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Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Updated with an index of completed minis

Warhammer 40k (2024 = 21, 2023 = 71 + Necron Army Complete! 2022 = 65 + 5, 2021 = 26 + 63, 2020 = 111, 2019 = 61)
Blood Angels
2019 = 10
3 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
4 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
1 x 2nd Edition Brother Captain Erasmus Tycho
1 x 2nd Edition Chief Librarian Mephiston, Lord of Death
1 x 2nd Edition Techmarine
2021 = 4
3 x 2nd Edition Tactical Marines
1 x 2nd Edition Company Standard Bearer

Space Wolves
2019 = 8
1 x 2nd Edition Wolf Guard Captain in power armour
6 x 2nd Edition Blood Claws (originally Grey Hunters)
1 x Rogue Trader Leman Russ
2020 = 4
2 x Leman Russ’ Wolves “Freki & Geri”
1 x 2nd Edition Njal Stormcaller
1 x 2nd Edition Iron Priest

2019 = 6
6 x 2nd Edition Hormagaunts

Blackstone Fortress
2019 = 37
4 x Ur-Ghuls
4 x Spindle Drones
4 x Chaos Beastmen
4 x Negavolt Cultists
7 x Traitor Guard
2 x Rogue Psykers
7 x Traitor Guard
1 x Traitor Command: Traitor Commissar
1 x Traitor Command: Chaos Ogryn
2 x Chaos Space Marines
1 x Obsidius Mallex
2020 = 21
1 x The Dreaded Ambull: Ambull
2 x The Dreaded Ambull: Borewyrms
1 x Amalyn Shadowquide
1 x UR-025
1 x Taddeus the Purifier
1 x Dahyak Grehk
1 x Rein
1 x Raus
1 x Pious Vorne
1 x Espern Locarno
1 x Janus Draik
7 x Escalation: Chaos Cultists
1 x Escalation: Chaos Cultist Firebrand
1 x Escalation: Crusader Gotfret De Montbard
2021 = 16
6 x No Repite: Poxwalkers
1 x Escalation: Technoarcheologist Daedalosus
1 x Escalation: Servitor X-101
4 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
4 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
2021 New bases = 63
7 x Traitor Guard on new bases
4 x Spindle Drones on new bases
4 x Ur-Ghuls on new bases
6 x No Respite: Poxwalkers on new bases
7 x Escalation: Cultists on new bases
7 x Traitor Guard on new bases
4 x Chaos Beastmen on new bases
1 x Traitor Command: Traitor Commissar on new base
4 x Negavolt Cultists on new bases
1 x Escalation: Firebrand Cultist on new base
2 x Chaos Space Marines on new bases
2 x Rogue Psykers on new bases
9 x Explorers on new bases
1 x Dreaded Ambull on new base
2 x baby Ambulls on new bases
1 x Traitor Ogryn on new base
1 x Obsidius Mallex on new base
2022 = 56
3 x No Respite: Plague Marines
1 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
15 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
7 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
13 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
12 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel terrain for Blackstone Fortress
1 x Escalation: Psyker Aradia Madellan
1 x Escalation: Neyam Shai Murad
1 x Dragons Rest TriHex Citadel Warp Gate Dice Tower
1 x Deadly Alliance Archivist (Zoat)
2022 new bases = 5
1 x Escalation: Neyam Shai Murad
1 x Escalation: Psyker Aradia Madellan
1 x Escalation: Technoarcheologist Daedalosus
1 x Escalation: Servitor X-101
1 x Escalation: Crusader Gotfret De Montbard
2023 = 3
2 x Wrath of the Daemonkin: Greater Possessed Chaos Space Marines
1 x Xenos Hunter: Deathwatch Watch Master from the Sons of Orar Chapter

2020 = 53
1 x 2nd Edition Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
1 x Base of 2nd Edition Snotlings
1 x Mega Armoured Nob
28 x 2nd Edition boxset Gretchin
1 x Converted Goblin Banner Grot
1 x 2nd Edition Makari
14 x 2nd Edition Slugga Boyz, inc 2 Converted Nobz
5 x 2nd Edition Stormboyz, inc Nob
1 x 2nd Edition Ghazghkull Thraka

