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Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2018/12/28 17:34:02

Post by: gobert

Updated with an index of completed minis

Warhammer 40k (2024 = 21, 2023 = 71 + Necron Army Complete! 2022 = 65 + 5, 2021 = 26 + 63, 2020 = 111, 2019 = 61)
Blood Angels
2019 = 10
3 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
4 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
1 x 2nd Edition Brother Captain Erasmus Tycho
1 x 2nd Edition Chief Librarian Mephiston, Lord of Death
1 x 2nd Edition Techmarine
2021 = 4
3 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
1 x 2nd Edition Company Standard Bearer

Space Wolves
2019 = 8
1 x 2nd Edition Wolf Guard Captain in power armour
6 x 2nd Edition Blood Claws (originally Grey Hunters)
1 x Rogue Trader Leman Russ
2020 = 4
2 x Leman Russ’ Wolves “Freki & Geri”
1 x 2nd Edition Njal Stormcaller
1 x 2nd Edition Iron Priest

2019 = 6
6 x 2nd Edition Hormagaunts

Blackstone Fortress
2019 = 37
4 x Ur-Ghuls
4 x Spindle Drones
4 x Chaos Beastmen
4 x Negavolt Cultists
7 x Traitor Guard
2 x Rogue Psykers
7 x Traitor Guard
1 x Traitor Command: Traitor Commissar
1 x Traitor Command: Chaos Ogryn
2 x Chaos Space Marines
1 x Obsidius Mallex
2020 = 21
1 x The Dreaded Ambull: Ambull
2 x The Dreaded Ambull: Borewyrms
1 x Amalyn Shadowquide
1 x UR-025
1 x Taddeus the Purifier
1 x Dahyak Grehk
1 x Rein
1 x Raus
1 x Pious Vorne
1 x Espern Locarno
1 x Janus Draik
7 x Escalation: Chaos Cultists
1 x Escalation: Chaos Cultist Firebrand
1 x Escalation: Crusader Gotfret De Montbard
2021 = 16
6 x No Repite: Poxwalkers
1 x Escalation: Technoarcheologist Daedalosus
1 x Escalation: Servitor X-101
4 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
4 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
2021 New bases = 63
7 x Traitor Guard on new bases
4 x Spindle Drones on new bases
4 x Ur-Ghuls on new bases
6 x No Respite: Poxwalkers on new bases
7 x Escalation: Cultists on new bases
7 x Traitor Guard on new bases
4 x Chaos Beastmen on new bases
1 x Traitor Command: Traitor Commissar on new base
4 x Negavolt Cultists on new bases
1 x Escalation: Firebrand Cultist on new base
2 x Chaos Space Marines on new bases
2 x Rogue Psykers on new bases
9 x Explorers on new bases
1 x Dreaded Ambull on new base
2 x baby Ambulls on new bases
1 x Traitor Ogryn on new base
1 x Obsidius Mallex on new base
2022 = 56
3 x No Respite: Plague Marines
1 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
15 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
7 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
13 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
12 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
1 x Escalation: Psyker Aradia Madellan
1 x Escalation: Neyam Shai Murad
1 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel Warp Gate Dice Tower
1 x Deadly Alliance Archivist (Zoat)
2022 new bases = 5
1 x Escalation: Neyam Shai Murad
1 x Escalation: Psyker Aradia Madellan
1 x Escalation: Technoarcheologist Daedalosus
1 x Escalation: Servitor X-101
1 x Escalation: Crusader Gotfret De Montbard
2023 = 3
2 x Wrath of the Daemonkin: Greater Possessed Chaos Space Marines
1 x Xenos Hunter: Deathwatch Watch Master from the Sons of Orar Chapter

2020 = 53
1 x 2nd Edition Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
1 x Base of 2nd Edition Snotlings
1 x Mega Armoured Nob
28 x 2nd Edition boxset Gretchin
1 x Converted Goblin Banner Grot
1 x 2nd Edition Makari
14 x 2nd Edition Slugga Boyz, inc 2 Converted Nobz
5 x 2nd Edition Stormboyz, inc Nob
1 x 2nd Edition Ghazghkull Thraka

Crimson Fists
2020 = 7
5 x Rogue Trader RTB9 Terminators
1 x Rogue Trader RTB9 Terminator Librarian
1 x Rogue Trader RTB9 Terminator Captain

Void Panthers
2020 = 13
8 x Space Marine Heroes Series 1, Tactical Marines
2 x Space Marine Adventures, Tactical Marines
3 x Space Marine Bikers
2021 = 6
2 x Space Marine Adventures, Tactical Marines
3 x Space Marine Heroes Series 1 Kitbashed with Tactical Marines
1 x Space Marine Land Speeder
2022 = 10
5 x Space Marine Assault Marines with Jump Packs
5 x Space Marine Tactical Marines
2023 = 25
5 x Space Marine Assault Marines with Jump Packs
1 x Display Board
4 x Sector Imperialis Ruins
1 x Land Raider internals
1 x Land Raider Externals
5 x Space Marine Tactical Marines
5 x Space Marine Sternguard Veterans
1 x Space Marine Techmarine Stormtalon pilot
1 x Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour aka Void Panthers Chapter Master Inanis
1 x Space Marine Stormtalon
2024 = 11
5 x Space Marine Terminator Squad inc some Space Marine Heroes series 2
1 x Space Marine Librarian Natorian
5 x Space Marine Tactical Marines

2020 = 13
10 x Indomitus Necron Warriors
3 x Indomitus Necron Scarabs
2023 = 44
3 x Indomitus Necron Scarabs
10 x Indomitus Necron Warriors
5 x Necron Deathmarks
5 x Necron Immortals
5 x Necron Lychguard
2 x Indomitus Necron Cryptothralls
1 x Indomitus Necron Plasmacyte
1 x Indomitus Necron Plasmancer
1 x Indomitus Necron Royal Warden
1 x Indomitus Necron Canoptek Reanimator
1 x Indomitus Necron Skorpekh Lord
1 x Indomitus Necron Overlord
1 x Necron Overlord
3 x Indomitus Necron Skorpekh Warriors
1 x Necron Doomscythe
3 x Necron Tomb Blades

Death Guard
2024 = 10
10 x Death Guard Poxwalkers

Kill Team (2024 = 100)
Harbinger of Damnation
2024 = 100
100 x pieces for 3D Printed Harbinger of Damnation Kill Team Board

Warhammer Fantasy (2023 = 9 & High Elf Army Completed! 2022 = 53, 2021 = 0, 2020 = 40, 2019 = 39)
High Elves
2019 = 21
20 x 4th Edition boxset High Elf Spearmen
1 x Eltharion on Stormwing
2020 = 40
10 x 4th Edition boxset High Elf Archers (inc converted Champion)
1 x Repeater Bolt Thrower
2 x Repeater Bolt Thrower Crew
20 x 4th Edition Boxset High Elf Spearmen including Champion, Standard Bearer and Musician
6 x 4th Edition High Elf Silver Helms including Champion and Standard Bearer
1 x Marauder Miniatures High Elf Mage on Unicorn
2022 = 53
40 x 4th Edition High Elf Archers
1 x Display Board for 4th Edition High Elves
12 x 4th Edition High Elf Spearmen
2023 = 1 + Army Complete!
1 x 4th Edition High Elf Tiranoc Chariot
Complete Army Pics

2019 = 18
7 x BattleMasters Chaos Warriors
1 x Heroquest Chaos Warrior
10 x BattleMasters Chaos Beastmen
2023 = 8
5 x Khorne Bloodbound Blood Reavers
3 x Khorne Bloodbound Blood Warriors

Bill & Ted’s Riff In Time (2022 = 15)
2022 = 15
15 x Player Characters and Personages of Historical Interest

Labyrinth: The Board Game

Aliens: Another glorious day in the corps (2024 = 17, 2023 = 23)
2023 = 23
22 x Xenomorph Warriors
1 x Xenomorph Queen, aka the B***h!
2024 = 17
10 x Colonial Marines
1 x Ripley
1 x Burke
1 x Newt
1 x Ripley & Newt
2 x Bishops
1 x Ripley in Power Loader

eM4 Miniatures (2024=5)
5 x eM4 Miniatures Orcs

======original post======
So, back in September I broke my back, all should be good in the long run but I suddenly found myself with a lot of free time. In preparation for going back to work I thought I’d get back in to painting so that I can get used to sitting at a desk again. After lurking on Dakka for a few years I thought I’d start my own P&M blog to chart my progress. However, the combination of having a young family and not being able to sit for long periods of time means that progress will be slow!

First a bit about my hobby background. I first got in to WHFB through a school friend at the start of 4th Edition, quickly moving on to 40k with the 2nd Edition box set. After a few years I stopped playing but carried on the painting until I left home for work. A few years later I got back in to painting whilst at Uni and again about 5 years ago. Those forays only lasted a couple of months, so this one is already longer in time, if far less productive!

Money is quite tight at the moment so despite the temptation of new models I thought i’d limit my spending to paints and tools whilst I get through the massive pile of unpainted and poorly painted models I already have. I’ve got quite sizeable collections of High Elves, Space Marines, Empire, Imperial Guard, Orcs & Goblins and Orks, along with smaller piles of WHFB Chaos, Undead and Tyranids.

First up i thought i’d finish a model i started in my last foray in to painting. I think he was either a Space Wolf Captain or Wolf Guard in Power Armour, I just liked his cool wolf helmet and thought he could do with a better paint job. It’s not great, partly as i painted over my brothers efforts from +20 years ago, but its a fair improvement from my previous space marines. I’m also amazed at how much better marines look on the new 32mm bases compared to the old 25mm ones. Similarly, i think dropping the old goblin green base colour helps loads!

Alongside this guy are 3 Blood Angels Tactical Marines, I’ve tried thinning my paints, but looking at the photos i have quite a bit of work to do to get that right! It’s also my first attempt at edge highlighting which i’m quite pleased with even if its a bit messy in places. I might try and tidy them up a bit before i finish the bases. They’re currently all different colours as i’m trying to figure out which to go with. I’ve done a trial of the turquoise, on an empty base and whilst i think it looks quite good i think i’ll go with the desert colours like the Space Wolf

Next on my desk is a unit of High Elf Spearmen that are about 50% complete, a few Hormagaunts and another Space Wolf. I’ve also got an itch to paint some Chaos Warriors either a reddish orange or a metallic purple.

If anybody is there, thanks for reading!


Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2018/12/29 00:12:49

Post by: tzurk

Welcome back (no pun intended...)! Best wishes for the recovery mate - that's a terrifying injury, especially with a young family. You can always call your hobby 'art therapy'...

Those old minis hit me straight away with the nostalgia bat. For all the flak that the new GW monopose minis cop, the old monopose minis just feel right...You've picked a good colour for highlighting the red, which isn't always easy, and neatness/accuracy of edge highlights is something I've always struggled with too - but it does get easier with more practice. I love the turquoise base for the BA myself, but if you want all your marines to match the desert looks good too and won't clash with the SWs like the turquoise would.

Good luck with the project - I can't wait to see more classic minis!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2018/12/29 18:28:28

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Welcome back to the hobby! I hope you and your family are well and things look brighter with each day.

I'm sort of in a similar situation, although not as severe as yours. I think your head is in the right place - a productive hobby that you enjoy and take your time with is a boon. Don't make it a chore. In time, you'll have lots of miniatures to be proud of.

I look forward to what you have in store!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2018/12/29 23:31:33

Post by: gobert

 tzurk wrote:
Welcome back (no pun intended...)! Best wishes for the recovery mate - that's a terrifying injury, especially with a young family. You can always call your hobby 'art therapy'...

Those old minis hit me straight away with the nostalgia bat. For all the flak that the new GW monopose minis cop, the old monopose minis just feel right...You've picked a good colour for highlighting the red, which isn't always easy, and neatness/accuracy of edge highlights is something I've always struggled with too - but it does get easier with more practice. I love the turquoise base for the BA myself, but if you want all your marines to match the desert looks good too and won't clash with the SWs like the turquoise would.

Good luck with the project - I can't wait to see more classic minis!

Thanks Tzurk, i’d Intended the pun in the blog title so it’s all good! You’re right, the old minis just look good even though they’re very static with their sqauting poses. My daughter also reckons I should go with the turquoise bases. I picked the colour thinking it would contrast well with the red of the Blood Angels armour. Here’s my test base

I think I need to start with a darker turquoise and finish a bit darker too. All I did was keep adding Bleached Bone to the Hawk Turquoise. I might start with some black in the Turquoise then highlight up from there.

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
Welcome back to the hobby! I hope you and your family are well and things look brighter with each day.

I'm sort of in a similar situation, although not as severe as yours. I think your head is in the right place - a productive hobby that you enjoy and take your time with is a boon. Don't make it a chore. In time, you'll have lots of miniatures to be proud of.

I look forward to what you have in store!

Cheers CaptainWaffle, things progressed quite quickly to begin with, so it’s getting frustrating now that things have slowed down. Painting has helped me get back to work quicker so it’s doing well so far. I agree with trying to not make it a chore, so I expect to be mixing up what I paint quite a bit. All try to get some pics of my High Elves early in the new year.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2018/12/30 18:36:55

Post by: amazingturtles

I do like that test base! i look forward to more, high elves in particular have always been some of my favorites that i never actually had

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/06 01:29:09

Post by: gobert

Happy New Years! It’s been a hectic holiday season so there’s not much to update on.

The turquoise base for the Blood Angels has gone down well. The deciding vote going to my Daughter, so I have to do them turquoise now! I’ve done a couple more tests and base coated the 3 marine bases.

The right hand base started with some hawk turquoise mixed with chaos black then highlighted as before. It’s hard to see In the image but the other one had stripes of the dark base coat, black, brown, green and blue washes before highlighting again. The brown and green I think look best, I might have to let my Daughter decide which looks best!

Alongside messing with bases I’ve been progressing a regiment of High Elf Spearmen from the 4th Edition Box Set.

They’re not the most exciting of miniatures but I enjoy painting them. The scheme for these High Elf Spearmen was taken from a White Dwarf article, I think by Andy Chambers. It was his way of quickly painting up a HE army. I too wanted a quick way to paint my 2 starter boxes worth of High Elves! This regiment was probably started about 20 years ago, with the blue wash going on 5 years ago. The chap on the Goblin Green base is close to being the finished article.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/06 05:51:33

Post by: CaptainWaffle

My vote is on the left base. The details pop out more. The right base looks more like bluish slush, which I don't think you're trying for.

The High Elf spearmen are classic. Nothing wrong with a bunch of soldiers at attention in formation. Are they awaiting shields as well? The color scheme is definitely striking and effective, and evoke decades past.

Are you planning any games with them, or are these more for personal use for now? I rebased my White Lions and some of my spearmen for Age of Sigmar and the larger room on the 25mm circle bases gives a lot more room for artistry. I also have a box of built and primed-white High Elves from the old Spire of Dawn/Isle of Blood set that I need to get painted. I'll probably make it a project sometime this year.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/06 11:10:53

Post by: tzurk

G'day mate,
Nice to see you smashing through the BAs. I'm a big fan of the left base too - I think the starker highlights look great, and will pop more at a distance.

Love the high elves too - 20 years is some "quick" painting! The blue wash on the steel is a nice touch, and even as they are they look good in a bunch. Interested to see how they come together with a few more touches!

edit: just noticed the goblin green base - those things are unreal. Old White Dwarves are great to flick through and see the beautifully painted armies based with a slap of green and some flock. The old minis age might like wine, but the basing techniques age like milk...

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/06 15:20:32

Post by: amazingturtles

I like those elves. simple, yes, but still pretty tough and soldierly looking.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/15 23:40:34

Post by: gobert

Thanks for the comments guys.

Captain, Yes I’ve been trying to find some shields for the Spearmen. I’m nearly there and thinking a silver background with coloured washes for the icons. Sadly they won’t get to see any games though. You’re elves looks really cool. I especially like your sylvaneth not-ents!

Tzurk, I probably should finish off those BAs next time I pick up a brush so they don’t end up like the Elves and take 20years! The basing techniques people use really have come on a lots. I’m thinking of a lava theme for the choas warriors I have, so might go for ash/cold lava wasteland for the High Elves as though they’re approaching the Chaos dudes. I might try a test or 2 of that

Not much to update this past week.. I’m now back to work full time, which is proving tiring. Combined with the feeble physio exercise I now have, I’m pretty much wiped out by Tuesdays!

Mute bit of hobby time I did get was mostly spent finishing stripping some old marines in dettol. They’ve mostly come out ok, but they were previously in some fairy power spray for a few years which seems to have corroded them in a few places. I’ll basecoat them soon to see if the corrosion leeches through the paint. Once done I chucked a few Rogue Trader and Wolf Guard Terminators in to strip in a while.

In other news I bought a wet palette, I touched up some of the HE Spearmen and am impressed by it. Looking forward to trying it out some more!

Sorry for the lack of pics!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/20 11:30:42

Post by: gobert

So I actually managed to get some painting done the other night. I decided that my Elves needed some Shields so dug through all of my boxes of bits to find all of the shileds I could.

As you can see they’re in various states of painting and I hadn’t previously settled on a theme. Having fallen back in love with the bright metallic blue again I figured I’d carry that over to the Shields.

Again it’s fairly simple but I like the effect. The lighting seems to have made the coloured bits look less evenly shaded, in reality they look much less blotchy. I particularly like the Phoenix Shields which I think the front rank of Spearmen will get. I hope to finish painting the unit next week with basing the week after.

Progress on my Marines has been made, they’re all touched up awaiting unit markings and base highlighting. With any luck I’ll get around to them next week too, but that might be too fast paced for me!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/21 05:05:14

Post by: amazingturtles

It is a very nice color. There's only one, but i like how it turned out on the sword with the heart. Heartsword?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/21 20:06:15

Post by: gobert

Amazingturtles, thanks! The Heartsword does look nice, I think it’s from one of the heroes I have. Either the Eltharion or the Silver Helm champion. Depending how these guys go I might get the others out to rebase too.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/21 21:19:13

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Those shields are going to look great on the soldiers. I've always found that doing too much with the aesthetics on large units makes them look much too busy, but your shields are not. You kept the painting clean on the designs, too, which will add to the elvish look.

Looking forward to seeing it all come together, in its time. I hope you continue to enjoy the hobby and find it relaxing. Life is busy and recovery, even the later parts, are not fun.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/21 22:48:06

Post by: Ezki

Just now hopping in.
Glad you decided to get back to the hobby!
Painting minis along with other crafty hobbies is a great way to relax and take the mind off things. It helped me to get over some really hard times.
I hope you find a good balance between hobbying and life. And hopefully the recovery goes well!

Regarding the painting, you are doing a good job.
I believe the wet palette will have a major impact on your painting skills once you get used to it.

Also avoid the same mistake I did: stressing about not making progress. Sometimes there just is no time / inspiration.
Find the pace that works for you and enjoy the hobby time

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/23 06:39:14

Post by: tzurk

Looking good mate! I'm a big fan of washes over metallics and it works well on the shields

That unit is gonna look ace all together.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/01/27 10:01:29

Post by: Midget Gems

Good to see some of the old models getting a fresh go. A nice nostalgia visit. One of my first memories of the White Dwarf magazine is a joke about a cat falling on a unit of High Elf Spearman. (taken out of context it seems a bit harsh but did make me chuckle at the time)

Keep up the good work

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/09 00:45:19

Post by: gobert

Thanks for all of the comments whilst i've been absent. Work has been crazy these past few weeks, but amazingly i've not being totally unproductive either! I've been wanting to paint more as it helps de-stress even if the ol' back isn't a fan of long sessions at the desk!

So first up, i've finished the 3 Blood Angels, all based up (in turqouise!), transfers applied and a company marking added to their knee pads

was it a Genesis video where they all span around in stop motion? Here they are on their own

Overall I'm pleased with how they came out. I can't decide whether to clean up their armour where the dry brush strokes hit. On the one hand they look like they're part of their environment, on the other hand pointless military discipline tasks like polishing your armour seem very Astartes! The honour stripes on their weapons are a new touch i'm liking especially alongside the Tycho honouring (though he's still alive in 2nd Edition!) company markings on the knee.

