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Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 00:31:15

Post by: insaniak

So, I was lucky enough to be sent a bunch of early sprues of the Maelstrom's Edge terrain to play with.

For those who haven't seen it, the sprue looks like this:

Some of my efforts have been shown in the Kickstarter updates, but I thought it might be fun to show what I've been working on, in the hope it might inspire others along the way.

The fun thing about this kit is that you can add parts to just about anything. My very first experiment was a small bunker entrance, made from foamcore and card, which wound up looking like this :

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For a less foamcorial option, I found some storage trays at the local hardware store...

Which turn into this :

Painting about half done...

More shortly...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 01:30:29

Post by: insaniak

Painted and based...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 03:55:21

Post by: Veteran Sergeant

Looks good.

Definitely the most intriguing part of the KS, and looks like they will be a boon to DIY terrain makers for some easy details.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 11:22:21

Post by: insaniak

Continuing the 'buildings made without foamcore' theme just for a little while, I grabbed a cardboard giftbox from the local discount shop...

And by flipping the lid over, and flinging bits and glue at it, turned it into this:

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Fully painted:

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 11:45:41

Post by: Malika2

So you're the one who has been making that awesome stuff!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 11:51:00

Post by: Tibbsy

Yep. I really want some of these sprues now!

Great stuff! Given me plenty of ideas for when I finally get my grubby mitts on them.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/27 21:31:33

Post by: insaniak

 Malika2 wrote:
So you're the one who has been making that awesome stuff!

Some of it, yes The official table and some of the other terrain shown were done by others.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 00:30:24

Post by: Ketara

I like the giftbox idea. Gives me a few.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 00:33:13

Post by: Stormwall

Good on you for thinking of the storage tray. That's awesome.

I am thinking of using an old police scanner and some of the bits, hopefully all that will unlock.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 01:54:03

Post by: insaniak

A livestock shipping container, made from 2 doors, 4 ladders, 8 corner pieces and a couple of pieces of foamcore (for the floor and roof)

And some scatter terrain... I'm particularly pleased with the freestanding comm unit, and the big green holomap/powercell/shield generator/whatever...

And as an additional little extra, the round sprue that this stuff comes on is also rather useful!

Used here with a little plastic rod to make some pipes...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 01:58:44

Post by: RiTides

I love that storage container building, and the scatter terrain is looking great!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 02:15:03

Post by: Stormwall

 insaniak wrote:
A livestock shipping container, made from 2 doors, 4 ladders, 8 corner pieces and a couple of pieces of foamcore (for the floor and roof)

And some scatter terrain... I'm particularly pleased with the freestanding comm unit, and the big green holomap/powercell/shield generator/whatever...

And as an additional little extra, the round sprue that this stuff comes on is also rather useful!

Used here with a little plastic rod to make some pipes...

Is the curved roof just cardstock? I'm curious if I could make walls from plasticard and foamboard and then just use cardstock for the roof.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 04:15:01

Post by: insaniak

Yup. That particular building is using an old folder divider. I have a bunch of others using greeting card blanks...

Slightly glossy card is best as it won't soak up as much paint, but will be best off with a spray undercoat.

You could also use thin plasticard for the roof, obviously, but the card is cheaper and a little easier to bend.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 13:56:27

Post by: ziggurattt

What are you using for the bases of the pieces? I'm specifically talking about the 1/4-1/2 inch thick piece at the bottom, that looks to be about 12 inches square.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 14:02:27

Post by: Paradigm

Awesome stuff! I'd be very interested to see how far you could stretch one sprue, using all the bits but no more on various structures.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 14:21:03

Post by: Malika2

I really love that livestock container. Now if only there were some cool scifi livestock...

I want a grox!!!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 20:06:14

Post by: insaniak

Some build shots of the first building of mine shown in the Kickstarter...

Built from Foamcore, roof from card, the rooftop walkway from a bit of embroidery mesh, and a liberal dose of MEdge bits. All of the bits on this building come from one sprue, with some leftovers.



Nearly there....


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ziggurattt wrote:
What are you using for the bases of the pieces? I'm specifically talking about the 1/4-1/2 inch thick piece at the bottom, that looks to be about 12 inches square.

It's 5mm foamcore, the same as I'm using for the main construction of most of my buildings. Not quite as durable as basing on MDF or the like, but convenient (and what I have on hand )and since my terrain generally doesn't have to travel very far should hold up ok...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 20:12:19

Post by: FearPeteySodes

Heck yea these are awesome! I would love to play on a board using these. Love the design on that last one most of all, reminds me of an underground base entrance or something. Very believable and lived in.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/28 20:16:53

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

Is that all plastic foamcore or poster board foamcore?

You made me go out and buy some storage trays to make those small buildings. although they will probably sit in my pile of future terrain ideas for an eternity. Lol

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 01:08:16

Post by: insaniak

Not sure what you mean by 'plastic foamcore'... It's the standard stuff with foam in the middle and paper on the outsides.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 03:33:36

Post by: Stormwall

I wonder if the storage container and medge parts with some construction toys and plasticard could make a Halo Elephant. That'd be sick.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 08:10:13

Post by: Tibbsy

 insaniak wrote:
Not sure what you mean by 'plastic foamcore'... It's the standard stuff with foam in the middle and paper on the outsides.

Might this be referring to foamed PVC?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 08:21:59

Post by: MagosBiff90

MMMMmmmm Salty!!!

Really nice work and what a great way to use using every day items and some sprue details to really add effect!!

Those pipes with the grey and then white pipe ends on the curved building..... they are really nicely done!

Really "simple" but really effective! I mean simple in a good way... original thinking!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 11:41:15

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

Tibbsy wrote:
 insaniak wrote:
Not sure what you mean by 'plastic foamcore'... It's the standard stuff with foam in the middle and paper on the outsides.

Might this be referring to foamed PVC?

Yeah, that. It's plastic sheets with foam in between instead \of cardboard. We had a bunch of very nice buildings based on the cardboard stuff a while back and ended up tossing them after a while because they all warped and looked chewed up on the corners. If these are your personal buildings and not transported though they might hold up better.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 11:52:08

Post by: Bottle

Great blog! Show us moar!!!!!!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 20:47:38

Post by: insaniak

A small outbuilding made from an Ultrapro card box:

This one will be painted solid, but I doubt I will be able to restrain the impulse to make another one with clear walls as some sort of containment unit

Also, I took one of these:

And turned it into this:

(still needs basing...)

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/29 21:49:59

Post by: filbert

I have to admit, the idea of scratch building stuff brings me out in hives mainly because I have the creativity and artistic vision of a withered grape but seeing the very simple techniques and examples that you have produced gives me some hope that I can at least emulate something approaching what you have done (alongside Panic's gutter based terrain which also looks awesome)

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/30 13:50:22

Post by: Alpharius

 SlaveToDorkness wrote:
Tibbsy wrote:
 insaniak wrote:
Not sure what you mean by 'plastic foamcore'... It's the standard stuff with foam in the middle and paper on the outsides.

Might this be referring to foamed PVC?