Crimson Fists
2020 = 7
5 x Rogue Trader RTB9 Terminators
1 x Rogue Trader RTB9 Terminator Librarian
1 x Rogue Trader RTB9 Terminator Captain

Void Panthers
2020 = 13
8 x Space Marine Heroes Series 1, Tactical Marines
2 x Space Marine Adventures, Tactical Marines
3 x Space Marine Bikers
2021 = 6
2 x Space Marine Adventures, Tactical Marines
3 x Space Marine Heroes Series 1 Kitbashed with Tactical Marines
1 x Space Marine Land Speeder
2022 = 10
5 x Space Marine Assault Marines with Jump Packs
5 x Space Marine Tactical Marines
2023 = 25
5 x Space Marine Assault Marines with Jump Packs
1 x Display Board
4 x Sector Imperialis Ruins
1 x Land Raider internals
1 x Land Raider Externals
5 x Space Marine Tactical Marines
5 x Space Marine Sternguard Veterans
1 x Space Marine Techmarine Stormtalon pilot
1 x Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour aka Void Panthers Chapter Master Inanis
1 x Space Marine Stormtalon
2024 = 11
5 x Space Marine Terminator Squad inc some Space Marine Heroes series 2
1 x Space Marine Librarian Natorian
5 x Space Marine Tactical Marines

2020 = 13
10 x Indomitus Necron Warriors
3 x Indomitus Necron Scarabs
2023 = 44
3 x Indomitus Necron Scarabs
10 x Indomitus Necron Warriors
5 x Necron Deathmarks
5 x Necron Immortals
5 x Necron Lychguard
2 x Indomitus Necron Cryptothralls
1 x Indomitus Necron Plasmacyte
1 x Indomitus Necron Plasmancer
1 x Indomitus Necron Royal Warden
1 x Indomitus Necron Canoptek Reanimator
1 x Indomitus Necron Skorpekh Lord
1 x Indomitus Necron Overlord
1 x Necron Overlord
3 x Indomitus Necron Skorpekh Warriors
1 x Necron Doomscythe
3 x Necron Tomb Blades

Death Guard
2024 = 10
10 x Death Guard Poxwalkers

Kill Team (2024 = 100)
Harbinger of Damnation
2024 = 100
100 x pieces for 3D Printed Harbinger of Damnation Kill Team Board

Warhammer Fantasy (2023 = 9 & High Elf Army Completed! 2022 = 53, 2021 = 0, 2020 = 40, 2019 = 39)
High Elves
2019 = 21
20 x 4th Edition boxset High Elf Spearmen
1 x Eltharion on Stormwing
2020 = 40
10 x 4th Edition boxset High Elf Archers (inc converted Champion)
1 x Repeater Bolt Thrower
2 x Repeater Bolt Thrower Crew
20 x 4th Edition Boxset High Elf Spearmen including Champion, Standard Bearer and Musician
6 x 4th Edition High Elf Silver Helms including Champion and Standard Bearer
1 x Marauder Miniatures High Elf Mage on Unicorn
2022 = 53
40 x 4th Edition High Elf Archers
1 x Display Board for 4th Edition High Elves
12 x 4th Edition High Elf Spearmen
2023 = 1 + Army Complete!
1 x 4th Edition High Elf Tiranoc Chariot
Complete Army Pics

2019 = 18
7 x BattleMasters Chaos Warriors
1 x Heroquest Chaos Warrior
10 x BattleMasters Chaos Beastmen
2023 = 8
5 x Khorne Bloodbound Blood Reavers
3 x Khorne Bloodbound Blood Warriors

Bill & Ted’s Riff In Time (2022 = 15)
2022 = 15
15 x Player Characters and Personages of Historical Interest

Labyrinth: The Board Game

Aliens: Another glorious day in the corps (2024 = 17, 2023 = 23)
2023 = 23
22 x Xenomorph Warriors
1 x Xenomorph Queen, aka the B***h!
2024 = 17
10 x Colonial Marines
1 x Ripley
1 x Burke
1 x Newt
1 x Ripley & Newt
2 x Bishops
1 x Ripley in Power Loader

eM4 Miniatures (2024=5)
5 x eM4 Miniatures Orcs

======original post======
So, back in September I broke my back, all should be good in the long run but I suddenly found myself with a lot of free time. In preparation for going back to work I thought I’d get back in to painting so that I can get used to sitting at a desk again. After lurking on Dakka for a few years I thought I’d start my own P&M blog to chart my progress. However, the combination of having a young family and not being able to sit for long periods of time means that progress will be slow!