The High Elves have had a bit more paint too. They're all based up with only their spears and helmet gems needing painting before i attach their shields;

it seems the spearmen i put in the front row have the dullest bases of the lot, but I'm liking the dark volcanic wasteland look. It's kind of how i imagined Mordor to look, which has given me a bit of an idea for re-basing Eltharion on Stormwing, but that'll be for another time.

Thanks for stopping by

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/09 02:09:53

Post by: kestral

I do like those elf shields!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/09 08:06:22

Post by: tzurk

Nice work mate! The bases look really good, nice contrast going on there. I'd personally leave the remnants of the base paint on the marine's legs - looks like they've been trekking through the sludge to get to the bad guys. Elves look great all ranked up too - can't wait to see them with the shields on!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/09 14:44:52

Post by: amazingturtles

Looking very solid, both the elves and the marines.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/10 01:52:56

Post by: gobert

My wife is away so I’ve managed 2 nights in a row of painting! In that time I’ve managed to finish my first unit since starting painting again and it feels great! So here they are in their 20 years in the making, Red & Blue glory;

I even managed to add the Shields, which is a first for me with High Elves! So here’s a side on view to show off the other ranks!

Now I need to figure out what to paint next. I have some Tyranid Hormagaunts or some Chaos Warriors, decisions, decision!

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/10 09:14:02

Post by: mcmattila

I'm liking those old-school marines, and solid work on the elves too (congrats on getting an "infinity project" finished!).

As for the basing colors getting on the legs of models, I'd leave it. As you said, it connects the model and the base. I sometimes drybrush some of my base's highlight color on the legs deliberately if I didn't do it by accident first Of course, if I splotch it on too much, I'll go back and fix it.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/11 03:24:44

Post by: amazingturtles

Excellent work on finishing the elves! it's not the time it takes, it's the fact that they're done. or something.

I like them a lot is what i mean.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/16 00:42:28

Post by: gobert

Amazingturtles - yep, it’s good to have finished a compete unit, especially one that stalled for so long! Glad you liked them too!

mcmatilla - cheers, the old school metal marines do have a certain charm, especially now they’re much better painted that I could manage all those years ago!

Keeping the progress going at a rapid pace... here’s something that was started probably 25 years ago! I’m liking these infinity projects at the moment. These guys are from the Battle Masters set, which I think I got for Christmas way back in my early teens. At somepoint a singleton Chaos Warriors joined them, probably from an issue of White Dwarf.

They never got anything more than a shoddy basecoat back in the day, but I fancied painting something a bit different. Even though I’m sticking with the wash over metallics but fancied giving them a go in purple (Slaanesh???). I found a nice tutorial for some metallic Emperors Children and thought I’d give it a go. This is just the first wash, of which I think there’ll be a couple more. I’m thinking a deep red for their capes maybe with a bit of gold trim. Apologies for the poor picture.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/16 19:47:22

Post by: youwashock

There is a lot to like going on here. The memories just come rolling back seeing these models. Keep at it. You can never see enough great old models getting another chance to shine.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/02/26 20:49:26

Post by: Captain Brown


Nothing like finishing a painted unit.

Now go and do it again and reduce the unpainted!



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/01 14:43:25

Post by: gobert

Youwashock - glad you’re enjoying the trip down memory lane, sadly I seem to have lost a few units over the years. Young gobert must’ve binned some of the worse paint jobs!

CB - it is good to clear a unit, especially when progress is as glacial as mine!

Not much progress since my last update. I think I’ve finished the purple washes so will be moving on with the warriors, I reckon black capes will look better than the red I was contemplating.

I had done some work on their bases, hoping to get a glowing coals effect. I was trying to get them to glow yellow in the middle transitioning to red at the edge but I can’t get it right . One base that was mainly an orangey red looks pretty good, so I think I’ll change them all to match that one.

My wife is away again this weekend, so if the kids get to sleep well I might make a good bit of progress on these guys.

Cheers for stopping by!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/01 19:31:16

Post by: amazingturtles

Those are definitely some classic guys, and i like that purply color. One thing I really do like about the old models is how robust they look. Tough as nails.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/02 17:23:34

Post by: gobert

Amazingturtles - Cheers, the recipe for the purple is simple but effective. Just boltgun metal and Druchi purple wash. I’m happy with the luck after 3 washes but I think godardc used 5 for his Emperors Children. These old BattleMasters Chaos Warriors really are solid, and a bit hunchbacked. It’s frustrating that some of the details blend together like thecboots and capes, but I guess that’s part of the charm of single part minis!

I made some progress last night, mainly blocking out the secondary colours. I think I also recovered the bases and am quite pleased with the effect. I’ll try to remember to get some picks before I start later.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/03 00:56:02

Post by: youwashock

Looking forward to seeing the bases and how they look with that purple armor.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/03 01:18:45

Post by: gobert

Youwashock - ask and ye shall receive! And thanks for getting me to page 2.

So 2 nights of labours have brought the unit close to completion and I’m pretty happy with them.

The lava was pretty simple in the end. I painted the base yellow in the centre, then orange, then red around the outside. On its own that didn’t look great after the first dry brushing with black so I applied a liberal wash of red before. I then did a couple more dry brushes of black, followed by a light dry brush of eshin grey and dawnstone on some of the more raised rocks. I’m really pleased how it came out, and I think it even looks good on the photos!

The warriors themselves are nearly finished. Their halberds need a different colour, I think I’ll leave the purple wash but dry brush them back to a more steel colour. Their shields also look a bit bland so I might try a freehand symbol. I’d like to get a bit more white on them too, but there just wasn’t any suitable space. ing up the freehand aside I’m hopeful to finish them off next I get a chance to do some painting.

Cheers for stopping by!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/24 00:47:10

Post by: gobert

So my stellar rate of progress continues and I’ve finished the Chaos Warriors from Battle Masters. These boys have to be more like 25 years in the making, but I’m pleased with how they turned out.

I’m really liking the bases, the front rank in particular have a decent glow to them irl. The purple armour turned out really nice and was really straightforward to do. I’m also pleased with my first attempts at freehand painting in 20 years on the Slaanesh symbol . Some turned out better than others, but overall I’m happy. The only thing that lets them down for me is that they’re a bit too dark. I’d have preferred them to be a bit brighter or get some more white on them though I’m not sure where that could be. Perhaps if I find the rest of the Battle Masters Warriors?

I also made a start on some hormagaunts too. I’m planning to use Ezki’s orange from his Swooping Hawks for them as my current thought is that they’ll be broadly based on Zog!

Cheers for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/24 01:00:24

Post by: youwashock

Sweet! Another unit down! Good on you making it through the shields. That is a fairly tall order. The bases are cool. Or hot. Or cooling? Anyway, keep it up!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/24 01:16:34

Post by: MegaDave

Chaos Warriors look great! Love those old models

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/24 01:56:52

Post by: amazingturtles

Congratulations! They look great, and the freehand shields are just right.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/24 12:19:54

Post by: Ezki

That is some mighty fine paint work you've done.
Bases look very cool too!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/24 23:28:05

Post by: gobert

Youwashock- cheers! The Shields were pretty fun to do. I couldn’t quite get the crescent moon part right at the top of some of the symbols and it was a bit hairy as the metallic purple would be quite a repair job to match any touch ups! I like to think of the bases as cooling, eventually I’d like to have my Chaos minis facing up to similarly based High Elves who’s vanguard units are starting to encroach on the hotter parts of the plain, but that’s a way off yet.

Megadave - Thanks, the Battle Masters minis are my main reference for what Chaos Warriors should look like. Solid and Staunch!

Amazingturtles - the Shields are a pretty decent first re-attempt at freehand I reckon, cheers!

Ezki - Thanks, the more is look at the bases the more I want to paint some more! Hopefully my next batch of minis live up to your recipe I’m borrowing!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So it seems I’ve made the Dakka home page with my plog. Not sure how it happens but it brought a smile to my face so I’ll assume someone in power liked it or felt sorry for me!

No progress today but I did manage to snap the Hormagaunts I started yesterday. They’re going to be mainly drybrushed so should come together quite quickly as long as I don’t get too over enthusiastic with the brush! They’re going to be loosely styled on one of my kids favourite book characters;

Having seen Ezki’s awesome orange swooping hawk wings, he kindly shared the recipe so I’ll be following that, though for some reason I decided to add a wash after the first dry brush layer. Here’s what they look like after that;

Plus a close up of the one on the right

Kind of semi miniature related, my daughter was distraught when she saw a tree in our garden being cut back. So much so I promised to make her a fairy play ground using the wood. Here is my first attempt; a fairy swing set

Not sure when I’ll next pick up a brush but hopefully get the odd dry brush layer in once the kids are asleep during the week.

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/28 00:15:32

Post by: gobert

I managed a bit of dry brushing time and got the basics of the Hormagaunts pretty much done. I quite like how they’re looking, but I’m regretting the wash as it’s made them a bit too brown.

Next up will be the claws and eyes. The claws I’m going to try got do as a pale bone, but I never had much luck with that in the ancient past, perhaps I’ll manage better this time. In the book Zog has white eyes, but I’m not sure that works for Tyranids, so might have to change that.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/31 22:51:22

Post by: gobert

A bit more progress has been made on my Hormagaunts. It’s a very simple scheme and is nearly complete. First image is pre-wash, then the rest are post wash.

And the whole gang together

I’m sure it’s not a revelation to most but the citadel shades are awesome! So easy to use compared to the old washes. 15 year old me took ages to figure them out, partly because that was pre-internet!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/03/31 23:36:45

Post by: MegaDave

Looking good, love the old hormagaunts. Swing is pretty nice for a first try, doubt I'd have the inclination to make one myself! Also, where is the fairy?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/01 02:34:48

Post by: amazingturtles

Nice work! I love their angry little faces.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/01 17:57:37

Post by: youwashock

Nice bugs! The bone color breaks up that orange nicely.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/03 08:30:21

Post by: mcmattila

Not a fan of the old termagant models, but your paint scheme is solid! The slaaneshi Warriors are also impressive, kudos for painting all those shield icons!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/07 18:39:08

Post by: gobert

MegaDave - I was never really a fan of nids back in the day, but for some reason I was inspired to paint these in the style of Zog. The dry brushing I did really brought out the details compared to the poor effort my brother did c20 years ago, they really look like Aliens, nearly to the point of copy right infringement. Next time my kids play with their fairies out there I’ll try to get a picture, but I too wasn’t particularly inclined to build it but my daughter was so distraught at the tree being heavily trimmed it was all I could do to console her! Suffice to say there’ll be more to come when I find my hatchet...

amazingturtles - cheers, they are pretty angry, ready to devour all biomass!

youwashock - you’re right they were looking a bit bland before the bone went on.

mcmatila - likewise I didn’t like them, but the dry brush really brought out the Alien detail which has grown in me. The shield icons weren’t too bad in the end and were actually quite fun. I think I’ll keep any freehand simple for now though as it’s too easy to make mistakes

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/08 17:34:44

Post by: gobert

Last night i managed to finish my Zog themed Hormagaunts. There wasn’t much left to do after the last post, just some more bone painting, the eyes and their bases. In the books Zog has white eyes, but that wasn’t Tyranid enough for my liking so I went for a bright green. So without further ado, here are the pics;

There are a few close ups for those that want a better look at my shoddy brushwork in the spoiler


I think they came out pretty well, I’m particularly liking the couple that are mid sprint with only the underside of their claws still on the ground. They look pretty rapid, dynamic and scary! I also hadn’t realised quite how sculpted and bumpy their heads were.

You may have noticed that their bases are similar to my blood angels, so I got a group shot

Whilst i was at it I thought I’d get one of the Chaos Warriors squaring up against the High Elves

Now I need to have a look in my box of random minis to see what to paint next. I had hoped to paint some Rogue Trader era Terminators but the dettol they were in must’ve been contaminated with water so they went all gunky. There are some more Elves that wouldn’t take much to finish off.

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/08 18:04:39

Post by: amazingturtles

Well done on finishing them up! i agree on the green eyes, it's the right choice.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/08 23:09:09

Post by: tzurk

Looks like you are really starting to unrust, Gobert! Those slaaneshi warriors are stunning, and the hormies look great too - nice to see the contrasting painting techniques still turning out top results. Your basing is really coming along too. Lava ones are inspired, and you can see the improvement from BAs to tyranids. Exciting times ahead

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/12 18:04:01

Post by: gobert

tzurk wrote:Looks like you are really starting to unrust, Gobert! Those slaaneshi warriors are stunning, and the hormies look great too - nice to see the contrasting painting techniques still turning out top results. Your basing is really coming along too. Lava ones are inspired, and you can see the improvement from BAs to tyranids. Exciting times ahead

Thanks tzurk, High praise indeed! I think I’m already better than what I could achieve back in the day. I think it’s a combination of a bit more patience and the magic of the Internet showing how to do new things and do old techniques properly! The basing is a good example of the latter, though I think the new turquoise ones look better for not having a discarded colour underneath the turquoise!

amazingturtles wrote:Well done on finishing them up! i agree on the green eyes, it's the right choice.

Cheers turtles, the green is quite nice!

I managed a bit of modelling in the week between looking after the kids for the school holidays. Nothing too exciting, just getting some Battle Masters Beastmen ready for priming. They had some pretty impressive mood lines and young gobert did a poor job of getting them off the sprue. It looks like I just snapped them out

Apologies for the poor pic. I reckon I’ll go for a mix of skin/fur/hide colours, probably painting the leader with white fur. Most will end up brown and blackish though. I’ll tie them in to the Chaos Warriors with purple shields and purple or goldish tummy armour (is there a proper name for the little round plate over their stomachs?). I need to figure out how to get some white and gold on them too. Maybe their horns could be white?

Thanks for stopping by

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/12 19:21:44

Post by: youwashock

More classics! Looking forward to seeing them develop.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/22 10:06:16

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
More classics! Looking forward to seeing them develop.

All I have are classic minis! I was nearly tempted by the plastic crack fiend, but brought myself back from the brink and bought painting supplies instead!

Sadly I’ve not much progress to report, been busy travelling to see family and hosting my mother in law these past few weeks. I managed to get an hour or so in last night and got the base colours and a wash done on the Beastmen. I decided to do a variety of furs to hide that they are all identical. Two of the colours seem to have come out nigh identical so far though. I guess I’ll have to differentiate them by their manes instead.

First up are the triplets, they started with Bronzed Flesh followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade. I think they look pretty decent so far.

I then used gradually darker browns, next was a really old pot of snakebite leather. I added some water to thin it, forgetting it was already close to being an ink in consistency! Oh well, the second coat wasn’t thinned and gave a smooth enough finish for a wash of Agrax.

The next pair are a fair step different using Bestial brown

All of the above Beastmen will have darker manes, but the next pair will have lighter manes. I’m thinking one will have a reddish brown and the other more of a Doberman type colour. So far though, they’re just base coated black

The final Beastman is the unit leader. As my Chaos army is currently aligned with Slaanesh I thought I’d taint his fur with purple undertones. He started with a Space Wolf Grey base with a Druchii Violet wash. I’ll highlight him up to white though so it’ll only be the shade that has a purple tinge. I reckon on a black mane, perhaps his mum was a deamonette?

I also did the undercoat on their bases. This time instead of them individually glowing I tried to tie the whole unit as a single glow. The photo was taken just after I applied the red wash so the yellow and orange aren’t as visible. Last time the wash dried our showing more of the base colours, so hopefully it’ll do the same again!

Next I need to decide whether to dry brush or layer them.

Thanks for looking, comments and criticisms always welcome!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/23 00:00:20

Post by: amazingturtles

Purple is always a good choice! I like colorful beastmen. I once had the idea of trying to paint one of the newer ones with striped and polka dots but my skills failed me.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/23 19:20:17

Post by: youwashock

Shaping up to be a fun unit. Sprinkling a few off-color guys in there is a good idea.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/04/25 23:00:16

Post by: gobert

amazingturtles wrote:Purple is always a good choice! I like colorful beastmen. I once had the idea of trying to paint one of the newer ones with striped and polka dots but my skills failed me.

Hmm, stripes... I’ll have to think about that... The polka dots are definitely beyond my skills, though a Friesian cow type affair might be easier. My dry brushing on the black ones hasn’t gone very well, so I could change them up to zebra/cow Beastmen... I’ll see if I remember next I pick up the brushes.

youwashock wrote:Shaping up to be a fun unit. Sprinkling a few off-color guys in there is a good idea.

Cheers, they’ve been quite fun so far and the purple/white one is still looking quite bright purple now the drybrushing is done.

On a slightly related note I splashed some amazon vouchers on a cheap bookcase with the intent to fill it with models... that might take me a while unless I get out some old, less well painted models. I’m thinking I’ll get some acrylic sheets to try to keep some dust out, but worry it might warp. Has anyone had experience using it?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/04 08:35:58

Post by: gobert

It’s been a while and I’ve not managed much painting time, but I have made a little progress with the Beastmen. They’ve all had their dry brush highlights done on their skin now, with the black basecoat guys having a bestial brown layer added in after the dry brush didn’t really work how I wanted. They’ve all had a black wash applied to their head leg and chin furs. It’s quite basic, but they’re not exactly high profile characters!

I’ve also started on their hooves, horns and axe handles. All three areas had a coat of old school Bestial Brown, with the horns and hooves getting a striped layer of Bronzed Flesh in preparation for grading up to Bleached Bone and possibly Skull White.

Anyway, here are the Beasties:

Thanks for looking, comments and criticisms always welcome!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/05 20:11:32

Post by: gobert

Here’s where I got to last night with the Beasties;

I’ll pop their purple was on and do a bit of highlighting on their weapons. I’ll save the freehand on their Shields for another night though. Any suggestions for symbols to use? I could go for the Slaanesh symbol like my Chaos Warriors or perhaps a Beastman skull or maybe something from the Battle Masters stickers?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/10 22:05:25

Post by: gobert

I finished up my Chaos Beastmen from the old MB Battle Masters game. I’ve kept with the Slaanesh theme from my Chaos Warriors, but given their lesser status their purple metal work only got a single coat of Druchi Violet. As their loin cloths are a dull white I decided to do their Beastmen Symbol in black, with the leader getting a mark of Slaanesh. At first I was quite happy with the Beastmen symbols I started seeing a Mr Incredible like man flexing his muscles, without a head though!

I didn’t think through the position on the base of the leader so his shield is invisible when they're all ranked up, so here is a shot of one of each flavour standing slightly apart so their shields are visible.

If you look closely their eyes are red which I quite like, especially after an Agrax wash darkened their eye sockets. As I don’t have any ponies for the Chaos Lords I only have a unit of Chaos Archers to do before I’m out of Chaos peeps for this small force.

Next on the desk are some more Blood Angels, they’re all based and primed. Three of the four were left in Fairy Power Spray for about 5 years and seem to have suffered some strange surface corrosion. I’ve also bought some Mephiston Red spray, so looking forward to seeing how they come out. Fingers crossed that the corrosion isn’t visible post priming!

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/11 01:10:24

Post by: amazingturtles

They came out excellent! I'm really just liking seeing all of these old figures come to life, and the varied colors work really nicely with these guys.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/12 14:34:03

Post by: tzurk

They look top notch togethe, and the skin of the leader is really impressive. Good stuff as always mate with a healthy dose of nostalgia!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/12 19:16:39

Post by: gobert

Thanks Amazingturtles and Tzurk, really appreciate it. I’m really liking how these Battle Masters Chaos types are coming out. Spotty Teenage Gobert was never inspired by them, but they’ve been great fun so far. Looking at the pics again though I seem to have missed a few mould lines, never mind I’m happy enough with them.

I managed a bit more painting again last night. Nothing major, just a touch up of the Mephiston Red and a bit of Agrax for the recesses on the next lot of Blood Angels. As I’d primed them up I also put some Shadow Grey on a bunch of Space Wolves. I thought I’d go darker on the wolves than I have previously so also gave their recesses som a Agrax too.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/13 20:13:21

Post by: youwashock

The beastmen turned out great. Sadly I cannot unsee the flexing guy on the shields, though. Keep up the love for old minis!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/13 21:22:10

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I like those really like those Chaos Warriors from an earlier post and those shields with the flexing guy on them are great!

Keep it up and I'm keen to see how these marines go!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/17 12:30:52

Post by: gobert

youwashock and Tyranid Horde, thanks for stopping by and sorry for ruining the Shields with the flexing man!

