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Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/18 19:53:28

Post by: Camkierhi

Hello and welcome,
Editting in an index here guys and dolls, cus this thing is getting big, so a highlights real at the start for you....these are links to the finished pieces, please feel free to scroll backwards to see the builds.

Well first up is the watch tower. Which is at the bottom of this page....so please scroll down to see a watch tower scratch built from the box and spru left overs.

Next up a Demolisher conversion.. here
Then there is the Aliens scene Tyranid "Queen" and Ripley.... here
Tallarn desert squad... here
Chaos Daemon Engine here
Scrap yard piece... here
Bebop painting comp guardsman... here
Chaos Daemon prince... here
Another silly guardsman.... here
A minotaur.... here
Scratch built 1:20 scale Landrover... here
Hotel Kalif Orknia....um orks is in da wrong blog, but hey ho.... here
Dinky toy buggy conversion.. here
Skips... here
Marble tutorial... here
It's a drag diorama... here
Tank the Mantis Warrior... here
Tag / Graffittiiiittiii tutorial... here
Scratch built land raider... here
Scratch built truck.... here
Walls competition entry... here
Trapdoor ruin ... here
Camo rhino and marines... here
Chaplain n a bike... here
Bamboo... here
Scratch built predator... here
Deadzone guys... here
Big bird... here
Ugly guy... here
Tru scale termi... here
Portal piece... here
Another Mantis Warrior... here
DKoK mounted tester... here
Sedition Wars... here
Check those corners... here
Tyranid flying hive tyrant... here
Ragnar steel fist NMM attempt.. here
Trench gun boys.... here
I got this boys dio... here
Exterminator Leman Russ... here
foam brick work tutorial... here
Sewers board... here
Heavy walker ... here
Officers staff car... here
Chaos champ on bike... here
Alien lab and AVP figs... here and here
Start of the warhound.. here
Display board... here
Scratch built Warhound titan here
Sniper spot... here
A Fantasy tavern... here
A windmill... here
A church... here
Village works including a magnetised forest... here
An outhouse... here
A graveyard... here
More village and trees... here
Blacksmiths... here
Odd Hive dudes... here
Not Mortarian... here
Plague guy... here
Zombie dragon... here
Hvy weapons team... here
The Hive hab... here
Interior of a tank factorum... here
Tank factory.. here
Statue and minitank hauler.. here
Board centre piece... here
Plague marines... here
Tank hauling trailer unit.. here
Mechanicus Shrine.. here
Camo grot... here
Bushido boat... here
Twinners 40k terrain... here
Random dudes... here
killteam scenery... here
The Limo scene.. here
Pointy head dudes... here
A buggy.. here
Scout Spacemarine kill team.. here
A house actually not ruined.. here
Crashed ship upcycled... here
Poxy walkers.. here
GUO, scratched together.. here
Tau suit repaint... here
Infinity Russians... here
Infinity statue/fountain. here
Infinity AI thigny ones... here
Infinity board roads and bungalow... here
Infinity tower block. here
Spider tank... here
Ancient Roman 10mm scale buildings.. here
And more 10mm scale buildings... here
Falcone family from BMG scene.. here
GSC tank... here

Hope this helps some of you guys..
This is going to be my alternative blog. Where I put anything not orky. I got an ork blog, and Will leave that as is, and will be working mostly on that so please excuse me if this has some gaps now and then.

The rules of this blog are simple, all welcome and all comments are welcome. I thrive on feedback, good and bad, and with this blog I definitely need some help with rough guide to army construction. Having said this I do not battle and these armies will never see a table top. I model for modelling not gaming. Mainly because I got no one to play with. Some of the items here will probably be illegal in game, but as I say I don’t game, so it’s more a rule of cool thing. But feel free to guide me regarding legality and squad size, make up and equipment. And don’t hold back, I cannot be offended. At least not regarding modelling etc. Please feel free to discuss anything relating to this blog here and all ideas and outside the box thinking are more than welcome.

I got :
Imperial Guard
Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines
And Orks.

First up is my Imperial Guard Army.

I collected some guard many years ago, but that was sold a long time ago. Then last year my son joins the local gaming club, and says “Dad, I want an Imperial Guard Army.”
So as quick as I can I put together an army, bought at car boot sales and off the internet as second hand, with one or two minor bought new items. I paint what I have to as quick as I can, not really caring about it at all, just need to get the job done. Half of it I have not touched just bought it like that off the internet.
I have been buying additional units and tanks here and there and even made a papercraft Leman Russ. (made of card)
I never really did any of it justice. Then a while ago a bolt of lightning hit me in the form of Dakka Dakka, and I got the bug to actually take my time again, been doing mostly Orks since. But these Imperial Guard have been bugging me. For a start I think they are the wrong colours for me.

Ok guess a bit of fluff for this army.

They are actually two forces, Cadians and Catachans . They are deployed to support the ultramarine space marines in a campaign on this planet, Siccus Prime, where I base all my armies. It is a dessert world, and the imperium’s main interest in it is that several large Waagh!! have started here. There have been attempted colonizations and several other alien races have had a go, but the orks seem to prevail.

Ok enough fluff for now. Here are some shots of what I have at this time. Like I said I am not responsible for most of the painting.

Here we go then, so firstly, do I go one tone, two tone or camo. I think they should definitely be not green, thinking beige’s, possibly a cream/bone colour. But the colours they are, are going to be gone.
Your thoughts please on this.

Next up first model I am actually going to have a go at.
Demolisher. Bought like this cheap off the net.

The gun is glued in place, the sponsons are movable but glued up. I have tracks, but I will be putting the “extra armour plates” over the top sections of the tracks. Two reasons, firstly doing this gives me sections of track for other projects. Secondly I think they would cover the tracks to stop the sand getting everywhere, (again thought on this please). There are a few gaps here and there, and I am not sure if it is complete as I do not have anything here to compare it to, I will be looking on Dakka later to see what I might be missing if anything.
Doing gap filling on the turret…..

Thank you for stopping by and please leave a comment.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/18 20:56:39

Post by: DiDDe

Now we're talking!

firstly i think you got a nice army already and i look forward to see them get some love.

can't really say much right now until you start doing something to them.
though i can say that i think that demolisher cannon look too big for the old style turret.

also there isn't much detail on the old turrets that's why it looks like it's missing parts.

as for the paintscheme.
think you should go for camo! they are imperial guard after all. as for the scheme i think that large brown spots with double black-and-white trim on a yellow/beige backround would look great!

can't wait to see some paint on that nice looking guard.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/18 21:12:23

Post by: Dr H

I am here and watching.

Definitely camo'. As it's a desert world, it would have to be largely browns. Maybe an idea could be to do random "stars" of dark green or black to replicate small patches of vegetation. Also worth thinking about THAT desert pink camo'... I'm sure you know the one. Could be a good way to introduce colour to the browns...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/18 21:20:13

Post by: DiDDe

That sounds like a nice scheme too. and yeah pink would look awesome!

also, Jeff. the new link in your sig doesn't work. it's missing an "e" at the end

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/18 21:41:01

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i beg to differ here in the paint scheme... have you all seen Develain´s stuff here for his vostroyans? he uses bone/creamy one colered scheme and it looks awesome... or ashotninja? he coins the desert scheme if you ask me...beige for the win here...

as for the army... looks really like you have yourself a nice force already... can´t really help you with assembly here... i only ever recycled rhino´s and a predator... but any other tank related stuff i cheated as i built my own from foam and cardboard...or PC...
beside... which one of the above is made from cardboard??? they all look plastic to me... jesus... you must have endless suply of patience for paperhammer models^^
oh and extra armor... yes please... i think in the desert with not much extra cover this would be extra handy!

cheers, vik

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/18 22:01:50

Post by: SelvaggioSaky

An other thread to follow?

of course , Catachans look good, I think They're so loved because of some old Stallone movie ?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/19 23:38:15

Post by: Arakasi

I'll be watching...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/20 15:42:19

Post by: Camkierhi

Well thank you gentlemen, nice to see you all here.

Colour / Camo

Ok here are a few examples, thoughts please.

First up plain beige/bone....

Then with a couple examples of camo pattern, not sure I like either but what do you think?......

Ok next I have started to take the turret towards the general colour I think I am definitely going with....

Thank you everyone for looking and comments are most welcome.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/20 20:08:11

Post by: Camkierhi

Small update.

This is the base coated Demolisher. Going to have to come up with a name for these guys.

Anyways, This is as I say a basecoat really, I can add camo, or washes to change the colour but its roughly in the ballpark of what I am aiming for. Also that's the cage all in on the turret.

Thought I would show a little step by step of how I am doing DiDDe's railings.

Bunch of pics each progressing through. I used a 2mm PC base, cut and trimmed to shape. I drilled holes and Stuck in some copper wire for strength. Then put Styrene tube over. At this stage its good to straighten everything up and line it all up. Then glue on top rail. Then work around with small gauge styrene rod. I got to clean up the joints a little and paint it in to match, but thoughts appreciated. Credit has to go to DiDDe who did a brilliant job on his Baneblade Turret and gave me the idea.

The way I figure it, they are going to need all the storage they can get on a demolisher, the shells must be huge. I also felt, as has been pointed out, the turret is the wrong one for the barrel and needs some balancing out. I have base painted the turret as I figure it will be difficult to get in about with the storage in place.


Your thoughts and criticisms please.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/21 12:39:21

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i am a bit hesitant to do beige on my own... always fearing that i ruin my work through the washing...but you sir do a great job!...

IF you need to spoil that good beige now with camo i would vote for the more angular look...(on the right) but i also would leave it as is...and add just some regimental colors and such stuff and call it a day as the simple looking tanks have more majesty on their side if you ask me...

and railing work looks very good too!!!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/21 19:18:06

Post by: Camkierhi

Well, Vik you made up my mind.

Her is how she sits at the moment. Still needs work. Got to sort the plasma gun barrels and paintwork. And would like to weather it up.

Please let me know what you guys think.



More pics in gallery. Your thought please.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/21 23:48:49

Post by: Viktor von Domm

no time to think when you oggle^^...

looks very good... i like the washed parts on the horizontal surfaces the best...the sides i think could do with some more
the regimental colors look nice and fresh... you decide if there should be weathering... fluff wise i would understand if these are kept more mint that the rest of the tank....
what i am a bit surprised by is the color of the nozzles of the plasma barrels...why the greenish tint to them? sooty black with the slim red hint on the inner rim, that would be more fitting...

lenses are really god looking...

this altogether is a really fine looking desert rat!... needs some decals tho

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/21 23:58:18

Post by: Dr H

Yeah, pretty much what Vik just said.

Weathering will bring it all together. Don't need to go overboard, just make it look lived in.

Perhaps make the panel lines/grooves slightly darker and a touch more lighter highlight on the edges (but that's a personal taste thing, so do what you like).

And then, signs/symbols/markings transfers.

Then the weathering... and it'll be good to go.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/24 22:42:49

Post by: Camkierhi

Started some battle damage and weathering tonight, got other things on, but will be moving this along as well.

Pics are a bit dark so its not really that dark, but thoughts please.....any help here welcome.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/24 22:45:23

Post by: SelvaggioSaky

Wanted to comment about this, but forgot somehow
I love the extra storage room You made on this tank, awesome.
For the weathering I think that the sponge method I use on my orkz would suits your need for dirt.... that sounded a bit strange to say...

Keep up the great work

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/07/24 22:47:34

Post by: Viktor von Domm

good looking... tho the right side tackguard looks a bit more dark and dirty then the left side... but that might just due to the pics...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/02 22:05:12

Post by: Camkierhi

So change of tack here, sorry to interrupt the tank. It will be finished soon.

In the mean time I need somewhere to blog my entry to Brianj' scompetition.


(hope that link works...)

Ok, so the idea is to use your scrap to make a piece of terrain. I think the concept would be, that it is to demonstrate to newcomers how you can recycle the rubbish from your desk. Well I have challenged myself a bit further. I decided that if you are a newcomer, you got no scrap. Ah but what about you been out and bought your first box of soldiers and all you have is the sprue from the box set and the box. And you only have basic tools. And you don't have a massive paint collection.

Now the one concession to this is the comp states it has to be the size of a cd on the base, and just like everyone else, I am using a cd as the base.

So if I was using my full collection this would look a lot better maybe, but here goes with some pics.

First up, shiny new box of soldiers.

Next the sprue after you have removed your lovely soldiers.

Next cut the sprue into lengths.

Then unfortunately, you have to clean up the sprue. Cut off the worst lumps, then using a very coarse sandpaper, rub the sprue down. If you rub along its length only you start to create a grainy effect. It is not brilliant but it's quick and simple. You will also notice I cut carefully all the circular nobbly bits off and kept them separate.

Then I cut the box down into it's sections.