First a bit about my hobby background. I first got in to WHFB through a school friend at the start of 4th Edition, quickly moving on to 40k with the 2nd Edition box set. After a few years I stopped playing but carried on the painting until I left home for work. A few years later I got back in to painting whilst at Uni and again about 5 years ago. Those forays only lasted a couple of months, so this one is already longer in time, if far less productive!

Money is quite tight at the moment so despite the temptation of new models I thought i’d limit my spending to paints and tools whilst I get through the massive pile of unpainted and poorly painted models I already have. I’ve got quite sizeable collections of High Elves, Space Marines, Empire, Imperial Guard, Orcs & Goblins and Orks, along with smaller piles of WHFB Chaos, Undead and Tyranids.

First up i thought i’d finish a model i started in my last foray in to painting. I think he was either a Space Wolf Captain or Wolf Guard in Power Armour, I just liked his cool wolf helmet and thought he could do with a better paint job. It’s not great, partly as i painted over my brothers efforts from +20 years ago, but its a fair improvement from my previous space marines. I’m also amazed at how much better marines look on the new 32mm bases compared to the old 25mm ones. Similarly, i think dropping the old goblin green base colour helps loads!

Alongside this guy are 3 Blood Angels Tactical Marines, I’ve tried thinning my paints, but looking at the photos i have quite a bit of work to do to get that right! It’s also my first attempt at edge highlighting which i’m quite pleased with even if its a bit messy in places. I might try and tidy them up a bit before i finish the bases. They’re currently all different colours as i’m trying to figure out which to go with. I’ve done a trial of the turquoise, on an empty base and whilst i think it looks quite good i think i’ll go with the desert colours like the Space Wolf

Next on my desk is a unit of High Elf Spearmen that are about 50% complete, a few Hormagaunts and another Space Wolf. I’ve also got an itch to paint some Chaos Warriors either a reddish orange or a metallic purple.

If anybody is there, thanks for reading!


This message was edited 421 times. Last update was at 2024/09/14 07:45:03

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Welcome back (no pun intended...)! Best wishes for the recovery mate - that's a terrifying injury, especially with a young family. You can always call your hobby 'art therapy'...

Those old minis hit me straight away with the nostalgia bat. For all the flak that the new GW monopose minis cop, the old monopose minis just feel right...You've picked a good colour for highlighting the red, which isn't always easy, and neatness/accuracy of edge highlights is something I've always struggled with too - but it does get easier with more practice. I love the turquoise base for the BA myself, but if you want all your marines to match the desert looks good too and won't clash with the SWs like the turquoise would.

Good luck with the project - I can't wait to see more classic minis!

t z you are k 
Made in us
Nimble Ellyrian Reaver

Welcome back to the hobby! I hope you and your family are well and things look brighter with each day.

I'm sort of in a similar situation, although not as severe as yours. I think your head is in the right place - a productive hobby that you enjoy and take your time with is a boon. Don't make it a chore. In time, you'll have lots of miniatures to be proud of.

I look forward to what you have in store!

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

 tzurk wrote:
Welcome back (no pun intended...)! Best wishes for the recovery mate - that's a terrifying injury, especially with a young family. You can always call your hobby 'art therapy'...

Those old minis hit me straight away with the nostalgia bat. For all the flak that the new GW monopose minis cop, the old monopose minis just feel right...You've picked a good colour for highlighting the red, which isn't always easy, and neatness/accuracy of edge highlights is something I've always struggled with too - but it does get easier with more practice. I love the turquoise base for the BA myself, but if you want all your marines to match the desert looks good too and won't clash with the SWs like the turquoise would.

Good luck with the project - I can't wait to see more classic minis!