I’ve been away in Germany with work this week, but I did take the Blood Angels with me. Thankfully the paint didn’t leak in my suitcase, but I only managed to tidy up the washed portions. If I get the chance over the weekend I’ll get on with their highlighting... once I’ve fixed the arm that I forgot to wash and the one that fell off his base!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/17 18:31:42

Post by: amazingturtles

I honestly can't see the flexing man, unless it's flexing mothman?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/19 13:27:13

Post by: Wirecat

Those old monopose beastmen.. much nostalgie, some tear. You did them very well and in the _right_ style. Thank You for memories and a chuckle!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/05/19 17:39:50

Post by: gobert

amazingturtles wrote:I honestly can't see the flexing man, unless it's flexing mothman?

I could tell you, but you’ll not be able to unsee it... see the spoiler if you want a description... you’ve been warned though!

his arms are the horns and the mouth/nose part of the skull is his legs, Sorry!

Wirecat wrote:Those old monopose beastmen.. much nostalgie, some tear. You did them very well and in the _right_ style. Thank You for memories and a chuckle!

Welcome Wildcat, shedding tears is high praise indeed! Glad you liked them, I’ve got plenty more nostalgic minis where they came from. I might do some High Elf Silver Helms after these Marines.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/06/10 22:20:47

Post by: gobert

It’s been a while as RL got in the way in that I’m rubbish at keeping up the physio. As such my backs been telling me to not sit at a desk for too long. I have managed to get a highlight layer on the Blood Angels armour though. I reckon the finish is a bit smoother than the Marines off my first page, what do you guys think?

[Thumb - D9AD131B-36A9-4C9D-B4E7-AB2DF7C0C7FE.jpeg]

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/06/11 17:49:52

Post by: youwashock

Looking good so far. Great old models.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/06/12 20:55:56

Post by: amazingturtles

I think it does look a bit smoother. And every bit of paint is a step forward!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/03 13:24:17

Post by: gobert

amazingturtles wrote:I think it does look a bit smoother. And every bit of paint is a step forward!

Thanks amazingturtles, I’m happy with how the armour is coming along... I just need to not ruin it with the next colours! Hoping to make some decent progress this week

youwashock wrote:Looking good so far. Great old models.

Cheers youwashock, loving your old zoats too!

RL has gotten in the way quite a bit, with family visiting and actually having a social life for a change! I did manage to squeeze a bit of painting in and highlighted the armour. One of the Marines also has his black bits started.

I might get the chance to do the rest of them tonight or tomorrow too!

In other news I broke my promise to myself to not buy more minis until I’d painted all that I have (I know, now I’ve right!). I’ve seen too many good starts at Blackstone Fortress and fancied me a piece of that, so have the box coming soon! More stuff I don’t have time to paint! Yay!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/03 16:39:18

Post by: youwashock

Good to see progress on these old-timers. Will the others be getting shoulder pads?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/03 19:45:56

Post by: gobert

Yeah they’ve all got pads, for some reason I decided to try painting whilst they had their weapons in hand but not their pads or backpacks. I figured it’d be easier to paint them separately I suppose!

The postie left me a Blackstone Fortress shaped present today too! The step up in detail on the minis compared to my old stuff is insane! Can’t wait!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/04 02:28:51

Post by: amazingturtles

Blackstone fortress is a blast to paint, i think you will enjoy it.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/04 17:44:22

Post by: gobert

Managed 2 evenings of painting in a row, might even make it 3 tonight unless work spreadsheets get in the way! Last night I base coated all of the black bits basecoated and a friendly Ur-Ghul decided to join them.

amazingturtles, I’m already enjoying building the models. Can’t wait to get some paint laid down, but need to figure out what to do with their bases. I’ve seen a few people doing glowing hexagons which look awesome. Tempted to do a twist and do something like the triangles on the box. Or perhaps try to replicate a compartment or two

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/06 23:12:39

Post by: gobert

I didn’t manage to make it 3 nights in a row, but 3 out of 4 ain’t bad. Pretty much got the Blood Angels done, just transfers and base to highlight and they’re done. I’m really pleased how they're turning out. at first I thought the fire dragon bright was too stark a highlight for the armour, but now I’ve got all of the other colours on it sits quite nicely. The green gems and eyes seem to look better than previous attempts too.

I reckon I’ll finish them off this coming week before moving on to the Space Wolves I started a while back. I’ve also got 4 Ur-Ghul built ready for basing and priming. I’d like to use the repeating triangle theme, I just need to figure out that materials to use. Card is looking the most likely given I don’t have any plasticard. Not sure it’ll give clean enough edges though.

Thanks for stopping by, C&C welcome

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/08 07:33:10

Post by: gobert

So I managed to get some painting done and to finish these Marines. I’m really pleased with how they’ve turned out, a step improvement on the first batch from a few months ago, much smoother with neater (though not yet neat!) highlights. I particularly like the one with his bolster raised. He had some serious surgery on his arm which started life as a left arm but a hand and shoulder swap soon changed that!

The pics are a bit brighter than normal as I’ve applied a vivid filter which seems to make the colours less washed out, perhaps a bit closer to real life? Who’s for a bit of fratricide?

The knife guy has a bit of a ‘come at me bro’ stance and arm swap chaps button had been triggered one too many times! Here’s a few more

And a couple with the rest of the squad;

Now I need to find their sergeant, heavy weapons guy and another Bolter marine to finish the squad.

Next I’ll do the Space Wolves as they’re already started. Then I’ll reward myself with a bit of Ur-Ghul action. I’m thinking I’ll go dark with mine, probably a dark grey with a bit of purple/pink/turquoise/ice blue. I reckon the Chaos dudes will follow my WHFB chaos theme through when I eventually get to them!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/08 20:59:00

Post by: youwashock

Right on! Those Marines look great. The plans for the Ur-Ghul sound exciting. Looking forward to seeing you tackle BSF.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/08 22:54:35

Post by: Maharg

That's a nice squad of Blood Angels there, good work. Base colour contrasts nicely too. Look forward to seeing another take on the BSF models

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/09 01:36:30

Post by: amazingturtles

I like the idea of turqiouse on the urghuls! I had a lot of fun painting those guys in particular, they're small and monopose but a neat design.

Blood angels are looking great!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/09 13:57:33

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Right on! Those Marines look great. The plans for the Ur-Ghul sound exciting. Looking forward to seeing you tackle BSF.

Cheers youwashock, I’m quite chuffed with them! Hoping to get on to the BSF bits soon once I’ve plodded through the Space Wolves

Maharg wrote:That's a nice squad of Blood Angels there, good work. Base colour contrasts nicely too. Look forward to seeing another take on the BSF models

Thanks Maharg, the base was chosen from a colour wheel, so thanks for noticing!

amazingturtles wrote:I like the idea of turqiouse on the urghuls! I had a lot of fun painting those guys in particular, they're small and monopose but a neat design.

Blood angels are looking great!

Thanks turtles, I’ve seen a few do different colours, so may mix it up with them. They are surprisingly small and skinny, their legs make skellybobs look a bit chunky!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/09 15:02:44

Post by: mcmattila

Congrats for getting the squad so near to finish! They look great as a group! I'm liking those stripes on the guns and the knee pads, great little details.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/09 22:40:53

Post by: gobert

 mcmattila wrote:
Congrats for getting the squad so near to finish! They look great as a group! I'm liking those stripes on the guns and the knee pads, great little details.

Thanks mcmattila, the gun stripes are meant to be a kind of kill count marking. They’re Space Marines so they’re probably in units of ‘000s! The knife chap is winning so far in that front!

Managed to squeeze in 30 mins of painting tonight and tidied up the Wolves following their wash.

My previous Space Wolves have gone straight to the old Space Wolves Grey, but these will be a bit darker with Russ Grey going in between. The SW Grey will then just be an edge highlight. These guys have a bit more detail than the Blood Angels, so that’ll be nice BFS prep!

Thanks for stopping by for a look

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/11 15:55:41

Post by: youwashock

Really nice to see those old CC weapons.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/11 17:51:19

Post by: Captain Brown

Great stuff gobert,

Now you can have them face my Rogue Trader and 2nd Edition Eldar and my friend can bring some of the cardboard terrain.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/11 20:00:16

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Really nice to see those old CC weapons.

They’re pretty sweet, sadly I’m missing the end of one of the power axes. The bolters are gonna be a nice bright yellow to keep the retro going!

Captain Brown wrote:Great stuff gobert,

Now you can have them face my Rogue Trader and 2nd Edition Eldar and my friend can bring some of the cardboard terrain.



Cheers CB, I need to find your old skool eldar blog by the sounds of it! I did have some cardboard terrain until last year when my mum cleared out my old bedroom last year. I have some 2nd edition box set orks with goblin green bases somewhere too!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/14 23:31:31

Post by: gobert

So the wolves had a little progress tonight. Sadly Russ Grey and the old Space Wolve Grey were far too harsh a contrast for my liking, and Russ agrey is pretty much identical to the old Shadow Grey (ok, maybe ever so slightly lighter). As a result I decided to stick with Space Wolves Grey as the main armour colour for my Wolves. One is done and two have had their Russ Grey done, for what it’s worth!

I honestly can’t tell much of a difference between the two on the right and the previous pic I posted!

Whilst I was at them I messed about with triangles for the BSF bases. I think I’ll have to print off some bits to cut out though as my freestyle triangles were way off what I had in mind

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/18 19:14:24

Post by: gobert

I managed a bit of painting and hobby setup progress last night. Sat down and got all 3 Space Wolves to the same point. On one of them I tried a bit of dry brushing, but the Space Wolves Grey is so thin that even when I thought it was ready it left streaks. So I went back to some good old fashioned layering. Metal work next I think, which should give me a chance to try out my new Dropper Bottles. I only realised after I’d ordered them That they had a thin neck. Hopefully they’re a good enough seal for the paint to not go off in the tube! Here’s a pic for proof of progress


Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/19 23:39:02

Post by: gobert

A bit more painting tonight, I decided to go for the yellow on the Space Wolves, getting a base coat or 3 of Averland Sunset down. I hate painting yellow but the coverage that Averland gives is pretty amazing. Joining the Wolves was a friendly griffon from my old painted pile

The griffon will be the first of my old Elves to get rebased in the new style matching my Chaos and High Elf armies. I found a rock in the garden to act as a rocky outcrop that will be over lava. In repositioning his feet I damaged the paint on his legs, so that’ll need re-working.

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/20 01:43:53

Post by: youwashock

Wow. Another decidedly old-school model. Is that Eltharion's griffon?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/20 19:06:57

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
Wow. Another decidedly old-school model. Is that Eltharion's griffon?

He sure is, I’ve got Eltharion sat on the shelf, trying to decide whether to touch him up or just re-mount him. Sadly the new superglue I’ve bought doesn’t seem to be very strong, or perhaps it doesn’t like the “stone.” Stormwing keeps coming off it leaving no trace of the glue on the stone. I’ll give it one more try before finding some good old loctite.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/21 04:05:12

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Is the stone too hard to drill through? If not, pin the bird to the stone. An eopxy will work, but it will be difficult to layer it just right so extra doesn't ooze out and become visible. Great stuff gobert. Also, nice to see those elf spearmen completed.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/21 08:24:53

Post by: gobert

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
Is the stone too hard to drill through? If not, pin the bird to the stone. An eopxy will work, but it will be difficult to layer it just right so extra doesn't ooze out and become visible. Great stuff gobert. Also, nice to see those elf spearmen completed.

Hi CaptainWaffle, thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you liked the Elves. I have a few more besides Eltharion waiting a bit of modernisation, including a rather goofy looking unicorn for a Mage to ride!

The stone seems to be made of cement and was surprisingly easy to drill. The griffon has a lead tab on one of his feet. I haven’t done pinning before so was hoping to avoid it. Having looked at the pot it’s called Contacta special, so figured I’d try a dab on both the stone and the feet. It takes ages to go off, so used my water jars to support him and touchwood he is stuck fast now! Just need to fill a few gaps on the base and figure out what colour I used 20 years ago to do his legs!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/22 22:02:32

Post by: gobert

Despite having a busy few hobby days I’ve not managed any painting. I have however transferred all of my paints to Dropper Bottles. I’d been fed up of watering down far too much paint and then it going to waste. so hopefully the droppers will allow me to control the volume and pre thin my paints. I also dropped in a glass bead to help get more consistent mixing. Fingers crossed that the narrow neck doesn’t undo my hard work! For the Oldhammer followers, here’s 3 generations of yellow through to red Citadel paints, plus a 4th thanks to Boltgun Metal (only the Metallics managed to survive the screw tops!)

I’m really amazed that some of my 20+year old paints are still going strong, though the Bad Moon Yellow is a bit watery!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/23 15:39:23

Post by: Captain Brown


Yes, I still have a few Ral Partha paints from 30 years ago that still are being used.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/24 04:28:07

Post by: CaptainWaffle

I have a bunch of the black snap-top, polygonal pot GW paints from roughly 15 years ago. Blood Red, Space Wolves Grey, etc. Nothing that old, though. Still working on the griffon? I have that High Warden high elf lord riding a griffon from the Isle of Blood/Spire of Dawn set. I plan to paint him up to be a Freeguild General on Griffon for the upcoming Cities of Sigmar battletome. Curious what the size comparison would be between that and your griffon.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/29 23:11:53

Post by: gobert

Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

Yes, I still have a few Ral Partha paints from 30 years ago that still are being used.



Wow! 30 years, I reckon 25 is my oldest paint. I have some Rogue Trader Terminators bathing in dettol the I bought at the same time as one of the paint sets. It’s probably time that I took them out and got to painting them!

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
I have a bunch of the black snap-top, polygonal pot GW paints from roughly 15 years ago. Blood Red, Space Wolves Grey, etc. Nothing that old, though. Still working on the griffon? I have that High Warden high elf lord riding a griffon from the Isle of Blood/Spire of Dawn set. I plan to paint him up to be a Freeguild General on Griffon for the upcoming Cities of Sigmar battletome. Curious what the size comparison would be between that and your griffon.

I only had one black snap top, mithril silver. I wonder if I skipped the black snap top generation of paints!

Your Griffon plans sound good, that Griffon has a pretty cool striking pose. My Griffon was looking at me funny tonight so decided to do a bit of work on him. I should’ve gotten something to measure him, but yours looks slightly larger based on the assumption that the riders are the same size.

Any way I’d say that Stormwing is pretty much complete. Though if I’m honest I could probably do a better job of them nowadays, particularly Eltharion. Still I think the base looks much better than just a plain Goblin Green plastic square. I tried a bit of lava under the outcrop, I think it looks OK, but not great by any stretch. The rocky outcrop looks pretty decent though. What do you guys think?

I also made a bit of Space Wolf progress too;

I think I might need to give up on my current yellows though as I can’t get the badmoon yellow on smoothly. I Ned to start Cole ting an order of hobby goodies

Anyway, thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/30 19:46:23

Post by: youwashock

Hot dang, there's no school like the old school. That is awesome. That yellow is the ticket on the SW, too. Really pulls them together.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/31 02:01:22

Post by: amazingturtles

As much as i still love goblin green i would say that yes, that base is lot better

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/31 10:28:29

Post by: howie

Stormwing has come on nicely, I'm currently painting a similar griffon and I've got the basic colours down, but I'm stuck as to where to take it next.

Looking forward to seeing more of your older High Elves.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/31 15:44:16

Post by: CaptainWaffle

That's quite a bright red! Perhaps it's the image's saturation. Whatever the case, he's a presence on the battlefield. Looking forward to more. The base fits well, too.

I've had success with mixing matte acrylic resin varnish (really, it's basically just the resin base for acrylic paints) or "glaze medium" with a little water to get yellow painting smoothly. Thin, very thin coats. Part of the trouble with whites and yellows is the chemical composition. The dyes used to get those colors have larger "grains" than other colors. If you work with it and take it slow you'll get it.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/07/31 22:55:18

Post by: Maharg

love the old school look to that griffon. Nice work on the base too

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/08/01 20:23:47

Post by: Captain Brown


Griffon brings back memories of WFB.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/08/01 20:24:14

Post by: gobert

Wow! Eltharion (though more probably Stormwing!) got a lot of love, thanks guys!

youwashock wrote:Hot dang, there's no school like the old school. That is awesome. That yellow is the ticket on the SW, too. Really pulls them together.

T’is the best school! A young gobert was very proud of Stormwing and he still looks pretty decent by my current capabilities. I’m liking the yellow on their weapons but the shoulder pads are so lumpy it’s almost embarrassing!

amazingturtles wrote:As much as i still love goblin green i would say that yes, that base is lot better

It was proper goblin green without any sand, flock or any other fancy materials! A young gobert’s mind would’ve been blown to imagine such a base, why would you do anything other than goblin green sand highlighted yellow, that’s how you’re supposed to do them, white dwarf said so!!?!? I might see about making the lava bit all shiny with a coat of pva to finish it off.

CaptainWaffle wrote:That's quite a bright red! Perhaps it's the image's saturation. Whatever the case, he's a presence on the battlefield. Looking forward to more. The base fits well, too.

I've had success with mixing matte acrylic resin varnish (really, it's basically just the resin base for acrylic paints) or "glaze medium" with a little water to get yellow painting smoothly. Thin, very thin coats. Part of the trouble with whites and yellows is the chemical composition. The dyes used to get those colors have larger "grains" than other colors. If you work with it and take it slow you'll get it.

Yeah, I was half asleep uploading and editing those and hadn’t noticed just how RED it had become! It’s pretty bright in real life too, probably not helped by the minimal shading on the red. I might try to touch him up, but I’ll probably just move on. I’ve a few silver helms and a mage on a unicorn in my quick win pile, but it’s likely to be a while until I get around to them.

I haven’t tried adding a varnish or glaze medium. When I transferred my paints to dropper Bottles I got some airbrush thinner to help the flow. I think my sunburst yellow needs a bit more adding to the pot. Even so I added some to the pallets and i overdid it at first, but it would still not flow from the brush and was even drying too quickly in places. What varnish/glaze medium do you use? ‘Ardcoat and Lahmium medium?

Maharg wrote:love the old school look to that griffon. Nice work on the base too

Cheers Maharg, he’s scrubbed up pretty well I reckon!

Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

Griffon brings back memories of WFB.



Likewise, he was one of the first major character models I got!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/08/05 12:43:54

Post by: Fifty

Love those Space Wolves

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/08/05 13:12:03

Post by: CaptainWaffle

I've used many brands. I can purchase Liquitex varnishes, flow aid, glaze medium, etc, in large bottles for the price of two of GW's small pots of the equivalent. It works the same. I also like Vallejo's offerings, both in large bottles and small droppers. Vallejo's are also visually convenient. You know exactly what you're reaching for due to the huge font.

GW's Lahmian Medium is a interesting. It's basically a runny matte varnish/really runny glaze medium. I have a pot but rarely use it anymore since I have alternatives.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/01 00:08:54

Post by: gobert

Fifty wrote:Love those Space Wolves

Cheers Fifty, hopefully you’ll like them now they’re finished!

CaptainWaffle wrote:I've used many brands. I can purchase Liquitex varnishes, flow aid, glaze medium, etc, in large bottles for the price of two of GW's small pots of the equivalent. It works the same. I also like Vallejo's offerings, both in large bottles and small droppers. Vallejo's are also visually convenient. You know exactly what you're reaching for due to the huge font.

GW's Lahmian Medium is a interesting. It's basically a runny matte varnish/really runny glaze medium. I have a pot but rarely use it anymore since I have alternatives.

Thanks CaptainWaffle, I’ll have to add some to my next amazon/minis order.

It’s been a while since my last update, mainly thanks to a 2 week holiday, but also forgetting to post the minor progress I made shortly after getting home! That progress though managed to get my Space Wolves finished. Most of the work was on their bases, at which point I also decided to base up some of my old models. That added a bit of time, but then I saw how MegaDave had done the power weapons of his Iron Warriors and decided to plagiarise his recipe. I don’t think they came out as nice as MegaDave’s but I like them, they fit quite well with the Wolves being Blood Claws too.