Ok now we start to build. Took the longest lengths and laid them down, then began supergluing the spars in place. (an important tip here is Bicarbonate of Soda, you have to be careful, but sprinkling it on the superglue does several things. 1) Immediately sets the glue. 2) Fills the gaps, looks kind of like a rusty weld. 3) Strengthens the joint a bit.)

Now keep going until you got this...

Next cut the card to fit the top floor. Then cut strips of card, plank width. Now you can score the surface of the card to look "grainy" with something sharp, I used my tweezers.
Glue these on, making sure to leave gaps to add depth.

Now people need to get to the top, soooo lets build a ladder. Two long lengths, plus some rungs for the ladder. Mine are 15mm apart and the ladder is 20mm wide. Lay this down and glue it up.

Now you should be at this stage.

As always on my blogs please leave your thoughts and criticisms. Any ideas are gratefully received. Thank you for looking.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/02 22:32:12

Post by: Viktor von Domm

wonderful step by step cam!... and i love how you also made everything just from a box of catachans... really... your first terrain piece and your first platoon... that is the way we can help our next hobbyists the best!!!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/02 22:32:42

Post by: ryanroberts

Looking good so far.
I like some of the older IG models you have in your army.
Looking forward to more!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/02 22:58:22

Post by: Ruglud

Looking good Cam - and who knew sprue wasso versatile - you and Dr H are the Sprue Kings...

Oh and...
 Camkierhi wrote:
If you rub along its length only you start to create a grainy effect.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/02 23:34:06

Post by: Camkierhi

LOL. Yes ok.....

Thank you guys. I am not even in the same league as DrH, his is amazing and the effort put in is awesome.

Ok little bit more for you here.

First up.....

Cardboard. I find that laminating the card really strengthens it, so... Cut your card to size, then glue two pieces together. (for speed I used superglue.) PVA works best but takes time to set.

Next I wanted to make a secondary platform, so.... Two lengths of sprue to act as supports. And some of this laminated card.

Plank the top the same as before.

So here is where it's at. This is about 5 hours work so far. I started this earlier this evening. Calling it a night, finish up tomorrow night, then paint.

Thinking along the lines of adding a railing or boards to act as defences. Or would iron plates look ok? Also got to work out some way of finishing the joints on the structure. Due to the restraints I have put on myself, I can't just use twine or something, have to use stuff from the box and sprue. Got to think about this....

Thoughts please....

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/03 00:16:08

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i would use armor plates... you already have the rivets right there

also... do you plan on adding any guns?

and for quick setting PVA... i always use very thin coats of PVA then...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/03 01:42:19

Post by: Theophony

Every time I see a tower like that I get the clip for F-troop play in my mind. The tower looks great , keep up the work and you too can become a Dr. As well.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/03 11:31:40

Post by: Dr H

Good work Cam. Looks good.
Yeah, it's good to keep all the bits you cut off the sprue. They're all useful, especially the round bits.
The card planks look good and nice ladder.

Iron plate armour would work nicely.
For the joints of the wood, maybe you could cut long, very thin strips of card and wrap them around the joints. That could look like lashings, maybe...

and to be fair, your wood-grain on the sprue is probably more realistic, in-scale than mine really.

Good job. Good to see the sprue-fever is catching...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/04 13:50:19

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you.

Update: Part 1.

Took the advice given, Thin strips of card, strapped around.

Cut thin strips of card, then superglue the tip to the structure. Once set wrap the strip around and around, think a little about this, try to make it look like its strapping each piece of wood. Superglue the end down, I tried to tuck the ends in a bit. Then run a bit of glue over it.

Also put some detail "rivets" on the joint's of the spars.

End of part one, more to follow shortly..... Comments welcome.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Update: Part 2.

Some plant life for the base….
Took a piece of the card, and cut it so its spikey.

Then rolled it up with some glue on the “stem” part.

Next started to peel down the leaves, you can separate the layers of the card to give you more leaves.

Tweek it until you are happy with your new plant.

Also added panel defences to the top of the lookout.

Also put a cover over the hole in the cd. Made the rock from the cardboard.

Getting to a stage now so PRIMER.

Part 3. To follow shortly. Actually typing these up slightly behind where I am. The PIP shots will be brief as I do not think of myself as a good painter at all, and not great at the effects. For the best painting technique, I would suggest you go look at Dr.H‘s blog on this competition, it is amazing.

Please leave your thoughts comments and criticism’s.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
WOW this is getting a big update. Sorry. Trying to make it like a tutorial for the competition.

Update: Part 3.

So paint.

Base paint. Wood is brown, grass is green, rocks are grey and metal is silver. LOL. Kinda it. Start with dark shades and work up through.

You get to here, just about everything in place and painted. I will tweek the painting some more, but this is a table top piece of scenery, perfectly playable in fantasy, 40k and with a little imagination Necromunda, and Infinity. I am afraid I don't really play at all these days.

Your thoughts......

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh forgot to say the base is floored, with pva glue and the scrappings and dust from the sprue work. Kept some of it back for this purpose.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/04 17:21:22

Post by: Dr H

Good work Cam.
Love the cardboard plants, darn sight easier than sprue plants as well.

For the best painting technique, I would suggest you go look at Dr.H‘s blog on this competition, it is amazing.

I am humbled Thanks.

Looking good overall. Really nice.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/04 20:43:11

Post by: Viktor von Domm

wow.... you have been busy... and quick... and motivated no end!!!

looks incredible!...the plant is a really brillaint idea! that´s what i call extra old school scratch building!...very useful tut mister...

also i really like the woodgrain effect you did on the card... not a small feat i may add!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/08 23:08:21

Post by: Camkierhi

Update: The Watch Tower.

Thanks for the comments guys.

Well here it is finished as much as I am going to do for now. Got to concentrate on other things for a bit. So this is as I will enter it for the comp. I as usual am not in it to win it, and it has been fun to do.

Now please remember, this was made completely from just the leftovers from one box of Catachan.

[Thumb - 008.JPG]
[Thumb - 010.JPG]
[Thumb - 009.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/08 23:10:41

Post by: Viktor von Domm

you know, it is a hard time to type that you´ve done an awesome job on this if you have both of your up^^

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/08 23:18:50

Post by: Dr H

Looks great Cam. Good job.
The wood and the rust colours are very nice.
and it was a brilliant idea to use just the one box of scrap.
and the plants are cool.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/08 23:21:03

Post by: Ruglud

Jobs a good 'un Cam. Truly impressive what you've done with one leftover box and it's empty sprues. An excellent inspirations for newbies and seasoned gamers alike

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/09 07:42:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Storming work chief.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/09 16:45:11

Post by: cormadepanda

I am going to join in on this and

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/08/09 17:03:13

Post by: Boblogik

I love that tower, brilliant use of sprue. Now I I know what to do with my extra since I keep a bunch of it for odd projects. Are you going to do more terrain DIYs like this? I'm working on my own gaming table in the garage and would love to see more like this so that I can stop using random boxes and jars for terrain :p

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/01 20:58:51

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you all guys, don't actually believe it yet but apparently my little tower won one of the bits of the competition.

Now on to next bit, the contents of the box.

The idea here is that though they are Catachan Jungle Fighters, they are currently deployed to the desert. So some head gear is in order and proper camo on the kit etc. I also am one for conversion and am not that keen on all my guys looking the same.

So I did a little conversion work, and had a go at this GS malarkey.

Your thought are very much appreciated.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/01 21:08:21

Post by: Dr H

Congratulations Cam. You didn't just win a bit of the competition, you won overall. Good job.
It's a worthy winner (especially with all that sprue ).
And it was a brilliant concept, using the sprue and box from just the one set of models.

Liking the GS work. Good effort.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/01 21:57:21

Post by: alabamaheretic

kudos on the win cam digging where your catachans are going going to have to take notes to make knock off tallerans one day.

that tower i will try that out and see if i can not do the same thing. very inspirational...and other than paper mache and wire trees i had know idea you could make a card board plant...now if i could make a plant potter then i would start a rather interesting project....

any way cant wait to see more inspiration man

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/01 22:40:36

Post by: Ruglud

Good job on the win in Brian's comp - to follow your win in Panda and my comp as well - You'll need a dedicated trophy cabinet alongside your model display shelf soon

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/01 23:40:35

Post by: Littletower

Congrats on the overall win in Brian's comp, you are certainly on a hot streak! Well deserved, excellent builds.


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/03 21:48:11

Post by: Camkierhi

Update. Small update.

Still struggling with the win. Thank you all. Can't believe it still.

Do I need to do a bit more of a breakdown on the techniques used in my competition entry? Proper tut?

Ok so slow progress, but here you go. Here is Sarge. (Or what ever you call a unit leader.....)

Your thoughts are welcome.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 002.JPG]
[Thumb - 003.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/03 23:00:42

Post by: Dr H

The little tutorials you did at the time were pretty good, but you could always compile them into a full tutorial like I did for the hut.

The sarge' looks pretty good (a little tidying of rough edges and he's good to go). I can't add anything.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/04 06:26:52

Post by: cormadepanda

Nice guardsmen.. poor that their fodder.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/04 11:02:00

Post by: Theophony

My only suggestion would be to change the pistol for a plasma pistol if allowed, he's just looking away from the gun like its gonna go boom. Otherwise looks top notch.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/05 09:40:20

Post by: Camkierhi


@DrH thanks. Yes a bit of cleaning up to do still. And I think I will take Theo's suggestion.

@ Comrade. Thanks boss, and soooooooo true.

@ Theo. Thank you, and yes I looked it up (not that I am worried) and I can give him power sword and Plasma pistol, so as you suggest I will be swapping out when I do the clean up on him shortly.

I Looked out the parts for Sarge, and came across some other bits that distracted me to another of the team, I know it's probably been done a thousand times before, and will be done again, but I am afraid it has to be done. Heavy conversion, well it speaks for itself. So can you guess......(Doh!)

These are the parts, I took the drum mag off the autocannon from a sentinel. And the lasgun from a suitable arm.

I shortened the barrel little, look bloody silly else!!!!

I notched out for the hand and added a bit of sprue (nods to the good DR) To fill where the drum mag came off.

I will pin it on the body in a bit, but will not fix in place until I start painting.

Your thoughts gentlepersons?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/05 10:09:28

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Wow, that looks cool, hopefully we ll see this arm attached soon to a body. I think one day I will try that conversion too...bad assets at its best!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/05 18:35:26

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks Vik. Update, here we are loosely pinned in place.

[Thumb - 008.JPG]
[Thumb - 009.JPG]
[Thumb - 010.JPG]
[Thumb - 011.JPG]
[Thumb - 014.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/05 18:51:16

Post by: cormadepanda

It needs a strap going over his shoulder and arm to really justify it. Looks really good otherwise.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/05 19:05:08

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks Comrade. Yes I agree, got to work out a strap or a support arm from his waist.

This ones for you Theo....

[Thumb - 015.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/05 21:19:06

Post by: dsteingass

That's fantastic Cam!!

How about a chain for a strap?
Some superglue will keep it straight

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/06 21:36:49

Post by: Camkierhi

Liking that idea Dave.
Squad so far, still need some GS work, and tidying up, but the lay out is there.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 002.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/07 23:56:37

Post by: Camkierhi

So slight update:

While I was waiting for the boys to set, I did a little more to this......

and with flash

your thoughts.

Update coming shortly on men.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/08 14:50:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Yon desert rats look quite cool! The better of the heavy tho is stunnig! You have quite som gs skills. And I see you too use the zinge belts
As for your tank, very good-looking bit way beyond to actually say what new you did on that...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/08 16:52:33

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you sir.

Here's Sarge not quite finished. your thoughts please.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 002.JPG]
[Thumb - 003.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/08 19:21:37

Post by: Dr H

Tank is progressing well. Good work.

Sarge is looking good.
Though not sure if the lighting is helping or hindering your paintjob...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/08 20:26:56

Post by: Littletower

Great looking tank, specially liking the extra stowage behind the turret.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/08 21:13:31

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks guys.

Update: Pics of Sarge. Just got to finish up his base, and maybe touch up the tattoo I just blobbed on his shoulder.

Here are what I hope are better pics

[Thumb - 017.JPG]
[Thumb - 019.JPG]
[Thumb - 020.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/08 21:52:04

Post by: Dr H

Liking the sword. Very effective...er...effect.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/09 08:22:58

Post by: Viktor von Domm

I am a bit undecided about the scheme of sarge...you have a green plasma effect but a blue power sword..I usually aim for the same colour on a model for energy effects... but that is just my take on this theme.. also... the rope colour I think is slightly off for m too..

BUT... I just love the sergeant stripes tattoo...brilliant idea and he looks really mean (meaning brilliant painted face!)

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/10 00:20:04

Post by: Camkierhi

Sly old dog, update.

Thank you gent's. And I am also a bit divided on the sash colour.

Well I will let these pics speak for themselves. Not quite finished, but close.

Your thoughts as always are greatly appreciated, and necessary actually.