Yeah, that. It's plastic sheets with foam in between instead \of cardboard.

Any idea what that's called and where to buy in in the USA?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/30 19:58:07

Post by: FutureTense

 Alpharius wrote:
 SlaveToDorkness wrote:
Tibbsy wrote:
 insaniak wrote:
Not sure what you mean by 'plastic foamcore'... It's the standard stuff with foam in the middle and paper on the outsides.

Might this be referring to foamed PVC?

Yeah, that. It's plastic sheets with foam in between instead \of cardboard.

Any idea what that's called and where to buy in in the USA?

Gatorplast. ~$90 for a 48"x96" 3/16" sheet. Buy online or find a local plastics distributor and they can probably get it/have it in stock. Ask them for offcuts if they have them. It's a nice material, but not effective for scale modeling. It's best cut with a table saw/chop saw, if you have access. If you want something more sturdy than your standard paper foamcore, try Gatorboard. You can get it at most art supply stores in a reasonable size. It's also harder to cut by hand, but it's doable.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/03/03 00:49:05

Post by: Ruglud

Absolutely love these - that terrain sprue is amazingly versatile.

The real winner for me though is cardboard box with flipped lid to create the walled roof. such a great idea that I will be borrowing

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/31 19:50:34

Post by: insaniak

 Ruglud wrote:

The real winner for me though is cardboard box with flipped lid to create the walled roof. such a great idea that I will be borrowing

Go for it!

The best part is that those little gift boxes are readily available (at least down here) from most discount shops, and come in a whole range of different sizes, so it would be really, really easy to put together a table of varied buildings with them.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/31 21:02:49

Post by: RiTides

 Alpharius wrote:
 SlaveToDorkness wrote:
Tibbsy wrote:
 insaniak wrote:
Not sure what you mean by 'plastic foamcore'... It's the standard stuff with foam in the middle and paper on the outsides.

Might this be referring to foamed PVC?

Yeah, that. It's plastic sheets with foam in between instead \of cardboard.

Any idea what that's called and where to buy in in the USA?

I think it's called "foamboard" or "foamcore", they have it at Michaels in the US and it's black. You need to slice it with a hobby knife, not cut it with scissors.

But personally, we're going to go with the electrical / junction boxes instead I think, looks a bit more straightforward to me

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/05/31 21:57:47

Post by: Inspector #264

You have certainly put those terrain sprues to good use, I think this is my favourite so far:

 insaniak wrote:

Fully painted:

I love the graffiti that you have scattered about the place too.

Any chance you would be able to take some measurements from the largest door piece? (Top left of sprue)
I have an idea I would like to look into but it depends on the size of that bit. Of course if you are unable to for any reason then I understand and it is not a problem.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/06/02 00:24:17

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Those are all amazing. I'm probably going to steal the gift box idea, too, as it's just so brilliant. Are those the same material as shoe boxes?

Have you seen the big plastic bins they sell biscotti in at Costco? I want to use the terrain sprue to make a command center out of one, but I am worried the plastic might not be stable enough. Any advice on working with thing packaging plastic?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/06/02 19:35:45

Post by: insaniak

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
I'm probably going to steal the gift box idea, too, as it's just so brilliant. Are those the same material as shoe boxes?

More or less, yes. It's a fairly thick, quite sturdy cardboard.

Have you seen the big plastic bins they sell biscotti in at Costco?

Can't say that I have, no.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/06/02 20:04:33

Post by: Jambles

Wow, that first one with the flipped up storage bin is completely awesome. I bet it's sturdy as heck too. All very well done.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/07/04 06:26:27

Post by: Azazelx

Some great and creative work here. I especially like the gift box buildings with the graffiti - though lots more graffiti along those rear walls would make them (sadly) more realistic. It's the little details like your graffiti and the salt weathering that really brings terrain up to the next level for me.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/07/16 10:17:19

Post by: Logan

Those sprues are really powerful bitz. Very inspirational stuff, man!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/07/23 03:07:12

Post by: OrkaMorka

Where do you get all of these bits from?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/08/03 01:11:45

Post by: JoshInJapan

Dang, those buildings are all truly awesome. Now I really wish I had the money to back the KS at the time, just to get some of those sprues. I'll just have to wait for retail, I suppose. More updates, please!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/08/30 13:52:47

Post by: Matthew

I agree, more updates!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/08/31 06:57:55

Post by: Azazelx

Yeah, this thread was going great guns for awhile, then got very quiet. When I saw it had been bumped, I thought we had more awesome stuff to look at.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/07 09:31:45

Post by: insaniak

Sorry for the lack of updates... There's been a little bit happening behind the scenes, and life keeps getting in the way as well, just to keep things interesting...

But along the way, I made a board!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/07 10:09:55

Post by: insaniak

Also, I've been working on an experiment to see just how much terrain I could squeeze out of one sprue... Which resulted in this :

[Thumb - IMG_20150907_192707.JPG]

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/07 10:39:26

Post by: Paradigm

Nice selection there!

Would you be able to share those templates at some point?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/07 18:04:27

Post by: RiTides

The templates look really neat

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/07 18:14:15

Post by: Malika2

Inspiring terrain!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/08 08:19:06

Post by: MagosBiff90

Grewt bumch of ideas.. and a VERY good idea to use one sprue for multiple pieces.... really cool

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/27 09:46:25

Post by: insaniak

A little basing and detailing... Looking forward to getting some paint on the ruin to see how it looks against the complete buildings...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/27 09:50:02

Post by: insaniak

And I started work on a garden area, to add some more area terrain to my increasing urban sprawl... Plants from cut-down aquarium plants. I've been keeping an eye out in discount stores for cheap ones that still look reasonable.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/27 22:47:26

Post by: legoburner

Awesome, excited to see some paint and I notice your Karist Trooper there is progressing as well I think the garden/terrain hybrid is one of the best uses for the plastic so am excited to see what you do. Thanks once again for sharing!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/09/28 07:56:03

Post by: insaniak

 legoburner wrote:
and I notice your Karist Trooper there is progressing as well

Yeah, trying something a little less painful than my original scheme, swapping out the black for purple. Looking much better so far

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/04 04:14:01

Post by: insaniak

A little progress... Still a ways to go...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/09 23:44:33

Post by: insaniak


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 08:45:08

Post by: insaniak

Trying something a little different for the graffiti this time... I've painted it in directly over the undercoat, before the salt layer. This should hopefully result in it coming out all weathered and faded.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 10:14:15

Post by: insaniak

Rolling right along... Sparkling whiteness...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 10:16:20

Post by: Jackal

I have no idea about these sprues as I don't keep up to date, but where can I get some please?

Amazing work and the terrain is stunning!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 10:16:59

Post by: angelofvengeance

Good stuff here mate! Can't wait to get my scenery bits to tinker with!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Jackal wrote:
I have no idea about these sprues as I don't keep up to date, but where can I get some please?

Amazing work and the terrain is stunning!