I also applied the new power weapons scheme to the guys I painted about 5 years ago. I also changed the Sgt from a Grey Hunter to a Blood Claw by painting over his shoddy Grey Hunter markings with yellow and adding the red claw transfer. Wolf Head Wolf Guard from my very first blog post got a demotion to Blood Claw with his own claw transfer added to his blank shoulder pad. Here’s the whole pack of Space Wolves that I’ve painted so far;

Having finished these guys I’ve decided that I’m going to reward myself with some Blackstone Fortress minis. If the weathers decent tomorrow I’ll be priming all of the Ur Ghuls, Spindle Drones and Beastmen along with one of the Marines. I’ve decided to I want the Ur Ghuls and drones to be dark grey/black with a colour accent, probably red. The Chaos minis will all follow my Warhammer Fantasy Battle Chaos scheme. I found a basing tutorial that I’ll attempt for all of them once they’re done.

Thanks for stopping by!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/01 00:45:42

Post by: youwashock

Awooooo! That's a page right out of a 2nd ed. codex, for sure.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/05 19:21:25

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
Awooooo! That's a page right out of a 2nd ed. codex, for sure.

Thanks youwashock, high praise indeed! I’ve got another special Wolf waiting for his base to be finished soon.

Managed to get a bit of painting in last night. I’ve done a really simple paint job on the Ur Ghuls to the point I’d call them game ready, apart form their bases. All I did was base them Abaddon Black, then drybrush with Eshin grey and Dawnstone. Their eyes and hands were simply a wash made from thinned down Blood Angels Orange. The pics were taken when the wash was still wet, unfortunately some of their “eye” holes seem to have had air bubbles, so I’ll need to redo that. I might also use a very light dry brush with a lighter grey to pick out some more definition.

I made good headway on my Spindle Drones. They too had a similarly simple paint job so far. Base coat black again then Dry brush their torso with Hawk turquoise, their armour carapace bits I drybrushed Shadow Grey and Fenris Grey, that came out too light so I gave it a black ink wash which I partially rubbed off. The legs have had Boltgun Metal applied waiting a wash and dry brush. I picked out their central lens with the same orange wash as the Ur Ghuls to represent a bit of a weird glow I guess. I think I’ll paint their lenses red.

Not sure I like the Spindle Drones but I’m happy with the Ur Ghuls given the level of effort applied! Beastmen next i think. They’ll get more attention though!

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/05 21:52:43

Post by: youwashock

I think that works pretty well for the Ur-Ghuls. The black/dark grey with orange details reminds me of the Therians from AT-43.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/08 23:50:50

Post by: Maharg

Love those wolves, awesome old school look. Ur ghuls also looking good, particularly like the orange - goes to show you don't need a complicated paint scheme to get great results

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/10 19:41:03

Post by: gobert

Maharg wrote:Love those wolves, awesome old school look. Ur ghuls also looking good, particularly like the orange - goes to show you don't need a complicated paint scheme to get great results

Cheers, the Wolves were a bit of drag towards the end, but they came together pretty well in the end... though don’t zoom in on the gallery images! I’m really surprised how well the orange wash came out, will have to use that technique again sometime.

youwashock wrote:I think that works pretty well for the Ur-Ghuls. The black/dark grey with orange details reminds me of the Therians from AT-43.

I think I might call the Ur Ghuls done apart from their bases, which I plan to do as a large batch once I’ve painted all of the BSF minis. I’ve not seen the rains or AT-43 before, will have to check them out!

Had family over at the weekend and been away with work so no minis progress, hopefully back to it later this week

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/10 22:36:10

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice classic Space Wolves there gobert.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/14 00:25:20

Post by: gobert

Captain Brown wrote:
Nice classic Space Wolves there gobert.



Cheers CB

I managed a bit more painting tonight. Painted the debris on the bases of the Ur Ghuls.

I also tarted up the Drones, giving their carapace an edge highlight with Russ Grey. Their legs got an Agrax wash and Boltgun Metal and Mithril Silver edge high lights too. To finish them off I gave their lenses a Khore Red base with Fire Dragon Bright and Skull white highlights.

I think I’ll call them done aside from finishing off their bases.

I also made a start on the 40k Beastmen, going for purple uniform and an attempt at a rusty steel I think. Might mix up their secondary colours, probably just black and white.

Cheers for looking by

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/14 17:09:07

Post by: youwashock

The drones are a success. Love the eyes.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/16 05:41:05

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
The drones are a success. Love the eyes.

Cheers youwashock, the lenses are my favourite bit too!

I made a bit of progress with the BSF Beastmen. I’ve been following a tutorial from Midwinter Minis swapping out some of the colours, but following the techniques so far. They dipped their Beasties but I’m probably just going to give them an all over wash of Agrax. Just need to get the metals on before the wash stage. The pale drybrush looks interesting so far, hoping it works out as well as the tutorial!.

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/16 13:11:36

Post by: youwashock

I imagine they will look pretty good. Cool colors.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/16 20:12:58

Post by: Captain Brown


Yes, another brown wash will make the Beastmen...well more beast like.

My two cents,


Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/21 22:54:37

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:I imagine they will look pretty good. Cool colors.

Cheers, I’m keeping all my Chaos following the same purple scheme.

Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

Yes, another brown wash will make the Beastmen...well more beast like.

My two cents,


Yep, the brown wash certainly helped, and gave them quite a grimy look.

I managed to get them done last night and tonight. The video tutorial has been pretty helpful with ideas and techniques, but most of all has stopped me spending ages on fiddly bits. Instead the wash a bit of drybrushing and layering has come out pretty well. Their armour and clothes have a nice dirty look I was after. Their faces and fur aren’t as nice as the tutorial but I think the brown I used was darker and on a black base. Still pretty pleased with them!

And here they are on my shelf with the rest of the gang so far, apologies for the terrible lighting!

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/22 02:10:32

Post by: youwashock

That worked out great. Nice work making them all individuals but cohesive enough that you believe they are working together. I don't own BSF, are the arms modular or did you have to modify them to get 4 different poses?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/22 17:33:48

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
That worked out great. Nice work making them all individuals but cohesive enough that you believe they are working together. I don't own BSF, are the arms modular or did you have to modify them to get 4 different poses?

Cheers, I’m pretty happy with them. The arms are built in to the front and back of the torsos and they all go together without glue. It’s pretty cool how they all fit together quite seamlessly. I meant to have a straight horned and a curved horned head on the two running Beasties, when I realised it was too late and I couldn’t prize the head off! Oh well, next time!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/22 18:02:49

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work gobert.

The brown wash let me combine three generations of Ork models to make a larger mob.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/25 23:01:27

Post by: gobert

 Captain Brown wrote:
Nice work gobert.

The brown wash let me combine three generations of Ork models to make a larger mob.



Thanks CB, I’m pretty happy. Only 32 more minis to finish the set! Sounds like I need to take a look though your Ork thread too! I’ll get around to doing some of mine at some point I suppose.

I’ve decided to focus on getting through the Blackstone Fortress box. Especially since I broke my rule of not buying more minis again by getting the traitor command and dreaded ambull expansions, so that’s me back up to 37 minis to complete my BSF collection! I nearly bought escalation too but decided better of it (for now!). To that end I got these two ready for priming;

as you can see they’re in pretty bad state. They were badly painted by my brother back in the day, then I started stripping them about 5 years ago and promptly left the in Fairy Powerspray for 5 years! What an idiot! They seem to have rusted in places and the original primer hasn’t completely come off. Still their surface doesn’t feel too rough so I’m hoping they prime up ok.

I did actually manage some BSF bits too, nothing exciting just prepped the Negavolt Cultists for priming.

I wasn’t inspired by what I’d seen online, but now I see them together in the flesh, they’re pretty nice. Unlike the others I’ve done so far they don’t have interchangeable arms/heads/legs. I’ve tried bending their wiggly bits to give them some individuality. I might chop the off bit off and will probably do some colour swapping so I don’t end up with 2 sets of twins! Does anyone have any other ideas to simply individualise them without getting too choppy?

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/26 01:43:16

Post by: youwashock

That's a long time in the strip bath. If you could lay your hands on some random Ad-Mech bitz you could change up the cultists some.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/09/27 23:42:04

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
That's a long time in the strip bath. If you could lay your hands on some random Ad-Mech bitz you could change up the cultists some.

Yep, WAY too long! Fingers crossed they’re not too horribly deformed!

Sadly I’m too impatient to order any ad mech bits, though I might swap their weapons up a bit.

Did a major building slog tonight and got all of my Traitor Guard ready for priming. They took quite a while as I’m slow at this prep malarkey. It did seem quicker to use my new mold line remover than by hobby knife. I also didn’t help my speed by when I decided to de-spike half of them and do a couple of weapon swaps. One has an RTB01 marine bayonet for a sword (don’t ask him how he got it, he won’t shut up about the time he “killed” a marine and became a traitor), another got an axe from somewhere (no idea where it originated from, the haft is a bit on the large side for his hand which makes me think it might be an Ork one), then the non-Spikey Sgt got a 2nd edition assault marine laspistol.

Not too interesting a picture and not a great angle but just about shows the bits I’ve done. I quite like the RTB01 bayonet, I think my second Chaos marine might get one.

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/07 20:31:33

Post by: gobert

After a couple of marathon prepping sessions and swearing at drilling lasgun barrels I got all of my core box of Blackstone Fortress baddies ready for priming [edit: I now realise i forgot the Chaos Lord! Whoops, I hope he doesn’t get mad!]. I decided to try using the underside of my priming stick as there were so many to get through. It seems to have worked well, here’s the badly photographed proof

Now I’ve just got to paint them all! But that won’t happen until my daughter goes to sleep

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/07 21:56:11

Post by: Maharg

Nice steady progress on the blackstone fortress stuff, urghuls, drones and beastmen all came out great. Building models takes me ages too, well done for getting through all those

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/08 21:55:33

Post by: gobert

Maharg wrote:
Nice steady progress on the blackstone fortress stuff, urghuls, drones and beastmen all came out great. Building models takes me ages too, well done for getting through all those

Thanks Maharg. The BSF guys are really enjoyable even more so with the tutorial I’m loosely following to stop me getting too stuck in the details. It was fun doing the traitor guard minor alterations to add some individuality to them.

Did an hour or so at the new painting desk, which is much more comfortable to sit at than the old one as I can stretch my legs out! Got the skin and coils done on the Negavolt Cultists. I like the idea of their human parts being non-too-well so have gone with bleached bone as their pale flesh tone. As I’m planning to do their metalwork purple and gold I thought green coils would go well with that

They look a bit Borg/Necron right now, but I’m hopeful the green and gold end up good secondary colours for them. If I do the metal purple I’ll have to decide how best to do their rags. Go full on purple, black, white or something else entirely? Thoughts and suggestions are welcomed!

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/09 00:09:53

Post by: youwashock

That green is where it's at. Maybe just greys/browns for the rags? Earthtones to balance the green and purple?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/09 14:57:21

Post by: Captain Brown

Making progress gobert.

I always do a bleached bone, then washed with brown ink and then a highlight of bleached bone again on cloth. Simple and effective, but it might look a little bit like your flesh tones...so maybe like youwashock suggested start with a brown base.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/13 22:57:00

Post by: Maharg

Good start on the cultists. Definitely something fairly neutral fro the rags, grey/brown as Youwashock suggested or maybe black

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/14 19:03:12

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:That green is where it's at. Maybe just greys/browns for the rags? Earthtones to balance the green and purple?

Cheers, I thought it’d be something different to the usual blue for electricity. I agree the purple and green is already very bright so neutral is def the way to go.

Captain Brown wrote:Making progress gobert.

I always do a bleached bone, then washed with brown ink and then a highlight of bleached bone again on cloth. Simple and effective, but it might look a little bit like your flesh tones...so maybe like youwashock suggested start with a brown base.



I think you’ve pretty much described my plan for the skin, though I’m tempted to put a bit of red in with the brown wash.

Maharg wrote:Good start on the cultists. Definitely something fairly neutral fro the rags, grey/brown as Youwashock suggested or maybe black

Cheers, I reckon I might go for a different neutral colour on each. Why not push the boat out and go for black, grey, brown and dirty white? Crazy!

On an unrelated to BSF note, I’ve been mulling over what to do with some RT Terminators that I have stewing in dettol (we’ll below the 5 year record). I had been thinking of doing them as Crimson Fists, for no other reason than their colour scheme looks vibrant and fun. Then on the commute today I was reading about the Knights-Errant (Garro and co) that became the Grey Knights and got thinking it might be cool to paint them up as those guys or maybe the Outcast Dead, or some other loyalist-marines from the traitor legions. Will have to mull that over, but thought I’d post it here before I’d forget!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Managed about 30mins of painting tonight after deciding to decant my new paints in to dropper bottles. It’s a PITA to do, but worth it once it’s done! Got the secondary colours down, went for 3 shades of grey and one brown. The intent being to shade them with nuln oil before to get black and grey, then Agrax for dirty white and brown. Before that though I’ll do the metal work

And from the back because it’s hard to see their raggedy clothes from the front

Thanks for stopping by

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/19 10:51:26

Post by: gobert

So I stayed up far too late last night, but I made some good progress with the Negavolt Cultists, so it wasn’t all bad! I basically got all of the base colours and washes down. I’m pleased with how the gold and purple are working together, but I might put a few more washes on the Black/Grey skirts but the brown and dirty white seem to look ok.

The darker skinned one was a failed experiment, he was washed with a mix of old Flesh Wash and Red Wash, hoping he’d come out pale but with a red tone. Sadly he looks like he’s had a really bad fake tan applied! After it was too late on the first guy I switched to Seraphim Sepia, which has give the them a nice flesh tone. I’ll highlight those guys back to bleached bone. I will probably do the same with the fake tan cultist as I’m not sure I want to painstakingly block out and fix any overspill. I’ll be bringing back the garish green too after the shade wasn’t quite the right tone.

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/19 22:55:38

Post by: gobert

Managed a bit more painting tonight and pretty much finished the Negavolt Cultists. Tidied up their skin and now quite like the fake tan man! Used some red or purple washes around their connection ports, added metallics and nuln there too. Finished up by bringing back the garish green plus son highlighted bits of the coils

Just need to tidy up their bases now and then I’ll call them done. Pretty pleased with them, still kept things simple so they were relatively quick, but liking the green, purple and gold combo.

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/20 00:07:56

Post by: youwashock

Nice job. The colors are working. The fleshtones came out good. I like the extra bit of distress around the ports.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/20 22:36:18

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
Nice job. The colors are working. The fleshtones came out good. I like the extra bit of distress around the ports.

Cheers! These colour wheels are pretty handy, I’ve been surprised how well the green works with them. The ports on the end of the head wires are meant to be gold, because everyone knows that digital signals need gold connectors... the ominisiah must’ve said it or something?

Anyway back to being serious, I decided that they Negavolt Cultists were good enough so I just tidied up there bases and called them done.

And because they’re impossible to photograph nicely here is one from a lower angle to see past their head wires

I think they look pretty decent, though i have to say they weren’t that enjoyable to paint. They got more enjoyable as the washes went on, but they’re just so fiddly! I wish I had something to fill the lines on their rag-skirts too but sadly I don’t. My next paint/stuff order will have to include to liquid green stuff or similar.

After tarting up the bases of the wigglybois I made a bit of a start on the Spikeyboi traitor guardsmen.

As you can see, I didn’t do much. Just the flesh and bandages basecoated plus the dark grey bits on two of them. These guys will have purple rags and the non-spikeybois will have purple armour and helmets

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/24 04:36:38

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate, been a while since I checked in and good to see you are still chugging along!

Lot to look at & comment on - everything is looking tops mate but my favourites are definitely the space wolf squad (really hit me right in the nostalgia...) and the Empire griffon.

Also good to see a few beasts around in the blog...

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/24 07:23:21

Post by: Grenb

Really like your Space Wolves and Blood Angels, can't get enough of Oldhammer/2E minis.

Good eye for contrasting bases too, nice colour choices - especially the turquoise for the BAngles.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/24 22:16:51

Post by: gobert

tzurk wrote:Hey mate, been a while since I checked in and good to see you are still chugging along!

Lot to look at & comment on - everything is looking tops mate but my favourites are definitely the space wolf squad (really hit me right in the nostalgia...) and the Empire griffon.

Also good to see a few beasts around in the blog...

Welcome back tzurk, chugging along is a good way to describe my rate of progress! The wolves do look nice and nostalgic, I reckon it’s the yellow bolters!

Grenb wrote:Really like your Space Wolves and Blood Angels, can't get enough of Oldhammer/2E minis.

Good eye for contrasting bases too, nice colour choices - especially the turquoise for the BAngles.

Thanks Grenb and welcome to my blog. Sadly It’ll be a while til I get back to the Oldhammer, I want to finish all of Blackstone Fortress before I do any more. That said, once I’ve done the baddies I might rebase some of my better painted 20+ year old minis. Glad you liked the base colours, they were my first use of a colour wheel and I'm pretty chuffed with how they make the mini stand out even more.

Anyway, pleasantries done with, painting update: got some work done on the non metallic base coats tonight. Finished off the dark greys, did the purple accents and the brown boots and furs.

A few of the minis are lacking in purple at the moment, whilst the leader will get some purple metallics (sword and chest spike/horn) I only want to use that on him. I’ve already sacrificed the white strapping on them to get more purple down so not sure what else I can do. I thought purple tunics or pauldrons, but reckon I’ll use purple armour on the other squad.

Once I’ve figured that out I need to think how I’ll get some white on them too to keep them close to the theme I’d envisaged. Some I might manage it i brighten the edges of the fur maybe? I’m also torn on whether to keep the mask lenses purple or use the bright green from the Nagavolt Cultists.

So pretty much the only bits I’m decided on are the trousers will get.a black ink wash to make them black but the tunics will get nuln oil to keep them grey. I suppose the metals I’ve decide will be dirty so will get Agrax washed.

Argh decisions, decision! Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/25 07:33:50

Post by: Hyenajoe

Well, that's a very nice blog you're running here Gobert!

I really enjoy to see so many old school models and the way you paint them in a simple but effective way! (Your Marines and Chaos warriors are really nice!)
And you also did a very good job on the Blackstone Fortress models!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/25 10:05:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

Can't wait for more!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/25 23:57:29

Post by: gobert

Hyenajoe wrote:Well, that's a very nice blog you're running here Gobert!

I really enjoy to see so many old school models and the way you paint them in a simple but effective way! (Your Marines and Chaos warriors are really nice!)
And you also did a very good job on the Blackstone Fortress models!

Thanks stopping by HyenaJoe and thanks for the kind words. I’ve plenty more old school minis to come once I’ve sorted out the Blackstone Fortress.

Not Online!!! wrote:Fancy!
Can't wait for more!

Cheers Not Online!!! Welcome to my blog

The Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard squad got some more paint tonight. Got all of their base colours down, a bit of dry brushing and a wash on the brown and purple. I then forgot to wash the grey/black bits and moved straight on to the metals.

Despite my earlier reservations the guys who were lacking in purple got some druchi violet on their spikes. They all got a bit of gold bling too to balance the purple. Fairly pleased with how they’re progressing and I might even get them finished tomorrow night, depends on wash drying time I suppose!

Thanks for stopping by

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/26 00:46:26

Post by: youwashock

Looking good. The grey with the purple is really working.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/27 09:07:05

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
Looking good. The grey with the purple is really working.

Cheers bud, the wash has really dulled the grey, but hopefully you still like it!

Another late night busy with hobby time last night. So busy that I managed to finish off the first Traitor Guard squad. There wasn’t much left to do, just a few washes and bits of armour that I’d missed. I used an ancient black ink for the trousers and pouches and grenades. Nuln oil for the jacket and then Agrax Earthshade for the metals and the hands that I missed first time out! Then it was touching up and highlighting the purple and off-whites. Then all that was left was to touch up the bases and call them done, and here they are;

Then the spin around shots;

And because I think they came out ok, here are a few close ups of the more interesting guardsmen.

Sgt Spikeybits

The ever popular grenade lobber

Running man

Flamer boi

Having finished them I didn’t want to start painting anything else (rogue psykers next) as I won’t get around to them anytime soon as my mother-in-law is over to look after the kids for us at half term. Instead I stayed up way too late building the Dreaded Ambull, her babies, the Chaos Ogryn, Traitor Commissar and Obsidius Mallex.

So now I’ve built all of my baddies that I currently own, with most primed too. My, now public, goal is to finish all of my currently owned BSF minis this year... we’ll see how that goes!