[Thumb - 009.JPG]
[Thumb - 010.JPG]
[Thumb - 011.JPG]
[Thumb - 012.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/13 11:32:42

Post by: Camkierhi

So, this is long over due.

A big thank you to Casey's Law.

I did a deal with him for some Tyranids. All went well, but I did not really go through it all when it arrived, had a quick scan through and was very happy, because he had dropped in some extra bits. Well today I actually got it all out to take a picture to show off, and I am over the moon. Casey thank you so much, wonderful extras, incredibly generous of you.

I got millions of hormagaunts, bunch of Gargoyles, bunch of awesome Genestealers, 3 Raveners, 3 Zoenthropes, a Broodlord, and Bodies for Carnifax and Tyranifex.

I have plans for all of it, the pictures below are firstly Casey's Generosity, and then with my daughters existing tyranid army. (please ignore the paint job, it's a work in progress.)

[Thumb - 014.JPG]
[Thumb - 015.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/13 12:35:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

Nice haul! Casey is indeed a gent.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/13 13:53:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Oioioi I think it needs more than just a mere flamethrower to get rid of so many bugs...
And...nice sneakers

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/13 14:20:10

Post by: dsteingass

Fantastic work on the chain-strap!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/17 01:18:18

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys. New project.

Comp entry. Not sure which one yet.

As I always say my models don't tend to stick to the rules much, and with that in mind, Casey's wonderful auction and gifts therein have given me some ideas. My daughter came to me and said "Build me a tyrant worthy of my army."

Well here goes. It's big and a bit kitbashed. I know there are gaps here and there and I have a fair amount of GS work to do, but well you will get the gist.

Camkierhi's Hive tyrant Mk2.

And for scale.

Thanks for looking, please comment, even if it's to tell me to burn it.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/17 06:22:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Bugs, hell yeah, they need to burn eventually...
I am not too sure about the warrior plate on the head...you're probably aiming for the alien queen look? If possible you need to biggerize that plate quite a bit...

But I like it still

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/17 10:20:48

Post by: Dr H

Keep at it, it shows promise. Will definitely be worthy of any army.

My only issue is that the legs look a little weedy compared to the upper body. May just be the photos, you'll have to judge irl.
You could either bulk up the legs (or use larger ones, if you have any) or make it look like it uses the scything talons to support itself as well as attack, just by posing one down on the ground.

I like the mouth on the end of the tongue

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/17 11:05:52

Post by: Theophony

 Camkierhi wrote:

And for scale.

Thanks for looking, please comment, even if it's to tell me to burn it.

If he wasn't built and painted already I think he'd be great for the bad ass competition

Shoots own guy....."I said this is mine!"

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/17 23:21:13

Post by: Arakasi

Agree with Dr H - looks a bit top heavy. Maybe another pair of legs/arms supporting the front? They could afford to be bulkier than the hind legs given how much mass appears to be up front. You have the makings of an absolute monster here!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/18 00:08:49

Post by: Ruglud

"The only good Bug is a dead Bug!"

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/19 14:43:33

Post by: Casey's Law

Subscribed! Not sure how I'd missed this so far! Nice to see your progress on the tower all together and those guard look really nice.

I'm glad your having fun with the Nids! I remember packing them up and thinking, 'You know, Cam could do some wonderful things with these extra bits.' I wasn't wrong! I particularly love that you're doing a Hive Tyrant because the other halves of those miniatures served me the same purpose. Extra internets for the Alien Queen vibe!

I agree that he could use a little support for the front end but otherwise it's a rocking concept! Great job mate.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/19 19:17:19

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys, I really need your input on this one.

Again THANK you to Casey. Will show the Carnifax conversion I have managed from the bits also later.

Now pics in a bit but I have a question, does this qualify as Badass, I am not sure, I mean it's scary and all but not badass, maybe I will just use it in the dio for that comp, need a suitably badass bod to have a go at it maybe. What do you guys think.

Also I have done some GS work, and taking on board your suggestions I have beefed up the back legs a bit, and will be sorting front legs to semi support the front end. Pics showing what I have done to date.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 003.JPG]
[Thumb - 004.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/19 20:14:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

I'm going to regret saying this but if it had some kind of Egg laying mechanism then it would have a bad as indeed.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/19 21:50:20

Post by: Theophony

Baby now has back , maybe the deathwatch homies will leave her be .

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/19 21:53:45

Post by: shasolenzabi

IG/Nids and Orks so far! ni9ce work on that bad ass sarge, looks kinda Kurt Russell like and mean too!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/22 00:39:04

Post by: Viktor von Domm

cam...i think your talents are growing exponentially... really how come the GS work looks so good all of a sudden???... are you cheating on us?... wow
i had once a nid army but got rid of it... the conversion work was something i felt not comfy with... you show how it is done tho!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/22 07:14:59

Post by: cormadepanda


The legs still not doing it for me.. give it a second set on the upper torsso. Great work so far, i love the piece.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/22 11:33:17

Post by: Dr H

Good effort on the GS work. Keep at it.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/09/26 01:02:32

Post by: DiDDe

Looks great! good job so far. i like the Gs work

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/01 22:45:54

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks guy's need your thoughts. Taking on board what a lot are saying about the legs.........

[Thumb - 006.JPG]
[Thumb - 007.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/01 22:51:31

Post by: Dr H

Yeah, that works for me.

From that angle the thought "greyhound" sprung into my mind... with the narrow waist and curved spine. Just an observation.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/01 22:57:47

Post by: Camkierhi

Ta DrH how's this I am liking it a lot, but thoughts please....

[Thumb - 008.JPG]
[Thumb - 009.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/01 23:23:46

Post by: Dr H

Oh yeah, that gives it a very insectivorous feeling to it's movement.

Are you going to blend that crest onto the head more, it's a bit too "sun-shade" like at the mo?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/01 23:46:32

Post by: Theophony

Loving the most recent one. The front legs are good for stabbing, and it looks like it can vent spores and fire darts. Might be more of a support nid, but still a bruiser.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/02 12:01:08

Post by: Ruglud

That's some great looking greenstuff work you got going there

While he does look top heavy, this is 40k so I think you can get away with it...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/02 12:36:53

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Wow...I am totally at awe at your greenstuff skills...wow

Looks perfect to me!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 02:45:16

Post by: dsteingass

Looks absolutely stunning Cam! I think the legs look just fine. Whoever is complaining about them is just brainwashed by some GW sculpt or something. Besides, it's an Alien, it can look any way you want it to. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep up the great work!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 20:43:28

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you, means a great deal.

So update: taking on board everything said....

Just for Graven....an egg sack!!!?

and teaser of the real badass.....

As always please comment, all your comments are needed, critic especially, it makes me work harder.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 21:09:09

Post by: Dr H

eww to that egg sac....good job.

and ha, not bad for a ... human.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 21:22:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

ahaaaah!...so it is not a bad ass bug you want to show us... but a reaaally mean wigourney seaver, is it?...is her chest all made with GS?...wow...and well... i still try to recover from that sac and ...orifice....yuk...

oh...by the way... that gun looks like a combi of melta and flamer?...she really is out to fry something, eh?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 22:01:49

Post by: dsteingass

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
wigourney seaver


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 22:42:20

Post by: cormadepanda

Nice, the thick leg makes everything great, and seems supported. Sac... not sure on this.

Nice badass.. so many girls are ending up in this badass comp.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 23:29:25

Post by: Theophony


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/03 23:44:28

Post by: cormadepanda


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/04 00:06:00

Post by: Ruglud

Fourthedededed (?)

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/04 02:19:46

Post by: Theophony

 Ruglud wrote:

Fourthedededed (?)

Notice he Ork heads stopped after seconded. That's cause they can't go higher

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/04 06:01:55

Post by: Camkierhi

Well I will take the Fifth!!!!!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/04 22:15:57

Post by: Viktor von Domm


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/06 19:30:30

Post by: Camkierhi

Ok update:

"wigourney seaver"

And the base?

I will take all the c&c you can throw at me. Totally unhappy with her face at the moment.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/06 20:50:37

Post by: Dr H

It's tricky to tell from the photo, she seems to suffer from the same problem of photography that my latest guardian was; being brightly coloured and glowing.

Try a lighter background so the camera doesn't up the brightness, or fiddle with the brightness on the image to darken it.

I'm not much of a skin expert to offer any general advice at the moment. Other than, from that picture, she looks like she needs more shadows/depth on the face.

The base and colours on the 'nid look good though.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/06 21:21:02

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i think from what i see (the doc is right...!) that she looks the part...:

sigourney (in my opinion) suffers from fiew-facial-experssion- syndrom...soi think you right on the money (the lips could be a bit less pink tho

as for the base... very alien vibe i have to say... i like the face to face view here the best... raising wigourny was a very good decision... where i am a bit unsure is the scheme of the bug tho... the green... i duno maybe the complete alien scheme would have been better...?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/06 22:17:54

Post by: cormadepanda

That project is really coming together cam

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/07 22:15:51

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks for feedback guys.

Update, started the proper painting of the Hive tyrant, (which my daughter has named "Dorothy".)

So here you go....Thoughts please.

Bit of toning to the base....

And some oozing......

Got a long way to go with this and not much time to get on with it.

Thoughts gents please.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/07 22:27:10

Post by: cormadepanda

It is starting to look..........


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 07:45:26

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Wow ... Your daughter has a weird sense of humor...where are her red shoes then?
The green for the bug is an excellent choice...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 22:36:34

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you gents.

Update: Ok Wigourney has been bugging me, and I think I have it.

Have a look at these pics, Before first then after. I did a little surgery on her neck and gave her one. Now I am a lot happier.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 004.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 22:40:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

ah i see...she has that night mask on... so i take it she is married?...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 22:47:05

Post by: dsteingass

An Excellent likeness! Damn fine job!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 23:12:44

Post by: Dr H

Vik: lol.

Good job Cam, much better shape.
Heads are so difficult to carve, so much respect.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 23:30:48

Post by: Camkierhi

LOL Vik thank you.....

And thanks Dave and DrH...

Here you go a little pic of Dorothy.....

[Thumb - 001.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 23:33:58

Post by: Theophony

Really looking great. Normally not a fan of metallic looking bodies, but it works on nids Are you going to do a second version of her wearing centurion armor?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 23:34:53

Post by: Dr H

It's a nice metallic sheen you have going on Dorothy. What are you using to achieve that?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 23:34:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

what color did you use to get that opalescent look?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/08 23:35:57

Post by: cormadepanda

What excellent skin that creature has! Well done.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/09 00:03:16

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys.

Ok so the paint....

I have lots of paint. So I have several pots of the good old chainmail, one of these I added a bit of rust brown ink to and use it a lot on my orks.

For the skin, after base coat I added some black wash and a drop of Waagh green ink to the metallic paint. That gave me the green. Then I have gone with a the metallic and some black and a wash made from blood red. Both these metallic coats are wet, as in very nearly washes. bit thick for a wash really, but no way you can drybrush with it. Having said that I used a large brush and brushed the plates on the back, with the red mix similar to if you were drybrushing, and get that tone effect.

I found undercoat matters a great deal, so originally you saw it with a white belly and bright green back, the metallic went straight on that and gave me a greener back. And where I wanted the red to really come through, like on top of the dorsal vents? (if that's what they are.) I undercoated those with Hobgoblin orange.

It's all a bit slap dash I am afraid and I am no great painter (want to be one day) and I also am sorry but I could not tell you the equivalent colours for today's paints. Half my paints don't even have labels. It's a case of I use that red to undercoat, and those 4 reds and those oranges to brighten it. Not really helpful I am afraid.

I hope that's not too complicated and long winded, and is at least understandable.

Leave you with pic of my everyday paints more elsewhere, and a pic of the dirty chainmail compared to normal chainmail.

[Thumb - 100_3022[1].JPG]
[Thumb - 100_3023[1].JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/09 00:13:36

Post by: Ruglud

Ooh, shiny metallic bug... Looks great mate

As for the paint collection, I have a similar (if smaller) collection of random pots - some date back to the late 80's when I purchased the Citadel paint sets and several pots of Smelly Primer


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/09 00:37:45

Post by: Theophony

Another person with their paint organized better than me .

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/09 10:52:41

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Hey cam! Man thanks to the explanation... I had imagined that for the bugs skin you used one special paint. But instead you showed the honorable way you paint. Seems you feel rather the paint than follow others recepies...which I think is great. This is like me in the kitchen, cooking on impulse and not with guides...
I always wanted to mark my pots with their respective colors, but ever since my wife got me a big sorting case for them every pot is sorted for their hue...
And I too love the old paints... And smelly primer is for the win!!!!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/09 22:20:34

Post by: inmygravenimage

It looks... sticky. In a good way.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/12 23:33:50

Post by: Camkierhi

Update big pic dump.

Just leave these here...still WIP. Your thoughts please.