Thanks Tzurk, i’d Intended the pun in the blog title so it’s all good! You’re right, the old minis just look good even though they’re very static with their sqauting poses. My daughter also reckons I should go with the turquoise bases. I picked the colour thinking it would contrast well with the red of the Blood Angels armour. Here’s my test base

I think I need to start with a darker turquoise and finish a bit darker too. All I did was keep adding Bleached Bone to the Hawk Turquoise. I might start with some black in the Turquoise then highlight up from there.

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
Welcome back to the hobby! I hope you and your family are well and things look brighter with each day.

I'm sort of in a similar situation, although not as severe as yours. I think your head is in the right place - a productive hobby that you enjoy and take your time with is a boon. Don't make it a chore. In time, you'll have lots of miniatures to be proud of.

I look forward to what you have in store!

Cheers CaptainWaffle, things progressed quite quickly to begin with, so it’s getting frustrating now that things have slowed down. Painting has helped me get back to work quicker so it’s doing well so far. I agree with trying to not make it a chore, so I expect to be mixing up what I paint quite a bit. All try to get some pics of my High Elves early in the new year.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/03/02 19:36:47

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I do like that test base! i look forward to more, high elves in particular have always been some of my favorites that i never actually had

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Happy New Years! It’s been a hectic holiday season so there’s not much to update on.

The turquoise base for the Blood Angels has gone down well. The deciding vote going to my Daughter, so I have to do them turquoise now! I’ve done a couple more tests and base coated the 3 marine bases.

The right hand base started with some hawk turquoise mixed with chaos black then highlighted as before. It’s hard to see In the image but the other one had stripes of the dark base coat, black, brown, green and blue washes before highlighting again. The brown and green I think look best, I might have to let my Daughter decide which looks best!

Alongside messing with bases I’ve been progressing a regiment of High Elf Spearmen from the 4th Edition Box Set.

They’re not the most exciting of miniatures but I enjoy painting them. The scheme for these High Elf Spearmen was taken from a White Dwarf article, I think by Andy Chambers. It was his way of quickly painting up a HE army. I too wanted a quick way to paint my 2 starter boxes worth of High Elves! This regiment was probably started about 20 years ago, with the blue wash going on 5 years ago. The chap on the Goblin Green base is close to being the finished article.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/03/02 19:39:51

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Nimble Ellyrian Reaver

My vote is on the left base. The details pop out more. The right base looks more like bluish slush, which I don't think you're trying for.

The High Elf spearmen are classic. Nothing wrong with a bunch of soldiers at attention in formation. Are they awaiting shields as well? The color scheme is definitely striking and effective, and evoke decades past.

Are you planning any games with them, or are these more for personal use for now? I rebased my White Lions and some of my spearmen for Age of Sigmar and the larger room on the 25mm circle bases gives a lot more room for artistry. I also have a box of built and primed-white High Elves from the old Spire of Dawn/Isle of Blood set that I need to get painted. I'll probably make it a project sometime this year.

Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


G'day mate,
Nice to see you smashing through the BAs. I'm a big fan of the left base too - I think the starker highlights look great, and will pop more at a distance.

Love the high elves too - 20 years is some "quick" painting! The blue wash on the steel is a nice touch, and even as they are they look good in a bunch. Interested to see how they come together with a few more touches!

edit: just noticed the goblin green base - those things are unreal. Old White Dwarves are great to flick through and see the beautifully painted armies based with a slap of green and some flock. The old minis age might like wine, but the basing techniques age like milk...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/01/06 11:13:17

t z you are k 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I like those elves. simple, yes, but still pretty tough and soldierly looking.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Thanks for the comments guys.

Captain, Yes I’ve been trying to find some shields for the Spearmen. I’m nearly there and thinking a silver background with coloured washes for the icons. Sadly they won’t get to see any games though. You’re elves looks really cool. I especially like your sylvaneth not-ents!