If you're a kickstarter backer for Maelstrom's Edge. Insaniak and the team would have a better idea for retail release time though.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 10:20:19

Post by: Jackal

Ah, hoping these pop up for sale soon then.
May have to get a few of them


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 19:24:29

Post by: RiTides

Yeah the terrain sprue is brilliant although so is insaniak . Hope he makes some tutorials on these awesome builds!!

Love the ruined building, and the "garden" is a nice piece to mix things up, although with the height of those plants I think no one's been tending it

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/10 20:48:02

Post by: insaniak

First salt scrub done... Still some more work to go with some water and more scrubbing. Really happy with the effect on the interior walls, though

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/13 19:36:29

Post by: insaniak

Coming along...

Not happy with the graffiti patches, so will probably cover over at least one of them with something else.

Still need to drybrush the base, and do a little more detail work.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/13 20:58:21

Post by: legoburner

Looking awesome

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/15 10:24:28

Post by: darrkespur

I am continually impressed by your skills!

The wrecked building looks amazing. You're going to have an amazing table when it's all finished!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/15 11:11:23

Post by: Stormwall

Your table will be wicked when it is done. How exciting.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/23 03:39:48

Post by: Azazelx

These buildings (and garden) are looking rather excellent.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/23 06:02:38

Post by: evildrcheese

Wow. Those are really awesome.

Really interesting thread, thanks for sharing.


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/10/29 07:08:44

Post by: insaniak

Main street coming together

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2015/11/17 00:39:10

Post by: warriorpriest

Where can i learn about this 'salt scrubbing' technique?

Buildings look stellar.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/11 13:41:29

Post by: ziggurattt

 warriorpriest wrote:
Where can i learn about this 'salt scrubbing' technique?

Buildings look stellar.

I think the general idea is:

1. Paint the item, or area, in rust or other "under" color.
2. Hairspray, or other lightly sticky spray, the thing.
3. Sprinkle some rough salt (like Kosher salt) on it, which sticks to the piece.
4. Paint the item the final color.
5. After it dries, brush the stuck on salt off with a brush. As it comes off, it reveals the rust/under color underneath the main color.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/11 21:08:52

Post by: insaniak

Sorry, I had intended to post up a quick how-to using the next building I'm working on, but then got side-tracked with the lead-up to Christmas and all.

But zigguratt's break-down is the general gist of it. The size and amount of the salt you use obviously has an impact on the overall effect, so a little expirmentation can be handy to find the exact effect you're looking for.

You can also do multiple layers of salt weathering with different colours to provide more interesting paint weathering or rust effects.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/12 04:04:33

Post by: warriorpriest

Thank you both. I will have to give it a try.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/12 06:58:17

Post by: evildrcheese

Interesting stuff, re the salt/hairspray. It's not a technique I've tried, but I think I should.


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/12 12:04:30

Post by: Stormwall

Could you apply hairspray to a stick or qtip of some kind, and rub it into battle damage or a gash, instead of spraying it if you wanted to have that weathering in only a certain area on a large model?

(Contemptor dreadnought)

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/12 12:16:01

Post by: insaniak

The salt determines where the weathering winds up.

So if there is an area where you don't want weathering, just don't put salt on it

More salt results in heavier chipping.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/12 19:24:23

Post by: warriorpriest

Is there anywhere that shows a step by step tutorial on how this works? I get the steps and everything. Just would love to see a piece from start to finish.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/12 21:00:28

Post by: insaniak

There are various tutorials online, if you google 'salt weathering'... Or just watch this space. Still planning on putting one up, but may take a week or two to get there as I have a few other things going on just now.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/13 04:07:19

Post by: warriorpriest

 insaniak wrote:
There are various tutorials online, if you google 'salt weathering'... Or just watch this space. Still planning on putting one up, but may take a week or two to get there as I have a few other things going on just now.

Oh I will be watching. Never hurts to learn something new.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/01/28 05:17:59

Post by: FireSkullz2

Looking great so far! Cant wait to see the finished product!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/14 21:36:30

Post by: insaniak

I'm currently building a little diorama over in my P&M Blog, but since the terrain sprue components feature quite prominently, I figured it was worth adding in here as well... Still quite WIP:

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/14 22:43:37

Post by: legoburner

Great, idea - the amount of imagination you can apply to things is mindboggling

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 07:17:16

Post by: insaniak

Time for some storage tray buildings...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 07:19:56

Post by: insaniak

I wanted to make one of them a ruin, so hacked the top off one of them, using a soldering iron as a hot knife.

I wouldn't recommend this... But if you do feel inclined to replicate it, do it somewhere well ventilated, and count your fingers before and afterwards...

Alternately, just use a hacksaw instead..

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 07:22:56

Post by: insaniak

There's a little tab on the back, used for locking the trays onto slotted shelving, which gets in the way. So these were removed with a razor saw...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 07:23:57

Post by: insaniak

Next up, front walls...

Made myself a card template that fits in where I want the front wall...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 07:25:53

Post by: insaniak

Then cut a bunch of duplicates, with holes added for the doors.

The door hole isn't on the template, as the fronts will have various different configurations as I make more of these. The prototype had the double wide door instead.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 07:30:23

Post by: insaniak

Then it's just down to slapping bits on, pretty much.

Went for minimal hole cutting for these, for convenience and speed. Only the trapezoid windows are cut into the trays... Something I remembered after doing the first two should have been done before I glued the front walls in place...

Ruin is pretty much done here. The one beside it is nearly finished... Just needs the buttressing on the front.

More to come.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 08:33:02

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Fab work as always

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 15:46:41

Post by: Gimgamgoo

Looking excellent.

Can I ask how you intend on painting them? Do you sand them before painting or cover in plaster or something? I find any type of paint - spray included flakes off things like the storage boxes, drain pipe ends etc.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 15:51:27

Post by: usernamesareannoying

Ate these sprues available yet?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 16:09:05

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Yes they are! The real online store is coming soon, but until it arrives you can use the pre-order store that's linked from the maelstromsedge.com homepage. Pre-orders are shipped about every 10 days.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 19:38:53

Post by: usernamesareannoying

12 bucks for one sprue. Ugh. ..
I do however want to look into the epirian hunter a bit more. Have there been any scale shots to gw stuff? I wonder how they'd work as count as tau Battlesuits?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 19:52:07

Post by: warriorpriest

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
12 bucks for one sprue. Ugh. ..
I do however want to look into the epirian hunter a bit more. Have there been any scale shots to gw stuff? I wonder how they'd work as count as tau Battlesuits?

The sprues are huge with lots of goodies on them. As far as the hunters go, they are very nice but not as big as Tau battlesuits.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 19:58:18

Post by: insaniak

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
Looking excellent.

Can I ask how you intend on painting them? Do you sand them before painting or cover in plaster or something? I find any type of paint - spray included flakes off things like the storage boxes, drain pipe ends etc.

I've been doing fine with a regular spray undercoat so far. If you're wanting to be sure, though, an etching primer would probably do the trick.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
12 bucks for one sprue. Ugh. ..

For what it's worth, a comparably sized terrain sprue from that other company will cost you $33, and lets you build a corner of a building.