Thanks for looking more pics in the gallery for this blog.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 01:16:42

Post by: dsteingass

The color is great! It looks metallic blue in some pics and metallic greenish in others, like you used a pearlescent paint.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 07:25:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Very gribbly! And she's really channeling the Ripley vibe, nice fig, reminds me of some of the old i-kore Viridian females.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 12:00:37

Post by: Camkierhi

Update "Wigourney" Straps.

@ Dave, Thank you sir, I do love how the paint came out so far.

@ Graven. Thank you.

So added some straps to Wig, as is necessary, thought please

[Thumb - 004.JPG]
[Thumb - 005.JPG]
[Thumb - 006.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 13:00:50

Post by: Viktor von Domm

your bug looks poisonous, and deadly and like an open wound in parts... *shudders* very well done!

as for wigourney... those straps that was needed... personaly i wouldn´t have done it in GS but rather with thin PC...but that is just preferrence...

awesome mister!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 17:05:21

Post by: Camkierhi

Update: Please look and leave a comment, looking for criticism here.

So this is getting close to it, and I would very much appreciate as much feedback as possible, if you see anything glaringly off please point it out.

Here's the pics.

Please leave a thought.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Couple more for laughs....#


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 17:39:04

Post by: Dr H

Y'know I almost suggested adding a flare somewhere. Good osl work.

Good job. I can't add anything.
[whisper]You are going to paint the edges of the base to make it look tidy aren't you?[/whisper]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 19:14:09

Post by: dsteingass

I'm having a bit of trouble seeing the detail on her web gear. Perhaps some more highlights, or maybe even using something other than black for other shadows?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 19:41:15

Post by: Theophony

I know it's picky, but maybe paint the base a solid color, not the top of the base, but the sides. The striations of the foam or whatever it is you used keep drawing my attention away from an otherwise great Mosel/diorama

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 20:48:37

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i like the amo on her straps!...

and as you practically ask for pickyness...

when will you fix the sides of the base?...that is something that unnerves me each time i see pics of your wonderful dio...!

the eye of the biglady by the way is a piece of beauty... she looks so mean...and the birthing orifice is yucky beyond comparrision...it even dribbles...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 21:00:17

Post by: Camkierhi

Here you go guy's thanks...

Should I paint it? Tempted to do it black marble. Or steel with rivets.

Anyways pics

[Thumb - 071.JPG]
[Thumb - 072.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 21:02:22

Post by: Viktor von Domm


Automatically Appended Next Post:
and...much better looking now^^

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 21:14:14

Post by: SelvaggioSaky


Great job on the diorama mate!
I really like the colors on the "Alien", they're spot on.


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 21:39:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Has to be rivets! Birthing canal is vile

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 23:28:03

Post by: Ruglud

Amazing work dude, that is a bad-ass scene no mistake, and the detail on the ground is just crazy

My call is to leave the base edges plain black otherwise it could detract from the overall diorama... Just my two pennies worth.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 23:33:20

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys,

Sorry Ruglud, wish I had read that a bit earlier.......

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 002.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/13 23:35:17

Post by: Ruglud

Ah, heck - what do i know... It looks great, and you can't hold a riveteer back.

"All for Rivets and Rivets for all ! "

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 00:29:31

Post by: Theophony

Great work on the sides, the rivets look great and h metallic pain job sells it well.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 02:18:07

Post by: DiDDe

It does look great! the frame around the edges made so much difference.

but i must say that i'm not really fond of the metallic look of the alien. though you have made it really cool looking like pealish but for me it seems abit off that it would be shiny like that.. but then again. the aliens in the film are shiny as hell covered in all the "slime" and stuff so never mind. ;D
well, that's just my personal point of view.

other than that every thing looks just amazing. wigorney is spot on too imho

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 05:32:22

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Yes!!!! Base now is a fitting match for the awesome scene above. The metalic look on the sides is everything I could have hoped for!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 10:46:42

Post by: Dr H

Good work Cam. Edging looks great.

DiDDe: In a lot of the books the aliens are described as looking metallic black.
Just a little nugget of information.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 14:13:15

Post by: DiDDe

 Dr H wrote:

DiDDe: In a lot of the books the aliens are described as looking metallic black.

OH! i didn't know that.
in that case it looks great then.
carry on and ignore my comment!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 14:34:29

Post by: Dr H

Not a lot of people know that...

Doesn't make your opinion wrong in any way though.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/14 15:40:56

Post by: Theophony

You inspired a game company to finally put out alien models again. If you haven't seen the rumors over in the N&R section, Prodos Games (THe current makers of Warzone) have leaked a few pics of their licensced Aliens vs. Predator with colonial marines thrown in. Nothing super official, but they have stated they only do lisenced work . There should be a Kickstarter soon for it.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/15 21:31:43

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks guys.

Ok update,

Done some detail on Wigourney.

Hope you like.

Please leave a thought.

Thank you so much for your feedback, really gives me a buzz that people are actually looking.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/15 21:35:04

Post by: Viktor von Domm

really gives me a buzz that people are actually looking.
hey! no need for that kinda talk! looks awesome and the whole theme can be only as awesome as you think it up...eh?...see? faltless reasoning on my part

tho...i gottta ask... are you attempting OSL with the torch?...or has wigourny some nasty burns?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/15 21:53:30

Post by: Camkierhi

Attempting OSL, but not sure.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/15 22:36:07

Post by: shasolenzabi

Wigurney takes on the beast

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/15 22:44:30

Post by: Dr H

She's improving all the time, keep at it.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/15 23:32:13

Post by: DiDDe

looks good.

about the osl, i would say make a light drybrush on the entire side of her. or where the light would hit. right now it looks like vik said.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/16 00:05:28

Post by: Camkierhi

Ok here goes,

with and then with out flash.

[Thumb - 002.JPG]
[Thumb - 001.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/16 00:19:15

Post by: alabamaheretic

very nice

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/16 00:23:27

Post by: shasolenzabi

Wild it is I say! good work and composition

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/16 02:09:56

Post by: DiDDe

Yeah that's it!
looks great!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/16 05:48:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looks cool, but I would lighten the edges of the osl maybe a bit with a further light white drybrush maybe?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/16 05:49:50

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Wicked!!!! I can almost hear the candle starting! Now you sold the look! (Now pilot flame needs osl too )

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/17 11:58:44

Post by: Camkierhi

Update: Well I think it's done.

So thank you for the feedback guys.

Here are the shots in all there glory, please visit the gallery and vote if you feel happy to. Also as always your C&C are most welcome. I will be shifting my attention to Funder Turd to get that finished now.


Thank you for looking.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/17 15:07:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cam, it's cracking, but I have a niggle with your OSL (sorry) - if you have it from the flare, you really need it from the flame! I would also consider lightening out the edges a bit, too. Don't get me wrong, it's great work and you know I'm a big fan - just my tuppence.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/17 16:12:11

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you Graven. Please be critical. i need all the help i can get here. I get the concept, but struggle on execusion.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Update: so trying here so please help.

Please comment, thanks.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/19 19:34:02

Post by: Camkierhi

Bit more subtle work on Wigourney.

Comments greatly appreciated.

[Thumb - Picture 001.jpg]
[Thumb - Picture 002.jpg]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/19 20:16:07

Post by: Inky

Why is Margaret Thatcher shooting Xenos and not poor people?

In all seriousness, very well done, looks great. Loving the base.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/19 21:15:13

Post by: Viktor von Domm

I have to say, I flinched a bit seeing you manhandling wigourney with pincers...aren't you afraid to destroy your awesome paintjob on her?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/19 21:49:17

Post by: Dr H

I can't see anything missing except for tidying her base edge Good job

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/20 05:31:27

Post by: shasolenzabi

Just about ready for the judges eh?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/20 18:16:53

Post by: MagosBiff90

This looks great mate! Real sense of atmpsphere and action! Great paint job too!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/20 18:45:15

Post by: Camkierhi

So here's my entry complete.


Well your thoughts and comments are as always welcome.

Thanks for looking.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
PS Welcome MagosBiff90. Thanks for looking in and commenting.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/22 21:20:27

Post by: Camkierhi

So after the lord mayors parade.....

Back to normal and back to school.

After I entered one of the competitions lately, I have realised I really need to pick up my brush work. I came out ok and am happy with the feedback I got. When I entered the comp I was under no illusions as to my abilities and I have been amazed to do as well as I have in the past in comps. But I got slated for my paintwork. "good tabletop" is the standard quoted. Now I am not happy with that. I want to be better than that especially as my models never see tabletop. So I want to learn.

So here is my plan.

Comes in 2 parts. First i will do a very detailed look at how I paint at the moment, and show it step by step, in the hope of you guys telling me where I am going wrong. Then I will open up for you to hopefully tell me how I should be doing it.

I know this will take time, and I hope you guys are up for it. And it has another plus, in that it will hopefully help others to do similar.

For this I have some models I have started already......

These guys are the start of me painting up my Imperial Guard army. For those who have not been along for the ride already, they are a motley crew of Catachan and Cadian troops unfortunately deployed to a desert planet. Sand, sand and more sand. so you will get the guist.
These guys are at present, undercoated white, the a wash of brown. then base in flesh with Cadian fleshtone, vests with dark grey. Then I have washed on some white on the headdresses, washed some black on the guns, and gone over the flesh with Elf Flesh.

Please leave comments if you like, this stage is me showing what I do now. I hope to have some good honest criticism.

[Thumb - Picture 003.jpg]
[Thumb - Picture 006.jpg]
[Thumb - Picture 009.jpg]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/22 22:41:50

Post by: Littletower

Still a lot to learn from my part, so I guess I'll be one of the helped others more than helpful myself!

Good idea, will be following with interest.


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/23 12:48:06

Post by: Dr H

Sounds like a plan Cam.
I'll help where I can, but I'm still learning more than I teach.

Early advice; Read as many tutorials as you can and if you see someone paint something in a way you like, ask them to share how they did it... and then save the information for reference later.
When you come to paint something, try out a new technique. Don't expect to nail it on the first attempt, the more you do something the better you'll get at it.

That's what I've been doing for the past year and a bit and my painting has improved dramatically.

Also, and this is the surprisingly tricky thing to do, don't rush. Especially on the small stuff.
Base coats, washes etc. can be slapped on, but when it comes to highlights and blending and other techniques, really take the time to do each piece (like the edges of a kneecap) and get that done to the best of your ability before moving on. Over time things will get easier and then you can speed up a little.
Slow, steady, smooth is what takes your painting to the next level.

At least that's how I approach it. Maybe it won't work for everyone.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/23 21:46:48

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys, great to have some response already.

I totally agree Dr. I will be looking into the Tut's although I would say if anyone has tutorials they think are good please post a link here. My aim here would be to eventually put up an article with the slimmed down details and links to the most helpful information I gain.

Thanks also for the little snippet of tips there, taken on board.

Now a couple pics which as I have said is how I am currently painting, rip me to bits on this.

In these I have put a Sepia wash on the whole thing, then painted the uniform and guns with Ork brown, and highlighted the uniforms with Ushabti bone, dryshing. Then put a black wash over the t-shirts. Then white washed the head dresses, and picked out the details in white. Things like eyes, and buttons. then I have run an Agrax Earthshade wash over the uniform and gun.

My aim is to blend the materials up. Thoughts please.

[Thumb - 100_3100.JPG]
[Thumb - 100_3101.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/25 00:01:02

Post by: Camkierhi

Update. Detailing and thats it apart from basing.

Really hope this does not Autoupdate.

Ok so tonight I have detailed in the models. Highlighted edges, Added stubble. They are just about done. And normally I would be pretty happy with them, but as I have said I would like to take this further, so please have a look and tell me your thoughts. What should I ave done different.

[Thumb - Picture 010.jpg]
[Thumb - Picture 011.jpg]
[Thumb - Picture 012.jpg]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/25 00:06:16

Post by: shasolenzabi

Cool large back pack on ammo guy Cam

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/26 18:55:02

Post by: Dr H

Right, I'm going through your process and typing as I go and will try to break it down into sections so it makes sense...

Looks fine in the end, although a little shiny.
The blending from the dark up to the main skin tone could be smoother in places. Could be improved by taking a mixture of paint between the dark wash colour and the skin colour and painting that between the two extremes, then painting the main skin colour as usual (leaving a little of the mid-tone between that and the dark tone). More graduations will lead to a smoother outcome and that brings you nearer to wet blending the whole thing.

Also, the highlights of the skin could go lighter. That depends on the complexion you want to achieve, but I think it needs another level of skin tone added to the dark shade and main skin tone (or at least more obvious). This will also need blending/layering in the same way as the shade above with a mid-tone or two.

And the addition of other colours can give skin a more natural look, such as a little red and less obviously blue, purple and/or yellow (only really use green for zombies).
A good little tutorial I saved for skin was by NukeArts here
Also Nerdfest did a nice tutorial for faces a while ago in his blog...
I've got quite a few different skin painting tutorials (inc. a couple of GW ones) and I think it's good to have a look at many and see what's common to them all.