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/27 17:49:10

Post by: youwashock

Oooh, Ambull coming up. Exciting. The cultists look good. Sarge Spikey especially.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/10/28 12:28:10

Post by: kestral

Damn, that blackstone fortress stuff looks great the way you've got it painted up! Those electro heretics are creepy, and the guard renegades look just right for fallen defenders of the imperium.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/01 07:24:05

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Oooh, Ambull coming up. Exciting. The cultists look good. Sarge Spikey especially.

Yeah, I’m pretty excited about the ambull too! I might even get some Ambots next i order stuff online as I think they look even cooler. I’m pleased how the Traitor Guard came out, the dudes in masks being my favourites.

kestral wrote:Damn, that blackstone fortress stuff looks great the way you've got it painted up! Those electro heretics are creepy, and the guard renegades look just right for fallen defenders of the imperium.

Thanks kestral, I’m enjoying how they’re progressing and the chaos chaos even look fairly cohesive. The Negavolt Cultists surprised me with how they came out, I was nervous about the green but it really works well with the purple and gold. The Traitor Guard really are cool minis and the Spikey bits offer some easy modification options to stop the two squads looking identical. I’ve got a non-Spikey squad to do, who might use more colour and lighter grey uniform.

No opportunity to paint this week with the mother in law visiting, but she leaves tonight so I might get some time for painting tonight.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/01 17:53:42

Post by: Maharg

That's a really good colour scheme for those guardsmen, they turned out great. Negavolt cultists turned out great too

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/02 01:11:10

Post by: gobert

Maharg wrote:
That's a really good colour scheme for those guardsmen, they turned out great. Negavolt cultists turned out great too

Cheers maharg, the whole box has been fun to paint so far!

I made good progress on the Rogie Psykers tonight;

I got all of their base colours done and stopped at the washes stage. They look quite decent but I want to make their faces paler perhaps with some purple on their bulbous heads/ tentacle. I’ve also decided to give OSL a try on their eyes, so we’ll see how that goes!

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/02 05:26:35

Post by: youwashock

Looking good so far. Bring on those glowing eyes.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/10 10:14:34

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
Looking good so far. Bring on those glowing eyes.

Cheers bud, sadly the glowing eyes didn’t come out as well as hoped,

I think the problem was the thinness of the paint made it useless at dry brushing as per the video i was trying to follow so I went with layers. Sadly that proved too far beyond my ability as you can see. Still I didn’t quite do away with the green instead layering my flesh tone over the green. It’s much more subtle but looks ok in the group shots.

And one more at mini level

Having finished these boys off I decided I didn’t want to start something totally afresh, so went old skool. A while back I dug out some old Blood Angels characters and decided that with a bit of touch up and some new bases they’d look acceptable next to my newer Marines. Their bases are nearly ready, just needing the rims painting. There’s a bit of highlighting id like to do as I’ve applied some Agrax Earthshade to their armour to try to get them similar to my new Marines

I think I might tweak Tycho’s banner as my hand painted company standard bearer looks nicer. Whilst I was there I also found these bad boys

I think I have a couple more bikes somewhere which I’ll have to change away from standard at some point in the next 20 years!

Thanks for looking by

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/10 11:41:02

Post by: tzurk

I think the eyes look great. Smart idea to layer the flesh back over and tone them down a bit - they definitely come across as magical (psykeral? psychic?) - and the green is a really nice contrast to the purple.

Oh lawd the nostalgia continues! The metal Mephiston was one of my favourite minis - a childhood friend collected Blood Angels - and the Ork battle force with three of those ancient goofy bikers in it was one of my first major purchases. Please keep it coming

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/10 18:47:43

Post by: youwashock

The eyes may not have gone down according to plan, but they still work. Love seeing the old BA characters. The old Ork machinery, too. They got us to where we are today.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/12 12:27:56

Post by: gobert

tzurk wrote:I think the eyes look great. Smart idea to layer the flesh back over and tone them down a bit - they definitely come across as magical (psykeral? psychic?) - and the green is a really nice contrast to the purple.

Oh lawd the nostalgia continues! The metal Mephiston was one of my favourite minis - a childhood friend collected Blood Angels - and the Ork battle force with three of those ancient goofy bikers in it was one of my first major purchases. Please keep it coming

Yeah, I think the layering back the flesh worked quite well, their eyes still look quite ethereal. It’s quite nice getting back to Oldhammer, even if I’m just touching up half decent paint jobs. Mephiston was probably one of my best painted minis from back in the day! Need to think what to do with the remaining Ork bikers, I wonder if I can turn one in to a Nob with leftovers from an Ork boyz box... need to build those first to see what’s left.

youwashock wrote:The eyes may not have gone down according to plan, but they still work. Love seeing the old BA characters. The old Ork machinery, too. They got us to where we are today.

Indeed, sometimes we’ve just got to admit failure and make the best of a bad paint job and sometimes it comes out looking ok! I’ll try to get theses Angels on their new bases this weekend, but that’ll be the last nostalgia trip for a while as I’ll be back to Blackstone Fortress, probably for the rest of the year given my pace!

Sadly no painting updates but whilst sitting waiting, for what I hope is my last back related hospital appointment, I cobbled together an index of my completed miniatures. Amazingly my 2019 total is closing on 100 finished models, something I hope to smash in the next couple of weeks. Here’s my list which I’ll try to keep up to date in my first post

Warhammer 40k (2019 total = 56 so far)

Blood Angels
3 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
4 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines

Space Wolves
1 x 2nd Edition Wolf Guard Captain in power armour
7 x 2nd Edition Blood Claws

6 x 2nd Edition Hormagaunts

Blackstone Fortress
4 x Ur-Ghuls
4 x Spindle Drones
4 x Chaos Beastmen
4 x Negavolt Cultists
7 x Traitor Guard
2 x Rogue Psykers

Warhammer Fantasy (2019 total = 39 so far)

High Elves
20 x High Elf Spearmen
1 x Eltharion on Stormwing

7 x BattleMasters Chaos Warriors
1 x Heroquest Chaos Warriors
10 x BattleMasters Chaos Beastmen

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/12 14:03:48

Post by: youwashock

Nice painted minis tally. Here's to a strong finish!

Hope the back appointment goes ok, too.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/12 20:06:23

Post by: tzurk

That's an impressive tally mate - glad to have been along for the journey. Good luck with the docs!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/12 20:13:31

Post by: gobert

Cheers guys, it’s surprisingly high. You lot motivating me I suppose!

Docs went well, surprisingly detailed x-rays. He zoomed in where you could see the thread on the screws! I’ve now been discharged so just need to build my strength more and I’ll be all good! Amazing how long a single fall can take to heal!

Stay safe on ladders!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/13 18:56:47

Post by: Captain Brown

Great news gobert.

Good luck on reaching 100.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/15 00:06:41

Post by: Maharg

Good news about your back Gobert.

The eyes on those psykers turned out ok once the skin tone was reapplied, looks effective in those pictures. Nice to see those older models coming out again too.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/16 01:17:40

Post by: gobert

Captain Brown wrote:Great news gobert.

Good luck on reaching 100.



Cheers CB, I got 3 closer tonight too

Maharg wrote:Good news about your back Gobert.

The eyes on those psykers turned out ok once the skin tone was reapplied, looks effective in those pictures. Nice to see those older models coming out again too.

Cheers Maharg, it was surprising that they looked better in the photos than real life. More old skool minis finishe their update

I got a couple of hours in tonight and finished updating the Blood Angels characters.

I think they look ok, not a step improvement but decent for minimal effort. Here’s some individual pics

Second Company Brother Captain Tycho got the most attention; spruce up of his Boltgun metal bits and nuln oil was. his reds got Mephiston red, evil sunz and golden yellow applied so he would fit in with his newly painted battle brothers. His banner also had an over paint to make it look more free hand. Seems to have come out ok.

Chief Librarian Mephiston is next;

His red armour got the new recipe, so basically a smidge of shoulder pad, his back pack and a single foot his Metallics got updated too, as did his gun. Not overly happy with that. I do like his new pose with a slightly elevate left foot.

And finally the techmarine who I bought so that i could field my dreadnought and vehicle;

On reflection, now I’ve had a closer look, I reckon he’s probably spotty teenage goberts best painted mini. Other than a nuln wash he didn’t need much doing at all!

Thanks for looking, back to Blackstone Fortress next I think

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/16 03:18:17

Post by: tzurk

Glad you are on the mend mate being out of action is no fun. Marines looking good in their new coats! Must be close to group shot time for the BAs!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/16 07:21:09

Post by: Viterbi

Those DA characters look ace! Especially loving that banner. And I know I would have been far too lazy too paint all the cables on the Techmarine in different colors

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/16 15:44:01

Post by: youwashock

Good updates on the back and the minis. They look good on the new bases. I like the extra work on the banner.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/16 18:35:19

Post by: Captain Brown


They are coming along.

Old school metal is always nice to see.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/17 09:59:28

Post by: gobert

tzurk wrote:Glad you are on the mend mate being out of action is no fun. Marines looking good in their new coats! Must be close to group shot time for the BAs!

Cheers tzurk, there’s still a way to go with fitness, but it’s good to put the medical side behind me. I’ll see about a group shot when I’ve finished the first squad, need the Sgt, heavy weapon and a squad leader (can’t remember the proper term!)

Viterbi wrote:Those DA characters look ace! Especially loving that banner. And I know I would have been far too lazy too paint all the cables on the Techmarine in different colors

Welcome to my blog Viterbi! I’m pretty happy with the banner, though it’s not as nice as the company banner, the marine for which I’ll update with the rest of my first squad. I too can’t believe I ever had the patience to individually paint the cables. The wash helped separate the sloppiness of the painting !

youwashock wrote:Good updates on the back and the minis. They look good on the new bases. I like the extra work on the banner.

Cheers bud! I’m glad the bases suit Tycho, I hadn’t considered him when I chose the turquoise bases.

Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

They are coming along.

Old school metal is always nice to see.



Thanks CB, minor tweaks and new bases seem to have worked well.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I made some decent progress on my Traitor Guard last night. I also threw in the Traitor Commissar and Chaos Ogryn to give them a bit of coherency with the Guardsmen. Got their trousers basecoated in Dawnstone, their skin in Bronzed Flesh and tidied up the black bits on their helmets, boots and pouches.

Browns and purple coats next then drybrushing before the metallics. I think I’ll keep the purple metallics to a minimum for the guardsmen apart from their Sgt. The commissar will get a metallic purple powerfist. The key decision is whether the Chaos symbol embedded in the Ogryn will be gold or purple. Thoughts on that sort of thing welcome as always

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/17 18:02:24

Post by: youwashock

Hmmm...adding some meat to the traitorous horde. Couple great models there. Look forward to seeing them all together.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/19 13:55:51

Post by: amazingturtles

Nice work on the marines, and i always like to see more traitor guard around. They're just so snazzy

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/21 00:45:48

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Hmmm...adding some meat to the traitorous horde. Couple great models there. Look forward to seeing them all together.
yeah, nearly done with the Bad guys now, just these and the marines to do. The Commissar really is cool, hope I can do him justice. Going to try some different washes on the Ogryns claw, not sure how it’ll turn out...

amazingturtles wrote:Nice work on the marines, and i always like to see more traitor guard around. They're just so snazzy
welcome back turtles, long time no see! These traitor guard are quite fun, wish I could do gas mask heads on them all though!

I got a bit more done tonight, purples and browns competed then a bleached bone dry brush all over.

Metallics next then I’ll get the washes out.

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/22 17:44:46

Post by: Yorkright

Did someone say Cultists? They are looking good Gobert, I have not had a chance to check but are there rules for the renegade commissar and orgryn?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/24 11:15:28

Post by: vossyvo

Really like the freehand banneron Tycho. Nice job Gobert !!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/24 15:15:19

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Interesting models, love the old-school esthetic on the blood angels.Nicely updated!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/25 00:43:44

Post by: gobert

Yorkright wrote: Did someone say Cultists? They are looking good Gobert, I have not had a chance to check but are there rules for the renegade commissar and orgryn?

Indeed they did! I’ve really enjoyed the Blackstone Fortress bad guys so far, nice models, easy to make look decent! I’m pretty sure the Traitor Commissar and Ogryn have 40k rules. I’ll have a look in their box next time I paint. Welcome to my blog Yorkright

vossyvo wrote:Really like the freehand banneron Tycho. Nice job Gobert !!

Cheers vossyo, welcome! Pretty chuffed with the improved banner, though I’m not sure it counts as freehand as the starting point was a 20 year old photo copy of a banner from Codex: Angels of Death. My company standard is 100% freehand, will have to get a pic for comparison.

CommissarKhaine wrote:Interesting models, love the old-school esthetic on the blood angels.Nicely updated!

Thanks CommissarKhaine, glad you like the old school. I’ve plenty more to get through once I’m done with BSF!

Speaking of which, I’m making steady progress on the latest batch of treachery. All of my base colours and metallics are done and I even managed a couple of washes. The leaders got a few bits of purple washed metallics and everyone got a nuln coat on their boots, trousers and helmets.

Everything else will get either seraphim sepia or Agrax Earthshade before I move on to highlights. I’ve got to say it again, but these new-fangled washes are really amazing!

Anyway, thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/25 01:38:41

Post by: youwashock

Coming together. That Ogryn gets better with every step. More old school to follow? Great news!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/26 23:40:55

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Coming together. That Ogryn gets better with every step. More old school to follow? Great news!

Cheers bud! He’s a really cool mini, hoping I’ve not ruined him with a wash of red added to his claw.

My epic rate of progress continues, with all of the washes in the process of drying. After I did the bottom halves with nuln oil last time out I got the skins with seraphim sepia followed by a an Agrax of everything else ,

Plus a close up of the Ogryn and Commissar

Thoughts on where to go with he claw would be very helpful

Thanks for looking in

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/27 00:25:37

Post by: amazingturtles

They are coming along nicely. I mean, i think i've said it before, but it's hard to go wrong with purple or purplish colors.

As for the claw, i like it so far, and the way it's all lobstery. Maybe a few lighter pink speckles close to where it meets the skin to finish off the effect?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/27 02:22:15

Post by: youwashock

I am all about the shiny, purple power fist.

I agree with amazingturtles. Go full lobster. Some speckles, pull in some orange tones, some real deep shadows, the whole shebang.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/11/27 02:42:43

Post by: Yorkright

They are looking good, I like how the banner looks. As for the claw go for the “full lobster “ like Youwashock said. Hero’s and big models should have a little extra attention.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/01 00:07:49

Post by: gobert

amazingturtles wrote:They are coming along nicely. I mean, i think i've said it before, but it's hard to go wrong with purple or purplish colors.

As for the claw, i like it so far, and the way it's all lobstery. Maybe a few lighter pink speckles close to where it meets the skin to finish off the effect?

Thanks turtles, I too like a bit of purple and these guys are maximising that! I can’t wait to get on with the Chaos Marines who will be Metallic Purple like my Chaos Warriors.

youwashock wrote:I am all about the shiny, purple power fist.

I agree with amazingturtles. Go full lobster. Some speckles, pull in some orange tones, some real deep shadows, the whole shebang.

The votes are in and full lobster it is! I’ll have to do a bit of lobster research to decide between the orange or pink!

Yorkright wrote: They are looking good, I like how the banner looks. As for the claw go for the “full lobster “ like Youwashock said. Hero’s and big models should have a little extra attention.

Cheers Yorkright. I think you’re right with giving them a bit more attention, so I’ve split the Ogryn and Commissar out form the rest of the Traitorous lads. Whilst that has meant the lads are done, it’s probably going to delay their completion a week or so, as I’ve got a busy week of working evening to sort some work stuff. Anyways, here is the second troop of Traitor Guard:

Non-Spikey Sgt

Non-Spikey Flamer dude

Non-Spikey Grenade lobber

I’m liking how they’ve come out, the minor conversions work pretty well. I think the laspistol on the sergeant might even look better than the original version. The RTB01 knife on the running man seems to work pretty well too. Sadly I’m not soo happy with the axe but at least it makes him different from his twin! Speaking of which here’s the whole gang of the Traitorous wretches!

Removing most of the Spikey bits has worked well and coupled with the brighter colours, to me at least, shows one troop have fallen fully to Chaos. The others being more disciplined, have fallen but still retain a degree of normality. Their purple and the gold chaos stars that some carry being their giveaway. I like to think these guys have been swayed by their commissar in following the Heretical ways. The swaying being the Ogryn;

That’s probably the last you’ll hear from me next week,

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/01 01:08:47

Post by: youwashock

Heretics! Traitors!

They look good. I like how you have gone with varying degrees of corruption. They look fabulous all together.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/01 07:30:42

Post by: Viterbi

Great Traitor Guard, those eye lenses are amazing and the purple contrasts great with the rest of their armor.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/01 15:43:56

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Man, that Tycho is still one of my favourite sculptors out there. Just a shame that they killed him off so we will never see him Primarised and updated.

Traitor guard are looking great, purple always gets my vote as a go to colour.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/01 20:40:59

Post by: Fifty

The purple works really well on those guardsmen.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/01 21:38:06

Post by: Yorkright

Great idea with the cultists as they slowly mutate. If it takes a few more days on the commanders the pay off will be worth it.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/02 00:01:28

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Heretics! Traitors!

They look good. I like how you have gone with varying degrees of corruption. They look fabulous all together.

Cheers, i thought I’d chop off all of their spikes just for a bit of difference. Then as I finished the other lot I figured it’d be cool to use brighter colours to show them early on their route to corruption. Glad you liked them!

Viterbi wrote:Great Traitor Guard, those eye lenses are amazing and the purple contrasts great with the rest of their armor.

Thanks Viterbi, I wish I’d have incorporated more green on to some of the other baddies too as it really works. Those colour wheels are pretty clever things! Looking at the photos I think I should go back and touch up some of the lens frames though.

ListenToMeWarriors wrote:Man, that Tycho is still one of my favourite sculptors out there. Just a shame that they killed him off so we will never see him Primarised and updated.

Traitor guard are looking great, purple always gets my vote as a go to colour.

Thank you ListenToMeWarriors. I agree, Tycho was such a cool character. One of these days I’ll have to get hold of another version to do a Black a Company Tycho too. The new Mephiston looks pretty cool, I wonder if there are any suitable Captains/Lieutenants to convert a Tycho?

Fifty wrote:The purple works really well on those guardsmen.

Cheers fifty, I thought I’d be fed up of purple by now, but it’s too fun a colour to paint!

Yorkright wrote: Great idea with the cultists as they slowly mutate. If it takes a few more days on the commanders the pay off will be worth it.

Cheers Yorkright, I figured cultists need to start somewhere, so why not a purple guard squad that slowly turns to Slaanesh? Might be the commanders turn to get finished next weekend, though that too is stacking up to be busy!

No painting, but as I was arranging my BSF baddies on the shelf I thought I’d try and snap a picture. I didn't move my light so used my flash instead, hence the lighting!

Thanks for looking!

PS - my maths is terrible, I’ve just done my last recount and I reckon the last batch of Traitor Guard got my total for the year up to 94. The Ogryn, Commissar and Chaos Marines will get me to 99. Which Old School route should I take, new Ambull or a RT era special character who’s waiting on a new base?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/02 00:48:04

Post by: youwashock

The BSF baddies look awesome. Good to see all that progress. Ambull sounds like a good next step, but I admit to being curious about the RT character.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/02 03:15:18

Post by: amazingturtles

Seeing them lined up on the board really shows how well they fit in with it, color wise! Really nice work.

I'm curious about the trader guy myself, also

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/03 23:15:17

Post by: IGtR=

Loving the Blackstone Fortress work. You have inspired me to convert my "second set" of Traitor Guard. They are great models, but hard to convert into something appreciably different. Still, I think it is worthwhile seeing all yours together

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/06 18:07:52

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:The BSF baddies look awesome. Good to see all that progress. Ambull sounds like a good next step, but I admit to being curious about the RT character.

Cheers, they’re coming together quite nicely! I’ll take your vote as a spoiled ballot for marking both options!

amazingturtles wrote:Seeing them lined up on the board really shows how well they fit in with it, color wise! Really nice work.