For what you can get out of them compared to other options on the market, these sprues are outstanding, IMO.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 21:12:54

Post by: insaniak

 usernamesareannoying wrote:

I do however want to look into the epirian hunter a bit more. Have there been any scale shots to gw stuff? I wonder how they'd work as count as tau Battlesuits?

Closest I have to a complete battlesuit, pulled from my second-hand bits...

So, smaller than the current Broadside suits, but would be fine as a Crisis stand-in.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/21 21:39:59

Post by: usernamesareannoying

That was awesome insaniak, I really appreciate it.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 01:46:15

Post by: insaniak

So... Windows, eh?

Here's how I add the trapezoid windows to the plastic trays.

First, hold the window firmly in place in the position that you want it on the building, and then without cutting off any of your fingers , trace around the outside of the window with an exacto knife. ..

[Thumb - _20160222_113820.JPG]

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 01:52:43

Post by: insaniak

Put the window down somewhere that you won't lose it, and then use the knife to trace carefully along the outline to deepen the cuts. I recommend not slicing of any of your fingers while doing this.

Don't try to use to much pressure here... That just makes it easier to slip and mess it up. Apply light pressure, and just keep going over the line letting it gradually deepen.

If you accidentally slice too far on a stroke, so long as your knife is really sharp you can often get away with it... Just turn the knife sideways and scrape along the scratch. Because this plastic is softish, the burred edges close back over the scratch.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 01:59:12

Post by: insaniak

When you've scored a reasonable way through the plastic (exactly how far depends on the specific plastic of the containers you have, and how much you like your fingers) you can fast-forward the process a bit by pushing the tip of the knife into one end of the cut and rocking it gently to cut down the line.

When done, push the plastic piece out, and push the window in. Check for fit and shave around the edges of the hole as necessary before applying glue...

The mould line of the window gives a handy guideline to ensure all of your windows protrude the same amount from the walls...

Once the window is in place, this is a good time to count your fingers.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 02:13:30

Post by: RiTides

The finished ruin from last page is just excellent, really love what you do with these storage bins!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 02:17:05

Post by: warriorpriest

Insaniak are you on the facebook group as well?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 09:07:01

Post by: insaniak

I hadn't got around to signing up yet, but did today

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 10:25:42

Post by: insaniak

Two more ruins in progress.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/22 10:28:19

Post by: insaniak

And to break up the sameyness of the sizes of multiple identical buildings, I decided to make a double-decker... Still very WIP, obviously...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/24 22:14:46

Post by: RiTides

I like the idea of making a taller structure! Breaking up the profile would be good so folks can't make the easy connection that it's two stakced up (when put next to the singles for instance).

Loving things so far!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/02/24 23:18:01

Post by: insaniak

The fact that it's just two units stacked up is the whole point I wanted to keep the modular look, as if they're generic pods that are customised and used all over for different applications, in much the same way as demountable offices or shipping containers are used now.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/03/11 11:54:00

Post by: usernamesareannoying

hey insaniak,, what did you do with the flat back surface on your bin houses?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/03/23 20:26:20

Post by: StraightEdgeFTW

 insaniak wrote:
When you've scored a reasonable way through the plastic (exactly how far depends on the specific plastic of the containers you have, and how much you like your fingers) you can fast-forward the process a bit by pushing the tip of the knife into one end of the cut and rocking it gently to cut down the line.

When done, push the plastic piece out, and push the window in. Check for fit and shave around the edges of the hole as necessary before applying glue...

The mould line of the window gives a handy guideline to ensure all of your windows protrude the same amount from the walls...

Once the window is in place, this is a good time to count your fingers.

What are the dimensions of those magical boxes you use, sir?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/03/23 22:07:41

Post by: SexierThanYou13

Great! These buildings look awesome! I like the idea of them being pre-fab constructs too.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/03/29 11:51:44

Post by: insaniak

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
hey insaniak,, what did you do with the flat back surface on your bin houses?

Sat a door on it, in the first one.

On the later versions, I'm using the square hatch, instead.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/08/05 03:40:48

Post by: warriorpriest

How are you getting the bits to stay glued in place. I am working on something similar but the 'plastic' they are made from doesn't hold superglue too well.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/08/05 05:30:53

Post by: insaniak

From a different thread on the same topic :

 insaniak wrote:
As with plastic models, a wash in hot soapy water before you start is a good idea, as they often have a quite oily residue on them that will interfere with glue or paint.

Glue will depend somewhat on the specific plastic used, and the surface texture... some of these tubs are smooth, some have a bit of a rough finish which will cause superglue to not work as well. A quick-setting Epoxy glue would probably work, although I've been using one like this: http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/sg_plstc/overview/Loctite-Plastics-Bonding-System.htm

It's essentially a strong superglue formula with an activator... You 'paint' the pieces to be glued with the activator, add a drop of glue and press them together. Bonds almost instantly on just about any type of plastic.

I've had no problems with spraypaint sticking to the tubs I've been using, but success there may vary depending on the specific plastic used. I've undercoated with both regular spray paint and a 'undercoat' spray, and both worked fine. Otherwise, a coat of matte sealer first might help.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/09 21:10:07

Post by: insaniak

A little building I threw together for an upcoming tutorial...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/09 23:34:56

Post by: Camkierhi

Nice straight forward little home from home. Like it.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/10 02:37:03

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/10 08:52:35

Post by: yakface

grumpy_newenglander wrote:
Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Any framing shop or big arts and crafts store sells them by the sheet.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/10 11:25:49

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

 yakface wrote:
grumpy_newenglander wrote:
Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Any framing shop or big arts and crafts store sells them by the sheet.

Thanks man, will need to check it out this weekend.

Just recently picked up the box set and started getting into this, hope I didn't miss the bandwagon. You guys have done such a wonderful job with this game- love the models so far and have really enjoyed flipping through the rulebook.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/10 12:26:45

Post by: warriorpriest

grumpy_newenglander wrote:
Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Another suggestion is dollar stores lke Dollar Tree. It is in same place they keep the poster board.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/11 10:25:26

Post by: filbert

if you are in the Uk, you can get it from Hobbycraft. I expect you have an equivalent Arts & Crafts chain store in the US.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/12 19:35:26

Post by: insaniak

Speaking of foamcore, here's a video that I put together back during the Kickstarter, showing the assembly of a basic foamcore building.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/16 08:52:55

Post by: Huginn

Thank you, this is just brilliant. I really like the giftbox idea, that's something anybody could do, no foamcore required. Buy a box, glue plastic bits on, paint and done! I guess you could magnetise the roof, and then use the box as an actual box to store other terrain bits in - scatter, barrels, etc.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/19 19:41:40

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

 warriorpriest wrote:
grumpy_newenglander wrote:
Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Another suggestion is dollar stores lke Dollar Tree. It is in same place they keep the poster board.

This was an awesome suggestion, thanks for the heads up. Stopped by the local dollar store and picked up two boards. Also nabbed a couple of interesting plastic containers that looked like they could turn into cool buildings. Will post some pics once I figure out what I'm doing.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/19 20:29:05

Post by: Alpharius

grumpy_newenglander wrote:
 warriorpriest wrote:
grumpy_newenglander wrote:
Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Another suggestion is dollar stores lke Dollar Tree. It is in same place they keep the poster board.