While I'm on skin and faces. Why does one of them have a green face? I assume you were doing the green eyes and got some on his skin and then went over it with skin before the green had dried. Or is he just ill? You need to re-do the skin on his face again (flesh tone and highlights).
The stubble/beard on his face is a good shape although it's a little dark. Try mixing some grey/black with the skin colour and using that (more black means more beard growth).

The T-shirts;
Being largely without texture and being painted black they look, well... black.
Spaces like that are good for freehand designs, but that's not something that is necessary.
Maybe a little subtle blending from black at the lower third (and at the edges where it meets the straps etc..) up to a dark-medium grey will make them look more interesting and natural. Think about what I attempted recently for #10's black helmet (I went too grey, but you get the idea).

Trousers and boots;
Nothing particularly wrong with them. Could be made more interesting with blending like the T-shirts or a camo' pattern, but as they are is perfectly fine.
Possibly some more obvious, lighter edge highlights.

Tricky to tell from the camera angle as they are mostly muzzle-on not side on.
The "sand" colour, like the trousers, could do with some edge highlights.
The dark areas on them just look black in the pictures and could do with being more metal-y (maybe) and probably some edge highlights.

Also I can see some bits that need tidying.
The muzzle on Mr. grenade needs some of the "sand" around where the black has gone over.
Mr. Knife's handle needs painting with the sand on the front face (as it's still pink from when you painted the hand).
And Mr. the other one needs the opposite to Mr. grenade with the addition of black on the end.

The head-scarves;
Last but not least. I'm not sure what you mean when you "wash" these with white. As when I think of washes it's to add the dark bit of shading and not to add a light colour...

I think improvements on these will really add to the model.
They look too uniform in colour and need shading like the T-shirts again. There are dark recesses and then the rest looks white/bone and there doesn't seem to be any graduation between these.

So, I think from all that the main thing you can work on, as a technique, is smoother blending/layering and greater use of that on more surfaces.
And be more anal' with tidying your painting by looking at extreme close-ups of your photos and/or getting hold of a magnifying glass (I recently acquired one and it helps for spotting messy bits and things you've missed).

I hope that all helps in some way and doesn't destroy your motivation. This is pretty much the same process I go through will all of my own models and why I don't tend to comment in such great detail on other peoples work (unless they ask for it ), I really look in very fine detail and I'm not happy until I've got all the smallest of details done neatly.

On that thought, maybe look at what brushes you are using and how you use/thin your paints. It can really make painting easier (and therefore better) with the right/best brush and the perfect paint consistency.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/26 20:15:02

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you Dr that is perfect, exactly what i want, good honest critic. Thank you so much for taking the time.

Now to work and see if I can correct these bits.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/26 20:32:17

Post by: Dr H

taking the time

That post of mine is an example of why my models take so long...

Not a problem. You have given out plenty of ideas and advice, so consider it a little back your way.

Good luck, keep practising, read tutorials, ask questions and you will improve in time.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/26 21:20:39

Post by: Viktor von Domm

those shades look very good...and the wihite scraves really do sell these desert soldiers...

i am by far not the man to teach you...the only thing that i am currently wondering about... what´s with that green eyed fella???...

other than that... keep it up... your mining gold again here

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/27 14:37:57

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Every single stroke should have meaning. Every shadow. Every highlight. Every hue. If you leave anything to chance...down the hill you go. There are no short cuts. The long road really pays off. This is the philosophy i have when i strive to paint a miniature the very best that i can. (ie not batch or army painting, but like the priest for example) I start with a midtone and work down then up...Sometimes ill start with the darkest shade but that is rare and is usually on a smaller item...a big cloak per say, would be midtone first.. A satchel might be dark to light...more experience will dictate that...

Oh and im sure you hear this alot....but why not reiterate...thin your paint

a technique important to master is wetblending. Youll find that it takes the place of the usual "wash"...

and finally....study minis that you like. look at them long and hard. How do they do that?? how does that happen. let your eye see every shade and hue that goes into it...think about the mixes one must've used to achieve that. Thats what i do and i find that it helps alot. I usually have already painted the mini berfore i actually paint it. its like i see it and i do it. not having a clear idea of what you are about to paint is what i like to call "painting blind". Rarely does that give me a result im haappy with though its necessary to find your way in the sense of discovery. so it is necessary but i reserve it for when im experimenting.

all this being said, we are all trying to improve. I too am uhnhppy with where im at and am making steps to further increase my ability to paint. Just keep practicing and ENJOY it

Hope i gave ya something to think about

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/27 16:13:15

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks Vik. Yes the guy with the green eyes, I tried to put a tiny dot of ink on the eye and it all went horribly wrong. Hope he's better now. See below.

@ Bebop. Thank you for dropping by and helping. Thank you for your comments. They are all being taken on board.

Doing a bit more and trying to correct some of the bit's DrH pointed out. Here are updated pics.

Please leave your thoughts the more the merrier.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
PS check out this guys painting.


I know there are lots of people out there doing work, but I think this guy needs some encouragement. Some of his OSL is out of this world.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/27 18:53:21

Post by: Dr H

I won't add any more critiques just yet. But I thought I'd pop in to say that the T-shirts look much more real with the addition of the grey. That's just what was needed (it's at the level that I'm thinking if it has been changed or it just wasn't picked up in the previous pictures...). Perfect.

And wise words from Mr BB.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/28 03:10:00

Post by: nerdfest09

Looking smooth dude! the skin tones are nicely done and the choice of colours are well chosen, I'll try and have another look tonight when I've more time :-)

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/28 05:06:38

Post by: weetyskemian44

I was convinced that the greenface guy was wearing camo paint myself - great job. ^^ what they said.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/28 06:44:11

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Ill have to say that you deliver a very crisp paint job. You sincerely fixed the greeneyed fella, from what I can detect you upped the game with the shirts and the trousers... But what currently draws my eyes towards your minis here is the work done on the lasguns...I am a real bugger to figure out how to do them good-looking...but you sir achieved that. Nice spot colors, the red and green together with black and beige...a very tasty scheme!

By the way, what bebop said...looking hard at your mini...totally true, that's why I usually brush prime my minis to study them before painting them....

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/28 09:29:58

Post by: shasolenzabi

Oh in desert colors a "white" wash gives a "dusty" look to the cloth or armor.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/29 00:52:03

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys feedback is most welcome.

Had no time for paint tonight. (Bummer)

Thought I would drop this here. It is on my other blog, but it relates to this as well. Have a good look and see what you think. I had a go at toning the face similar to Nerdy's truly amazing piece he did recently. I think it relates to painting and I personally will expand this work to include as many races as I can. Really like the great advice I have already recieved.

Now please cast a very critical eye across this and let me know what you think.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/29 06:56:53

Post by: weetyskemian44

I used to use a Purple background exactly that colour. I found such a bright coloured background made the colours on the model look slightly different and is very distracting for the veiwer. Put this in front of a more neutral colour and it'll look better already. I love the sword, everything is neat and you can do checkers like a pro. I would have done the wood on the gun a different brown from the leather , a brown with less red in it looks woodier to me - mix a little green into your brown?

I love the grass - It looks just like a field in a dry summer, you should put some tiny flowers in it for ironic effect maybe.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/29 11:44:48

Post by: Theophony

Everything is looking top notch cam , the green eyes are an infection common to their world when one forgets their eye protection, or it gets lawn off during combat, nothing can be done about it, n the end he'll lose the eyes, but that's only if he lives longer than the average imperial guardsman . I really like your conversions on these guys.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/29 12:47:43

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Smells like fresh cut progress in here CC!! Judging by those hazard stripes youve got some good brush control! The sword is by far my favorite part of the mini. Why? Because its conveyed well by you the artist. It looks exactly as its meant to. Dirty rusted scratched up dusty wargear. Fantastic. You are definitely on the right track! Now for the bits that id like to see you challenge yourself with:

Take weetys citique to heart. Shes a stylized painter and uses color composition very well to her forte. Think about the composition of your own miniatures. Do you some of those colors compliment each other or are they just there simply because in reality it would be this color. Unfortunately, often times, when we try to recreate something for realism, it does not convey well to the miniature and can ruin a concise composition. "ie, yes perhaps the lens' are red normally on a sniper rifle, but in this case, with the rest of the mini...is red going to add or detract from my over all composition? (Im just using that as an example not to say that in this particular mini red does not belong) Most of my miniatures follow a holy trinity of color. In that ill use three main hues and everything beyond those hues are spot colors that compliment those colors. This of course is just one way to go about color. It allows me freedom to build slightly more ridiculous color schemes and stlil have everything look concise. Weety for example, is a bit more stylized in her approach and tends (at least with her last few projects) stick to a particular palette of colors to convey an feeling or mood. in this case "grimdark"... I know this sounds a bit theoretical but i swear the more you think of these things youll find your painting become much much more enticing.

The next thing that strikes me here is that you are focusing on "cleaning" up your painting. Or painting within the lines i like to say. Its definitely showing! So great progress on that This is absolutely important must be achieved before any true progress can be made. Perhaps continue to practice painting some standard, less detailed models with just base coats as cleanly as smoothly as possible. But moving on, right now, the skin, for example, looks as though youve painted it green and washed it with green ink. Thats fine and definitely suitable for building up a tasty unit of 40 boyz or what have you, but thats not what you want to do here. You are challenging yourself so, 'ere we go, as they say. Id like to see some more highlighting going on there at the very least. More contrast too. starting darker will give you room to build up highlights to what ever saturation you want, be it a vibrant green or a pale green or a yellow green etc etc. The knuckles, the hard edged muscles around the bicep etc etc. Theres alot of detail to be picked out there that as of now is left alone.

So that summarizes a few things that im thinking when i look here. Theres more, but theres plenty of time to address things as they come...Hopefully you wont think im being too critical or "heady" about this all, but you are asking for critical advice. And critical advice is what im giving Nerdfests next competiton is a year away so thats plenty of time to build your skills and snag a trophy for 2014! Im sure you can do it

ps...this site is a nice tool for building color schemes mess around with it, its pretty fun. i use a similar app for my ipad.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/29 16:23:48

Post by: cormadepanda

The only thing I have critical of this model is the pose. The sword and rifle don't make much sense to me. But over all it looks good, end of story.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/10/29 16:35:12

Post by: nerdfest09

Good job! the sword is great, a really different approach to painting it and you've given us something we are going "Ah why didn't I think of that?" over :-) the face from what we can see is done well too! you haven't gone too heavy on the lip blending which is good so he doesn't appear to be wearing lipstick! the greens are a good shade without being too toxic or too brown and the colours all work in harmony (except the background lol) all in all you've gotten neater and smoother in a week! god knows how good you'll be by christmas! :-)

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/03 08:41:08

Post by: Camkierhi

Update time.


Thank you for your responses, they are exactly what I want from you, really solid advice, and good honest criticism. (please don't be afraid to be hyper harsh here).

@ Panda, I am not 100% with the pose either, but I went for crouched dude telling the guys to hold still. Maybe should have lost the sword, but this unit is going to be a Nobs squad/ Kommandoes. Not even close to legal for gaming but a unit of Ork snipers. I had the idea for a while and nearly did this for your brotherhood competition. Kinda going for the assassins creed of orks look.

So update.

Well been painting a little, RL being a bitch at mo so not always in a good place to paint. But I have done some work.

First up, taken on board your comments about the ork flesh, is this far enough or should I go further.

Up next the next guy in the desert rats, trying for the next level here, now this shot is for skin tone only guys, have a good look at the face let me know your thoughts, I have tried taking your advice and have made a real effort here, but I need your eyes on it.

And just for kicks I am going to be applying your excellent advice to this guy and trying to improve him, and will also be trying out OSL on the plasma pistol, but don't want to rush things, and want to concentrate on skin really.

Well thanks for your time and thanks for looking in, please leave your thoughts it all goes to the collective, and I will hopefully be putting this together as a guide for others.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just know this will auto but hey!!

So while I was waiting I got to the other parts of this boy.....

So thoughts as always wanted please.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/03 20:46:31

Post by: Camkierhi

Damn no ones looking even I must be boring.....

Ok so this is auto-updated again.

I have listed some stuff on Ebay and put a link in the swap shop here. Might as well plug my own stuff. Its not actually models but wargames. Couple by Victory Games and some by Clash of Arms. The Clash of arms are basically the Nepoleonic war, and the others are various based around WW2. Please have a quick look if interested.


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/03 21:27:23

Post by: Dr H

I didn't have time to comment earlier, but now the second half of my mould is poured I can have a proper (and very close) look.

You can certainly do neat as evidenced by the hazard stripes.
And you can do small details as shown by the pupils in the eyes and the little bits on the guns etc...

I think the main thing for you to work on / towards is wet-blending.
Admittedly, while making these comments, I am looking at your pictures at very high zoom and I know that the rough edges in the layers of the skin are barely visible IRL (and if you zoom in on pictures of my models, you will see equally rough bits. Don't believe me, check 'em out).