Tzurk, I probably should finish off those BAs next time I pick up a brush so they don’t end up like the Elves and take 20years! The basing techniques people use really have come on a lots. I’m thinking of a lava theme for the choas warriors I have, so might go for ash/cold lava wasteland for the High Elves as though they’re approaching the Chaos dudes. I might try a test or 2 of that

Not much to update this past week.. I’m now back to work full time, which is proving tiring. Combined with the feeble physio exercise I now have, I’m pretty much wiped out by Tuesdays!

Mute bit of hobby time I did get was mostly spent finishing stripping some old marines in dettol. They’ve mostly come out ok, but they were previously in some fairy power spray for a few years which seems to have corroded them in a few places. I’ll basecoat them soon to see if the corrosion leeches through the paint. Once done I chucked a few Rogue Trader and Wolf Guard Terminators in to strip in a while.

In other news I bought a wet palette, I touched up some of the HE Spearmen and am impressed by it. Looking forward to trying it out some more!

Sorry for the lack of pics!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

So I actually managed to get some painting done the other night. I decided that my Elves needed some Shields so dug through all of my boxes of bits to find all of the shileds I could.

As you can see they’re in various states of painting and I hadn’t previously settled on a theme. Having fallen back in love with the bright metallic blue again I figured I’d carry that over to the Shields.

Again it’s fairly simple but I like the effect. The lighting seems to have made the coloured bits look less evenly shaded, in reality they look much less blotchy. I particularly like the Phoenix Shields which I think the front rank of Spearmen will get. I hope to finish painting the unit next week with basing the week after.

Progress on my Marines has been made, they’re all touched up awaiting unit markings and base highlighting. With any luck I’ll get around to them next week too, but that might be too fast paced for me!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/01/20 11:32:26

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

It is a very nice color. There's only one, but i like how it turned out on the sword with the heart. Heartsword?

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Amazingturtles, thanks! The Heartsword does look nice, I think it’s from one of the heroes I have. Either the Eltharion or the Silver Helm champion. Depending how these guys go I might get the others out to rebase too.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Nimble Ellyrian Reaver

Those shields are going to look great on the soldiers. I've always found that doing too much with the aesthetics on large units makes them look much too busy, but your shields are not. You kept the painting clean on the designs, too, which will add to the elvish look.

Looking forward to seeing it all come together, in its time. I hope you continue to enjoy the hobby and find it relaxing. Life is busy and recovery, even the later parts, are not fun.

Made in fi
Foolproof Falcon Pilot

Finland, Espoo

Just now hopping in.
Glad you decided to get back to the hobby!
Painting minis along with other crafty hobbies is a great way to relax and take the mind off things. It helped me to get over some really hard times.
I hope you find a good balance between hobbying and life. And hopefully the recovery goes well!

Regarding the painting, you are doing a good job.
I believe the wet palette will have a major impact on your painting skills once you get used to it.

Also avoid the same mistake I did: stressing about not making progress. Sometimes there just is no time / inspiration.
Find the pace that works for you and enjoy the hobby time

Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Looking good mate! I'm a big fan of washes over metallics and it works well on the shields

That unit is gonna look ace all together.

t z you are k 
Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


Good to see some of the old models getting a fresh go. A nice nostalgia visit. One of my first memories of the White Dwarf magazine is a joke about a cat falling on a unit of High Elf Spearman. (taken out of context it seems a bit harsh but did make me chuckle at the time)

Keep up the good work

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Thanks for all of the comments whilst i've been absent. Work has been crazy these past few weeks, but amazingly i've not being totally unproductive either! I've been wanting to paint more as it helps de-stress even if the ol' back isn't a fan of long sessions at the desk!

So first up, i've finished the 3 Blood Angels, all based up (in turqouise!), transfers applied and a company marking added to their knee pads

was it a Genesis video where they all span around in stop motion? Here they are on their own

Overall I'm pleased with how they came out. I can't decide whether to clean up their armour where the dry brush strokes hit. On the one hand they look like they're part of their environment, on the other hand pointless military discipline tasks like polishing your armour seem very Astartes! The honour stripes on their weapons are a new touch i'm liking especially alongside the Tycho honouring (though he's still alive in 2nd Edition!) company markings on the knee.