This was an awesome suggestion, thanks for the heads up. Stopped by the local dollar store and picked up two boards. Also nabbed a couple of interesting plastic containers that looked like they could turn into cool buildings. Will post some pics once I figure out what I'm doing.

Please do - I'd like to see what you come up with!

Additionally, please PM me your New England location - maybe we're close enough neighbors to get a game in! :

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/19 22:59:07

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

 Alpharius wrote:
grumpy_newenglander wrote:
 warriorpriest wrote:
grumpy_newenglander wrote:
Looks awesome. Dumb question, but where do you guys get foamcore? Found some on Amazon but I'm not sure if its legit. Going to try to pop in the local dollar store tomorrow for some cheap plastic trays to give the terrain sprue a shot.

Another suggestion is dollar stores lke Dollar Tree. It is in same place they keep the poster board.

This was an awesome suggestion, thanks for the heads up. Stopped by the local dollar store and picked up two boards. Also nabbed a couple of interesting plastic containers that looked like they could turn into cool buildings. Will post some pics once I figure out what I'm doing.

Please do - I'd like to see what you come up with!

Additionally, please PM me your New England location - maybe we're close enough neighbors to get a game in! :

I'm actually a displaced New Englander...currently living in the Washington, DC Metro area. Hopefully my wife and I will be making our way back to Maine in the next couple of years.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/20 01:05:37

Post by: Alpharius


I'd be grumpy too if I had to move away from New England and into the DC Area!

And if you're moving back to Maine, you'll still be a ways away from me here in Massachusetts!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/20 02:57:14

Post by: Stormwall

Oh man, exalted the hell out of that post. Thanks for video insaniak.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/22 11:17:00

Post by: insaniak

Getting some paint on... Setting up a salt weathering tutorial.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/22 11:48:26

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

That title got a groan :p

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/22 20:37:03

Post by: Camkierhi

Crispy! Ready salted!

Vid was great thanks, looking forward to the tut.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/24 05:55:57

Post by: insaniak


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/25 07:48:29

Post by: Camkierhi

Great effect, salting is a technique everyone should have in there toolbox. It can be over done though, but you have got it bang on there.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/27 15:19:45

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

Been having a blast building and painting these models...they're really well made and the multi-pose thing is awesome.

Here are a few pictures of the five or six models I've finished. Certainly open to feedback, I'm always trying to step up my paint game and know it could use some work.

Links because the images were taken on my phone and are unnecessarily large...don't know how to resize.

Karist Angel/Minnows:


Karist Angel alone:


Epirian Contractor:


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/29 10:58:32

Post by: legoburner

Nice stuff grumpy You might want to start a new thread here so that it gets more eyeballs compared to being buried in this terrain thread. Check out the dakka gallery as well, as then your images get automatically resized and can be easily embedded in posts too!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/09/29 12:58:57

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

 legoburner wrote:
Nice stuff grumpy You might want to start a new thread here so that it gets more eyeballs compared to being buried in this terrain thread. Check out the dakka gallery as well, as then your images get automatically resized and can be easily embedded in posts too!

Good call, will try to do that later today. Thanks!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/10/01 13:47:10

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Models look ace! Nice basing too.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/12/12 01:25:16

Post by: insaniak

A watch tower I threw together on the weekend, for an upcoming Comm Guild article...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2016/12/12 05:37:27

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Neat! I have some bits on the terrain sprue in mind that would make a nice electrified fence to go with that

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/07 06:08:50

Post by: insaniak

Time for more shipping containers... enclosed one, this time


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/07 06:53:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lovely indeed. The mysterious boxes of Xmas are, I find, and source of base cardboard.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/07 15:38:17

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

A bunch of containers might be my next terrain project

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/10 19:16:12

Post by: insaniak

For anyone interested, there is now a tutorial on building the shipping containers here.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/11 07:14:53

Post by: Manchu

I love that watch tower. I am looking really hard at the terrain sprue that came with starter, trying to pick the best idea.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/13 10:39:13

Post by: insaniak

Something new, coming together...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/13 21:00:23

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nifty! Is that a pen for POWs?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/13 21:43:39

Post by: Scarper

Nice cattle pen! I'm so inspired by how much use you can get out of these parts, it's encouraged me to make my own terrain again. Thank you for posting all this!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/14 22:49:14

Post by: insaniak

Working on the units on the north ridge...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/16 11:19:53

Post by: Ubl1k

This thread has me wanting to build some terrain up soooo badly

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/17 01:46:34

Post by: insaniak

 Ubl1k wrote:
This thread has me wanting to build some terrain up soooo badly

Excellent! My evil plan is working...

The finished stockyard:

You can find a walkthrough of how it was build, and a bunch more pictures, here.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/17 13:20:53

Post by: darrkespur

Love the animal prints in the mud, that's a great touch. Continually impressed by your creativity!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/17 17:45:15

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Now for alien cows

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/18 06:53:53

Post by: Ubl1k

 Sgt. Oddball wrote:
Now for alien cows

Please make some Buggalows from futurama

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/22 03:34:55

Post by: kronk

Dude. Excellent terrain work. While I am out and about tomorrow, I need to get a box so I can make a MEdge has unit with my terrain spruce from the kick starter

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/01/24 11:39:58

Post by: RiTides

 Sgt. Oddball wrote:
Now for alien cows


It looks fantastic, insaniak!!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/02 21:10:10

Post by: insaniak

Thanks, guys.

Currently working up some more storage tray buildings for a tutorial and (hopefully) another build video.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/06 19:31:07

Post by: insaniak

And finished:

Tutorial posted here.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/09 03:16:43

Post by: Lorek

Where do you get those little signs?!

Looks great!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/09 11:49:59

Post by: insaniak

I made a bunch of assorted signs up in Gimp, which I just print off in whatever size is appropriate as I need them.

Sample below... Text is in (Google translated, so probably very bad) Esperanto, just because it seemed appropriate and because it let me have some fun with the text without being really obvious about it...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/10 22:32:12

Post by: Lorek

That's really cool. I'm going to have to steal that idea. Maybe that image.

The Esperanto is a nice touch. Makes me think of Red Dwarf.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/14 10:41:40

Post by: insaniak

My mind is on the gutter...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/17 12:47:49

Post by: insaniak

Moving right along...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/18 02:07:16

Post by: Lorek

Those are quite nice!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/20 19:09:59

Post by: insaniak

Painted pics:

You can find more pics and a tutorial to do it yourself in the Dakka Tutorials section here!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/21 00:00:01

Post by: Panic

Smashing stuff,

The guide is really good too.
The only thing I would add is maybe sanding the plastic surface a little to help spray paint adhesion.

That military green is really well done.


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/21 23:23:31

Post by: Lorek

That looks really, really good!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/25 20:37:08

Post by: insaniak

 Panic wrote:

That military green is really well done.