So, the skin of both your IG and the Ork are (I'm trying to not sound rude of patronising when I write these critiques, but it's difficult to do) greatly improved. I can see that you've made the effort and I'm sure you can tell the difference between them and your older models if you stand them side-by-side (do it ).

Example; the Orks right arm, (the colours are good btw ) the side of his bicep there is too sharp a line between the green and the yellow-green and also on the lower end of his tricep. Work on blending those two colours together.
And if the yellow-green is going to be the highlight colour for the skin, don't over use it, maybe leave a little more of the intermediate green on view.

Also, some of the ridges on his hand and forearm have been filled in with the lighter colour and need re-darkening.

And with that in mind, can I ask how do you ... paint?
Are you a straight-from-the-pot painter, or do you use a pallet of some kind and do you mix custom colours for shading/layering/blending?
How do you approach your choice of colours/shades for the Ork skin, for example?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/03 21:40:24

Post by: Viktor von Domm

That sniper is looking simply stunning, all those really neat highlights are superb! The bearded face, those eyes... You are definitely making progress here in your painting skills! Still the guns scheme is what sells this model for me...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/04 18:26:20

Post by: Camkierhi

@ Vik Thank you sir.

@ DrH Thank you. Thanks for compliments and for advice. I will lay out below how I am painting. I have looked at my ork and am working on him.

Ok so how do I paint at the moment.

Well, I was always an out of the pot sort of guy, and then I started mixing me colours up. However I think unless you are very meticulous your are in trouble mixing colours, because if you want a unit to look consistent you need to paint them all at once with batches of paint. Painting a couple and hoping to get that exact shade of grey again is asking for trouble. However, I am working on this. One way I get around this is for instants, my desert boys here. I have mixed the in between tones and shades in pots in a reasonable quantity because I know I have 50 or more models that are all requiring that paint scheme. I never used to do this.

Now I combine my methods.
Base colours are out of the pot, but I water them down slightly.
Then I run a shade over the base colour.
Then I work base colour on my wet palette up through adding lighter shades as I go. Until I get to highlight. (this is where I am still taking too big a steps I think.)

So for my hummie flesh.

Primed white.
Cadian Fleshtone.
Agrax Earthshade.
Cadian Fleshtone.
Blend with Elf Flesh.
Elf Flesh
Blend with Ushabti Bone.
Ushabti bone.
Wash with watered down Seraphim Sepia.
Touch up with Elf Flesh.

Ork Flesh

Prime Black
Caliban Green.
Striking Scorpion Green.
Goblin Green
Rotting Flesh.
Wash of Waagh! Green ink.
Goblin Green.
Goblin Green and Bad Moon Yellow mix.


Scorched Brown.
Mournfang brown.
Snakebite Leather.
Orc Brown.
Bleached Bone.
Seraphim Sepia wash.
Bleached bone.
Ceramite White.

Here's a pic of my Wet Palette, and my Dry Palette. No idea if this is correct. Most paint now I take a brush full out of the pot and put it on my wet palette, so it gets thinned down a bit. Then paint from there. I use the dry palette to mix up my washes.
I mix custom colours for character models etc. And a few of the competition entries, I use custom colours.

Now I will get to weathering and uniforms and stuff later. I know that I need to get to these. But concentrating on this right now.

So whilst I am at this I am trying to control my urges to build stuff, unfortunately I am failing. So while I am painting these guys very carefully. I am going to do some modelling work on an old project.

Counts as Chaos Decimator. I dropped it because I started to hate the pose. Could not get past his knocked knees and hunched shoulders, he looks like he is squatting down, so time to let rip and remodel him. Also learnt a few things since this so will be able to improve few bits that bugged me before.
So you will see an odd pic of this through this lot as something to curb my wondering.

Thanks for looking and please comment, let me know your thoughts.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/04 18:49:10

Post by: Viktor von Domm

I think my biggest issue with mixing paints is how to use the wet pallet...I know the basic ingredients to make my own, but when it comes to using it I fail in two points: I think you need dropper bottles paints for one, and then you need lots of patience...that is my main issue here...oh...and making up recipes too of course

My next planned project is a walker too...so I am eager to see what you do to this awesome hulking behemoth of yours! And...mind you, you have a fan in me for this old style samurai looking beast...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/04 21:20:19

Post by: shasolenzabi

And chaos too! Desert troops and Orks looking good!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/05 00:20:26

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys.

@ Vik, I know exactly what you mean. Mine is a sponge in a tub with a cleaning cloth wrapped around rather than mess up the sponge. I just put a brush full on the cloth, add a couple colours close together, then blend them together. But I seam to end up with a pitiful wash more often than not. Guess mine is too wet. It does greatly extend the painting life of your paint mind you.

Painting in progress on next member of squad.

Yes Chaos too. So adjusted legs, Having dismantled as much as possible.

Gave him a more "running" look. Had to rework the butt. All looking ok now, still lot of work to do.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/05 00:28:00

Post by: Theophony

I like this pose better , I never liked the look of the decimator, I hope it's rules are awesome.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/05 00:40:57

Post by: Dr H

Yeah, that is a better (less static) pose.

You seem to be putting plenty of effort into your painting with all those layers. I'll have to go away and translate the names into something I understand and then... I'll be back.

I can't really help you with the wet-pallet as I don't need one with my odd paint choice. Our dear Comrade, the Panda did a mini tutorial about wet-pallets a while ago. The only thing I remember was he used wax paper on top on the sponge...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/05 00:50:02

Post by: Camkierhi


@ Theo. Rules are cool however probably a bit obsolete these days, with knights etc. coming through into 40k. But then I don't play. It was an idea, after my son asked me for the forgeworld one, no way I can afford that but scratch build no probs. (yeah right)

It's got a siege claw (big ass powerclaw) that also does fire damage, and a butcher cannon. Big nasty gun. It's pretty tough and is basically a big dreadnought. Like I say it will probably get mucked about with in house games between me and the kids, but never seriously used. It's to big really. FW model is 100mm tall, my baby is 120mm, so?

On a further not I will be making mega dredds to combat it of course. So look out for that one.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/05 01:15:48

Post by: bebopdrums2424

As for a wet palette...you need to add a piece of bakers parchment paper on top of the cloth if youre going to use a home brew palette like that. (infact replace the cloth with papertowel or just go straight onto the sponge with the parchment paper) Which is just as good i think. P3 makes a good one and its simply a sponge with their "palette paper" on top.

AS for mixing, well, i mix everything. This is just my way. I think most painters work in this way because if you are using color theory, there is no way around mixing. Paint lines market their brand of colors as a way to make things easy for you, so you can use those tones as benchmarks, but the more you experiment with mixing, a much larger world of emotion is open to you.
Of course there is a danger that you will forget what your mix was so simply write it down. Its not as hard as you think to recreate the same general color. And youll know immediately whether or not your mix is off when you paint it on. It just takes practice to get faster at it.
Army painting i approach differently. Almost like strategy. How i can achieve the best results the quickest over and over? My kroot are army painted. I mix still, but far less and i use the pot color as a guidline.
Also, really continue to experiment with paint thinning. It sounds crazy, but it looks still like your paint is too thick. Its far better to coat the skin with 5 coats of watery paint than 2 coats of overthick paint.
You are making alot of progress and you should be super proud of yourself SA for the ork. He could still use a few sharp lines of highlight to bring out some details on the skin...knuckles etc etc.
Also, silly to mention but worth it i think. 'Eavy Metal Painting is a style for sure. Alot of the best miniature painters dont paint that way (coolminiornot proves that), but its definitely where i come from. I think their techniques are worth fully grasping because in many ways they are the basics of the art and mastering them will give you a strong foundation to learn other techniques
Again, text heavy post (sorry), but you want real advice, not pats on the back.

Definitely keep at it CC

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/08 22:49:35

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you Bebop. No worries on your posting, all good. Thanks for the advice, Been trying to use it. Hearts been elsewhere for a few days unfortunately. (RL just a bit gak.) But hoping to get some sit down time over next couple days.

Ok couple points. Firstly new comp starting up. Early yet but heres link.

Next some GS work on the Decimators Butcher cannon. Going for a slight bit of daemonic possession here. Thoughts greatly appreciated.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]
[Thumb - 002.JPG]
[Thumb - 003.JPG]
[Thumb - 004.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/08 22:58:54

Post by: Viktor von Domm

a muffin`???....lol...

the pose looks good... tho i am a bit worried that such big ´chines wouldn´t hurl themselves into battle at this speed?... tho... with gundam ones you actually have to expect the least to be expected

also... mind if you give me an extra close up of the legs? i would love to build a walker /dreadknight / knight class walker thingy and i can´t really figure out convincing looking mechanisms and suchlike...

the GS face on the is very good sculpting work ...wow...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
had a look again on your orky thread and now i´ve found your WIP pics... i knew you had them posted here... but i didn´t find them in the gallery...!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/08 23:32:40

Post by: Camkierhi

Here you go Vik.

Link to newly created gallery of the decimator with all shots to date. Hope it helps.


Here are the close ups of the current arrangement.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/09 05:22:03

Post by: Sageheart

Really love all the stuff on here
Awesome work

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/09 13:41:49

Post by: Viktor von Domm

cam...you´re the best!!! i ask and you deliver!...

the armor pads on the legs by the way look very spiffy! like hammered steel...

also...how many of those black tube thingies you gave me found there way into this build? they are a most versatile material for me... many thanks again mister^^

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 10:21:00

Post by: Camkierhi

Update time.

@Sageheart Welcome to the mad house and thanks.

@ Vik Anything for you Vik. And yes they are a great little source, they are actually the middle from the till rolls used in my work.

Ok so think I had better give out some love here, so here is the newest member of the IG squad. For you inspection. Again wanting very critical debate here. How are my skin tones doing? How's the face looking? I have been trying to follow the excellent advice given here, and of course looking at your blogs for inspiration. I hope it is working.

Thanks for looking and please leave a thought.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 13:16:29

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Hmmmm...let me think...the mouth area look like he has a very dry mouth/lips...as if the skin of it is peeling off due to lack of moisture...ig that was your intention...my hats of to you. He looks all I'm all like e soon gets a nasty sunburn...but curiously the face ad such is still pale?

Tat looks interesting, nut what is it? Looks like a little mouse to me???

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 13:29:41

Post by: Camkierhi

Yeah I got to work on the face looks a little paler than the rest. On it now.

And a cyber muffin to the one who gets the Tattoo reference, it's also on the bandana of the sniper.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 13:35:15

Post by: Dr H

Oo oo, if it is a mouse, and if they are set on a desert planet, could it be the little mouse that can be seen on the second moon?

If it's not a mouse, all I can see now is a mouse...

I will be back with critiques, but I'm still going through your painting process.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 13:48:58

Post by: Theophony

The green stuff work on the butcher cannon is fantastic , and your guardsman is looking great as well. Is that helmet on slightly askew, or is that improvised sun shading?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 15:36:02

Post by: Camkierhi

Ok so here are some more pics...

@ Dr H. No, and thank you for looking and can't wait for your critique. Thank you so much for your time on this, it is important to me.

@ Theo. Thank you. See what you think of the gun painted. And probably is a bit squiff, but it is meant to be a head scarf thingy more than a helmet. I am not to worried unless you think it looks too silly!

The gang so far.

Hopefully tanned his face a little.

Touch up on heavy.

And this um gun thingy......

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 15:43:38

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Wicked gun....so close to the gw sculpting.

The crew looks stunning...definitely no suggestions from my direction...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 16:37:53

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Cam, your paint is too thick still.
Also, yes, the face looks dry and void of life. Im assuming you are adding too much white to your highlight or some such color (as the hue is very different from the rest of the body). I reserve white for any mixing till the very very last highlight because i almost never use white to mix into a highlight. White alone is an unnatural color for highlighting except when direct light is involved, as in NMM. Especially on skin, white i use only to enhance a detail and even then *very* sparingly. Try instead bleached bone+white if you need that bright of a highlight.

Also your wash, in some places, is making the skin look dirty, not shaded. I think its too brown in contrast to your skin base. Either water it down further to avoid pooling or choose a warmer wash mix. You can also move it around from the deep crevices, with your brush, if you need a smoother gradient.

Furthermore, it looks like you are rushing your painting. Try this thought before you sit down to paint. "every item/detail on the miniature, is a miniature in itself". Give each detail the same care as you do the finished project. It will take longer, but for instance, the little pouches on his back, will look clean. As of now it looks like you drybrushed them just to get them over with quickly.

The pants look pretty good

The towel on his head also the wash is too present. The shading doesnt need to be so aggressive on a color that light. try thinning your wash again, or use a lighter brown.

For the tattoo...add your skin base to the blue. Itll look more like a tattoo instead of a painted on design.

Hope this is helpful. Keep at it!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 16:47:46

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you Bebop, Ok kicking myself in ass and thinning paint straight away. I will work on it promise.