I'm curious about the trader guy myself, also

Thanks turtles, the matching of the board is purely coincidental! 1 vote for RT era mini then

IGtR= wrote:Loving the Blackstone Fortress work. You have inspired me to convert my "second set" of Traitor Guard. They are great models, but hard to convert into something appreciably different. Still, I think it is worthwhile seeing all yours together

Thanks IGtR=, welcome to my blog! good luck converting your second squad. Lopping most of the Spikey bits off was quite easy on the most part, the harder ones were on the shoulder pads and the shin guards. I left some of the latter as they’re quite hard to get to, but most just needed a bit of clippers and a file. I wasn’t even neat as I figured a bit of wear would fit the character (not being resupplied in a while? it, may as well worship Slaanesh :Slaanesh. The weapon swaps were similar, just using whatever random bits I had laying around!

Sadly no painting this week, but I got my work done, so that was good! Might try to get the Commissar and Ogryn done over the weekend if I can

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/06 22:45:49

Post by: Captain Brown


Nice work on the Traitor Guardsmen. With your colour scheme and the removal of many of the Chaos markers they could also stand in for a Genestealer Cult unit. Two for the price of one.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/08 12:58:01

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

The grey, purple and gold scheme with green eyes looks really good.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/10 20:13:02

Post by: gobert

Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

Nice work on the Traitor Guardsmen. With your colour scheme and the removal of many of the Chaos markers they could also stand in for a Genestealer Cult unit. Two for the price of one.



Cheers CB, I hadn’t thought of being able to dual hat them but I think your right... now I need to buy some genestealers...

The Riddle of Steel wrote:The grey, purple and gold scheme with green eyes looks really good.

Thanks The Riddle of Steel, welcome to my blog! I’m liking the green eyes too, I think I’ll go back to the first bunch and change their eyes to green too.

Sadly still not managed any more paint, but I’ve been weighing up my options for the Chaos Space Marines. I had been planning to paint them matching my Chaos Warriors
But then I noticed that they all had Black Legion iconography, so really they should be black. That got me wondering if I could do them black but with purple edge highlights, maybe slightly sharper contrast than this Necron thingumy from Spikey Bits
. Might do a tester to help me decide, what do you guys think?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/10 20:17:14

Post by: youwashock

I think that could look quite cool. Give it a shot!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/10 20:40:30

Post by: Viterbi

I believe the purple edge highlight would really work

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/10 23:43:28

Post by: gobert

As my laptop didn’t want me to do any work this evening I thought I’d try the purple edge highlighting. I tried 2 variations, first was using two purples

Then I finally found a tutorial on Pinterest that I’d seen ages ago but couldn’t remember where. That suggested using the colour only as a mid tone, then a grey as the final highlight. The idea being it looks black rather than dark purple;

I think they both look good, here they are together

I have 2 Chaos Space Marines, so I could do one in each and then decide, but not sure I want to redo one... argh decisions!

Not wanting to rush in to anything I did some more work on the Commissar and Ogryn. Mainly purple highlights and skin touch ups, but i also used a few washes. Taking on the full lobster I googled a few images and noticed a more orangey yellow edge to their claws going through red to brown in the centre of the surface. So with a bit of yellow wash all over, then a few red washes toward the centres of the plates, all finished with some Agrax in the recesses and spotted around the centre, I think I can call the claw done.

Sadly the yellow/orange doesn’t come through very well with the lighting.

And one of the Commissar too;

I think I’ll try to freehand a Slaanesh symbol :Slaanesh: on his banner. I added a green wash to his face symbol, not sure the colour was right, but it seems ok.

Anyways, Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/11 00:02:57

Post by: Yorkright

That claw turned out perfect! The ogryns trousers look very good too. Looking forward to the Chaos Marines.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/11 02:50:38

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I agree with Yorkright - that crab claw looks fantastic.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/11 05:32:26

Post by: Viterbi

Commissar and ogryn are coming together nicely!

Both purple variants look good, but I lean slightly towards the one with the grey edge highlight.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/11 16:25:56

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Now I want seafood. Ideally not attached to an Ogryn tho.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/11 17:30:28

Post by: youwashock

Nailed that claw, baby!

I prefer the grey highlight version, as well. It is a bit more striking and will read better, I think, on the table.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/11 18:46:14

Post by: Captain Brown

Good progress gobert.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/14 11:42:43

Post by: gobert

Yorkright wrote: That claw turned out perfect! The ogryns trousers look very good too. Looking forward to the Chaos Marines.

Cheers Yorkright, hopefully it’ll look better when I get a decent photo! His trousers were dead simple, Administratum Grey, dry brush of bleached bone, then a wash of Nuln Oil, simples!

The Riddle of Steel wrote:I agree with Yorkright - that crab claw looks fantastic.

Thanks Riddle, I’m surprised how simple washes worked. It’s even got a sheen like a real lobster!

Viterbi wrote:Commissar and ogryn are coming together nicely!

Both purple variants look good, but I lean slightly towards the one with the grey edge highlight.

Thanks Viterbi, I think the purple only just looks a dark purple, as the grey makes it look more a tainted black? Or suttin..

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Now I want seafood. Ideally not attached to an Ogryn tho.

Imagine how much claw meat you’d get though! clearly you’d need a friendly Space Marine to take him out first though o hand welcome to my plog!

youwashock wrote:Nailed that claw, baby!

I prefer the grey highlight version, as well. It is a bit more striking and will read better, I think, on the table.

Cheers youwashock, definitely worth the extra time on these two. I’m coming round to the grey, though I’ll need a steady hand for all that edge lining!

Captain Brown wrote:Good progress gobert.



Thanks CB, slowly creeping up on the ton!

No painting since Tuesday but hoping the kids go to sleep early after a Christmas cinema trip to see Frozen 2. If they do, I’ll get my paint on! Maybe I’ll see if my brother had a female vampire in his undead collection to paint as a snow queen Elsa?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/14 20:16:28

Post by: mcmattila

Looks like you've made some great progress with the BSF! Are we going to see the good guys any time soon?

You could add some purple/red washes on the Ogryn (and why not the Commissar also) to create some bruising/sores, especially on the skin around the claw and the gas mask. Purple would also fit well with the Slaaneshi theme! Anyway, as the others have said, the crab claw looks great!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/15 00:02:43

Post by: gobert

 mcmattila wrote:
Looks like you've made some great progress with the BSF! Are we going to see the good guys any time soon?

You could add some purple/red washes on the Ogryn (and why not the Commissar also) to create some bruising/sores, especially on the skin around the claw and the gas mask. Purple would also fit well with the Slaaneshi theme! Anyway, as the others have said, the crab claw looks great!

Cheers bud, they’ve been a lot of fun to paint so far. Good guys will come once I’ve done the Chaos Space Marines including their leader Obsidius Mallex and a Rogue Trader era Space Marine of great repute. I might go back and add some bruising to the Ogryn, he has a bit near his claw, but the massive Chaos icon passing through him probably smarts a bit!

My kids didn’t get to sleep very early, too much sugar at the cinema I reckon! I did however get some painting done. With it I did the last few bits on the Chaos Ogryn and Traitor Commissar. The each got a bit more flesh highlighting, some metal work highlighting and finished up with a bit of the bright green I’ve been adding to the others. Here’s the pair of them;

One of the Commissar

And a few of my favourite so far, the Ogryn;

Having finished those guys I got on with the first edge highlight of the Chaos Space Marines. It took a while but looks ok so far. I also decided that I’d give Mallex a few purple cables and will probably go green for some of the others. I’ve not read his back story but I’d like to think the green is a taint from the Fortress itself and Mallex’s cables are all about him becoming one with the Fortress. Maybe I should read the books in the box!?! Anyway, here they are so far;

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/15 00:51:57

Post by: Yorkright

Excellent work on the Commissar and Ogryn! The purple sheen on his armor and green cabling really makes the officer stand out. The claws the bomb though, wouldn’t want to be on the other end of that in a fight.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/15 03:16:39

Post by: youwashock

They turned out great. Love the Ogryn. If I would change anything, jt would be to add some rust to the Ogryn's...truncheon? That is more down to personal preference than anything. I like rust. But it would refer back to the tones in the claw and balance the composition a little bit. The brand on the Commisar's face is an awesome detail.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/15 07:46:24

Post by: Viterbi

Really love the purple metallic on the ogryn‘s shoulderpad and the commissar‘s power fist. Great looking models overall.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/17 15:04:15

Post by: gobert

Yorkright wrote:Excellent work on the Commissar and Ogryn! The purple sheen on his armor and green cabling really makes the officer stand out. The claws the bomb though, wouldn’t want to be on the other end of that in a fight.

Cheers Yorkright, I’m pretty pleased with the both of them. The green and purple just seem made for each other I think!

youwashock wrote:They turned out great. Love the Ogryn. If I would change anything, jt would be to add some rust to the Ogryn's...truncheon? That is more down to personal preference than anything. I like rust. But it would refer back to the tones in the claw and balance the composition a little bit. The brand on the Commisar's face is an awesome detail.

I know what you mean, he does look a bit clean. I’ve not done rust before and don’t have any of the technical paints to cheat with. I’m also not sure what his weapon should be called? Power Maul/Sword/Girder/Truncheon ?

Viterbi wrote:Really love the purple metallic on the ogryn‘s shoulderpad and the commissar‘s power fist. Great looking models overall.

Cheers Viterbi, the purple is dead easy, basecoat of Boltgun Metal followed by a druchi violet. These two only got a single coat of druchi but my Chaos warriors got 2 or 3.

No progress to report, but I need to get cracking on my Blackstone Fortress as I’m getting an urge to paint greenskins

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/17 20:45:52

Post by: Pomander Cask

The Ogryn and the Commissar look great! Very clean and stylish. I look forward to future greenskins.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/18 08:48:22

Post by: gobert

Pomander Cask wrote:
The Ogryn and the Commissar look great! Very clean and stylish. I look forward to future greenskins.

Thanks Pomander Cask, it’ll probably be the new year by the time I get around to Orks/Orcs once I’ve finished the Blackstone Fortress crew. Oh and welcome to my plog!

Managed a bit of painting last night. Having read somewhere that the key to highlighting black but it still looking black I tidied up some of the purple. In hindsight I should’ve done that after the second highlight as it made the grey really hard to get right. Though that probably wasn’t helped by my tired eyes (thanks to being up all night caring for a sick daughter), because of that I only got the two marines done, though Mallex got some drybrushing on his cape and animal fur.

Pretty happy with the cape and cloak. I might need to look at the edge highlighting again though.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/18 14:09:52

Post by: youwashock

I really like that look. Still reads as black at this point. Hope your daughter feels better.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/19 10:48:30

Post by: Viterbi

CSM are looking very nice with the purple accent!
Incidentally those were the models (+7 traitor guardsmen) when I didn't want to paint BSF minis anymore, but get the villains done so I just painted them greenish-ghostly. Perhaps one day they get a bath in biostrip and a nicer paintjob

All the best to your daughter and to you, sick children always equals no sleep for the parents.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/20 16:20:24

Post by: amazingturtles

The lobster claw is a thing of beauty. Now he just has to be careful about anyone approaching him with a little bowl of drawn butter

The purple looks good so far!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/20 17:07:04

Post by: Theophony

I’m liking the direction of the purple added to the chaos marines, helps tie them in with those renegades.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/22 01:05:49

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:I really like that look. Still reads as black at this point. Hope your daughter feels better.

Thanks youwashock, hopefully it’ll still read as black once completed. My daughter is a bit better, but has passed the bug around the family, just one of the joys of children!

Viterbi wrote:CSM are looking very nice with the purple accent!
Incidentally those were the models (+7 traitor guardsmen) when I didn't want to paint BSF minis anymore, but get the villains done so I just painted them greenish-ghostly. Perhaps one day they get a bath in biostrip and a nicer paintjob

All the best to your daughter and to you, sick children always equals no sleep for the parents.

Cheers Viterbi, I think the ghostly look is pretty good, I like the idea of Fallen Marines wandering the halls of the Blackstone Fortress for eternity!
Sadly you’re right on the no sleep for parents, also the accompanying illness too! Still, they’re somehow worth it!

amazingturtles wrote:The lobster claw is a thing of beauty. Now he just has to be careful about anyone approaching him with a little bowl of drawn butter

The purple looks good so far!

Thanks turtles, I think the Marines might have a napkin tucked in to their belt just for that very reason!

Theophony wrote:I’m liking the direction of the purple added to the chaos marines, helps tie them in with those renegades.

Thanks Theophony, I’m glad you liked them! I’m hopeful they do look cohesive once complete, whilst the marines still look like Black Legion. Hopefully we’ll see soon enough if the lurgey departs my family!

In between sickness, sick children and sick wife, I managed to get a few hours this evening to paint. I finished up the edge highlighting on Mallex, then moved on to the gold. Given how well Yorkrights Black Legion came out I’ll be following their lead and Using GW Duncan’s tutorial for the Gold on the Marines, starting with Retributor, which gives a nice sheen, much better than my old ancient gold paints! After that it was Boltgun metal on the rest of the metal work. Followed by some Bestial Brown for any leather straps or holsters and to help towards the bits that will be bleached bone.

They’re coming on ok now, though the Black is maybe a bit too purple. Perhaps a nuln oil wash to line the gold will help bring them back to black?

Anyway, Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/22 01:36:37

Post by: youwashock

I am torn on the purple. On one hand I agree that it might be too strong, on the other hand I like the contrast and think it might not be so prominent once the models are complete. You can always hit it with a wash and knock it down. I don't know about straight Nuln Oil. It may desaturate it too much. Maybe a mix of black and purple or black and blue? I don't know how experimental you feel like being.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/22 08:01:18

Post by: gobert

 youwashock wrote:
I am torn on the purple. On one hand I agree that it might be too strong, on the other hand I like the contrast and think it might not be so prominent once the models are complete. You can always hit it with a wash and knock it down. I don't know about straight Nuln Oil. It may desaturate it too much. Maybe a mix of black and purple or black and blue? I don't know how experimental you feel like being.

Looking at the pics again this morning I think the purple edge highlight is a bit too thick in places. The Eye of Horus shoulder pad on the guy in the left of the image is close to what I imagined. Putting Mallex in the centre cheats the eye a bit because of all of his purple cabling. Tired typing changed what I was planning for the nuln oil; to line the gold. I agree, to fully wash the black would probably be too desaturated. Hmm, decisions!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/24 02:50:30

Post by: gobert

Well that was a marathon! I’m up way too late but I’ve managed to complete the Chaos Space Marines including Obsidius Mallex!

As planned I neatened up the purple edge highlighting and lined the gold with nuln oil. I think they look less obviously purple now. Whilst the nuln oil was out i gave the metals and purple a wash too. The steel stopped after the wash as I wanted them to be subdued. The gold got a flesh wash followed by a retributor the auric gold highlight, I think it’s the nicest gold I’ve yet painted! The tabbard on one is just dawnstone grey with nuln oil then dawnstone reapplied as a highlight, the rest of the cloths I just did bleached bone with Agrax Earthshade wash. Their eyes were done with emerald green base and scorpion green over the top. And i think that was about it, so here they are;

Looking at them now I can see I missed the Agrax on their holster straps. I also reckon the Marine with the purple round symbol on his shoulder pad could probably do with a brighter purple in there so it stands out a bit more. Oh well, maybe next year, I’m claiming them done for now.

Mallex got similar treatment, but a few more steps, mainly on his grey cables (I decided more than one being green would be too much), his hammer and plasma pistol got a bit of a glow on too. The former of which survive his hammer going purple metallic! His skin turned out pretty well, nice and pallid, having started with bleached bone his mouth and eye sockets got a light Nuln Oil an lD Agrax Earthshade wash. His whole head then got a druchi violet wash before a dry brush with bleached bone then skull white. I couldn’t decide for his hair l, so went classic Black Legion with a red top not. That was him pretty much done then;

And that’s the Chaos part of the Blackstone Fortress set complete for now. I’ve really enjoyed painting them, so really interesting models. It’ll probably be the new year by the time I get around to the Ambull and the good guys. I think I’ll start with Amalynn Starguide, the Eldar Ranger. I had toyed with tying them all together with a colour, but the goodies are such a rag tag bunch I don’t think it’d work too easily. As such Amalynn will get the stock green and white of Biel-Tan. Next will be some Rogue Traded era goodness, but to finish this long rambling post here is Obsidius Mallex and his Chaos Space Marine henchmen;

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/24 04:34:30

Post by: Yorkright

Three good looking Chaos Marines Gobert. How about a group pic of all the chaos together.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/24 05:34:08

Post by: youwashock

Yes! A rogues gallery shot for sure. They look awesome. The purple plays off that gold so nicely.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/24 06:59:12

Post by: Viterbi

CSM look great really nice highlighting. Makes the models stand out and work perfectly with your traitor guard.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/24 07:13:32

Post by: Captain Brown

They look quite nice gobert.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/25 00:10:43

Post by: gobert

Merry Christmas Dakkanauts! I hope Santork brings you sacks of plastic crack!

Yorkright wrote: Three good looking Chaos Marines Gobert. How about a group pic of all the chaos together.

Cheers Yorkright, I’ll see if I can manage to pull them all together for a daylight photo shoot over the holidays.

youwashock wrote:Yes! A rogues gallery shot for sure. They look awesome. The purple plays off that gold so nicely.

Thanks Youwashock, everyone loves a group photo, so I’ll see what I can do.

Viterbi wrote:CSM look great really nice highlighting. Makes the models stand out and work perfectly with your traitor guard.

Thank you Viterbi, I maybe could’ve taken a bit more care on the highlights, but I’m happy still! They all look good on their shelf together, nice and purpley!

Captain Brown wrote:They look quite nice gobert.



Thanks CB, glad you liked them!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/28 01:32:06

Post by: gobert

BOOM! That’s 100 done for 2019!

As hinted earlier I hit the Ton with a classic Rogue Trader miniature; introducing Leman Russ;

Now some may call this cheating as all I did was tart him up a little. He was over painted last time I dabbled with miniatures about 6 years ago. Looking at the big images I really should have stripped him, but hey, I’m counting him as complete. The main bits I did were his base and his chainsword. The base took a couple of goes as i neglected to give him a level stone to stand on! The Chainsword just had the Guard and blade painted yellow to better match the rest of my Wolves.

He looks ok to me, but I’m happy to have hit 100 miniatures since returning to the hobby! this past year has been the longest I’ve partaken in the hobby since being a teenager. The difference has been a bit of variety and using YouTube for inspiration. But the key has been Dakka, for all the great ideas for poaching and the encouragement you guys have given! So thanks, and here’s a sneak peak of the Leman with Freki and Geri (though I don’t recall the model ever having the metal Wolves)

Tonight I’ve also been preparing the Blackstone Fortress Goodies who will be next in the queue after Freki and Geri (and maybe the Ambul). Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/28 01:59:52

Post by: Yorkright

Congrats on hitting 100 painted models! Russ looks great all spruced up, though he seems a bit short for a primarch. :-D

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/28 02:51:06

Post by: Aestas


His facial expression is actually pretty nice for a model that old. Oh, and nice to see you stuck with your return. I think/hope it will be much the same for me. The online community is just miles above what it was when I left (although, maybe not as active on traditional forums such as Dakka as it was back then).

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/28 05:25:56

Post by: youwashock

Very cool. Always good to see something like this. I remember when they ran LR's origin in White Dwarf. So swesome to read about when the Emperor was out walking around and getting that deeper lore that set up the rivalry between LR and the Lion. Also glad you are feeling good about the hobby and your future with it. Congrats on the triple digit!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/28 07:33:05

Post by: Viterbi

Nice looking Russ. And re- or overpainted models definitely count!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/29 15:32:37

Post by: amazingturtles

Much congratulations! Russ looks great as well, and of course the puppies are also my favorite (yes i'm going to call them puppies)

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/30 02:39:39

Post by: gobert

Yorkright wrote: Congrats on hitting 100 painted models! Russ looks great all spruced up, though he seems a bit short for a primarch. :-D

Thanks Yorkright, he came out ok, and he’s incredibly small for a primarch. I reckon he’s about half the height of the Forge World model! I had to give him a sizeable base to get anywhere near the height of the other Space Wolves!
Aestas wrote:Yeah!

His facial expression is actually pretty nice for a model that old. Oh, and nice to see you stuck with your return. I think/hope it will be much the same for me. The online community is just miles above what it was when I left (although, maybe not as active on traditional forums such as Dakka as it was back then).