The High Elves have had a bit more paint too. They're all based up with only their spears and helmet gems needing painting before i attach their shields;

it seems the spearmen i put in the front row have the dullest bases of the lot, but I'm liking the dark volcanic wasteland look. It's kind of how i imagined Mordor to look, which has given me a bit of an idea for re-basing Eltharion on Stormwing, but that'll be for another time.

Thanks for stopping by

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/02/09 01:39:38

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

I do like those elf shields!
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Nice work mate! The bases look really good, nice contrast going on there. I'd personally leave the remnants of the base paint on the marine's legs - looks like they've been trekking through the sludge to get to the bad guys. Elves look great all ranked up too - can't wait to see them with the shields on!

t z you are k 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Looking very solid, both the elves and the marines.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

My wife is away so I’ve managed 2 nights in a row of painting! In that time I’ve managed to finish my first unit since starting painting again and it feels great! So here they are in their 20 years in the making, Red & Blue glory;

I even managed to add the Shields, which is a first for me with High Elves! So here’s a side on view to show off the other ranks!

Now I need to figure out what to paint next. I have some Tyranid Hormagaunts or some Chaos Warriors, decisions, decision!

Thanks for looking!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

I'm liking those old-school marines, and solid work on the elves too (congrats on getting an "infinity project" finished!).

As for the basing colors getting on the legs of models, I'd leave it. As you said, it connects the model and the base. I sometimes drybrush some of my base's highlight color on the legs deliberately if I didn't do it by accident first Of course, if I splotch it on too much, I'll go back and fix it.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Excellent work on finishing the elves! it's not the time it takes, it's the fact that they're done. or something.

I like them a lot is what i mean.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Amazingturtles - yep, it’s good to have finished a compete unit, especially one that stalled for so long! Glad you liked them too!

mcmatilla - cheers, the old school metal marines do have a certain charm, especially now they’re much better painted that I could manage all those years ago!

Keeping the progress going at a rapid pace... here’s something that was started probably 25 years ago! I’m liking these infinity projects at the moment. These guys are from the Battle Masters set, which I think I got for Christmas way back in my early teens. At somepoint a singleton Chaos Warriors joined them, probably from an issue of White Dwarf.

They never got anything more than a shoddy basecoat back in the day, but I fancied painting something a bit different. Even though I’m sticking with the wash over metallics but fancied giving them a go in purple (Slaanesh???). I found a nice tutorial for some metallic Emperors Children and thought I’d give it a go. This is just the first wash, of which I think there’ll be a couple more. I’m thinking a deep red for their capes maybe with a bit of gold trim. Apologies for the poor picture.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

There is a lot to like going on here. The memories just come rolling back seeing these models. Keep at it. You can never see enough great old models getting another chance to shine.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


Nothing like finishing a painted unit.

Now go and do it again and reduce the unpainted!



Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Youwashock - glad you’re enjoying the trip down memory lane, sadly I seem to have lost a few units over the years. Young gobert must’ve binned some of the worse paint jobs!

CB - it is good to clear a unit, especially when progress is as glacial as mine!

Not much progress since my last update. I think I’ve finished the purple washes so will be moving on with the warriors, I reckon black capes will look better than the red I was contemplating.

I had done some work on their bases, hoping to get a glowing coals effect. I was trying to get them to glow yellow in the middle transitioning to red at the edge but I can’t get it right . One base that was mainly an orangey red looks pretty good, so I think I’ll change them all to match that one.

My wife is away again this weekend, so if the kids get to sleep well I might make a good bit of progress on these guys.

Cheers for stopping by!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Those are definitely some classic guys, and i like that purply color. One thing I really do like about the old models is how robust they look. Tough as nails.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Amazingturtles - Cheers, the recipe for the purple is simple but effective. Just boltgun metal and Druchi purple wash. I’m happy with the luck after 3 washes but I think godardc used 5 for his Emperors Children. These old BattleMasters Chaos Warriors really are solid, and a bit hunchbacked. It’s frustrating that some of the details blend together like thecboots and capes, but I guess that’s part of the charm of single part minis!

I made some progress last night, mainly blocking out the secondary colours. I think I also recovered the bases and am quite pleased with the effect. I’ll try to remember to get some picks before I start later.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/03/02 19:29:31

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
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