Got a small problem with taking some more pictures just at mo.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I think maybe I am not being helped with his face as I have attempted to give him a blonde five o'clock shadow/beard.

[Thumb - 001.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 16:56:08

Post by: bebopdrums2424

The group shot looks good I just realized i commented on a pic on the last page not your most recent>_< I dont mean to kick your butt:(
Also for stubble, actually you can paint stubble the same color regardless of the hair color. So for blond, dont paint it yellow or as you can see, it just looks wierd. its one of those real vs mini scenarios
heres a link to my tutorial on painting stubble.


i hope it helps
try it out There are many ways im sure...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 20:38:51

Post by: Theophony

The gun looks ace . The helmet doesn't look silly at all. I'm just not familiar with the imperial guard stuff. The gang is coming along. Really like the heavy.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 21:07:36

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Hmmm the last pic definitely shows too much for a ginger

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/10 22:46:15

Post by: Dr H

Right-y O Cam me ol' muckka.
I've had a look at the paints you've mentioned and the order you're adding them.
So below, I will throw out some thoughts, observations, ideas and questions with the aim being to help you progress your painting.
As a disclaimer I will reiterate that I am unfamiliar with the paints as they are and even using the medium of water, so what I say may be anywhere between helpful and flat out wrong.

So anyone else out there; if you see something wrong with what I say, correct Cam on it. Ta.

 Camkierhi wrote:

So for my hummie flesh.

Primed white.
Cadian Fleshtone.
Agrax Earthshade.
Cadian Fleshtone.
Blend with Elf Flesh.

I had to look up what the "shade" paints do and I think I spot something that may help at this stage: The shade runs into the recesses of the model to give smooth shading to the model at the recesses. You then start painting your blend from the Cad' flesh up to Elf flesh.
This means that you might be starting the next layer of paint over part of the shade area and this leads to the harsher cut-off between the dark parts in the skin and the main skin tone.

Maybe, this could be improved by doing the blend from Cad' flesh to Elf flesh first and then doing the Earthshade. Then touch up the Cad' flesh (maybe) and/or Elf flesh where it is too dark, but avoid going too deep into the recesses. Just like the below section actually...

Elf Flesh
Blend with Ushabti Bone.
Ushabti bone.
Wash with watered down Seraphim Sepia.
Touch up with Elf Flesh.

The only thing I see with this part is that you blend up to Bone, but you touch up the highlights with Elf flesh, Shouldn't that be bone?

Ork Flesh

Prime Black
Caliban Green.
Striking Scorpion Green.
Goblin Green
Rotting Flesh.
Wash of Waagh! Green ink.
Goblin Green.
Goblin Green and Bad Moon Yellow mix.

I may have found the wrong examples on the internet as Striking Scorpion green looks lighter than Goblin green?
I see no other issues here, just work on getting your blends smooooooooooooooooooooooooth.


Scorched Brown.
Mournfang brown.
Snakebite Leather.
Orc Brown.
Bleached Bone.
Seraphim Sepia wash.
Bleached bone.
Ceramite White.

These seem like a suitable range to do from the pot.
I probably use just as many steps in my blends, but only use 3 paints and the intermediate steps are various mixes of two of them (and I don't tend to wash at later stages either, but I gather that's a thing that works).

Now, on to the latest pictures:
First of all the skin is looking better, even without my mutterings above.
But the shading between his muscles is still a little harsh and doesn't seem to blend into the skin tone (as I mentioned above).

I puzzled over his face for a while before realising that is was blonde stubble. It could do with being darker, just so it stands out as stubble and not just a pale face. Do what BB suggested, but maybe add a little sandy colour to the skin tone / grey mix to give it a hint of blonde/ginger haired person.

His trousers look good there, you can always make the blending smoother but looks great and the highlights are light enough and works well.
Gun is nice and neat too.

Tattoo still looks like a mouse... and I'm puzzled that it is not what I thought...
Again, BB has your answer.

So leaps and bounds being made.
More obstacles to go though (as do we all)

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/13 00:32:41

Post by: Camkierhi

Sorry for delay, and update:

Firstly sorry DrH for tardy response time. Thank you very very much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it. Solid advice again.

Now I have been unhappy with my wet palette efforts, and I have come to the conclusion it's my half assed wet palette, so I have put painting on hold (kinda) until I get a proper wet palette. Which I have ordered and is winging it's way to me as we speak.

So to fill the time, (and mainly because it has distracted me) here is some work on the um Decimator thingy, not even sure what it qualifies as, but here you go, see what you think.

Butcher Cannon in place.

Added Chaotic growth to the claw.

Added detail to leg plate.

Added cabling to legs.

Added detail to shoulders.

Added exhaust and chain nailed to keep hatch shut.

As always your thoughts are most welcome please.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/13 00:55:59

Post by: Theophony

Love the face on the model , although he will always be known to me ass bottle cap butt . It fits the model well, but just seems like something the chaos gods would do. "We will make you a mighty engine of destruction to crush our ones and spread the word of chaos. You will be armed with gnashing claws and a butchers cannon. None who face you will be able to stand against you, and those that are behind you will be too occupied laughing to harm you "

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/13 01:00:21

Post by: Camkierhi

LOL, so cool.

Yes ok he is still WIP and I am open to options on his butt, did think of putting an ammo hopper there for the butcher cannon.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/13 03:14:43

Post by: Sageheart

Really enjoying this blog.
Mr.h has some great advice I might have to explore myself

Love the added faces and chains on the chaos model

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/13 03:43:51

Post by: cormadepanda

Nice work cam. Really nice.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/13 12:57:48

Post by: Theophony

 Sageheart wrote:
Really enjoying this blog.
Mr.h has some great advice I might have to explore myself

Love the added faces and chains on the chaos model

someone finally checked those Dr. Credentials you have on the wall H I always figured it was fake, but I couldn't get farther than the crayons used to make it just kidding, I'm a little silly this morning, too much sleep.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 00:16:35

Post by: Camkierhi

Update: Need help.

Still waiting on my supply drop....

In the mean time.........

I am doing some paintwork on the shoulders of the DDE, What I want is it to look like glass, so these golden symbols will look like they are floating inside, if you know what I mean. My ideas at the moment are to mix some red ink in gloss varnish and give it several coats, build up a lacquered look. The gold will fade and the whole shoulder section look like deep red glass.

Will this work? Help.

Here's couple pics of the work so far, think I will try and tidy it a bit further, before "Glazing" it.

Thanks and hope you can help.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 00:28:01

Post by: Dr H

I would practice on something else. Like when I got the interference paints for my WS, I spent ages painting an old pill bottle in various ways, until I achieved the affect I was after.

So I would find something that is of a similar size to your chap there and paint a sections of it in exactly the same way as you have your armour and then experiment with getting the glassy look with the right tint of red to it. It would be very easy to make it look too RED and completely spoil the model. Get it right (in a repeatable way) on something else first.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 00:33:27

Post by: Camkierhi

Very good idea. Away to do that now.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 00:57:47

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Yellow over black: two options.
Add a warm darker base to your yellow mix, paint your pattern then repaint with your solid yellow. Or...
Paint your pattern first in several coats of thinned white. Then paint over it in several coats of thinned yellow.

Should make your yellow smoother brighter and sharper.
Looking good though CC. You're really pushing yourself!


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 01:12:09

Post by: Viktor von Domm

whoa...that walker gets wicked by the hour...
awesome freehand cam!

the exhaust on the back was a good idea... the hatch and chains too!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 10:56:09

Post by: Camkierhi

Update: Skalkbloodaxe Junk Yard competition.

So posting a shot of the junk I am using, in the spirit of the comp, I will not be posting too many wip shots.

That's a couple old H4 lamps, Some parts from several toys I have previously destroyed, Couple sprues, Parts from a windup torch that was broken, Some plastic from a cd case and an old used 60mm base to sit it all on.

@ Bebop thank you.
@ Vik thank you.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 11:59:51

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Interesting pile to make a...er...pile from...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 12:30:35

Post by: shasolenzabi

What a haul there Cam,,,,,Big Mek urge to nick stuff from pile!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/17 21:50:17

Post by: Camkierhi

Thanks guys.

Question do I post pics of the finished article or not. I have finished and I totally am itching to share but......totally aware of Skalks intentions, don't want to muck anything up.

Away to upload some pics of decimator in the hope that wisdom will strike me.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Here you go, see what you think......


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 21:08:22

Post by: Camkierhi

Supply drop:

and the wee gems....

And the mystery item? (Help Shas!!!)

And the other bag...


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 21:24:59

Post by: Viktor von Domm

oh..... this looks like the second best interpretation of funbag in my dictionary...

and... why do you need refills on the wet palette?...wouldn´t regular stuff like tissue paper do?...

and the walker in that nice backdrop looks amazing! i love scenic shots!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 21:27:30

Post by: Gitsplitta

Fantastic work here Cam. I'm especially fond of the guard tank & sergeant with PW & the Alien. Just tramendous.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 21:29:17

Post by: Dr H

Junk pile: I would keep it under wraps. I think skalk wants to do a big reveal of everyone's junk together so no-one gets put off by someone doing something awesome too early.

Chaos thingy: I think the colour balance is off on the photos (?) so it's tricky to comment on the colours. I can see nothing wrong with it and it appears to have done what you said you wanted to do. Looks good (even with the orange tint to the photo).

I don't think I've mentioned the chaos-ifying of it. Good job. Liking the cables in particular (I like my cables).

Also not mentioned the background you have been using. Did you do that yourself? Very effective.

That's a lot of random orky looking things you have there.Still being clueless to most things ork, I can only say, "lovely".

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 22:14:31

Post by: Camkierhi


@ Vik. I love these bags had several in the past, but thought I ought to share this arrival. They are easily the cheapest way of getting a very big bits bag fast. And are less than the cost of a 10 boy squad. In one of those bags I got a MANZ (Mega Armoured Nob) which is worth more than the value I paid for the whole bag, and I will only have the slight ordeal of stripping him, which I now have down to a reasonably good standard.

I was struggling with my own attempts at a wet palette, so bought this, with the extra pads just to see how I go. Trying to learn from the best, you need to try the best kit also. I will be looking at my paints soon and my brushes.

The backdrop...I had comments about bad background for some of my pics, so I got a light box, and still got comments, so I took some foam board and did a little painting...see below.

@ Gitsplitta Thank you sir. I have a long way to go. And BTW if you see anything in the bits bags of interest shout me, I know your fondness for some of the older models.

@ Dr H Thank you. Yes I have uploaded pics but am resisting the urge to post them anywhere.

The Choas pics, I made the mistake of letting dakka auto correct them, I will redo them I think to give a better shot. Thanks for noticing the chaotic additions.

The Backdrop, please see above and below.

[Thumb - 009.JPG]
[Thumb - 010.JPG]
[Thumb - 011.JPG]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 22:39:51

Post by: shasolenzabi

That one looks like a good Buggy! ah, with twinlinked Big Shootas

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/18 23:28:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

that tank is probably just a 1/72 lil WWII tank.... i see termie guns attached and melter barrels for exhausts...

the backdrop looks amazing!...definitly a worthy way to protray your works!

and where did you get those bags? how much ... seems like a huge bargain... bordering to the term steal

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/19 03:02:51

Post by: Camkierhi

Here you go Vik.


And here is one of his current bits bags. (just do a search on the shop for "bits bags".)


Again with postage less than £16, for 14 figures plus 2 vehicles plus extras.(it's £18 for a pack of 10 ork boys from GW.)

I know they are not all perfect, and there is work to be done on many, but that's the fun part. If I just buy this and get a unit of boys and a trukk I have saved a fortune, and I can see an old dreadnaught body, part of a catapult, defkopta blades, and several of the boys are old metal by the look of it.

I know it's pot luck, and you can say some of it is scrap, but not me, every bit is useful.

Anyways enough of the salesman pitch, have a wonder through his shop. I have never had a bad deal yet.

@ Shas. Thank you, I guessed at it being a "Buggy" I was after your expert eye on the chassis. It actually works really well, and was thinking of using it for upcoming Grot tank project. I guess like Vik it's a 1:72 WW2 model, but which one? Tiger?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/19 03:27:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Never dawned on me to do a "bits bag" search...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/19 12:27:25

Post by: Ruglud

Nice haul Cam, I often search for the bitz bags; job lots; sprues; etc, rather than a standard Ork Boyz type search. IOften unearths some real bargains...

As for the little tankette on the last page, it's almost certainly a Universal Carrier (also known as a Bren Gun Carrier) with a few 40k addons. Looks like it's a 1:72 scale version.