Cheers Aestas, I agree the detail on his face is up there with modern equivalents I think, but I only have BSF to measure against! Hopefully you keep going, you’re knocking out some cool minis. I’ve found the variety helps so your current paint list should help in that regard. The first time I left the hobby, I didn’t even have internet access!

 youwashock wrote:
Very cool. Always good to see something like this. I remember when they ran LR's origin in White Dwarf. So swesome to read about when the Emperor was out walking around and getting that deeper lore that set up the rivalry between LR and the Lion. Also glad you are feeling good about the hobby and your future with it. Congrats on the triple digit!

Agreed, it really brings back the memories does a bit of Oldhammer! Some of the old fluff pieces in White Dwarf were just amazing, often to the Caliber of the 2nd Edition rulebooks! I’ve been digging through my pile of grey/poorly painted, there’s going to be plenty more Oldhammer to come!
Viterbi wrote:Nice looking Russ. And re- or overpainted models definitely count!

Yep, I’m counting him for sure! Rebasing counts too in my head!

amazingturtles wrote:Much congratulations! Russ looks great as well, and of course the puppies are also my favorite (yes i'm going to call them puppies)

Yep, the pups are coming along, will try to finish their bases soon. I might be tempted to do a bit of a scenic base for Russ and the Pups to share. Will see how the mood takes me!

No painting to update on, but I got the Blackstone Fortress Chaos Warband off their shelf and got a daylight group shot of 3. All similar shots, I just can’t decide which one is best;

Instead of painting I finished up the door to the shelf to help keep dust off my compteted minis. Clear Polystyrene is a to work with, hence the rough edges and shoddy workmanship!

I also sorted through the pile of minis and grouped them in to projects and the amount of work they need;

The columns running left to right are; requires stripping (Bjorn the Fellhanded, 2nd Edition Box Set Marines, Mordian Iron Guard, Space Wolves Long Fangs and a Wolf Guard Captain, more 2nd Edition Box Set Marines), Nearly compete old painjob, but needing rebase (all High Elves, Archers inc Champion, Repeater Bolt Thrower, Spearmen inc Standard Bearer, Champion, Musician and Silver Helms inc Mage on Unicorn, Champion and Standard Bearer), ready for painting or tarting up (BattleMasters Chaos Archers and Chaos Knights, Orks & Gretchin inc Ghazghull Thrakka, Blood Angels to finish my first squad plus a Standard Bearer), need priming and/or building (Dwarves, Ork bikes, a Silver Helm and Elf Spearmen to compete earlier listed units and a box of Ork boys). Not shown are my BSF goodies and Ambull and 2 Space Wolf Characters shown previously. I also have some RT Terminators and Wolf Guard Termnlinators bathing in Dettol.

That lot should be more than enough to see me through 2020! But I’ve also just bought BSF escalation... whoops!

Sorry for the long post, thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/30 09:34:40

Post by: Ezki

Wow, you have been busy since I last visited.
Glad your back is getting better.

I'm really digging the purple scheme you got going on woth the chaos guys. I especially liked the traitor guard models. Makes me want to finally get a bunch of them too!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/30 18:05:39

Post by: youwashock

Plenty of exciting things to look forward to. Happy New Year!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/30 18:52:38

Post by: Viterbi

Love your sorting of the possible projects for 2020. That's a good idea I'll probably use myself

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/30 20:29:46

Post by: gobert

Ezki wrote:Wow, you have been busy since I last visited.
Glad your back is getting better.

I'm really digging the purple scheme you got going on woth the chaos guys. I especially liked the traitor guard models. Makes me want to finally get a bunch of them too!

Thanks Ezki, welcome back to my blog. The Traitor Guard have been great fun to paint, and snipping the spikes off was an easy way to make the two units distinct. I’d highly recommend this Blackstone Fortress boxset for nice and fun to paint minis! I’m sure you’d make an even better job of them!
youwashock wrote:Plenty of exciting things to look forward to. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you too youwashock! I’m pretty excited about the forthcoming projects. I had to stop myself bagging up more when I realised I had over 100 minis lined up in the queue!

Viterbi wrote:Love your sorting of the possible projects for 2020. That's a good idea I'll probably use myself

Steal away Viterbi, it was strangely satisfying, and now I have a few options of what to paint next!

I forgot I’d taken this picture when going through my pile of shame;

The Sergeant on the right is from the first fully painted squad I ever did. I must’ve tarted him up at some point as he looks pretty decent. The other guy is probably one of the first conversions I did, including a, rather ambitious for young gobert, head swap. I think the head came from the RTB01 Marines that my brother had. The weapons were just from the old assault marine medley of weapons you got back then.

I’m still fairly gutted that I couldn’t find the RTB01 Marines and my own RTB09 Terminators. The RTB09s were the first marines I owned, and can still remember getting my dad to drive us all the way to Sheffield in the pouring rain whilst they were building the SuperTram just to get them! I’ll have to look for them again when I go visit my folks this weekend!

Thanks for looking

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2019/12/31 01:04:28

Post by: Captain Brown


Congratulations on reaching 100 figures in 2019.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/07 00:27:21

Post by: gobert

 Captain Brown wrote:

Congratulations on reaching 100 figures in 2019.



Thanks CB, it’s a meagre number and lower quality than some achieved, but I’m happy!

Today was an inset day and it was my turn to take the day off to look after my daughter. Sadly that means it’s back to work tomorrow, but happily I got some 1 on 1 time with my eldest! Better yet she’d been fascinated by daddy painting his “Little guys” and wanted a go herself. Looking through my bags o’projects I spotted the 2nd Edition box set Gretchin. I seem to have a ton of them so she had a go with half a dozen little guys. She had a go at washes and dry brushing, but didn’t enjoy painting in thin layers and doing multiple techniques just to get the skin right. In hindsight I should’ve just gone with colour blocking. She loved the metallic paints, giving gold and silver a go. Her friend came over so we stopped, though she’s keen to finish off her little guys! Here’s her WIP;

Whilst she was busy with her little guys I decided to get my batch paint on with 29 other grots and a base of snotlings (do they count as 1 mini or 9?). It was actually quite enjoyable, seeing their faces come out as the dry brush went on! Kinda brought me back to those early hobby days, made even more enjoyable with my daughters chit-chat! After bedtime I got a bit more done, getting their primary colour blocked in and some of the off white started. I’m mixing up what gets painted what colour but sticking with black, white +1 colour. Most of my Orks are currently Goffs so I’ve gone with red and blue (goffs often had blue trousers back in the day!), I’ve also got a fair number of Evil Sunz so some will be orange. Here’s where I got to;

They’re arranged based on what part of them will be what colour, and hopefully they’ll all be unique.

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/07 12:26:12

Post by: amazingturtles

Painting with family is always worthwhile, i'm glad she enjoyed it! And she did a pretty good job too, i mean, that's about how i handled guns for a long time.... or maybe still

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/07 17:01:01

Post by: Captain Brown


If you can track down some extra Goblin or Gretchin heads a simple head swap makes the mono-pose Grots look a little better and unique.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/07 17:43:22

Post by: youwashock

Awesome that you can share this with her.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/08 13:35:14

Post by: Pomander Cask

Nice little grots, and it sounds like a great family moment.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/08 15:41:36

Post by: MegaDave

If I ever make it across the pond I'll have to bring the Iron Warriors and have a 2nd Ed. fight.

Looks like quite a few fun projects you've got there, can't wait to see what you do with them!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/08 23:35:09

Post by: Maharg

You've been busy since I was last here. Blackstone baddies look great together, good work and well done on reaching 100 models last year. Looking forward to seeing you fill that cabinet this year

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/09 05:25:21

Post by: tzurk

Had some catching up to do - you're smashing through some good work here. Your edge highlighting/brush control is really impressive - the Chaos Lord in particular looks great. The purple scheme is very eye-catching, works well on the guardsmen and marines both! I'll echo the praise for the Ogryn's claw as well, looks suitably mean.

Love reading about painting with your daughter - my boy is 14 months and loves trying to play with my army men so can't wait to share the hobby with him.

Looking forward to seeing those old grots painted up nice and new!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/12 02:24:55

Post by: gobert

amazingturtles wrote:Painting with family is always worthwhile, i'm glad she enjoyed it! And she did a pretty good job too, i mean, that's about how i handled guns for a long time.... or maybe still

Yeah, it was really lovely and we’ll definitely be doing it again!
Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

If you can track down some extra Goblin or Gretchin heads a simple head swap makes the mono-pose Grots look a little better and unique.



I toyed with the idea of doing some head swaps with my goblins but both sets are so hunchbacked that it’d be beyond me to achieve without wrecking one or the other. I might give some of the Orks a go as the boyz have spare heads

youwashock wrote:Awesome that you can share this with her.

Yep, it really was!

Pomander Cask wrote:Nice little grots, and it sounds like a great family moment.

Cheers, they’re coming along nicely now

MegaDave wrote:If I ever make it across the pond I'll have to bring the Iron Warriors and have a 2nd Ed. fight.

Looks like quite a few fun projects you've got there, can't wait to see what you do with them!

I’ll have to get painting then, to get anywhere near the size of army you’ve got!

Maharg wrote:You've been busy since I was last here. Blackstone baddies look great together, good work and well done on reaching 100 models last year. Looking forward to seeing you fill that cabinet this year

Cheers Maharg, the Blackstone Fortress stuff has been really fun, once these gobbos are done I’ll be on with the good guys.

tzurk wrote:Had some catching up to do - you're smashing through some good work here. Your edge highlighting/brush control is really impressive - the Chaos Lord in particular looks great. The purple scheme is very eye-catching, works well on the guardsmen and marines both! I'll echo the praise for the Ogryn's claw as well, looks suitably mean.

Love reading about painting with your daughter - my boy is 14 months and loves trying to play with my army men so can't wait to share the hobby with him.

Looking forward to seeing those old grots painted up nice and new!

Cheers tzurk, my brush control is coming on, but it’s mainly confidence that has made the difference so far... that and going back on the edges to improve the finished result! Both my kids are interested in daddy’s little guys (need to double check I pluralise that one!) and so far have been very gentle with them. My eldest is 6 and only recently able to concentrate for long enough and listen to instructions! Hopefully the interest will continue! Hopefully your lad goes much the same way and picks up an interest in minis!

Did some painting tonight, I got the bases for Russ’ Pups finished, nothing special just vomit brown, Agrax Earthshade, dry brush Vomit Brown then Bleached Bone;

I tried to get a decent shot to show how the dog on the left is leaping off the rock, but I couldn’t quite manage it. The shot with his boss looks the most dynamic I think

Pretty pleased how well they all look together!

I also made progress on the now 30 Grots. All of their colours have been blocked in. An all over, apart from the skin, drybrush of bleached bone has happened.

I started on the Botgun Metal but what doing the first guy noticed that I hadn’t drilled their barrels. 28 barrels take a long time to drill, especiallly when doing the muzzle holes too! It’s hard to see, but here’s a close up for proof of progress!

Sadly it’s late now, so off to bed for me!

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/12 04:03:03

Post by: MegaDave

Drilling out grot gun barrels! You are dedicated!

Love those old wolves, they look nice.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/12 18:33:36

Post by: youwashock

F and G look awesome. And bless your heart for giving those old grots some love.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/13 06:47:54

Post by: Viterbi

Seeing the barrel holes on your grots, I now feel real ashamed that my sisters didn't even get a blob of black color on their bolters I need to rectify that in the next few days.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/13 12:31:34

Post by: Theophony

The dogs are looking good, very old school.

Dang I forget how sinister the goblins used to look compared to the comical look they have now.

Great job with the barrels , that little bit goes a long way.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/14 10:57:26

Post by: Snrub

Now this is the sort of stuff I like!
Great work on the highelves and chaos warriors. Those old warriors are some of my favourites. These days they could probably pass for chaos dwarfs, given the size creep. But they're still excellent models and the metallic purple works really well on them!
The ancient hormagaunts are nasty looking done in brown with the big gnashy white teeth. Too bad you don't see many of them any more.
Good job on Tychos banner too! Love a good bit of freehand work.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/14 16:39:14

Post by: Yorkright

Good to see that I am not the only sitting on some "old" treasures. Wolves are looking great and so do the gobbos.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/14 23:35:20

Post by: gobert

MegaDave wrote:Drilling out grot gun barrels! You are dedicated!

Love those old wolves, they look nice.

Some might say Mad!

youwashock wrote:F and G look awesome. And bless your heart for giving those old grots some love.

I’ve neglected them for 20 years so it’s the least I can do!

Viterbi wrote:Seeing the barrel holes on your grots, I now feel real ashamed that my sisters didn't even get a blob of black color on their bolters I need to rectify that in the next few days.

Give it a go, It’s surprisingly simple to do. A 1mm drill bit alone can do it, though a pin vice speeds up for mass production on this scale! I got mine dirt cheap off eBay.

Theophony wrote:The dogs are looking good, very old school.

Dang I forget how sinister the goblins used to look compared to the comical look they have now.

Great job with the barrels , that little bit goes a long way.

Cheers Theo, the Grots are pretty sinister, that grin has something unnerving I think. Once I popped my barrel drilling cherry there was no going back. Gretchin being a bit dim I thought I’d go for unsafely thin barrel wall thickness too!

Snrub wrote:Now this is the sort of stuff I like!
Great work on the highelves and chaos warriors. Those old warriors are some of my favourites. These days they could probably pass for chaos dwarfs, given the size creep. But they're still excellent models and the metallic purple works really well on them!
The ancient hormagaunts are nasty looking done in brown with the big gnashy white teeth. Too bad you don't see many of them any more.
Good job on Tychos banner too! Love a good bit of freehand work.

Hey Snrub, you must’ve gone through a fair bit of the blog! Glad you liked it, I have a bit more Chaos coming up with the BattleMasters archers at some point. The Gaunts are probably so rare as people got off with the toppling over all the time l, what with being so top heavy. If you liked Tycho’s banner I’ll have to get my standard bearer brought up to my current scheme!

Yorkright wrote: Good to see that I am not the only sitting on some "old" treasures. Wolves are looking great and so do the gobbos.

Yep, plenty of old skool minis needing some love here!

Speaking of which I spent 10 mins in the painting chair tonight and got the hoods and metals done on these guys...

Such fun minis, but hard to squeeze on their base! I might need to drill out a few more holes to rearrange them a bit so I don’t have and over hangers! Did a couple of the Grots’ guns but no picks, so I guess it didn’t happen!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/15 02:31:23

Post by: youwashock

The old snotling and nurgling bases were so fantastically full of character. A real hallmark of the game at the time.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/15 03:09:45

Post by: Snrub

 gobert wrote:
Hey Snrub, you must’ve gone through a fair bit of the blog! Glad you liked it, I have a bit more Chaos coming up with the BattleMasters archers at some point. The Gaunts are probably so rare as people got off with the toppling over all the time l, what with being so top heavy. If you liked Tycho’s banner I’ll have to get my standard bearer brought up to my current scheme!
Indeed I did. Went though the whole thing. Are the gaunts metal or plastic? I assume, being that old that they're metal.
Free handing is one of my favourite aspects of painting. So yes, please. More banners!
Do you have one planned for Leman Russ?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/18 00:55:07

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:The old snotling and nurgling bases were so fantastically full of character. A real hallmark of the game at the time.

Yep, they all have something interesting about them. The one with the mushroom/mop is my favourite I think, but the cheeky one sticking his to its out is a classic!

Snrub wrote:Indeed I did. Went though the whole thing. Are the gaunts metal or plastic? I assume, being that old that they're metal.
Free handing is one of my favourite aspects of painting. So yes, please. More banners!
Do you have one planned for Leman Russ?

Sorry for all the long posts! Yep the Hormagaunts are fully metal, the slightest nudge and their resting on their claws! My freehand banners are a bit old, I should do some for my Wolves and certainly for the big dog himself. I’ll see if the mood takes me post Grots!

It’s been a bit of a slog but i got all of the metal work done on the Grots. They then got a wash of Agrax Earthshade and given their canon fodder nature I think I’ll call them done aside from their bases. The snotlings were glued to their base, but I have a few details to add like teeth and tongues! I also started some test bases, I’m thinking wet mud as I have some wet mud effect paint from army painter. Might try out some flocking too and maybe the odd grass tuft. Does anyone know of good wet muddy base examples or better yet tutorials?

Looking at the pics it looks like I forgot their red eyes l. I also have no clue how I’m going to manage to paint the base on the snotlings!

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/18 10:46:55

Post by: mcmattila

Too long since I've commented here, but let's rectify that. First of, congrats for reaching 100 models last year, it's no small feat! You've been doing some great work recently, especially with the latest finished models, Leman and his pups. Proper old school! I got to say though, Leman seems a bit naked without his banner, are you planning on adding one?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/18 16:54:36

Post by: amazingturtles

Snotlings! i love those little guys, i wish i had some of my own

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/19 01:14:16

Post by: gobert

mcmattila wrote:Too long since I've commented here, but let's rectify that. First of, congrats for reaching 100 models last year, it's no small feat! You've been doing some great work recently, especially with the latest finished models, Leman and his pups. Proper old school! I got to say though, Leman seems a bit naked without his banner, are you planning on adding one?

Thanks mcmattila, I’m pretty chuffed with 100 minis, and so far I’m on track to beat it... can I count a base if snotlings as 9 minis!?!? Given 2 people have asked I probably should sort him a banner. I’ll need to do some research now.

amazingturtles wrote:Snotlings! i love those little guys, i wish i had some of my own

They’re pretty awesome! So much crammed on to a little base!

The Grots are nearing completion. I got their basing material down and got a few tester bases near completion. To the point where I stuck down their occupants! I quite like the tufts and need to decide whether to flock them. I might add some PVA puddles here and there to. The Nob and Bik Mek could do with dirtying up a bit I reckon. Tried a different approach with the single painted Gretchin base, but I prefer the original version.

Hopefully I finish them off next week, but I’m off to Germany with work so it’ll probably be a weekend job! Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/19 02:43:17

Post by: youwashock

The original shokk attack gun is a marvel of GW's golden age. The whole idea, plus the rules with all the random charts to see what happened when you fired it. Yours looks great.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/19 06:02:13

Post by: Yorkright

Lovely bunch of old school Orks, the shok attack gun has been a thorn in my side for many years. You’ve done a great job on all of them.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/19 21:21:34

Post by: Snrub

 youwashock wrote:
The original shokk attack gun is a marvel of GW's golden age.
I like that it hasn't changed design, one iota, in what? Like 30 odd years.
A true testament to orky engineering.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/19 23:56:04

Post by: Maharg

Love seeing the old ork models, great stuff. My old shokk attack gun is no more (got converted into a kustom force field) but the snotlings still survive, will have to dig them out as a fun distraction project

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/20 11:47:08

Post by: tzurk

OG SAG is amazing. I probably have enough of the shoota/choppa orks that came in the same pack as the grots to make a decent mob - I'll have to dig them out at some point. I am so in love with old orks and glad to see them getting some love! The nob (warboss?) with claw is great too, absolutely classic.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/20 16:52:54

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

I adore seeing the classic Shokk attack gun, the new one is a great miniature but you just cannot beat that classic. Those Smotlings bring back a lot of memories as well. Hope you get a little time for some are and are in Germany.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/25 23:04:32

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:The original shokk attack gun is a marvel of GW's golden age. The whole idea, plus the rules with all the random charts to see what happened when you fired it. Yours looks great.

Yeah I remember reading the descriptions and thought the idea of teleporting a snotling in to a Terminators armour was the epitome of Orkishness. I’d forgotten how random the rules were too!

Yorkright wrote: Lovely bunch of old school Orks, the shok attack gun has been a thorn in my side for many years. You’ve done a great job on all of them.

Cheers Yorkright, teenage Gobert was most chuffed with him too!

Snrub wrote:
 youwashock wrote:
The original shokk attack gun is a marvel of GW's golden age.
I like that it hasn't changed design, one iota, in what? Like 30 odd years.
A true testament to orky engineering.

Exactly, why change a classic!?! I love the snotling vacuum on the new version... maybe I should buy one?!?

Maharg wrote:Love seeing the old ork models, great stuff. My old shokk attack gun is no more (got converted into a kustom force field) but the snotlings still survive, will have to dig them out as a fun distraction project

Thanks, and you should definitely dig out your Snotlings, I reckon you’d do a great job on the little characters!

tzurk wrote:OG SAG is amazing. I probably have enough of the shoota/choppa orks that came in the same pack as the grots to make a decent mob - I'll have to dig them out at some point. I am so in love with old orks and glad to see them getting some love! The nob (warboss?) with claw is great too, absolutely classic.