Army Painter's Army Green may well be my new favourite colour

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/26 21:42:48

Post by: RiTides

Wow, I agree the painted buildings look great! Especially that first one, zoom out and put it on a flocked board and I'd think it's the real thing

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/27 15:13:17

Post by: Alpharius

I love it, and want to make some!

Anyone have a link to comparable product here in the USA, via Home Depot or Lowe's?

I can't locate it...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/02/28 01:18:47

Post by: insaniak

 Alpharius wrote:
I love it, and want to make some!

Anyone have a link to comparable product here in the USA, via Home Depot or Lowe's?

I can't locate it...

Not sure about specific stores, but here's an Amazon seller with what looks like a pretty much identical piece of kit to what I used.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/03 11:06:33

Post by: insaniak

Next build in progress...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/04 03:32:17

Post by: RiTides

 insaniak wrote:
Not sure about specific stores, but here's an Amazon seller with what looks like a pretty much identical piece of kit to what I used.

"Trench drain", eh? Nice idea!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/07 01:24:23

Post by: insaniak

Dome complete...

More pics and the walkthrough article up in P&M Showcase here!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/07 22:40:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

As ever, my go to thread for random terrain crap. Awesome .

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/13 19:35:09

Post by: insaniak

This week's article is up: SciFi Western themed building, from the terrain sprue and a slightly hacked-up Plast Craft Games Old West building:

More pics and the walkthrough article in the Showcase section:


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/13 20:37:44

Post by: Cleatus

Just checked out the WIP shots in the article. That turned out great!

It would look right at home in a certain space western sci-fi universe named after a flying insect with a bio-luminescent abdomen.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/13 21:12:42

Post by: Panic

Looks great.
Reminds me of Brave Starr, The town all closed up when the bad guys came into town.
Doors/Shutters closed and awnings and porches retracted into the buildings.


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/27 19:09:23

Post by: insaniak

My white urban table so far...

I have just put up a bunch of pics in the P&M Showcase here.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/31 11:37:40

Post by: insaniak

Time for some scatter terrain...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/03/31 20:00:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lights and Jersey Barriers? Excellent!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/02 17:57:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I like the terminals, useful conversion

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/03 19:11:08

Post by: insaniak

Scatter terrain:

You can find a tutorial on how to build these in the Dakka Tutorials section here.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/03 21:23:10

Post by: Camkierhi

A nice smattering of Scattering terrain. Nice rich colours too. Great stuff. I think it is these little pieces that can add so much to a game.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/04 11:09:26

Post by: RiTides

Really love the scatter terrain

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/05 10:47:31

Post by: insaniak

A new project... Something a little nostalgic.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/05 14:17:07

Post by: Tibbsy

Necromunda tiles?

Can't wait to see how you work that into MEdge; are you planning on a similar modular idea or just using the shape as inspiration for a fixed model?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/05 23:10:49

Post by: insaniak

They'll probably be fixed buildings, just because it's easier for detailing to not have to think about how they can pull apart and still look good. My original Necromunda stuff was never glued together, but 9 times out of 10 we still wound up just assembling it as standard... Being able to reconfigure catwalks and scatter terrain was generally enough to keep things interesting.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/08 07:14:42

Post by: MechaEmperor7000

 insaniak wrote:
My white urban table so far...

I have just put up a bunch of pics in the P&M Showcase here.

This one hit me right in the nostalgia.

Reminds me of the cities from the future in Chrono Trigger.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/11 06:29:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ho ho, I see what you did there very cool.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/12 02:24:59

Post by: Lorek

Heh, just read this on the Comm Guild. Good stuff!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/24 18:55:53

Post by: insaniak

New tutorial is up on the Comm Guild blog, to build the little minehead building:

You can also find the tutorial in the Dakka Tutorials section here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/724252.page#9323160

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/25 01:37:43

Post by: Lorek

When are you going to start selling these builings?!


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/26 04:14:46

Post by: insaniak

I'd love to have time to make enough of them to sell...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/26 04:22:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

If only there was some way to make them ourselves!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/04/28 19:27:31

Post by: Jambles

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
If only there was some way to make them ourselves!
If only I had the time

This is one problem I wouldn't mind throwing some money at, especially if I'm throwing it at fine folks like Spiral Arm I loved the terrain sprue, more terrain would definitely get bought.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/06 11:23:25

Post by: insaniak

New building taking shape...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/08 19:04:25

Post by: insaniak

And done...

More pics, and a tutorial with a downloadable template to build it yourself, over in the Dakka Tutorials section here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/725334.page#9349898

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/17 11:07:22

Post by: insaniak

I'm a model, you know what I mean...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/17 11:56:26

Post by: Lorek

Ha ha ha! Nice!

That's actually a quite superior catwalk. I like it.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/19 18:59:13

Post by: streamdragon

How many of those terrain sprue have you gone through at this point!? Fantastic as always though!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/20 07:06:41

Post by: Camkierhi

So much inspiration here, thank you.

Really like the catwalk, new building is a very interesting piece as well, lots of potential.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/20 08:11:53

Post by: insaniak

 streamdragon wrote:
How many of those terrain sprue have you gone through at this point!?

Honestly couldn't say... More than 7?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/05/31 03:40:34

Post by: insaniak

What we have here... Is a failure... To communicate...


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/01 21:05:10

Post by: insaniak

A little progress...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/02 01:23:24

Post by: RiTides

Oooh, that is looking cool

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/02 18:37:00

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

Some men you just can't reach...

Looks great!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/02 21:53:38

Post by: insaniak

Tap, tap, tap... Is this thing on?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/03 13:50:20

Post by: RiTides

Loud and clear!!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/04 01:44:51

Post by: JNAProductions

So I just ordered Battle for Zycanthus. It includes a Terrain Sprue, so what are some good first projects for it?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/04 11:42:46

Post by: insaniak

The bunker or minehead from the last page are both fairly easy builds, and if you follow the links there are templates to use for them.

Likewise, the storage tray buildings, or any of the 'take a box and glue bits to it' options are really easy.

It sort-of comes down to what you want to do with it.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/04 11:44:07

Post by: insaniak

Connecting... Upload in progress...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/04 14:27:52

Post by: Melonneko

Automatically Appended Next Post:
For a less foamcorial option, I found some storage trays at the local hardware store...

Which turn into this :

Painting about half done...

More shortly...

Could you tell use the dimensions of the container?
I have some but they aren't the right size. I would like to duplicate the model but I have to order the containers online since I can't find any at local stores .

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/04 16:15:31

Post by: JNAProductions

Follow-up question: Good place to get foamcore?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/05 04:40:13

Post by: Lorek

Hobby stores carry it. I often find it in the displays used for science fair projects and the like.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/05 17:37:13

Post by: insaniak

The finished comm tower:

More pics in the Showcase thread here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/727744.page#9410170

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Melonneko wrote:

Could you tell use the dimensions of the container?
I have some but they aren't the right size. I would like to duplicate the model but I have to order the containers online since I can't find any at local stores .