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/19 13:17:14

Post by: Viktor von Domm

A hot thank you cam for that link... Bitzbags are always full of awesome... My whole collection is funded on these...the same spirit drives me to fleamarkets...you never know what's inside but the suspense is half of thefun...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/19 19:01:36

Post by: shasolenzabi

Vik, most likely a 1/72 Pz-III model converted to Orkiness

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/19 21:27:01

Post by: Viktor von Domm

hmmm.... could be... who am i to argue with the tankmeister

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/24 00:30:45

Post by: Camkierhi

Hi, by way of letting you know I am not dead.....

How's his skin now?

And his highlights?( I think too far)

And next which will continue on my other blog.....

Sorry it's not exciting, thoughts please...

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/24 00:44:56

Post by: Theophony

He's not too highlighted, he's just fresh to the desert and hasn't tanned yet. It's all looking great, and I'm glad your not dead too.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/24 10:19:20

Post by: shasolenzabi

I have some skin tones that are perfect for desert baked soldiers, suntanned flesh and sunburn flesh from Reaper

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/25 22:11:35

Post by: Dr H

I knew there was something I meant to comment on and didn't get round to...

I think the Ork's skin looks great.

Your 'umie skin looks, in those photos, to have lost it's contrast. May just be the lighting flattening it in the photos. The shading doesn't appear to go as dark as it did before...

Also, I don't know if this is a thing with the model, but it looks like there's little irregular pits on the back of his left shoulder that don't appear to blend into the surrounding flesh. These are the main problem I see.

I hope that helps, it sounds a bit negative really (sorry). Keep at it, you are making progress.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/25 23:34:16

Post by: Arakasi

The great thing I find if you over do Ork skin highlighting is that just give it another Green wash tends to tone it down and bring the highlights together.

Human skin in the first photo is looking good, if very pale (if that was an attempt at 5 o'clock shadow, it looks very realistic). Second photo (back left shoulder) is look blotchy (though that could just be the extreme close up), but agree with Dr H, it and the third photo don't have enough contrast. You might have gotten away with it if it was a female soldier...

I have this exact trouble with human skin too - getting the required amount of contrast while maintaining smooth transitions without blotchiness. I think it's more practice for the both of us

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/26 06:58:43

Post by: Camkierhi


@ Theo. LOL yup fresh meat for the grinder.
@ Shas. Thank you will look those up, I think even with my massive paint collection I have gaps like this.
@ Dr H. I am with you, I think I washed it too far. It looks bleached IRL. Think I will start again. Got to clean up that glue around the shoulder joints anyways, been bugging me.
@ Arakasi. Great to hear from you sir. Yup orks are great, and for some reason way easier than 'umies.

Thank you guys, really helpful stuff as always, please keep it coming. I will try and get some done, to show you. Been distracted badly this week by the Walking Dead. BLAME DAVE.

You all going on about it I thought may be I will have a little look. So Sunday night watched the whole of season 1. Onto season 2 now, then I find out that Sky are deleting it on the 30 Nov. I now got to finish it in a week!!!!! THANK YOU>>>>>>DAVE.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/26 17:00:59

Post by: shasolenzabi

No worries, I have no doubt that the color guide at Reaper will help.I can now give my troops "farmer's tans"

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/29 21:08:58

Post by: Camkierhi

Managed to drag myself away....

So I decided to cheat and threw Sepia wash and an Ogryn flesh wash over the marine.

And threw together this fella.

So really tried to pay attention on this ork to all that you guys had said, I think I need to take the highlights on his skin further, however I am really happy with how Dark his flesh looks. Your thoughts please.


Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/29 21:13:57

Post by: Gitsplitta

I love the pose on the orks... he's just kind of klumping along. The back scabbard is a great idea too. You even made a scimitar for him... nice touch!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/29 21:29:59

Post by: Camkierhi

@ Gitsplitta Thank you sir, really trying for a sense of orkyness here, looks like I'm close.

Also working on this still, just to distract you from my awful paint work.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/29 21:40:58

Post by: Gitsplitta

The painting will come with time and practice. Building however... is an art. (and one you have clearly got a very good handle on)

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/30 05:10:47

Post by: Sageheart

Loved the new ork and the dead.human on top of the.dred

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/30 09:21:05

Post by: shasolenzabi

All looking good Cam!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/30 14:47:17

Post by: Dr H

Coming along well, Cam. The Ork's skin looks very good in particular (don't get too carried away with the highlights on it, less is more sometimes).

I have to say though, that my first thought when I saw the pose was "Look, I can even do da funny walk...".

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/30 16:18:51

Post by: Theophony

See I got the orky parade of strength goose step walk out of that pose. That or here's an invisible grot there he's about to squash, and I don't mean the way Damo squashes his dog .

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/30 22:56:39

Post by: shasolenzabi

 Theophony wrote:
See I got the orky parade of strength goose step walk out of that pose. That or here's an invisible grot there he's about to squash, and I don't mean the way Damo squashes his dog .

LOL! or he could be punting a grot like a living football for getting in his way, a sailing grot with a shocked look would be priceless attached.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/11/30 23:22:41

Post by: Theophony

 shasolenzabi wrote:
 Theophony wrote:
See I got the orky parade of strength goose step walk out of that pose. That or here's an invisible grot there he's about to squash, and I don't mean the way Damo squashes his dog .

LOL! or he could be punting a grot like a living football for getting in his way, a sailing grot with a shocked look would be priceless attached.

Orky mortar team. The grot holds the shell and the Ork kicks it to the objective. On the roll of a one the grot drops shell as he's about to be kicked and the Charlie Brown Ork mortar dies in the explosion.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/01 20:50:52

Post by: Camkierhi

You guy's.

@ Gitsplitta, Thank you for the compliment.

@ Sageheart. Thank you sir.

@ Dr H. Cool ta. I have left well enough alone.

@ Shas and Theo. You two are nuts, given me some ideas mind, I feel an addition coming on.

Ok so I am working slowly away on bit's.

Only pic I have really at mo is this.

Kind of like it, but I need your feedback as always please.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/01 21:00:20

Post by: Dr H

Oh, I like the skulls. Very effective.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/01 21:16:38

Post by: shasolenzabi

Now that looks truly devoted to the glory of Khorne!

And as for ideas, is what we like to do here at Dakka, feed each other ideas, and now we have given some to you Cam! What kind of League would we be if we did not feed our members ideas every now and then?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/02 07:20:26

Post by: Theophony

The Internet is where I like o let my other insane side out to play. If you knew me in "real life" you'd think I was such a stuck up smeghead. I like the banner work

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/03 13:38:36

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I really like the Ork a lot. I can imagine an airborne Grot coming off the end of that boot.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/05 19:08:50

Post by: Camkierhi

Hi guys,

Thank you for your responses. RL kicking the out of me at the mo. Trying to find solice in my models.

Not much to picture at the mo. Just a butt flap.

Your thoughts are very much appreciated.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/05 19:53:59

Post by: Theophony

Like the butt flap

Really that's enough said , I know hard RL can get, were here for you bro, vent when needed . Lord knows I do

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/05 20:03:27

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

 Camkierhi wrote:
RL kicking the out of me at the mo. Trying to find solice in my models.

Hope things look up for you, and kick back (preferably square in the nards) when you can. I can't say I know how it feels because it's your individual experience, but I've had my own IRL moments and they took me out of the game for months at a time, couldn't even pick up a paint brush sometimes. I'm glad you are still modeling. Sometimes it's all we have.

Stupid RL.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/05 20:26:13

Post by: Dr H

Good job, Cam. I like the painting on the blood drops.

The bottom left one needs to extend towards the point of the spike to show the surface tension, like the other ones.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/05 21:24:01

Post by: shasolenzabi

Good butt flap/banner. Nicely painted.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/06 09:41:13

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys means a lot that you are out there.

I will get to correcting that Dr.

Ok so as a wee thank you, here you go, as always a critical eye please.

Thanks for looking.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/06 12:05:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's pretty neat Cam, did you add all the leafy bits yourself?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/06 13:17:25

Post by: Dr H

Damn, Cam. I think you've got this skin thing nailed.

Only thing my critical eye sees is the black looks a little shiny and could maybe do with a little more definition/highlights. But I'm being very picky and finding little else.

Good job.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/06 13:50:08

Post by: MagosBiff90

Hey mate! Hope alls good!

Loving the Chaos robot crusher killing monster with added butt flap! Looks awesome!!

And also the tone of the sniper there.... looks great!

Good work buddy!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/06 15:41:17

Post by: Theophony

Skin tone looks great , but someone should tell that nutty catchcan that jungle leaves doesn't work in the desert.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/08 03:12:51

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys.

@Gits Sorry the model comes with leaves attached.

@ Theo Obviously been out in the sun too long and misses his jungle., They are obviously bay leaves left over from cooking lunch!, or maybe dock leaves carried as standard by all Catachan for their moist texture in a crisis, (ie visiting one of Dr H's latest castings.)

OK need some help.

Size/scale issue. Still working on lots of things but.....My beloved eldest son, who set me the Decimator challenge, now would like a Soul Grinder, the question I have is, I have some left overs from the Daemon Prince kit, (ie chest and some arms.) Would these be of a scale to sit on top of some legs I can make, and just how big is it? I am figuring it to be approx 6" (150mm) wide?

Anyone out there have any idea's on this I would very much appreciate it.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/08 03:22:04

Post by: Galorn

The legs of a grinder at dull extension occupy roughly the same footprint as a land raider. The dp torso is roughly the same sizeas the grinder body that perches atop the carapace/thorax/wtf of a defiler kit.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/08 03:26:56

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank Galorn for such a quick response, perfect mate, now to work to manufacture a bunch of legs for it.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 15:27:36

Post by: Camkierhi

Next sniper.

Your thoughts. Especially as i have entered Bebops Grandprix Painting comp. I totally do not expect to place, but want to have a go, so your thoughts would be gratefully recieved here.

Comp = follow banner in sig....

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 16:08:30

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Wow dude! Another fantastic leap in skills! Practice = major pay off. Be super proud Cam

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 17:19:49

Post by: Dr H

Agreed. Good job.

The only thing I have issue with is his eye. There seems too much green, or not enough white. But I don't know how to fix it, just looks a little like he's wearing eye-shadow at the moment...

I've only just noticed your bases for these, you've covered the sides. Makes a change. Looks good.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 19:14:18

Post by: shasolenzabi

I told him practicing his skills would help! Nice sniper piece Cam!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 21:02:23

Post by: Camkierhi

Thank you guys,

@ Dr H Thanks, hows this.....

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 21:02:39

Post by: Scarper

Wonderful blog - so impressed with all the conversion work, and all the paint jobs. Can't believe I've missed it for so long! Will have to catch up when I get the chance, and won't miss any future updates

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/13 21:19:52

Post by: Camkierhi

Welcome Scarper, and thank you.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/14 12:45:17

Post by: Dr H

Yeah, that's the ticket.
What did you do?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/17 00:07:22

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I've had that same model kicking around for.... uhm.... ...when was it originally released?

Great job all around. I especially like the tones you used on the camo cloak.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/17 00:37:32

Post by: cormadepanda

Great work Cam. Yes i live chap. It takes a lot to kill me. I do like the colored bandannas.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/18 19:45:23

Post by: Camkierhi


High winds blew my phone line on Friday night. No internet, no dakka, finally got to a wifi spot today. And finally got my phone back tonight.

So typically it had to happen on the weekend of the end of 2 comps for me. The League terrain comp, with my piece Funder Turd. And Skalks brilliant Junk Pile comp.

So I can finally put up here my pics of the Junk Pile entry.

Here you go......

WIP shots the bits...

WIP Building up.

And complete.

Thought appreciated as always.

There will be more later as while I had no internet i did do some work.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/19 23:42:16

Post by: Camkierhi

Hi guys, heres something new-ish.

So I entered yet another competition. Bebops painting comp.

And I got a little carried away......these are still wip shots. Going to add more detail.

Got another project started will get some pics up soon. In the mean time, I would really appreciate your thoughts on my trooper here. As I say he is still WIP. Got to touch up some bits and will be trying to add some more detail. Thanks for looking.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/20 01:07:50

Post by: Ruglud

There really is no stopping you, we'll have to crown you the King of Competitions soon

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/20 02:29:10

Post by: Littletower

Coming along nicely, will be waiting to see it finished

And congrats again in yet another comp win!

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/20 11:47:35

Post by: Dr H

Congratulations on the competition win.

Chap is looking good. The shading on the fabric is nicely done.

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/21 00:12:42

Post by: shasolenzabi

He even has 5 o'clock shadow

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/23 11:22:48

Post by: Dr H

 Camkierhi wrote:
And a cyber muffin to the one who gets the Tattoo reference, it's also on the bandana of the sniper.
Oo oo, is it a rat? As in, desert rats?

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/23 21:58:37

Post by: Camkierhi

Well done Dr H. here you go.

[Thumb - Picture 021.jpg]

Camkierhi's other stuff blog. Currently in a orky kinda place. @ 2013/12/23 22:09:23

Post by: Dr H

Woo Hoo!
Good ol' brain. I just have to leave it alone and it comes back with the answer in it's own time...