the entry firmly relate to the theme?
(10 points) Ambition: Did the project clearly demonstrate the pursuit of some new skill in assembly, in paint, or in both?

Total: 100 points possible.

Membership to the League of Extraordinary Riveters is the top prize. You will be allowed to fly the League's banner and be recognized as a hobbyist par excellence... as well as host the next round.

People's Choice: As voted for by your fellow Dakkanauts. More warm feelings inside and the bragging rights that your peers love your work.

And… anyone who completes a model for this competition may of course request the details of their score… I’ll try to make it useful for your continued riveting ambitions!

So start gathering bits and get building!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/01/31 13:44:12

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Woop Woop!
Will join because "settle that old grudge" struck home with me.

Leaving 3 massive project's slumbers undisturbed for now, real life nd'ol, I've gots 2 smaller projects that are perfect.

Years and years ago me very first piece of terrain was a cave for the model trains to pass through. Nothing more but scratched up pieces of foam, dry-brushed and sprinkled with flock, yet it survived years in the rain and the sun and the cobwebs, and the dusty boxes, and my recent attempt to "up date it" Good thing I actually took a picture of it. I want to finish it so it looks good, and want to try some interesting with the basing, so it looks natural on any game mat, or table.

Second project was a small mirror test of an Idea I wanted to implement into the larger projects of KARAK GARAZ-GNOL
Be good to finish the mirror test an see if the concept actually works or fails.

Made first picture in the recent/ish attempt to fix the cave.
I took shots from all sides to see what needs to be added. I do not eve remember what some of my own instructions are for .

The plan is to fill in the base with air dry clay so it sits flat on the table, and create some "floating" pieces of terrain for natural look.
And to beef up those walls. Some of that was done in the fix attempt.

Will enter 2, hope to get at least 1 finished.
Cave - hope to get it finished so it looks like a ruined tower
Mirror - hope to get it finished so I can see if my idea was good or not.
[Thumb - CASTLE_P.jpg]

[Thumb - LoER_Round-33_Cave.jpg]

[Thumb - LoER_Round-33_Mirror_.jpg]

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2020/08/31 05:56:04

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I’ll try to do something for this.

Building some themed terrain to match the snow bases for my Ultras has been a long standing goal. Originally, I wanted to do parts of the polar fortress. Recently, I’ve decided to re-image The Farm as a promethium extractions/refinery/supply depot. Change the details, keep the footprint. I’ve got scraps of insulation save for this, as well as a new square, and tool to cut that are unbloodied in the hobby. The idea is to go modular.

This might just be cut and flocked hills.
It might be a power generator.
It might be a ruin or two.
It might be a yard full of crates and barrels.

I’ll grab some pics of the scraps later.

Here is the plan:

Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

This is such a brilliant theme! I'll need to rack my brain to figure out what to do with this.
Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Great! I'm glad that both the "old grudges" and the "grand ambitions" aspects landed with people... I was worried that there'd be no traction without more of a unifying theme.

Mothsniper, looks like you've got two strong contenders that I think demonstrate appropriate starting points... clearly underway, but with plenty of work ahead.

Nevelon, it's always good to see the Battle at the Farm resurface in any form! Your Ultras will look great on an appropriately snowy battleground.

416_SpaceWolves, good to have you back! We'll look forward to your grand scheme...

Made in au
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

Failed abysmally last round, but it appears I have another chance to complete it - pretty sure I didn't get anywhere close to 50% complete.

Got this far on a mobile klinik:

Which is to say, the frame of the tray of a drop trailer...

Good luck all!

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


I will enter something very simple that has be laying in it's shrink wrapped box for several years now. (So I will not be winning any converting or originality awards ).



Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Tempted to make my Dakka comeback with this theme... I have MANY unfinished projects and quite a few related to previous rounds of the LoER comps... Hmmmmmmmm....

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


I opened the box.

This is far simpler than I expected.



Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Awesome undertakings, all!

Arakasi, I'm glad to see the Klinik get a second shot... that was an awesome take on last round's theme and I hope it makes it into the field this time!

Ruglud, welcome back! Got a list of those unfinished projects?

Cap, I'm assuming you'll take that relatively simple build as a challenge? Maybe just hack it up and blow up the scale?

This is a great roster so far... keep talking it up and get some photos going. It's a long weekend in the U S of A, so what better time to get back to the hobby bench?

Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

I have a land speeder storm that will never see the light of day as a finished model.. might make some crashed speeder scene with it. Will post a concept pic tonight when I'm home from the cottage.

(Took me many days and a lot of coffees to finally have a thought which fits into the scene.)

Question- what material do you all most often use for a base?
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

 MacPhail wrote:
Cap, I'm assuming you'll take that relatively simple build as a challenge? Maybe just hack it up and blow up the scale?

No, had no inspiration so looked at the box that has been sitting for years and decided it needs to be finished. I also need a few more platforms for all my gantry ways for the Necromunda boards.

Assembly finished and started on painting.



Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

416_SpaceWolves wrote:
I have a land speeder storm that will never see the light of day as a finished model.. might make some crashed speeder scene with it. Will post a concept pic tonight when I'm home from the cottage.

(Took me many days and a lot of coffees to finally have a thought which fits into the scene.)

Question- what material do you all most often use for a base?

I almost always use 3mm foamed PVC (sometimes expanded PVC, Celtec, Palite, Komatex, etc.). It's too thick to cut with scissors, but a box knife with a good blade is easy, and you can score and snap for straight edges. Cut to any shape, bevel with a file or Dremel, texture with sandpaper (or a hammer), easily glue and paint, no warping, etc. I've found it superior to foam, card, and MDF for all those reasons.


Captain Brown, "Needs to be finished" is our battle cry this round... and you're well on your way!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/09/05 17:50:10

Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

Concept! Will be plowed into dirt, with some battle damage!
[Thumb - image.jpg]

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Something, something, proof pic.

There is hills in them thar foam!

The blue foam was scavenged over a decade ago. Green is only a couple months, bought new. Cutter is sometime last year (I think).

Crates were 3d printed. Quality is a little naff, even on high. I was still figuring out the printer when I made them. They have been lingering waiting for paint for a while. Figure I’ll slap something olive drab on them and some chipping/weathering.

Also in the forgotten project pile (not pictured) is some wire mesh for chain link fences that might get strung up, and if I’m really lucky, I’ll put some paint on the ruins that came with the 3rd ed starter.

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Decade-old foam? That's exactly what I was hoping for. Fire up that foam cutter and get shaping!

It's too bad the Storm hasn't got some stronger rules, I love the model. I magnetized my Storm Sprouts to disembark and play on the table... the embarked snipers have some promise as well. But if this one is to be crashed... maybe some gouged earth behind it?

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

I have two whole boxes of unfinished terrain and a pile of bits and parts. It turns out that I get in a groove carving pink foam into mountains and rock formations, then never do anything else with it. I come back to the bench later to paint and texture, but just end up carving more.

It turns out, I've never actually finished a piece of terrain. (I have several pieces ready to go, but without any basing.) It seems that Gaslands doesn't really need bases on drop terrain, because there is no cover bonus unless it blocks line of sight. The terrain only counts as obstacles to actually run into. But, in 40K a slightly raised base is important because of the cover bonus. So, since I want to be able to use my table for both, I'll be putting bases on everything.

But, I don't want to choose anything that just needs a little base work for this competition. I'm going to toss my hat into the ring, but not declare which piece I'll be working on yet. That will give me some time to see where motivation will strike.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/09/07 18:38:04

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

(why did I have to buy oxygen not included... )

Cave -
The only cost effective (filler/rock-solid-bond) material I have is mod-poge or wood glue and sand/dirt.
1 - Flattened the bottom as much as I could with a Random Sander, but there is no way for me to sand the piece as a whole perfect flat, so there is a tiny wobble. Plus I am not going for perfection here.

2 - Filled in some gaps with mod-poge/sand

Mirror -
1 - The original build is poops, these rough offcuts just don't look to scale, decided to scrap em, but the back piece I will keep
2 - Starting from ground up, frames for both sides, stained and will lacquer later because I do want this thing to sit on a shelf as a book-end or something.

3 - Speaking of ANCIENT foam boards, this one has green mold on it and looks like someone has burrowed in and lived there once.

4 - Box frame with outside flat and inside textured

5 - Mirrors fit perfectly snug inside on both sides

6 - Endless dungeon concept is kinda Win / Fail. Win is that works friking awesomely!!! even when I get to the very edge I cant see anything but the interior reflecting. However the test was for a much larger terrain piece! Will a different scale, size, and distance between the mirrors break the endless effect? dont know.