The specific size is going to vary depending on the actual containers you can find, as they're not all standard. But for buildings around the size of mine, you're looking for trays around about 9" long and 5-6" wide and tall.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/06 22:30:13

Post by: Lorek

Dude, that looks great!!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/08 23:22:05

Post by: Melonneko

 insaniak wrote:

Melonneko wrote:

Could you tell use the dimensions of the container?
I have some but they aren't the right size. I would like to duplicate the model but I have to order the containers online since I can't find any at local stores .

The specific size is going to vary depending on the actual containers you can find, as they're not all standard. But for buildings around the size of mine, you're looking for trays around about 9" long and 5-6" wide and tall.

Thank you =)

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/14 11:30:12

Post by: insaniak

New project underway...

[Thumb - _20170614_191202.JPG]
[Thumb - _20170614_211218.JPG]

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/14 13:45:44

Post by: Jin

How'd you manage to cut the foamcore so neatly round?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/15 04:17:30

Post by: insaniak

I drew around a dinner plate, and then just cut along the line with an exacto knife.

If you press reasonably hard with the pencil, it actually makes a groove in the paper lining of the foamcore, which gives you a guide for the knife. As long as you go carefully, it's not too difficult to stick to the line.

The bigger trick is learning to cut straight up and down, which is partly down to practice holding the knife, and partly down to making multiple passes rather than trying to cut all the way through in one go, to avoid the blade bending and warping the cut.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/16 17:34:20

Post by: Cleatus

What is it, precious? What's it??

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/17 05:28:06

Post by: insaniak

A little more...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/17 07:57:35

Post by: jhe90

How much is te terrain sprue it looks great for hobby projects in general, basing and many many other uses.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/17 09:18:51

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

£14.99 for two. That looks like a landing pad...? Cool

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/17 12:41:25

Post by: insaniak

Do you even lift?

[Thumb - _20170617_204451.JPG]
[Thumb - _20170617_223055.JPG]

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/17 13:14:24

Post by: Panic

Is that lift magnetized, I see metal runners at the back?

Looking great.


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/18 05:31:09

Post by: khorsa_the_dark

Nice, I really dig it.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/20 02:18:03

Post by: khorsa_the_dark

That is great. I made something similar years ago using the turntable from a record player.

Nice job indeed sir!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/20 05:06:15

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Looks fantastic!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/06/20 08:00:10

Post by: inmygravenimage

It frightens me how "real" your pieces look, quite extraordinary.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/03 19:19:12

Post by: insaniak

New building - Garage built from a cardboard giftbox:

More pics and a walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/731451.page#9470469

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/07 02:33:15

Post by: Lorek

I like it!

Are the letters from those refrigerator magnet kits for kids?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/07 02:55:38

Post by: insaniak

No, although that would have been considerably easier

They were cut out of 2mm plasticard. There was originally only going to be a missing A, but I got sick of cutting them out and decided to drop the second G as well...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/07 04:05:07

Post by: Lorek

Dang, dude, that's dedication!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/08 21:56:27

Post by: insaniak

Meanwhile, this happened...

Still WIP.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/09 11:39:08

Post by: insaniak


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/10 15:33:59

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

What will you use for the gate address symbols?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/10 19:19:46

Post by: insaniak

Not putting symbols on... Didn't want it to be too close a match for the original

All painted:

Finished pics and a walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/732308.page#9484450

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/07/10 19:53:52

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Looks good. Sleek, yet recognizable. There's just one problem...

With a Stargate like that one, you know the civilization who created it will be extinct in two, maybe three episodes. Especially if one of their leaders has any romantic tension with Carter.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/08/01 01:41:59

Post by: insaniak

I done made some hedges, y'all...

More pics and tutorial here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/734715.page#9526059

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/08/21 19:07:27

Post by: insaniak

Because every futuristic warzone needs affordable housing...

More pics and a build walkthrough in the Dakka P&M Showcase thread here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/737046.page#9564923

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/08/21 19:48:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh,now that's a great idea.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/08/22 08:02:05

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Better watch out for those two troublemaking chipmunks.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/09/11 18:42:59

Post by: insaniak

Some light kitbashing this week...

More pics and a tutorial in the Dakka P&M Tutorials section here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/739200.page

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/10/28 19:45:12

Post by: insaniak

The start of a Broken settlement.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/10/31 11:11:10

Post by: insaniak

Painted (mostly) pics, for part 1 of an article on building a broken settlement, which you can find on the Comm Guild blog here: http://www.thecommguild.com/roller/thecommguild/entry/terrain-spotlight-broken-settlement-part

The article has a bit of a walkthrough of how this building was put together, and will carry on with some other buildings and assorted bits and pieces to flesh out the settlement.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/11/21 16:25:40

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

First of all, what kind of glue do you use to adhere plastic to old tin cans?

Second, now I have Scrap-Happy Daffy stuck in my head.

That can really came out well as terrain.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/11/27 18:54:20

Post by: insaniak

I just used superglue. If normal superglue isn't holding firmly enough, then you could step up to an accelerated superglue or a quick-set epoxy.

Meanwhile, I'm instituting a blanket ban on open doorways...

Tutorial here - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/745447.page#9717038

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2017/11/27 19:04:31

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

That comment was absolutely punishing.

Was that part of a coffee sack?

I'll have to look into the epoxy then. Thanks!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/01/16 19:06:17

Post by: insaniak

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

Was that part of a coffee sack?

Crepe banadage.

Meanwhile, hab dome, made from a plastic bowl -

There's a walkthough of how it was made here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/748752.page

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/01/17 20:57:28

Post by: kestral

Have I mentioned I love your hedges?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/01/19 11:07:37

Post by: RiTides

That soldier with the robotic arm though!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/01/25 16:40:23

Post by: thecountrygoblin

 insaniak wrote:
Because every futuristic warzone needs affordable housing...

and shrubbery!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/05/28 19:02:57

Post by: insaniak

Seems like it's been a while since I updated this thread...

So, catching up: Sleeper Caskets!

Tutorial here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/752171.page

Scatter terrain:

Article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/753159.page

Dice Tower:

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/755012.page

Desert Residence:

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/757725.page

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/05/28 21:44:54

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looking great, love thst dice tower especially.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/06/11 19:27:46

Post by: insaniak

Ruin, made from cardboard gift boxes:

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/758561.page

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/06/20 04:00:40

Post by: RiTides

A high tech temple! I love that idea . Just needs a bit of cyberpunk debris around it to really bring that paradox home, imo

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/06/22 20:30:07

Post by: kestral

I'd fight for that temple any day!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/08/13 20:43:39

Post by: insaniak

Vending Machines:

Tutorial with templates for building your own here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/762095.page#10107135

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/08/27 20:29:36

Post by: insaniak

Cooling towers, made from PVC pipe, Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue components and old PC fans...