Yep, I’ve got 10-20 of the 2nd Edition boxset boyz a bit further down my queue. I’ve painted up a few previously but fancy doing a bit of a kitbash on any unpainted boyz. I’ll probably use the slugga arms from my box of Ork boyz (leaving them as shoota boyz). The Bad Moon was a Nob in Mega Armour if I recall correctly, and definitely a classic now!

ListenToMeWarriors wrote:I adore seeing the classic Shokk attack gun, the new one is a great miniature but you just cannot beat that classic. Those Smotlings bring back a lot of memories as well. Hope you get a little time for some are and are in Germany.

Can’t beat a bit of Orky engineering, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Sadly Germany was a bit frantic, so no R&R aside from a nice dinner out (Gamr Goulash washed down with a couple of beers!).

Mrs Gobert was out last night, so after getting the kids to sleep and tidying, I managed a bit of painting;

Painting 33 bases is pretty time consuming it turns out! I’m trying the Army Painter effects paint; Wet Mud. I’m not totally happy that it looks like wet mud yet, but it’s petty ok. If anyone knows of decent tutorials on its use, please let me know as my google-fu has turned up nothing. I’ve gone dead simple so far; liberal painting of Wet Mud then Agrax Earthshade, then a heavy dry brush of Wet Mud.

I slapped some paint on to their boots and the inside of their legs. Small kids always get mud up their inside leg so it stands to reason that Gretchin get the same! The snotlings got their bases done too;

I’m thinking I’ll put some flock down to represent tramples grass with a few getting some tufts. I’m also considering using PVA to make some puddles, because everyone love jumping up and down in muddy puddles!

Whilst waiting for the wash on the bases to dry I started on this pretty lady and her kids;

Continuing the theme of inspiration from my kids’ books, she’ll be getting the Gruffalo treatment. Orange eyes should be straightforward, as should terrible tusks. I’ll probably interpret purple prickles as purple pustules.

Anyway, Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/25 23:23:45

Post by: youwashock

Sounds like a good plan for the Ambull. The snotlings are fabulous, as is the march of the grots.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/26 00:15:48

Post by: MegaDave

Grots are getting there! Love the idea of all of them stomping around in the muck

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/26 01:17:57

Post by: Yorkright

Great idea on them mucking about in the mud, perhaps some mushrooms instead of tufts?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/26 07:42:34

Post by: Viterbi

Did you seriously paint the eyes of the snotlings That is some real dedication! Excited to see the Gruffalo Ambull

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/26 16:53:33

Post by: amazingturtles

I think the mud looks nice and... muddy. It's got that sticky look to it, is what I mean.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/26 22:51:31

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Sounds like a good plan for the Ambull. The snotlings are fabulous, as is the march of the grots.

Yeah, I’m pretty excited for her! Snotlings are hard to muck up they’re so characterful!

MegaDave wrote:Grots are getting there! Love the idea of all of them stomping around in the muck

I reckon 1 more decent length painting session and they’ll be done unless I get too experimental with their bases!

Yorkright wrote: Great idea on them mucking about in the mud, perhaps some mushrooms instead of tufts?

Ah, now I’m going to have to use my newly acquired greenstuff to make some... they’re gonna be horrible as I’ve not the faintest clue what to do!

Viterbi wrote:Did you seriously paint the eyes of the snotlings That is some real dedication! Excited to see the Gruffalo Ambull

Yep, although some have red cheeks now that need touching up! I really enjoyed the Zog Tyranids, so hopefully Ambullo and her children will be just as fun. I have future plans for Highway Rat themed BattleMasters Chaos Archers. They’re usually painted nearly naked, so not sure how they’ll turn out with skin tight leggings and jumpers...

amazingturtles wrote:I think the mud looks nice and... muddy. It's got that sticky look to it, is what I mean.

Cheers turtles, maybe the wet mud effect works better than I thought!

Bad news Shokk Attack Gun fans; Big Mek lost a fight with the floor and a six year old! Luckily it’s nothing that can’t be easily fixed, but he might not end up as part of this batch now. It might spur me to improve on the 15+ year paint job though!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/27 00:20:46

Post by: youwashock

*anguished shrieking*

A terror I have yet to experience personally. Best of luck with the repairs.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/28 05:59:22

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work on the Grots, if you can get some old brown ink or something similar (Agrax Earthshade just is not dark enough in my opinion) it is a quick way to make brown sand look wet.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/29 21:50:49

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:*anguished shrieking*

A terror I have yet to experience personally. Best of luck with the repairs.

I was surprisingly calm about it, quickly seeing it wasn’t a big deal as it was just glue that had fractured. He’ll be back together in no time!

Captain Brown wrote:Nice work on the Grots, if you can get some old brown ink or something similar (Agrax Earthshade just is not dark enough in my opinion) it is a quick way to make brown sand look wet.



Hi CB, thanks for the tip. I’ve got some old citadel brown ink knocking about so I’ll give it a go next I’m at the hobby desk

In other news I left work early today and rather than resting on the sofa decided to take my RT and 2nd Edition metal Terminators out of their dettol bath. It was their second soak, but I think the big difference was me not using water on the brush. The Wolf Guard I’ll do as Space Wolves but the RT Terminators I plan to do as Crimson Fists. I’ve got some shoulder pad icons that I’m planning to use to create a press mould for their currently bare shoulder pads. I’ve never done it before, so I’ve no clue what I’m doing or how well it’ll go, but hey that’s what the internet is for, right?

[Thumb - 345A9977-1D5E-422A-93CB-FF4B1C010C6B.jpeg]

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/01/29 22:48:19

Post by: youwashock

That's a beautiful pile of vintage metal, gobert. Can't wait to see them brought back to life.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/01 18:33:21

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:That's a beautiful pile of vintage metal, gobert. Can't wait to see them brought back to life.

Yep, It was like being a kid again seeing them in their naked pewter form! I hope I can do them justice!

I got a decent bit of hobby time last night and was very happy with the Grots and their muddy puddles.

I used slightly thinned PVA mixed with Army Painter wet mud and bone. Whilst wet they looked amazing, but as they dried the paleness of the PVA receded. I added some more bone colour and went to bed feeling quite chuffed with the flock and puddles.


I even took their white background shots;


Sadly the puddles dried out as the PVA went off so they lost their liquid appearance.

I wonder if neat PVA would work better or whether I’ll need to move to resin to get the effect I want. Still, I’ll call them done for now until I try more muddy puddles on my next Orks.

I’ll be heading back to Blackstone Fortress next with the Dreaded Ambull family. I need to get the heroes primed too so I can get painting them too.

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/01 18:40:15

Post by: MegaDave

I'd say the mud puddles turned out pretty great! Awesome work, I'm excited for you to get started on that pewter!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/01 20:16:29

Post by: Yorkright

I like how they turned out, bases look great. If you want the mud to have a sheen perhaps some liquid gloss coat?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/01 20:35:00

Post by: youwashock

I would suggest a quick hit of gloss, as well. Good job sticking to the task of painting that mob.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/01 21:47:24

Post by: amazingturtles

Yup, I really like those puddle, and I'm looking forward to the ambulls!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/02 00:12:27

Post by: gobert

MegaDave wrote:I'd say the mud puddles turned out pretty great! Awesome work, I'm excited for you to get started on that pewter!

Cheers MegaDave, I’ve gotta admit they look even better in a big ambling mob on the shelf! The pewter might be a way off, but I’m pretty excited too... they might have to jump the queue!

Yorkright wrote: I like how they turned out, bases look great. If you want the mud to have a sheen perhaps some liquid gloss coat?

Cheers Yorkright, I’ll have a look at getting some gloss in my next order. I’m also after something to level off like a puddle would, maybe the gloss coat mixed with paint would do that?
youwashock wrote:I would suggest a quick hit of gloss, as well. Good job sticking to the task of painting that mob.

Cheers youwashock, they were actually pretty fun and look great all mobbed up on the shelf!
amazingturtles wrote:Yup, I really like those puddle, and I'm looking forward to the ambulls!

Thanks turtles, the wet puddles look better imho, the dry ones look, well a bit dry! You’ll be pleased with this update then.

First the pics of the rest of the Orks; First up the Nob and the banner bearers (apparently Makari is the metal ones name and he’s getting a new mini soon) with the rest of the Gretchin,

The Nob on his own. Old Gobert can’t take the credit, this guy was only rebased and tidied up (but he still counts in my 2020 finished minis!)

Then some final ones of the Big Mek with his Shokk Attack Gun and his Snotling Ammo!

Tonight’s painting though was making progress on the Ambull and her babies. I’m sticking with the Gruffalo theme but decided to go with 2 browns; dark for her carapace and lighter for her fleshy bits. Then bone for her mandibles/terrible teeth in her terrible jaws, as were her turned out toes, but her knobbly knees will be black

Her kids got similar treatment, though I’m not sure on bone coloured wings? I realise now her antennae should have been bone too to match the Gruffalo’s horns I’ll get that sorted next painting session.

That’s all for today

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/02 06:02:23

Post by: youwashock

Nice! That Nob is great, from the red power claw to the awesome banner. Old school all the way. Yup, that's Makari, Ghazghkull's personal grot. Ambull off to a great start. Liking the subdued scheme.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/02 07:53:52

Post by: Viterbi

Love the „lobster“ claw on the nob and the banner in particular. Really cool seeing all those models together.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/03 05:17:48

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Those Orks and Gretchin are looking great together. The Nob especially draws the eye (ooh er !?!). It is the areas of yellow on your characters that really make them stand out, es9when stood amongst the meat shield, I mean valuable troops.

Arm bull is coming along nicely, the things like that and the upcoming Zoat make Blackstone Fortress a great addition to the range of games from GW.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/06 06:51:00

Post by: Ezki

The mud paddles look excellent! I think I have to loan that idea sometime in the future!

Loving that old school Shokk Attack Gun model. The snotling ammo is a nice addition as well.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/06 06:54:26

Post by: MacPhail

Oh, man... it's been years since I let go of my old Shokk Attack Gun-- a classic! And I love the pile of metal Termies, too. Such nostalgia. Between this and Nevelon's Zoat I'm suddenly back in my mom's garage again...

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/06 19:05:32

Post by: Captain Brown


The Orks are back...and they are painted!

Good work on your figures there.



Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/06 23:41:09

Post by: Maharg

Your old orks are a joy to behold Gobert and the extra effort put into the bases was well worth it. Any old school battlewagons in your collection for them to ride in?

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/07 23:52:21

Post by: gobert

youwashock wrote:Nice! That Nob is great, from the red power claw to the awesome banner. Old school all the way. Yup, that's Makari, Ghazghkull's personal grot. Ambull off to a great start. Liking the subdued scheme.

Thanks youwashock, teenage Gobert is pleased with the complement! I really should do a banner for makari, and lots of my other banner poles minis... someday!

Viterbi wrote:Love the „lobster“ claw on the nob and the banner in particular. Really cool seeing all those models together.

Cheers Viterbi, it’s been surprisingly relaxing to get them done!

ListenToMeWarriors wrote:Those Orks and Gretchin are looking great together. The Nob especially draws the eye (ooh er !?!). It is the areas of yellow on your characters that really make them stand out, es9when stood amongst the meat shield, I mean valuable troops.

Arm bull is coming along nicely, the things like that and the upcoming Zoat make Blackstone Fortress a great addition to the range of games from GW.

Thanks ListenToMeWarriors, great use of the technical term “Meat Shield”. I had originally planned for the Grots to get some yellow, but the dry brush was too dry for it to show up too much, but I like the idea of the Grots being darker toned than the Orks.
Agreed, the Ambull is a cool mini and I’ll definitely be adding the zoat when he/she/they/it comes out. If the rest of the minis are anything to go by Zoat will be awesome!

Ezki wrote:The mud paddles look excellent! I think I have to loan that idea sometime in the future!

Loving that old school Shokk Attack Gun model. The snotling ammo is a nice addition as well.

Loan away, if you get it to work better I’ll be borrowing the new improved version back! . Shokk Attack is probably one of the coolest minis GW have ever done imho. Seamlessly blending the grim dark, semi plausible tech and comedy in to one mini!

MacPhail wrote:Oh, man... it's been years since I let go of my old Shokk Attack Gun-- a classic! And I love the pile of metal Termies, too. Such nostalgia. Between this and Nevelon's Zoat I'm suddenly back in my mom's garage again...

Welcome to my plog MacPhail! Shame you let your SAG go, would’ve been interesting to see what you’d have done now. The nostalgia is pretty high here, sorry for the teleportation through time!

Captain Brown wrote:gobert,

The Orks are back...and they are painted!

Good work on your figures there.



Thanks CB, it’s always good to get minis painted, even if it’s nearly 30years since they were released!

Maharg wrote:Your old orks are a joy to behold Gobert and the extra effort put into the bases was well worth it. Any old school battlewagons in your collection for them to ride in?

Thanks Maharg, I’m pretty happy with how the little Grots came out! Sadly I don’t that’s any battle wagon for them, those things were so cool back in 2nd! They must go for a pretty penny if they come up on eBay now I reckon.

This week has been a bit of a show, so I’ve only just found some free time to do some painting tonight. I made a bit of progress on the Ambull and her babies. Mummy-Ambull got her antennae changed from brown and black to Bone ala The Gruffalo’s Horns. Then the whole model got a Bleached Bone dry brush all over. The Bone bits and face getting a white drybrush too. They then got a heavy wash of Agrax Earthshade. Mama then got her purple prickles nee egg-nodule type things painted. And here she is so far;

In the background you’ll see the Blackstone Fortress “Goodies”. Whilst waiting for the Ambulls wash to dry I did some more prep for these guys, mainly filing down lips on joints. Sadly it’s likely to be too windy to prime then this weekend. Hopefully they’ll get done soon.

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/08 02:13:38

Post by: MegaDave

I really like the more natural look for the ambull. Sorry about the bad week, here's hoping the next one treats you better!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/08 03:54:30

Post by: Yorkright

I like the color palette you decided on for the ambulls. That brown , bone and purple looks good together. Hoping the weather changes so you can get some priming done.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/08 10:27:40

Post by: Snrub

Ambull is coming along nicely Gobert. It's got a nice natural feel to it at the moment. Looking forward to the BSF models. They really are top-shelf sculpts.

And i'm glad to the see the SAG back in action again. It's made a good recovery!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/08 15:33:35

Post by: amazingturtles

The bone for the antennae looks good, and does make the model look more gruffaloish! which is a fun word that sadly i don't often or ever get the chance to use.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/08 16:38:33

Post by: Pomander Cask

That grot horde is impressive. And the beast looks great!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/08 17:09:54

Post by: youwashock

The Ambull is looking awesome. As you pull more detail out it gets better and better. Here's to a relaxing weekend and a better week after.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 01:28:27

Post by: gobert

MegaDave wrote:I really like the more natural look for the ambull. Sorry about the bad week, here's hoping the next one treats you better!

Thanks MegaDave, work is the gift that keeps on giving of late! Still it pay for hobby supplies!
Yorkright wrote: I like the color palette you decided on for the ambulls. That brown , bone and purple looks good together. Hoping the weather changes so you can get some priming done.

Thanks Yorkright, the inspiration was the Gruffalo so I can’t take much credit for the palette! Sadly the wind and rain and cold seem to be here to stay, 3rd stormy weekend in a row.
Snrub wrote:Ambull is coming along nicely Gobert. It's got a nice natural feel to it at the moment. Looking forward to the BSF models. They really are top-shelf sculpts.
And i'm glad to the see the SAG back in action again. It's made a good recovery!

Cheers Snrub, she’s a cool model, a great dynamic she’s got. I’ve got the heroes all waiting to be primed, maybe next weekend!
amazingturtles wrote:The bone for the antennae looks good, and does make the model look more gruffaloish! which is a fun word that sadly i don't often or ever get the chance to use.

Amazingturtles, I reckon the world need more words like gruffaloish. Hopefully she’s maintained her gruffaloish look now she’s finished!
Pomander Cask wrote:That grot horde is impressive. And the beast looks great!

Thanks Pomander Cask, the horde looks great all blobbed up on the shelf!
youwashock wrote:The Ambull is looking awesome. As you pull more detail out it gets better and better. Here's to a relaxing weekend and a better week after.

Cheers youwashock, she’s an awesome model, I’m liking how she looks all finished too!

Well, it’s been a while, more illness, bad weather and work sucking! Sadly that means I’ve made scant progress of late. Last weekend I sat down to do some hobby time with my daughter. She finished up her batch of Grots whilst I prepped a few randoms for priming. I forgot to get picture of her Gretchin so will try to remember for my next post. She did pretty well for a first batch and her age (6), and wants me to base them like mine. I’ll do them with the next lot of Orks I do. She then asked what else she could paint so I’ve given her an Easy to Build Stormcast Eternal I was given at the local GW. She loved that, bit wanted more. Since most of my minis are ancient and have some sentimental value to me I found some cheap minis from a company called em4. They arrived this week and she asked me to get the dwarves ready for painting. For 21p each plus p&p I’m pretty impressed. The mould lines are pretty prominent, but clean up easily enough, though the vent port in the back isn’t great. They have certainly made my daughter happy, so I am too! I might even pinch one or 2 to have a go at painting them myself!

Tonight though I got my Ambull and her babies all done. I decided that her carapace didn’t need anything more than the drybrushing and wash it’d already had so just highlighted the claws and teeth before painting the tongue, eyes and highlighting the purple bits. I think she’s turned out pretty well , but I’ll let you guys decide for yourselves;

I finished her early in the evening so decided to paint something else. Seen as they were the only primed minis I have at the moment, I chose the 2nd Edition Space Wolves Iron Priest and Njal Stormcaller, both got their armour basecoated and highlighted. The iron priest had to be drybrushed as his armour is very textured, but it seems to have come out pretty well so far

I might skip the Agrax edging I did in my last Wolves as I can’t decide which look I prefer. Here’s a pick of the rest of the pack to help me decide;

Anyways, it’s late so off to bed for me, thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 04:38:31

Post by: MegaDave

Ambull looks great! I really like the two different shades of brown you have on her. Subtle touch, but very nice.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 04:48:02

Post by: youwashock

Nice work finishing off the space Umber Hulk. The single green node nestled in amongst the eyes is an interesting choice that I think really pays off. That Iron Priest model is such a classic. The helmet has always been good and he is just crusted in detail.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 09:38:28

Post by: Viterbi

Great work on mama ambull, looks great. The texture of the skin is great, looks really fleshy.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 10:45:01

Post by: gobert

MegaDave wrote:Ambull looks great! I really like the two different shades of brown you have on her. Subtle touch, but very nice.

Thanks MegaDave, I thought she’d look too dull as a single tone, thanks for spotting it!
youwashock wrote:Nice work finishing off the space Umber Hulk. The single green node nestled in amongst the eyes is an interesting choice that I think really pays off. That Iron Priest model is such a classic. The helmet has always been good and he is just crusted in detail.

Space Umber Hulk! I like it, my youngest calls the Ogryn “Hulk Smash” so he’s finally got some hulking company! My inspiration for her was The Gruffalo, who has a green poisonous wart on the end of his nose. I was going to add my usual bright green as a highlight, but I decided I didn’t need to.
Viterbi wrote:Great work on mama ambull, looks great. The texture of the skin is great, looks really fleshy.

Thanks Viterbi, I’m pretty pleased how she’s turned out. I just need some decent weather now to paint up some good guys to fight her!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 15:19:59

Post by: amazingturtles

I think the ambull came out perfect, and yes, very gruffaloish. I love the purple and the one green eye.

I'm glad your daughter is having fun painting things up, it'll be neat to see what she's done!

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 15:58:21

Post by: Ezki

The Ambull looks very good! The purple works well with the dark tones.

I second what amazingturtles said: It would be cool to see what your daughter has painted!
It's so cool that you can share some of the hobby with her.

Goberts Gubbins - 14 Sep 24 - 2024=370 - Void Panther and Blooded Plasma Glow up @ 2020/02/23 20:33:16

Post by: Not Online!!!

Dreadfully beautiful.

Well done.