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2020/09/07 22:02:06

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

The mirror is quite the project Mothsniper.

More painting:



Made in hk
Krazed Killa Kan


I think this is a very good idea for a contest Macphail. We all have loads of unfinished terrain I'm sure, some of which may be from old LoER contests. I'll be sitting this conteste out likelast time since all my unfinished terrain is on a different continent. I will be watching and enjoying everyone's progress though. Good luck everyone!

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Thank you Syro_

Thinking of adding front wall section, it looks cool but coves up interior...
and a cheep way of carving details into foam.

Frame done, ready for painting Back Wall, Celling, Floor, and Front sections.

With a test fit, the box ended up too dark inside, so I did cut small hole in the top of the ceiling to see how light will look going through. It looks good but now I can't decide if I want to put an LEDs or leave it empty and use the daylight.

I think I will end progress on the mirror here, because from here on out is just putting it together, sealing gaps, and details, so close to end look.
Will focus on the cave

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/09/09 06:07:36

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Great detail Mothsniper.

More painting.



Made in au
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

You are putting us all to shame Captain Brown!

Meanwhile, I've been cutting sprue to length and working out the side frames of my trailer...


Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Thanks Arakasi,

My entry is a simple one with no conversion or scratch building.

More painting completed.

I am almost finished so no further photos on the thread.



Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

Thank you for this Unfinished Business theme MacPhail! I had about given up on ever getting something done new from scratch and resigned myself to merely onlooking and cheering for my favorites. I've got _several_ unfinished projects to choose from and will get pictures up as soon as I select which lucky one it will be. Semper Procrastinate!

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Procrastinated on me cave some more until I realized my hesitation is mainly due to the fact that I have no room or no way to store or display finished pieces of terrain once completed.
Until today!
Was looking for more foam and found me pieces of an old dwarven (grudge thrower) rough build, and knew exactly what the cave will be for! and where it will go!

It shall be the top of my KARAK GARAZ-NGOL project!!!
Pretty much a top section of a diorama I have been putting off for many years.

Now the cave has a purpose! Fresh progress.

I needed a way to bulk up the walls, so instead of adding more foam, or building wooden structures inside, all I need is to cover up the entrances.
This entire project was suppose to blend terrain piece into any table surface, (I/E/ to sit on a table without showing gaps between the table and the terrain even if the table surface is not even or flat) therefor I am trying to make as many "Floating" pieces as I can.

Old wall sections are not strait, nor are the newly cut pieces, using clamps to force pieces together while the glue is drying.

Coats of ModPoge and colored sand to seal the gaps and cracks.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Small progress on the Mirror box
Single wooden beam right next to the mirror was reflecting int the mirror and it appears as if there are 2 beams next to each-other.
So I made (double-beams) to go into other "un-mirrored" palaces that would look similar to the mirrored beam, and hopefully break illusion some more.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/09/11 06:54:01

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard


More painting and detail is in order.
Began to glue in the vegetation.
The unique point I am trying to achieve with this piece is to have the greenery blend the terrain piece into the table as much as possible. And to hide the seam between the terrain and the table.

Floating bushes are wrapped in wire and wire is pushed into the foam, then each part of the plant that is touching the wall is then CA-glued. So Hopefully the plants not only look like they are organically growing around the ruins, but also will be sturdy enough and not fall off.
By gluing in the moss midway and allowing some of the "stems" stick out I am hoping that if the table is uneven the moss will be squished where terrain and table meet and expand to where there is a gap between the table and the terrain, thus blending in the terrain piece into the surface and hiding the seem as much as possible.

[Thumb - LoER_Round-33_Cave_7.jpg]

[Thumb - LoER_Round-33_Cave_8.jpg]

Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

Progress shot. Primed and basecoated. Did the base of mud as well. It’ll be grind to ensure my Entry into “unfinished business” doesn’t become unfinished by Sept 31!
[Thumb - image.jpg]

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Not to worry SpaceWolves, you have until the end of November!

Really cool work so far MothSniper.

Captain Brown, great paint work.

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

 MacPhail wrote:

Ruglud, welcome back! Got a list of those unfinished projects?

We'd be here all for the rest of the year listing the shelf of shame
I'll take a stroll through my gallery and see what takes my fancy...

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