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/762911.page#10128302

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/08/28 05:34:29

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Do they have a switch for setting them to vacuum nasty drones/minnows from the sky?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/09/10 19:31:40

Post by: insaniak

Trading Post, from a converted Laser Cut Card shipping container:

More pics and assembly article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/763650.page#10147957

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/09/11 07:23:51

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

That's superb. A (wo)man needs socks.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/09/13 10:22:19

Post by: Cleatus

Trading Post looks great!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/09/24 19:08:15

Post by: insaniak

New building made as something of a prototype, playing around with foamed PVC. Now that I have a proof of concept, I'll be turning out some more to go along with this one, and having some fun with curves...

Full build article is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/764321.page#10164133

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/09/25 07:55:04

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

That's excellent! Did you curve the windows as well somehow?

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/09/25 09:39:00

Post by: insaniak

Not this time - I was relying on the boxing around the window to allow it to protrude out from the curve. Not entirely happy with the result, so I'm thinking for the next one I'll file a curve into the back of the window frame and just glue it onto the wall rather than cutting the window hole and inserting it.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/10/01 20:06:00

Post by: insaniak

New modeling tutorial - Salt Weathering!

Tutorial is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/764662.page#10173441

...and lets you create things that looks something like this:

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/10/22 03:55:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Sorry reaching back to page 1...

When you worked with the storage boxes did you need to do anything special for paint and glue? Did regular superglue and paint work?

Thinking of a troop shuttle...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/10/22 05:43:06

Post by: insaniak

Regular superglue works, but on softer plastic it can pop off if it gets knocked or warped. I found the best option was an 'all plastic' superglue system, which is a two-part product that includes a tube of superglue and a primer pen - you 'paint' both parts to be glued with the primer and then glue them together with the superglue. Grabs instantly and sets like a rock.

There are also some 'all plastic' glues out there that are just a goopy clear glue in a tube. The one I tried looked promising initially, but shrinks as it sets, which made the thinner parts curl and pop off.

Paint-wise, I use a spraycan primer, and if I'm doing something rough like salt-weathering I apply a coat of sealer over the primer. They would probably still scratch if they were all thrown in a box or something, but for my relatively careful terrain use it works fine. You can improve the paint adherence by lightly sanding before spraying. An etching primer might also be worth a go, although I'm not sure what that would do to the terrain sprue components...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/10/22 14:45:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks, very useful. My Christmas calendar is filling up...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/10/29 23:34:54

Post by: insaniak

New terrain article piece: Abandoned outpost, made from a Knights of Dice MDF blank, the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue and some plastic plants.

Full build article is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/766013.page

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/11/05 20:01:31

Post by: insaniak

Bubblegum dispenser generator!

Full article showing how it was built is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/766339.page

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/11/06 12:08:25

Post by: darrkespur

Very cool! Watch out for General Veers in his AT-AT though...

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/11/19 18:44:31

Post by: insaniak

Shipping crates made from old flight bases, 25mm bases and some cardboard:

You can find a tutorial here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/767062.page#10235701

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/12/03 19:52:09

Post by: insaniak

New modeling article is up: an observatory made from a yoghurt tub and half of a plastic bauble:

Build article is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/767674.page#10252975

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/12/03 19:57:38

Post by: Haighus

Looks good! Now I'm wondering what you are going to do with the other half

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/12/04 16:17:10

Post by: darrkespur

Another lovely building! It looks like the Hoth ion cannon from Empire Strikes Back.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2018/12/07 21:58:13

Post by: filbert

It consistently amazes me what you manage to come up with, with just a few simple objects and the terrain sprue. It's like Blue Peter on steroids!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/03/18 20:06:26

Post by: insaniak

Apparently I had been a little lax in updating this thread...

Some crates:

And the accompanying tutorial:

- by Iain Wilson

Time for another quick and easy build!

The Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue includes a nifty corner bracing piece, which would normally be used on the roof corners of flat-roof buildings to pretty them up a little. Because a lot of my buildings have angled buttresses or ballustraded roofs, I collect a lot of spares of this part. Looking for something easy and effective to do with them, I hit on the idea of turning them into shipping crates!

To replicate these, for each crate you will need some 1mm thick plasticard or cardboard - two pieces 21mm square, two pieces 21mm x 12mm, and two pieces 19mm by 12mm, and you will also need eight corner braces.

Start by placing the corner braces flat side down, and gluing them together in sets of four along the flat edges, as below:

Glue your large squares into the two resultant boxwork shapes. If you're using plasticard, you can use polystyrene cement for this. Use superglue if you have gone with cardboard.

Next, take the 21mm long strips, and glue them along the inside of one of the boxes, along opposite sides. It doesn't matter which two sides you go with, so long as they are opposite each other.

The 19mm strips should then fit neatly in on the other two sides. It's a good idea to check them for fit, and trim up if necessary before gluing them in. If you wind up with the corners of the strips not all meeting up exactly, it's not a problem, as they'll be hidden by the boxwork when you put the other side on.

Speaking of the other side, you can now glue this on by sliding it on over the strips, until it butts up neatly against the first side.

And that's it. They're really easy to put together, so (assuming you have enough corner braces knocking around) you can quickly assemble a few of them to stack up and scatter around the table for a bit of low cover.

They're fairly light, so while they sit neatly on top of each other, you may find it beneficial to glue the stacks together so that they don't get knocked awry mid-game. This also gives you less surface to paint, since you won't need to paint the faces that are touching other crates!

Keen to give it a go? You can pick up the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range from the webstore here.

As always, feel free to pop along and share your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the article roundup here.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
A bunker - built from a plastic plant pot.

You can see how it was built in the walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/772039.page#10359581

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And another bunker made from an air conditioner fitting that I found while I was at the hardware store looking for something else entirely...

Build article is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/772988.page#10384758

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/03/20 20:14:56

Post by: Camkierhi

Awesome as usual.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/05/20 19:39:37

Post by: insaniak

New building, taking some time out for reflection...

Full build article is here.

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/05/27 20:00:54

Post by: insaniak

This week I had a play with an MDF kit from Uncertain Scenery that I picked up at Salute...

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/775982.page#10459657

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/06/03 20:52:04

Post by: insaniak

This week, I got all environmentally-friendly:

Made from an old electric toothbrush head, a little plasticard, a piece from the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, and a piece off the end of a superglue lid.

Full build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/776270.page#10466049

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/06/05 19:03:36

Post by: Insectum7

Aw, this thread is super cool! I really dig the variety of things you've come up with.

I got some of those terrain sprues recently as a hand-me-down and am part way through building two "science stations".

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/06/24 01:52:55

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I love checking this page. I know I can always find some good inspiration. I just received a double pack of the terrain sprues and I am excited to get to work.


Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/07/11 21:09:11

Post by: insaniak

Venturing back inside the (cardboard) box...

Embiggened pics:

Full build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/777775.page#10500727

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/07/22 12:19:40

Post by: RiTides

Just love the paint job on that one!!

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/07/25 20:20:35

Post by: insaniak


New building - lifting the lid on removable roofs...

Full build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/778319.page#10515280

Livin' on the MEdge - or: 101 things to do with the MEdge terrain sprue... @ 2019/08/22 20:37:38

Post by: insaniak

New building, with a bit of a sneak peek at a new terrain sprue coming up for release very soon...

More pics and a build walkthrough here.